Romney: GOP congressman's call for impeachment 'a courageous statement'

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

'I don’t think impeachment is the right way to go,' Mitt Romney said.

Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday called a GOP congressman's call for impeaching President Donald Trump "a courageous statement" while maintaining that impeachment is not warranted based on the special counsel's report.

Speaking to CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union," Romney said, "My own view is that Justin Amash has reached a different conclusion than I have."I respect him. I think it’s a courageous statement," the Utah Republican continued. "But I believe that to make a case for obstruction of justice, you just don’t have the elements that are evidenced in this document.

in a series of tweets Saturday that special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election documented that the president committed impeachable offenses. “Contrary to Barr’s portrayal, Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment,” Amash tweeted, referencing Attorney General William Barr.


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You do not think period!

And that’s why he was not elected president 😏

Isn't he the same Mitt Romney who walked off a cliff during his debate with Barack Obama despite the evident warnings about where he was going with a particular false accusation against said opponent? Now he want us to listen to what is essentially bad decisions and opinions!

Romney; rationalizing a lack of courage.

What do you propose given Iran, pardons, nepotism, self dealing etc.

A law lacking monetary penalties, incarceration or termination from a position, is no more than a suggestion.

You are falling with the rest of the GOP. Scared to your bone with his administration. When is anyone of you going to grow a spine?

This man has always been a coward, living off Daddy's money. He's Rump with brown hair and better vocabulary.

What does he think is the right thing to do?

No balls Mitt?...

I DO....

Romney, you are irrelevant!

We need more than Romney we need more Rep to agree on impeachment

Don't you wonder how these LIMP-WRISTED Republicans get elected? They have no problem trashing people in their own party, and 'reach across the aisle' to those who would BURN DOWN THIS NATION.... Absolutely DISGUSTING...


Mitt Romney is SO yesterday's 'news'

Nobody really needs to listen to this guy he carries no wait whatsoever.

Once a chicken shit always a chicken shit

What does he know about courage?

What other options have you, Mitt?

The toughest thing Mitt would ever do would be a strongly worded letter

Who is that character

No one cares what Constitutional Expert and Vulture Capitalist Mitt R-Money thinks.

Oh oh me thinks he drank the kool aid ☺️!

See letters from over 1,000 prosecutors. Grow a spine

Put Mitt down for a maybe

MittRomney is a phoney; a fraud. Now imagine your children and your grandchildren acting the way he does.

For the GOP party... let’s get back to Hilary’s emails, there is still traction in that for our base.

He should have stopped at I don't think

Come on NancyPelosi impeach him.

I agree. Just go straight to jail and no get out of jail cards.

So what would you do

bla, bla,bla, bla!

A call for impeachment by Justin Amash was nonsense

What a slime, your kids must be some really great kids with such deep integrity, with a father like you,

Man, if he could ever figure out which direction he’s walking that would be a start. He can work on the gum part later. Wonder what his opinion will be tomorrow. Likely the opposite.

I think it’s the only way to obtain the documents, witnesses, etc. Just bring sunlight to the whole festering mass that is the Trump administration. And family.

Of course not Mitt..... you just proved you are not Presidential material...

If Democrats impeach Trump then when a liberal President is elected in 2020 then he will totally achieve nothing because impeachment of trump is a great insult to all conservatives

What would you suggest then, Mitt? A censure from Congress? A public apology from Trump? Are you going to campaign to make sure he’s voted out in 2020? I mean, aside from the constitution and all, what’s your idea? Or do you believe he did nothing wrong? I’ll wait.

“Other completely obvious observations” - Politico

Even I read impeachable offences. Attempts to interfere and close the investigation into Russian meddling.

🤣😂🤣🤣🤣Ball-less Mitt!

Really time for him to get off the stage

MittRomney shut up

I think Mitt is basically a good guy but a milquetoast.

Would you expect him to say anything different? The guy's been a chameleon his entire political career....

You're A Republican Nationalist, Sir. That pretty much says it all

Who cares what he Think!!

No Mitt, the House doesn't need to consider what the corrupt Senate would do. The House can do their thing all on their own.

every time these politicians get away with crimes and get ignored, they weaken the country. And, therefore the world we share.

Why should we care what any if you guys think. When it is clear trump is where you’ll loyalty lies and not the constitution you guys are suppose to protect . All of you guys should go to jail if that trump leads us to a war. For not upholding the constitution!

Well Mitt you get it wrong more often than you get it right. It seems doubtful that many expect you to lead on much of anything. You present as much more of a follow the leader, your hands tied by tribalism.

No way. Romney would fence sit like that!

'Wow, Mitch, you make perfect sense.' Said no one, ever.

I don’t think Mitt Romney is the way to go. Ever.

All this coward needs is a monocle.

Mitt stinks

Who cares what you think.

I don't support realDonaldTrump but I Def agree with MittRomney on this. It's a waste of energy to keep trying and to keep talking about. It's never going to happen! 2020 is the earliest he's going to leave office. Then hopefully, the cleanup can begin.

SCOOP: Unhinged Trump Supporter Threatens Democrats at Kamala Harris Rally In Los Angeles; Escorted Out By Los Angeles Sheriff's dept. (WATCH NOW) cnn nytimes theatlantic thedailybeast maddow latimes

Do you guys think of the people you’ll behavior affect? You know the people who voted for you? Why is everyone worried about him! The president and Congress and senate you guys work for us! When will be the focal point of how things are done?

Ask him about polygamy

Do something!!!!45 is NOT above the law!!! Impeach45

Chicken shit

Romney ripped off companies he took over by over leverages them until he bankrupted them, raided and took the pensions of the people who worked their for many years. He outsourced other companies and claims to be a religious man. His company Bain is the bane of our existence


Mitt has ($)250 million reasons to side with the criminal Donald Trump! Corrupted by MONEY!!!

Mitt maintains relevance with Milktoast stance.

Mitt is having a bit of trouble with his integrity. But his obedience is well intact.

“Mittens: Allergic to Courage”

Wow he’s brilliant

Spineless mitt. Some things don't change.

'I don’t think ̵i̵m̵p̵e̵a̵c̵h̵m̵e̵n̵t̵ ̵i̵s̵ ̵t̵h̵e̵ ̵r̵i̵g̵h̵t̵ ̵w̵a̵y̵ ̵t̵o̵ ̵g̵o̵' Mitt Romney said

Mr flip flopper

Mittens, a true profile in courage.

Calling MittRomney 'spineless' is an insult to these beautiful spineless creatures.

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