Republican Senate signals it will confirm Biden Cabinet

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A series of GOP senators told POLITICO they'd back the president-elect's nominees — as long as they're 'mainstream.'

Senate Republicans are signaling they will confirm most of President-elect Joe Biden’s Cabinet picks in January — a rare bright spot for a White House that may clash with a GOP majority for years to come.

Of course, Biden would have far greater flexibility to appoint progressive nominees if Democrats can win the Georgia races on Jan. 5 and control the Senate 50-50 after Kamala Harris is sworn in as vice president. But short of that, avoiding a scorched-earth battle over nominations to start his presidency will be consolation for Biden.

“I’m less worried. I’ve had good conversations with my Republican colleagues about what the process might look like. I’m hopeful,” Murphy said. “I feel like there’s a critical mass there that believes in making sure the president gets a Cabinet. I feel like we might be able to work through this.” “It depends who they nominate. I always worked with the Obama administration. I supported Loretta Lynch. Ask my Republican colleagues,” said Sen. Rob Portman , who is up for reelection. “We want to make sure they’re good people. But we’ll give them a fair shake.”

The battles over nominations infuriate both parties. Republicans still smart that filling Trump’s Cabinet was such a slog, though some of his nominees were plainly flawed and the administration did not submit paperwork quickly for others. Democrats fume over how Obama’s nominees were treated and how the GOP is ramming through judge after judge under Trump.


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Since the election (20 days): 1,500,000 New COVID-19 cases in America 15,000 More Americans have died of COVID-19 Meanwhile: Donald J Trump Obsessively: Golfs Post tweet's encouraging Violence Continues to get cases thrown out to overturn the election.

Thank you !!

It’s about Damn time, You can’t overturn the voting process, BidenHarris Won & The BidenTransitionTeam should be implemented ASAP👋🏾

Damn skippy

'Mainstream,' are they citing an example of the mainstream with who is currently the occupier? How daft!

Let's just win the GA runoffs so we don't have to waste time with flakey Republicans.

The liberals spent months destroying lives & property to destabilize America and she says SANCTITY? Where’s poor Breonna now? Well? Black lives only mattered to turn country against Trump! Election over & no more racist cops? No more riots? No more nazis & antifa? Well?

Unfortunately, doing nothing is a Republican’s best strategy for political survival. Two options: 1. Oppose Trump and face retaliation 2. Support Trump (do nothing) and benefit from any future success he might have.

79,823,827 Americans who voted for Biden want to know why Trump ignores the will of American people and their lawful vote and why Trump now trying to cheat, defraud and disenfranchise American voters and steal election for himself when Trump lost to Biden by over 6 million votes!

RonPyke Is drumpt planning a conspiracy to wreck America, his behaviour says it all.

They need to speak up. Trump is nothing short of planning a coup right in from of them. WAKE UP! Do your jobs and represent who the people voted for which we made very clear was Joe Biden!!


They are just as guilty of killing people with their silence. Every death since the election is on them. And we should never let them forget.

'fights to overturn the election results' seems kind of wordy to me. I wonder if there is a more succinct way to describe what is happening.

Their mainstream is fucking nuts.

Many Republicans don’t have the balls to publicly concede that Biden will be the next president while Trump fights to overturn the election results.

Trump breaks record for most COVID-19 cases in one house 49. “It is what it is” DJT “ the lunatic will disappear January 20th” Me

Mostly bcuz they will b qualified n professional. They will b no family members w/ no qualifications example IvankaTrump jaredkushner n position they shouldn’t b n. Ppl who will put America first not to make a profit off the WH. Ppl who actually deserve a security clearance.

It does seem absurd (and so sureal) that anyone at all would suggest that the winner of the election is NOT the candidate with the most (electoral college) votes. So, I guess this will be a regular allegation at all Presidential elections in the future? Ridiculous.

It does seem absurd (and so sureal) that anyone at all would suggest that the winner of the election is not the candidate with the most votes. So, I guess this will be a regular allegation at all Presidential elections in the future? Ridiculous.

I'm sure Democrats love America & are also Patriots,Defender of Democracy & Freedom. I'm sure they are You've been robbed of the election Americans, whatever your political choice, don't let them steal your rights,Democracy & Freedom RT all PATRIOTS regardless of political choice

Newsflash: The United States has a Constitutional Presidential Election Process. Process. Comprende? That process of determining who won only begins with the popular vote day and the media outlets do not determine the winner. Don't like the process? Leave.

All these twitter idiots think this article is about the above women. Lol lol Is the left really this stupid? This is why they can’t be in power!

Cheating isn’t winning.

Or he can just go the 'Acting' route.

They don't give him that privilege , the law does.

Biden may be the official POTUS, but he will NOT run the country. The dnc will. Just like any other communist country. Plus, piglosi will invoke the 25th and replace him.

What’s sad is that Trump & McConnell have bullied everyone that they can’t trust their own decisions. They should get out & have someone who truly want to represent the people & uphold the true Republican philosophy.

Biden is not my President! Sound familiar? Get use to it. Karma

Such bravery.

And Lucy holds out the football once again....

Rhinos say what?

So disappointment to see this elected women get wrap in this horrible web, come on ladies, stand up for what’s right, ethical and honorable. Stop this nonsense!

Ugh these two.

I’ll believe it when I see it. So far they haven’t proven trustworthy. Exhibit A: Amy Comey Barrett.

Man, their faces are up in oompa loompa's ass. It must taste good to suck that ass.

7 isn't many, the GOP behavior is pathetic and treasonous

Put’em on a one way plane to Uruguay. Who needs Trump Republicans.

I thought these women were brave, strong and honest. Many women must be disappointed. I love strong and fearless women.

There is nothing to f’in overturn!!!!! Biden won, by a lot!!

Will he?

Well, we already know that Susan Collins will do as she's told to do so no need to hear her opinion.

This election result is as clear as a bell. Enough foolishness and let next president move forward.


GOPCorruptionOverCountry GOPComplicitTraitors GOPBetrayedAmerica

The Reps love to get Biden, he's so much better for them in every way. They just can't wait to have a bloody neocon and warmonger as president.

It is well known that the GOP has been sabotaging realDonaldTrump for the past 4 years. President Trump should return the favor and encourage all true conservatives to boycottGArunoff to punish the Swamp

That’s big of them.

Is this an attempt to influence to Georgia senate runoffs?

GOPCorruptionOverCountry It’s about coddling Trump’s fragile ego and malignant narcissism. That is apparently more important than our democracy.

And those Senators will enjoy their last terms. Every one of them will be primaried.

Democracy on the line and they are running scared of a Twitter feed.



Rule 1: Never ever ever brelive these assholes ..rule 2: never ever ever ever believe these assholes

Politico is as FAKE as CNN, you can’t believe a word they say!

Ugh why is the bar so freaking low? The Republican party is such trash, that we are at the point of singling out senators to praise them for having the capacity to acknowledge objective reality.

The GOP needs to be banned from existence. Like corps that do bad and part of their sentence is that the corp can never organize under that name again. That happened in the 90's when the contractors for nuke plants in WA were convicted of bid rigging

Trumps Treasonous, assault on our political system & Failed Coup is to... A. Profit Personally B. Start a new TV station C. Spite his perceived enemies D. Trade concession for pardon. E. Escape prosecution F. Burn it all to the ground. G. All of the above.

Unless McConnell signs on (or is removed as Majority Leader), Romney, Collins and Murkowski can only provide limited help. The Majority Leader can block confirmation votes from coming to the floor. A discharge petition to force an up or down vote requires 60 votes.

This is a veiled message to Trump.

They broke the country,but I will believe when I see it

believe it when I see it.

Fake news

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