Republicans must ask why people with racist values embrace the GOP

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Republicans must ask why so many people with racist values embrace the GOP, writes Shawn Turner for CNNOpinion


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Opinion As a conservative that has ancestors that died in the civil war fighting Democrats that owned 100% of slaves and ran the kkk... I have to ask the same of the democratic party. No Republican owned a slave and more Republicans voted for civil rights than Democrats.

Opinion Yes, but they know. They just don't care

Opinion Because most of the GOP is racist like our president...

Opinion Damn wrong

Opinion Without the racist vote & the religious zealots, the GOP would never win anything

Opinion There are racist on both sides. Dems need to ask themselves why there is so much violence in their party.

Opinion Actually, the racists and mentally ill seem to be concentrated in the Democratic Party and the legacy media, not the Republican Party.

Opinion CNNFakeNews

Opinion You know why......

Opinion Trump. Trump is why.

Opinion No they don’t - do Dems need to ask why Socialist/Communists/atheist embrace their values? It pretty easy to see why they do, discussing the extremes on either end is pointless and produces very little value

Opinion Possibly because the Democratic party blatantly panders to those whom racists and other disgusting like oppose. This should not be confused with the party embracining the same.


Opinion Why is the father of a terrorist attracted to the DNC ?

Opinion Why are terrorists, jihadists, Communists, criminals, illegals, cop-killers, antisemites DNC supports?

Opinion Seems to me that blacks are the biggest racists

Opinion There are a lot of people with racist values that embrace the democratic platform also. Stop asking why and dividing people and start being part of the solution not part of the problem

Opinion Because they are conservatives, doesn't take much thought to determine the reason. Liberals migrate democrat. Simple hypothesis I would say-your motivation.

Opinion It’s not racist values, it’s a whole lot of people tired of the bullying of the Democrats. They have pushed to hard for to long we just not gonna roll over for them anymore

Opinion This is probably the most idiotic thing CNN has ever put forth.

Opinion We are sick of the word RACIST CNN is racist, the gop is NOT

Opinion CNN met with Fusion & Steele on FakeDossier per London court docs. No wonder they are worried & spreading hate 24/7! So do the court docs lie? realDonaldTrump Can't wait to find out which journalist!

Opinion racists like guns as do many times more who arent racists. But because GOP is for gun rights its an easy choice. DONE.

Opinion They should. Also, Democrats should ask themselves why sinful people embrace their values.

Opinion Democrats must ask themselves why people who have no morals, hate their country, and hate law & order embrace the DNC.

Opinion Once they got answer from Dems.... sure why not.

Opinion race this race that. race race race. do you not have anything real to say? wheres your facts?

Opinion So all the PEOPLE OF COLOR that support the GOP and also have racist values? I'm confused. as much as April Hates I'm thinking she is the Description of the NEW RACIST FACE!!

Opinion Oh, look, someone else calling Republicans racist. (insert eye roll here) Democrats need to ask themselves why Antifa and all the anarchists and communists and America haters vote with them.

Opinion I find the whole muller investigation quite hilarious

Opinion CNN should look into the mirror. Don Lemon 'Why isn't there a travel band against all white males?'

Opinion History tells us that the racist Dixiecrats, who bolted from the Democratic Party after the Civil Rights Act became law, joined the Republican Party en masse where they have expanded their numbers today.

Opinion You mean like FARRAKHAN and his huggers

Opinion We need to ask why CNN is the biggest race baiting news outlet in America

Opinion CNN must ask why they disparage and demonize women, blacks, Latinos and others who support our POTUS CNNisRacist

Opinion This is the most ridiculous Shit I've ever seen. Meanwhile, Mr 'Hitler was a good man' still hasn't been disavowed by the Democratic party. Tell me cnn, why do democrats have elements of nazism?


Opinion Bcoz of the value

Opinion What a stupid to write CNN is a 🤡

Opinion cnn is not a news source they are paid activist

Opinion I totally agree which is why I tell all my Spanish/Asian/African american friends who voted Trump that they're all racist. But all they do is keep blocking me on social media. How do I get them to realize their racist ways ?

Opinion Why do so many anti Americans embrace the democrats

Opinion The GOP is a racist enclave. It defines itself by its actions. There is enough misanthropy for women, children and working class people to be discriminated against. They are inclusive in their contempt.

Opinion road apples that the demonrats eat like candy

Opinion Even racists are our fellow citizens. Maybe talking to them, and making sure they don’t stay uninformed is a better answer than alienating them, and calling them names. Or assaulting them with bike locks and bottles. Why do libs want to cater to illegals, but cast aside citizens?

Opinion The GOP has allowed low element individuals with criminal and racist mindsets to enter into their camp and take it over. It all started with the emergence of the Tea Party movement. It's this same shift that permitted a non-Republican to get the nomination for president in 2016.

Opinion Democrats must ask why left wing fringe are violent? That is more of an issue because the left won’t denounce violence on their side, the celebrate it. Republicans denounce all right wing fringe and all violence.


Opinion Authoritarian followers...

Opinion Likewise, ask why so .any terrorists families supported Hillary and Obama!! Hmmm.mmm. Fair and balanced reporting please. One terrorist dad sat right behind Hillary at her rally in Florida!

Opinion Ok, I’m asking.....? Also, could someone tell me why my liberal friends keep sharing articles about how horrible white people are? Or is racial slander only bad when applied people with a specific level of melanin? Asking for friend.

Opinion According to the Democrats, everyone is racist except them? Funny, when we beat hem in a civil war they were not saying that. They were wearing white hoods.

Opinion If CNN were honest! Dems should ask themselves why they started the KKK ? Why they are so anti Jews? Why they are so pro Terrorists? Why they are against law enforcement? Why they think any african american that is Republican is a token N..... ? Why they are so against freedom?

Opinion When YOU look in the mirror ask yourself that question? Trying to convince people they’re racist when it’s coming out of a true racist mouth

Opinion CNN needs to ask itself why it sucks.

Opinion Democrats we're the slaveowners. Republicans we're the emancipator's as they are today.

Opinion Because that’s where they find refuge BirdsOfAFeather

Opinion Democrats must ask why so many communists embrace the Democrats

Opinion Ha!!! Sorry, but you have devalued the term racism so extroidinarilly, that literally everyone is a racist, so you’re going to have to be much more specific. By the way, even if CNN had racist values, at least they could claim some type!

Opinion Fake news gets even more fake. The Democrat party is the party of slavery, eugenics against blacks, the KKK and black enslavement. Talk about people with racist values! Fakenews

Opinion How on earth did you come to that conclusion? How did you verify 'racist'? This is absurd! That's why you are KING of Fake News!!

Opinion Democrats must ask themselves why one of their favorite organizations, PPFA, was founded by and ACTUAL RACIST, Margaret Sanger.

Opinion If you ever watched Hidden Figures, the people who wanted to segregate those bright ladies, were all Democrats. John Wilks Booth was a Democrat. The KKK was started by Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Democrat. The Republican Party was founded upon civil rights!

Opinion CNN “opinion” articles are so misleading to reality. CNN should be ashamed of having such a large voice and dividing America. Then blame the president for single handedly dividing America.

Opinion I LOVE the GOP and I'm NOT a racist.

Opinion So half the country...CNN, America’s weakest hiding behind the 1st amendment. Come out and face the other half of our country.

Opinion Im not racist and I would never belittle myself by being a Demoncrat. They are the real racists.

Opinion English must be hard.

Opinion What a biased stupid statement. Once again.... CNN stands out for its hate mongering BS! CNN is broadcasting Terrorism. POTUS

Opinion Fake news CNN is directly responsible for the racial divide in this country. Sad!

Opinion They aren’t asking; they are accepting.

Opinion Do dems wonder why racists like the new black panther party back them? Or the antifa cowards?

Opinion We embrace it because we are sick and tired of reverse racism in this country and we finally have a president willing to address it and stand up us. Being white does not give blacks the right to treat us differently and scream racism every time they make a ass out of themselves.

Opinion Rhetorically?


Opinion You mean like Don Lemon? Oh wait... he’s not a republican. Oh u must mean Farrakhan who the dems like to hang with? Oh wait... he’s not GOP. Maybe u meant Abraham Lincoln? Oh wait .... he and the Republican Party fought Democrats and died to abolish slavery! 🤔

Opinion Yet it's Democrats that categorize everyine by race, gender...whatever gets them votes.

Opinion Because they stand out in the Republican Party but are just part of the democrats backdrop.

Opinion Maybe it’s because they finally woke up to realize the history of the dem party and think for themselves.....

Opinion This 'news' organization is the most pathetic out there.

Opinion Easy, democrats feed on identity polotics and the GOP doesn't.

Opinion you should search up the verifiedhate hashtag and then have a chat with donlemon

Opinion It’s just another left ploy just like oh we did not win let’s recount

Opinion This is why:

Opinion You know, this tired accusation didn't stick a year ago and will not now. Because the pesky facts. Facts, a word CNN has long forgotten.

Opinion cnn is the enemy of the people!

Opinion I not only resent this, I’m repulsed by a network that would sat such a thing about so many great people.

Opinion Because--in America the democratic party embraces intellectualism and enlightenment. The republican party is all about brainwashing people with religion and other nonsense. The GOP crime syndicate embraces the worst society has to offer in exchange for votes. Idiots love assholes

Opinion Why dont we ask BLM, New Blank Panther Party and Antifa why they identify with the left...

Opinion Republicans? Democrats are far more racist than Republicans. If you you don't agree with their radical, socialist values, you're a racist. That makes more of a racist. Democrats are the party of the KKK, slavery and identity politics.

Opinion No No CNN. Do not try to turn this around. Your playing the race card right in this racist disrespectful opinion.

Opinion Its not fair Lahreek neglect the salary khasil nafer Sajid Mir why womens are can not rule over the wotld Hurma Hoen vows its Razia Barkat

Opinion Cry me a river

Opinion The msm keeps making this about racism when there is none

Opinion Pure garbage.....

Opinion The answer maybe that GOP says so long you keep them to yourself and don't become a threat to others stupid is OK. Shall we ask why those who say if you don't agree with us we can assault you in public flock to the democrats?



NotUR_avg_bear Opinion Maybe you should be asking, if you don’t support the GOP why do you label everyone a racist when you don’t get your way.

Opinion I was attacked by a troll last night for asking Tyrus (a black man) to offer to replace the intern at the WH briefs. The troll hated on Tyrus. I called him racist, he attacked me, I called him a mysogenist. See, 2 can play this stupid game.

Opinion I wish I could be there with you all I will tell Trump off for you

Opinion The premise states 'MANY' and not all Republicans..

Opinion You should ask why race is so important to you CNN. We all know it’s not for actual equality.

Opinion You people don't know what racism is, but go look in the mirror!

Opinion YES racism is an issue & Trump & Republicans ran on the race issue as they represented the White Nationalist. So studies before 2020 election needs to take place to see how many Red counties in the mid west, & the old slave states are racist. Americans Values have no room for

Opinion You guys are an absolute disgrace to journalism and reporting and should be ashamed to the levels you stoop biased and not wanting to be part of the solution for our country....blind leading the blind

Opinion Hey fake news,the question should be; Democrats should be asking themselves why so many people with anti-american sentiments embraces the party and CNN..?

Opinion Democrats and CNN need to ask themselves why they support slavery, racism and bigotry. Look in your own goddamn mirror before you accuse an entire group of people for the shenanigans you are still trying to pull off. Quit being divisive and inciteful, it's just not a cool look.


Opinion FAKE NEWS!! It's embarrassing how bad CNN is, now.

Opinion I see your going back to the race card. The only people racist are cnn and the Democrats

Opinion Democrats started the KKK and where the reasons why Jim Crow laws were initiated... It's pretty easy to see you as the racist values... You're denying that doesn't change the truth...

Opinion People embrace it because IT’S FAKE NEWS THAT CNN 💩 PUTS OUT!

Opinion Why is the democrapper party and CNN race-baiters. And white man bashers?

Opinion Just stop! This is absurd and untrue!



Opinion After a BLACK MAN shot 13 WHITE POLICE, Obama came to Dallas and blamed it on WHITE PEOPLE/POLICE. That was the last time I listened to anything RACIST OBAMA said.

Opinion fakenews

Opinion Illegal immigrant killed 3 after 'sanctuary' release from custody, ICE says

Opinion CNN is just getting worse. This is getting more and more ridiculous

Opinion There are several reasons: The Tower of Babel, Culture Clash, Superiority Complex, ..++...and just pure hate that thrives for as long as The IDIOT is in the WH.

Opinion Do they?

Opinion Democrats must ask why people with no values embrace their party.

Opinion Simple...racist realDonaldTrump Leads...they follow! They know there is a pot of gold (funded by the NRA) at the end of the muddy rainbow

Opinion Because there is a sitting racist President


Opinion Spreading hate and division is fun




Opinion Cause even a racist can see yours and the left’s BS.

Opinion New study shows CNN is more racist than any tv network in North America. Wow, I knew they were racist but I didn’t think they were actually the worst in North America.

Opinion Actually. I saw 5 studies last month that said by a margin of 4 to 1 , Democrats are more racist and tend to be more hateful towards minorities then republicans. Interesting.

Opinion and follow CNN

Opinion I think you got that reversed. QUESTION should be... Why are so many patriots followers of Trump and Q. ANSWER: WWG1WGA

Opinion CNN and democrats must ask why violent anarchists ANTIFA not only embrace the Democrat party, but commit violent crimes to further democrat agenda.

Opinion You mean like Louis ' i hate white people, specifically Jews' Farrakhan, CNN's Don 'I hate white males' Lemon, and Hillary 'they all look the same' Clinton?

Opinion I think that’s true if the other side too actually. It’s a sightless different type though

Opinion No one racist is with the GOP

Opinion So when do we ban these Republicans is my question, being that you support banning ppl?

Opinion “They all look alike”. Who said it?

Opinion What!? Are you crazy, you have that completely bass acwards, it's the demon rats that are the racist, they were the slave holders, they still tell the blacks, what to say. Who to vote for, what to eat, where to live & it goes on & on, they still run the blacks life for em

Opinion Because they are smarter than democRATS!!

Opinion Because the left calls people that are not racist racist as a weapon. This attracts the small% of people that are racist. CNN advertises racism

Opinion No its CNN and its pundits who are race baiting! This is why your ratings are in the toilet!

Opinion What racist values are you referring to?

Opinion Is CNN calling me racist because I’m Republican? You’re joking right. You can tear down statues, but history books are still around.

Opinion Yes, why?

Opinion Am I a racist if I say Shawn Turner is a complete buffoon?

Opinion So blacks are joining GOP? That’s kinda racist.

Opinion That’s FAKE NEWS CNN

Opinion No they don't have to ask. They know and simply don't care.

Opinion The same question could be asked about Dems. ?

Opinion Racism is an INDIVIDUAL flaw & found within all political parties, gender & race. Dems & Liberal MSM attempt to paint the GOP as harboring racists which is an obvious lie & politically unethical.

Opinion So is this Racist ? LiberalLogic

Opinion I find Democrats to be the most, racist. Not that there aren't any in the Republican side, but much more in the Democrat side.

Opinion Weren't Dems the orginal slave owners?

Opinion Because so many of their leaders act like racist pieces of sh*t?

Opinion That’s a racist opinion.

Opinion Republicans need to do no such thing. The left has always been the party to make race an issue. It’s all they know. The left has never achieved economic success like this President. The lefts only focus is to separate, divide and label. jobsvsmobs.

Opinion Probably just as many democrats have some irrational racist fear of white people

Opinion Democrats must ask why so many people on the left embrace illegal immigration rather than legal immigration.

Opinion CNN you claim Trump spreads hate , yet this article shows how CNN for the past two years have contributed to the division and hate far more then any other.

Opinion This is so stupid. You expect them to align with the party who literally tells them white people are bad?

Opinion Really... I am BROWN..and I am a RACIST! Yeee!!!

Opinion Take a good look at it. President that says the media is enemy of people who are only reporting the news. And man has basically hate rallies and body slams journalists. A man that says it was locker room talk just grab them by the ————- should I continue

Opinion Funny, I’ve seen FAR more racism and projection from the neocons; whom most now have a (D) next their name. You idiot repeaters in the corporate media actually think logical and insightful people listen to you, but the DON’T. MockingbirdMedia

Opinion Every thing a race issue. Just pathetic I'm tired hearing or being because I don't think like you do.

Opinion Stop calling Republicans racist right now! African Americans are waking up to these lies! The Republican Party has always been for equal opportunity and jobs! Research the history of the Democratic Party and decide for yourself. Stop race baiting. More love, less hate! Blexit

Opinion The klu klux klan. White supremacists. Skin heads . Neo Nazis and Trump cult members. All watch fox news and vote Republican party. Because the GOP values are the same as these groups.

Opinion CNN this is garbage! And you wonder why folks chant CNN SUCKS!? You publish blatant lies like this with only twisted words as your basis. Well, keep it up because this is the exact kind of thing that will get Trump re-elected and a red wave in 2020.

Opinion We don’t like race baiting and that’s exactly what they were doing.

Opinion If a person has certain attitudes about a particular racial group, as long as that person obeys the law and pays his taxes he is still entitled to representation in government. They are still citizens. Their attitudes are not a qualifier for citizenship.

Opinion Hillary said it best - “they all look alike”

Opinion Really this is a game Trump will win. If you ask 'Doesn't nationalist sound like White nationalist' he says, 'No. That's like saying if I'm for the democratic process I've changed parties.' Have to get smarter. Ask him for numbers not emotive terms like 'racist' or White National

Opinion Today’s D’s Basic party platform is revenge against whitey. I’ve had black and Hispanic D’s tell me they are not interested in the opinions of any white person, all they want is their money.

Opinion The media is the enemy of the people

Opinion Liberals must ask why so many people with anti-White values embrace the democratic party

Opinion Don’t Democrats and CNN promote anti-white everything? Even white privilege is racist to both whites and people of color and is essentially white supremacy disguised as social justice.

Opinion Democrats must ask why so many “burn-down-the-house” radicals align left.

Opinion Absolutely absurd. You are why this country is so divided. You truly are the EnemyOfThePeople

Opinion Democrats must ask why so many unemployed and intolerant people with masks embrace their party, writes me.

Opinion How is racism a value?!

Opinion Racist values according to whom? Is CNN saying that groups that are organized solely on the basis of race, like Black Lives Matter for instance, are somehow not racist? Or are they saying that BLM activists support the Republican Party?

Opinion What we are asking is why has the media labeled Republicans as racist when it was the Democratic Party (founders of the KKK) who still to this day keep African Americans enslaved!

Opinion Because you consider ANYTHING that is not to your liking, RACIST- WELL THEN I SAY, YOU ARE A FASCIST Names are names- try being human and speak the truth

Opinion More fake news.

Opinion All of CNN is fixated on race. You must be racists in your heart's because you keep propping it up

Opinion LOL. They know.

Opinion Don Lemon on CNN is a full blown racist. He said it on live TV. The socialist anti American leftist can win political arguments so they falsely call people racist.

Opinion The answer is self evident

Opinion I don’t know of any party that doesn’t want as many votes as possible or that have any control of who votes for them. Now if you want to do background checks on the big $ in both sides you may be surprised on who supports what

Opinion Racist values, please!

Opinion GFY with a sharp stick

Opinion I am an 81 year old black life long registered Democrat that embrace DJT as he descended on the escalator. I believe we both have American values & America as our priority. We could less about your racist label.

Opinion The racists know they are racist.

Opinion True. Reason why the kkk and neo nazis vote red and embraces the GOP views


Opinion CNN - Enemy of the people!


Opinion So what was the synagogue shooters position on Trump?

Opinion The tiresome race baiting is founded in polling that shows strong evidence many in the Black community are walkingaway from the policies of the Democrat Party.

Opinion Unless ur party platform & stated ideological tenets include the belief that one race is inherently superior to another then no, you shouldn't be responsible for cretins who vote for you. Most of the felons allowed to vote in Florida will be Dems. Should Dems answer for that?

Opinion Ask yourself why so many people play the race card today when so little really exists. Because they want an excuse and scapegoat for whatever they lack

Opinion What a stupid opinion

Opinion Because Trump has given them the courage to be the racist they truly always have been and are. It’s all out in the open.

Opinion There are 2 main political extremes that neither party accepts. The far left is racist and sexist, and the alt-right is racist and sexist. Must we ask ourselves why people twist messages into something they dont actually mean? If so, it should be asked of both main parties

Opinion Republicans are silent on social issues that TRUMP ignites !! Trump has bullied them into silence.

Opinion Cause we don’t tolerate dead beats living on excuses instead of the hard work necessary to make a GREAT NATION!!!

Opinion It starts at the top!

Opinion Yemen stopwar

Opinion More identity politics. I have been around Republicans all my life and do know of a single racist.

Opinion Why is your 10PM host racist?

Opinion One could argue that CNN is racist, by constantly playing the race card in this way.

Opinion Because fake news like you is spreading lies

Opinion Democrats will also have to ask themselves why so many Democrats embrace racist values?

Opinion The GOP can't help who embraces them. It doesn't mean the GOP agrees with skinheads and racists.

Opinion Why does CNN try and create more racial division by constantly having stories, Op-eds and guests that push this? Why is CNN so obsessed with race?

Opinion Trump tires to say he’s not racist, but all the racists know he’s racist. That’s why they all support him.

juliawb Opinion They don’t need to ask. They know because they’ve pandered to them. Consciously.

Opinion Democrats must ask why so many people with communist values embrace the DNC- FIXED

Opinion Because they are the Deplorables! Duh.

Opinion Because they are racists...

Opinion Its quite the other way around - libs cannot accept any other point of view other than their own

Opinion Why do so many people who like murdering babies support the left?

Opinion Because they are racist and enjoy white supremacy.

Opinion You forgot to mention that they also have very low IQs


Opinion Probably because the media and left paints us as the *racist* party and the actual uneducated, illiterate idiots who are that messed up moved that way because they hear is from them...

Opinion Because everyone not Democrat is labeled racists.

Opinion Because that is the “vibes” the party gives off. Have you heard any of them speak?


Opinion The Republican Party , is the party of domestic terrorism

Opinion How many do? A few hundred? Probably fewer than racist like Farakhan who support Democrats.

Opinion I am against Racism that's why I vote Republican

Opinion Exactly!!!!!!

Opinion CNN will say anything to try and sway public opinion. Luckily most people aren’t as dumb as your remaining few viewers.

Opinion Dear sir ,their is never a reason for hatefulness in our country !

Opinion It comes down to a rather simple, yet powerful universal principal; Like attracts like.

Opinion New lorde video is up

Opinion I would like to know why Democrats, embraced Sen Robert Byrd a KKK member a few years ago.


Opinion Ask Don Lemon. Oh, wait. He actually works for you. Ergo, is actually paying for racism. Quite an embrace...

Opinion Birds of a feather flock together.

Opinion Shawn Turner is unfortunately unaware that learning few lines of tantrums does not make classy analyst. It s more and more often that those bringing racism are the biggest racists themselves, seems his case too. Lack of arguments and program replaced by cheap shit, that s CNN.

Opinion You do nothing but divide CNN, just like the President. This is why you are the biggest joke of all media organizations. Trump treats every media member badly who is not FoxNews. Stop having people believing everyone is racist in America.

Opinion It's more likely they ask why CNN constantly makes this stuff up. Try and find a pic of david duke with any republican. While you're doing that I can paper a wall with pictures of Louis Farrakhan and prominent democrats!

Opinion Democrats must ask why so many people who embrace communist values embrace the Democrat Party... And CNN.

Opinion Who appointed CNN as the Arbiter of who is racist? I'm sick of this shit. CNN doesn't speak for the world.

Opinion CNN FakeNews racebaiting.

Opinion Because everyone the left doesn’t like is a racist? This is the correct answer.

Opinion Racists are everywhere and in every color of the human rainbow, EQUALLY. Rich and poor, young or old, and equally dispersed...sadly.

Opinion Knock off the racist BS. It’s getting old & tired & meaningless. Come up with a more plausible angle.

Opinion Some of the most racist people I know vote for democrats. Does this mean democrats are all racist?

Opinion This is a constructed narrative which isn’t true

Opinion CNN needs to ask themselves why they report dishonest & misleading news! The audacity of Shawn Turner to suggest GOP supporters are racists. It’s grossly absurd to make this generalized claim. What say you about racist Don Lemon, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, etc.? Hypocrite!

Opinion Racists don’t embrace the GOP. The Democrats are founders and the heart and soul of Americas racism. But, again, that doesn’t fit the FAKE NEWS narrative.

Opinion FakeNewsCNN

Opinion Naw don't cry now and complain y'all voted for them.

Opinion They don’t need to ask what they already know. It is who they are. Steve King practically wears a Klan hood into work each day. ✊🏾

Opinion Race, race, race,race race. That’s all the Left media can and will talk about. World changing events going on in the Middle East and elsewhere. China’s rise to power and so forth and here the media will only talk of race.

Opinion Nah. Republicans believe in freedom of thought, speech, and ideology. The break comes via individuals on either side of the aisle telling anyone what to think, say, and believe in. This freedom is often misused by the right and the left. The common right live and let live.

Opinion You’re the racists

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Some Republicans want to oust a Muslim doctor from his GOP leadership role — because he’s MuslimTexas GOP leaders have loudly condemned the effort to oust Shahid Shafi, a Muslim trauma surgeon, from his leadership post in the Tarrant County Republican Party. washing This is just part of the high Galleon dialectic to divide and conquer us to make us hate each other on basis of race religion Creed or other. Because when we are distracted in hate from the establishment this promotes your one-world government. This is the US created by Trump and his racist administration. Any doubts? Muslimes are a Terrorist Group that MUST SWEAR TO DEDTROY CHRISTIANS ESPECIALLY ,..AND ANY NON MUSLIMES
Source: washingtonpost - 🏆 95. / 72 Read more »

Senate Republicans may allow vote on bill to protect Mueller's job, No. 2 GOP leader saysSen. John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican, said there is a possibility that the Senate would take up legislation that would protect Robert Mueller before the end of the year. There needs to be authoritative oversight of the Mueller investigation. Too much 'funny business' going on for so long since the whole shebang started. elizacollins1 Is not 'retro-active' legislation UNCONSTITUTIONAL ? Please do... before Trump has Mueller fired! He won’t care if he creates a Constitutional Crisis, just so the Investigation into Russian Collusion never sees the light of day. Why? Because he’s guilty and the Mueller report will cause him devestating damage.
Source: USATODAY - 🏆 100. / 63 Read more »

As California Republicans confront a congressional wipeout, GOP leader Kevin McCarthy faces a reckoningBy commanding fierce loyalty, McCarthy convinced vulnerable lawmakers to cast several votes that hurt them in this election, contributing to the party's loss of House seats. His unwavering support for Trump also didn't help in a state where the president is deeply unpopular. Running conservative values out of California& you’ll effectively have mass chaos, calamity &confusion. This is a bonafide, guarantee. Reckless liberal policies are costly in so many ways. I’m grateful that California is brazenly blue- politically. 🔥 it’s red hot in other ways soooo white...
Source: latimes - 🏆 11. / 82 Read more »

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Republicans, says Cindy Hyde-Smith’s 'public hanging' comment represents all GOPAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Ocasio2018) slams Republicans, says Cindy Hyde-Smith’s 'public hanging' comment represents all GOP Ocasio2018 True. Ocasio2018 Well if the noose fits....... Ocasio2018 Congresswoman-elect: with all due respect, you are new to this game and should probably choose your words carefully. Unless you are ready to chastise all TheDemocrats for not speaking to atrocities on that side, you should recant. You can't pin this on all conservatives.
Source: Newsweek - 🏆 468. / 52 Read more »

'Never Seen Republicans More United': Sen. Graham Predicts Big Election Night for GOPJust one day before voters head to the polls, Sen. Lindsey Graham is optimistic about Republicans' chances in the midterm elections. LindseyGrahamSC Trump's rhetoric could inspire violence-prone individuals to take action against minorities or others they perceive to be against the president's agenda. LindseyGrahamSC Very true. It’s gotta be scary for the Libs to see the size of these GOP rallies vs the Leftist rallies. We all know polls don’t mean jack. I don’t know why anyone would still cite polls for anything. I wish our president would stop citing polls because its embarrassing. LindseyGrahamSC Republicans are a United Front. We don't play games. JobsNotMobs JobsReport 🚂☑📈📮💞👤👏👥💕🚶💪🏃💃
Source: FoxNews - 🏆 9. / 87 Read more »