Rules eased for water from showerheads, a Trump pet peeve

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The Trump administration has relaxed a regulation restricting water flow from showerheads. It's a pet peeve of President Trump, who says he needs more water to make his hair “perfect.”

FILE - In this Aug. 12, 2020, file photo water flows from a showerhead in Portland, Ore. The Trump administration on Wednesday, Dec. 16, relaxed a regulation restricting water flow from showerheads, a pet peeve of President Donald Trump who complained that he needed more water to make his hair “perfect.”

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has relaxed a regulation restricting water flow from showerheads, a pet peeve of President Donald Trump, who complained that he wanted more water to make his hair “perfect.” Also this week, the Energy Department issued a ruling that sets no limits on energy or water use for new washers and dryers with short cycle times in their “normal” setting. The rule sets up separate product classifications for residential clothes washers and dryers with cycle times of fewer than 30 minutes and 45 minutes for front-loading washers.


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Trump you don’t have any hair

All his supporters will support this 100%


This is pathetic.

Would take more than water to make anything perfect about his perfect absence next 4 years. And good riddance.

He’d need more than water to get that excuse for hair perfect😳

And Biden will probably put the rules back.

'They take a shower and water just comes dripping out.' 'People are flushing toilets ten times... Fifteen times.' 2016-2020. WTF just happened.

He’s not wrong! It’s a stupid unneeded rule. An it’s not just about Trump, hundreds of millions Americans don’t like this! I remove every dam one, screw em

Land of the “free”. Laws limiting shower head flow...

I guess fat people need lots of water to cover the square footage of their five hour glass figures.

What about covid? That be great for the record. His biggest accomplishment.

Best POTUS in US history. Just one more way he looks after the American people! ❤️

What this really shows is how long Trump holds a grudge. At some point, long ago, he was building a hotel and was told he had to use new low flow shower heads. He lost his shit and vowed revenge. As one does. And now it’s payback time bitches. Just pathetic.

He needs more water to wash his sins

More water to get rid of the slime

Meanwhile.... people dying from Covid. But yeah... totally should get priority over that.


Is this a real story?

Just drill out or remove the restrictor.

pdt353 MsPattyLopez omg 😂😂😂

Awesome. Luv POTUS. Luv almost as much how you AP struggle with such things and think snark tweets make him look bad.

Not enough water in the world to make that hair perfect

Why is the AP covering this and why are people praising him😭

What’s the real reason? I don’t really believe that we will be wasting water for this!


I'm glad he has the water to waste. Many parts of the US have experienced drought conditions which was the original need for the restrictions.

Be gone already

Good. Lame showers are lame. I always rip out the stupid eco insert in modern shower heads that slows down flow.


it must take a long fucking time to get both sides wet.

That's what our great president has been working on in between golf games instead of the pandemic and pandemic relief. Way to go Republicans.

Great example of how our President priorities his personal wants against the better for our world.

And California already told him to suck it.


Oh good maybe I'll take the widget out of my shower head.....not !!!😷

Now do light bulbs

Wow. Proud of you Trump!!!

Glad to see he’s got his priorities set...

Major accomplishment

Four years in office, this is the highlight of his presidency.

If anyone wants to do this in their own home. Take the base of the showerhead with a pair of pliers remove the plastic colored plug inside. Reinstall showerhead and bask in high pressure glory.

300,000 dead, 15M infected with covid & this is an admin priority. 🙄

Sure sounds like the NARCISSIST IN CHIEF!

Next will be toilet flushing. He apparently needs to flush many times. I thought most of his BS came out of his mouth.

He has more body to cover.


One of the most pointless restrictions of all time

You call this news?

Promises made, promises hahahahahahahahaha!!!!

I love a strong showerhead too. Who dont ?

He needed more water to cover his fat ass!!

Put it back in place JoeBiden.


Imagine anyone believing this fAke nEws story 🤷


Lol just pull the restrictor out when installing for customers if they so choose. Takes maybe a minute. Leave it in for everyone else. No law peeves required

What’s more important? Shower heads or Covid?

Cue Lee Greenwood.

I disassemble shower heads to get the proper flow. Trump’s pet peeve is mine also.

This ain’t an Onion headline?

As if there are not other issues of greater importance.

Trump, as usual, solely focused on himself and not the important challenges facing the US. Loser.

wow. you really ran with this. pathetic bunch of losers.

America!!! Land of the not so free.

I use a shower head designed to consume less water and I only pull the knob halfway out cuz my hair isn't so high maintenance 🤣


The Water Companies They Ready 💵

Who washes a dead gopher?

When you are the size of a blimp you would want more water. He could always use a fire hose.

What hair? What’s not a wig is a sad comb over

yet stillno healthcare alternative to Obama care

Good... I want my hair perfect too

There is not enough water flowing from Niagara Falls to make Trump’s hair “perfect”.

literally no one cares about this and if you do, fix your pipes, stupid.

Hahahaha! NOT THE TheOnion ... Can’t wait till the orange narcissist is gone.

Washington football team is this? The onion?

If ever there was a summary statement for what a pathetic failure America has become, this would be a top contender.

Your hair? OMG 😆 😆😆😆you drinking again?


That's what you get when you hire cheap plumbers

He just loves to undermine conservation and environmental regulations....Such a dangerous approach when we are dealing with such an extreme climate change crisis.




First World Problems.

All that water and washing 🤡won’t remove the stink and stupidity.

An actual picture of realDonaldTrump getting into the shower. 😂😂

Why is this news? You should be ashamed

Wow you are actually reporting this and not the hunter Biden story so sad who wrote this an 8 year old

Didn’t Trump say that CA was letting too much water flow into the ocean? Wasting water is fine with him as long as he somehow benefits. Fucking hypocrite.

So his strange hair is actually some kind of plant?

I doubt anyone would want trump as a pet, they would flush him down a toilet.

These journalists are picking the important news to report on since not much else is going on. 😂😂😂😂😂


Never thought we'd see Trump and Shower mentioned in the same sentence again. TrumpShower

I can’t wait to see all MSM shut down

He needs more hair to make his hair “perfect”.

Ahhh the greatest problem facing our nation. Water pressure... thank you trump!

Soooo manly pshhhhh

Just so incredibly stupid and wasteful (no pun intended). Everything realDonaldTrump will be undone and hopefully he will pay the consequences before he runs off to live in Russia.

I hate him.

YEEERRR! Finally some winning!! Take that ANTIFA with your limp, greasy hair ....

Good. I don't think the federal government should be involved in showerhead water flow levels, that is not needed.

AP You cannot let it go. The Presidents son and possibly the President are implicated in influence peddling and money laundering with Communist China and you are tweeting about shower heads?

Fake news. AP is bullshite.



If he did this before the election he'd have won by a landslide

Layup for Seinfeld2000

Should the shower heads in a family shower have ever been controlled in the first place ?

No amount of water will wash the orange off

POTUS has to be the most water obsessed person I’ve ever seen. I would think he has bigger issues to worry about

Please, that man is so orange I could confuse him with my copper bidet. No washing will fix that.

What a bunch of fu€king nonsense. ' Journalism' is dead

Well he’s going to need to visit Niagara Falls to even come close to “perfect” hair on that head

A) Didn't work. Hair looks thin. B) If the water's low, either you need to clean your shower or you screwed something up during setup.


File this under, too much information.

You know you can just take the shower head off and remove the flow restrictor. Or drill additional holes to fine tune it. It's not complicated. LOL

He need more than water for that thing. He should take it off and bury it.

His can look 'perfect' but that doesn't change his mental instability.

Seems there isn’t much news going on today, because what is this?

Da fuq

I’m going to miss this hard-hitting ‘news’

I didn’t start noticing the difference in water pressure until I went to a house in Scarsdale.

FoundV Another huge legislative triumph for the Trump administration

Wasn’t this shot at orange man bad done months ago? And who likes snotty water pressure? Less regulation is better than more.

On one hand, shower heads. On the other, a flaccid response to a deadly pandemic. I am so glad that Trump has his priorities straight.

Who wants to tell him... 😬

This dude only cares about himself... even as he destroys the Republican party and consistently spews lies threatening free democracy... avoids any talk about coronavirus and signs off on this garbage. sogross

What hair? That shit is falling out! More fraud from the fraud


Whine, whine, whine

Watch the Water 👀 It starts now 🇺🇸

He doesn't deserve a dog wash for himself and personally never had an issue with this anyway.

Is this a joke?

Trump managing priorities in a nutshell

Why TF is this news?

This is his legacy. Stronger water pressure in showers to wash away the scent of loser that will follow him for the rest of his days.

More water will not help that.


If you showed me this lede 5 years ago you would never have been able to convince me it wasn't an onion article.

If only he was this concerned about Covid-19.

Couldn’t he just use a garden hose?

Another promise kept!

Why the hell such a regulation existed? Dunno why America is painted as some libertarian paradise when stupid regulations like these exist all over the place.

Thank god he’s taking care of this important issue. Hundreds of thousands are dead and millions effected by these damn shower heads!!! Wait...I’m sorry...I think I had this confused with the PANDEMIC we are in the middle of 🙄

If I were Biden, I would tell Trump that I’ll let him keep the stupid rule on shower heads if he promises never to infest the American public with his nonsense again. And if he includes his kids, he can get two scoops of ice cream for life.

Sounds like Nixon.

I think there's s bigger problem with that rug then water flow. It's as phony as what it lives on top of.

Brown1971Jo Priorities.


Next Trump is going to relax water restrictions on golf courses. He needs the perfect green.

At least this one is easy to fix.

realDonaldTrump is not wrong here!!!🧛🚿


No amount of water is going to fix that disaster attached to his head.

Extra flow will wash him to a cue ball

I’ve used them for years to save money on water bills , and have more than enough flow to shower , and with a family we never ran out of hot water

Good Lord, that guy needs a hobby or something

That’s what small useless men do when they become irrelevant and look for attention

Thank God. I was very concerned about this. Hopefully, I can shower off the Covid bug as it spreads wildly throughout our country.

Sad, sad man

Facebook is getting their ass kicked today and the AP reports on this? HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

This is funny (although I’ll admit I wouldn’t mind if he fixed the gas can nozzle issue too)

Good. But I always just yank out the restricting washer.

His hair isn’t, “perfect?”

I'd bet 330,000+ people would be happy taking a shower today. Love the priorities.

Well, that’s one heck of a pandemic response

Slow propaganda day there communist media ?

BauerJournalism No more low flow showers!!!! USA! USA! USA!

No amount of water can cleanse that ugly soul.

Awesome story

There was a Seinfeld episode about this!

Maybe if his fat ass lost 100 lbs. The current ones would be enough.

Wait, does this mean he actually looks in the mirror and thinks he looks good?

Glad to see he’s still out there doing the real work 🙄

His legacy, America.

He’s going to really hate prison

I hate the whole universe, and everything in it, after living though this past year.

Theres littlerly a seinfeld episode about this. MrPibb171

Just goes to show you how completely worthless Trump is. During a worldwide pandemic with hundreds of thousands dead in his own country 🙄

Good, I agree with him

This is kinda hilarious lmaooo

Summary of a failed presidency.

Just wait till he tries prison water.


People are dying and this dude is fucking with showers. Damn trump is the worst president ever by a country mile.

realDonaldTrump It’s going to take more than just water “Champ”

This lunatic has enough “pet peeves” to start a zoo.

Such a man child, he should buzz cut off his hair and show off his balding head. Actually, once he arrives convicted in prison, corrections will buzz cut off his sacred hair! They won’t spray paint his face either!

JFC, Is this a joke? Will this really be Trump’s legacy Water pressure!!

Can Trump shower himself?

I note the inevitable drop in social engagement by Trump Addicts & Q Anon Idiots. Even they find it hard defending Trump’s narcissism. It seems they are now watching OANN / News Max, posting on Parler & then roaming the street threatening people with violence.

Part of the nanny-two-shoes bossiness of the Institutional State that we sent him to DC to address.

Watch the Water much?

If someone is concerned about their water bill, they should stay in the shower less time. People get in there and lose track of time.

one thing we can agree upon!

Not yet achieved....

Oh dear, are 'Deluge Toilets' next?

This should be Biden’s first EO - new regulations on the water pressure from showerheads.

Here to see all the lefties pretend to be super mad about this. It did not disappoint.

This will surely get Trump a spot on Mt. Flushmore

If not enough water is coming out then it takes longer to wash your hair, body, whatever, and you end up using more water anyway. Common sense, people!

This was misposted. Should have gone on your _Oddities account.


This is what he is working on instead of relief funds or slowing the spread!

FACT – BIDEN IS PRESIDENT ELECT We need to stop being angry. Trump has always lied to everyone. He is a narcissist, just forget him. You can never trust or satisfy a narcissist. Forgive ourselves, seek truth and enjoy our lives. Biden can be judged on his actions as President.

realDonaldTrump needs more HAIR to make his hair 'perfect.' TrumpIsALaughingStock TrumpMakesEverythingWorse

Regarding the hair and water pressure, I think we can all agree. Well, people with hair can agree.

This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I have incredibly thick hair and I’ve never had an issue with water pressure. Where does he get this crazy stuff?

If he has improved showers for the better, his entire presidency has been worth it. Thank you POTUS

Most petty dumbass thing I've heard of.

I immediately think of SeinfeldTV! Great episode!

awesome. people are dying left and right but I’m glad this fucking asshole can shower perfect

Like his “hair” is even in the same room with him when he...(shudders)...takes a shower?!?

Oh for Christ sake, historians will write “at the height of a global pandemic that was killing 3,000 Americans every day, the President finally managed to address one his longest-running grievances. Shower heads. Shower heads.”

He's so alpha...

Good thing there isn’t anything serious like a pandemic going on.

He's got the heartfelt support from every single American. We need more President's like this that care about everyday matters of the American citizen.

Well. This world is all about him after all...🤦🏼‍♀️. He’s pathetic. 🤡😈👺

If he wants it perfect he should relax restrictions on orange hair dye.

THE BEST THING ANY PRESIDENT HAS EVER DONE (maybe) I've been removing that little flow restrictor for years!

At last!!

Mock all you like, the liberal dumbasses who have been going overboard regulating everything to death including water has only made it necessary to use more water for appliances, commodes, etc.

His priorities are so twisted and deranged.... you couldn't make this shit up.

don’t drop the soap in jail donnie

He shower using piped water ? huh ? ME thought once u reach a certain financial level u bath like ME 🧐 using sea water and cocnut oil mixed wit moringa tree + HE must b fake wealthy

So, why did Obama attempt to regulate the unregulatable?

Can’t wait for this guy to leave. Like this happens to be the stupidest thing to come out of the administration, when millions are suffering due to the pandemic. And I think his hair looks like s*it!

Is this for real?

a sick puppy till the end

You dummies actually believe people would hate him for this.

Aaaaaand it’ll be corrected in 35 days.

Stupid!!!!!! Lol AP ur becoming such a joke

What hair

If I had as much surface area as that corpulent fool I would need a high flow showerhead to get wet too.

Not enough water in the world for that.

Well thank god someone's taken care of this! Heaven forbid the president's hair not be 'perfect'. Smh

There's not enough water on the planet

This is from a troll account right?

Dude does have a killer hair doo.

so when is it supposed to become perfect?

And we still can’t get a stimulus bill passed?

Trump would need a monsoon to make his hair perfect

Trump: Peacekiller-in-chief.

Plenty of water in Florida. Go now and stay.

Who supports this guy... literally open your eyes

Water conservation is a good thing mr. president.

But he has so little to wash.

Finally making america great again

300,000 plus Americans Dead because of TrumpVirusDeathToll304K but he’s worried about is fugly hair

Always about in NYC in a high rise is hard to get good water pressure from municipal water systems. Shouldn't Trump Tower have a separate water tower?!

Hey, that's my showerhead in the photo! My sister took it for the AP. haha

That’s because realDonaldTrump is too stupid to realize that BarackObama pushed the flow restrictor button in slightly. Just push it back and flow will be beautiful.

He has no hair.

The picture of Trump in the shower makes me sick

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for Trump.

It's not the shower water! It's the hair spray!

It's one of the best things the president has done.

Get your high pressure now

It really is all about him. Jfc.

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