Republicans Sue Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Blocking Them on Twitter

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Trump is not allowed to block people, will the standards apply equally? Stay tuned to find out!' said one New Yorker running for office.

Saladino posted a photo of his filing, and he checked the box that indicates he does not want a jury trial. He added,"If we can't talk to one another, the whole system breaks down. Look what is happening in my district when entrenched NeverTrumpers are confronted by America First ideas. Like it or not we live in the same city and we need to be professional."

of public record, and that no matter how strongly he felt against someone or their comments, he could not block them.


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How about you change the headline to read 'BIPARTISAN support to sue RepAOC for blocking them from Twitter'? larryelder

the judge said to do it since the president can not block any one, More are going to sue AOC and Cohen for blocking people on twitter

1 Republican + 1 Democrat =/= 'Republicans' getfukinratioed

, when can we expect this headline to be corrected?

You guys really suck at this news thing.

Gee. Your article says it’s a republican, along with a Democrat. But your clickbait tweet attempts to divide solely along partisan lines. Yes, Newsweek, the label fakenews is something you guys have helped legitimize.

If this article has been “corrected” why does the twitter headline still say Republican? Y’all have the integrity of a con artist.

Don’t you mean Jewish 35 year Democrat assemblyman? Why do you lie about it, it only takes a 1 second google search. There’s a reason you were sold for $1.00. pathetic

If trump can’t block how can she? Both elected

Republicans? Our media is incompetent.

Dov Hikind changed parties? Oh, Newsweek had a narrative to Bad!

Good ole always lying and working hard for the Democrat party!

Well, what's fair is fair. Right...?

Citizens need to file one huge massive lawsuit against twitter for suspending us because they don't like our 'words'!

'Like it or not we live in the same city and we need to be professional.' - says the youtuber who staged a video of paid black actors messing up a car with trump stickers on it in order to incite violence against black people....

Pretty sure they’re democrats. But I was way more surprised to learn Newsweek is still in business. Who reads this garbage ?

Except the one from NY is a democrat.

Not Republicans,..It's democrats.

This WRONG FakeNews tweet has been up for 10 hours and still not even a correction to their fake news tweet. And you wonder why everyone hates the MSM.

These lawsuits are dumb by people who really dont even bother to read the laws...if they try to equate her with the president they are just stupid... lame attempt to keep barking at the wrong tree. republicans are obsessed/fixated with this woman... she is just a congresswoman

A dollar.

Fake news. It's a former democratic NY state assemblyman suing, not any republican.

Newsweak strikes again. Once more proving that the owners overpaid when they bought the outfit for $1.


So this incorrect tweet has been up since this morning and not corrected to show the lawsuit is from a Democrat

Hikind is a Democrat.

The fact you’ve been informed one of the suits is from a lifelong Democrat and refuse to change your headline just illustrates what a steaming pile of partisan crap Newsweek has become.

More A+ reporting from Newsweek. Actually, I thought you guys were out of business; turns out I was right.

People working for newsweek should be ashamed of themselves for such shoddy work.... But when you hire bottom of the barrel people this is what you end up getting

This is why your publication was only worth one lousy dollar, not the magazine, but the entire company!

.HikindDov is a Democrat, not a Republican.


Is there anything you won't be wrong about? Hikind is a lifelong Democrat, you dolts. Oh.... Matt Drudge says hi.

Um. The Assemblyman was a Democrat. Just an FYI. journalism

Hikind is a Democrat. This is the kind of repeated - but avoidable - mistake that made your entire operation worth $1.

Whomever paid a buck for Newsweek paid $0.99 too much. Not Fake News - just outright lies.

I cannot believe that you haven’t corrected this story. You are really only worth $1.

F A K E. N E W S

You’re not big on fact-checking, are you? Dov Hikind is a Democrat, which you could have found out by simply checking Wikipedia.


Try getting your facts right HikindDov is a dem with sanity not a leftist communist Marxist Stalinist like AOC RashidaTlaib and IlhanMN

If she is so smart and honest what does she have to hide ? people want to see what she has to say.. or maybe she can’t take the criticism and opinions people are entitled to 🤔 maybe she should grow a back bone and suck up any comments she don’t like! Lord knows she talks 2 much

Fake news...

Newsweek is made up by a bunch of clown leftist 'writers' who couldn't get the story right. 😂

Hey I’ve always been and still am a Democrat. But that doesn’t suit your narrative does it? Fake news!

One of the two plaintiffs is a Democrat former New York state assemblyman. FakeNews FakeNewsMedia

Blocking on Twitter is a feature for each user, there is no law that constitutes a crime for it.

Oh noooo! It’s time to unblock! AOC just do it! Who cares! You got this!

People can block anyone they want. It's called freedom. If people don't like it they can move to Russia.

She isn’t president and her Twitter isn’t part of the official pubic record. Not the same at all.

I wonder if she blocked me. I view her and her coalition of four as threats to America democracy.

Do you believe this? More hypocrisy. Democrats sue Trump for blocking critics on Twitter and they are using that tool also. I did not realize Ocasio-Cortez was so thin skinned, shouldn’t be, as she throws verbal brickbats at everyone she does not agree with. Glass house problem.

The courts going to roll the same way I just did for Trump that she can’t block her critics

Unlike Trump, AOC does not use her account to announce public policy.

Tit or tat at this point. This is what they get for opening up this type of legal avenue

if she is so stupid like they say - why would the GOP want to follow here ?

The Democrats sued Trump for the same thing. Although it wasn’t the Democratic Party literally. And a judge ruled in their favor and they were unblocked. It’s called freedom of speech. And if your in public office you can’t block people from expressing their opinion BadHeadline

I hope she gets more education before she continues to open her mouth. Big bartending talk doesn’t equate to experience. The only thing she’s accomplishing is making noise without substance.

I feel if they are death threats and hatred ….then yes ….. trump blocks you because you provide truth and facts …… if its hatred to trump , then he is allowed to block ya

Well? Why not?

😂😂😂 Wait what?

That’s a very brittle glass house they are throwing their hypocritical stones from

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