'Reckless and selfish': Nevada gov slams Trump for holding big indoor rally, violating state rules

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Nevada Gov. Sisolak slams President Trump for holding a large, indoor rally and violating state rules amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The governor said of Trump,"As usual, he doesn't believe the rules apply to him" and accused the president of"reckless and selfish actions."

Trump held his first indoor rally in months in Henderson, Nevada. Aides said that every attendee would have their temperature checked before entering the venue and would be provided with a mask that they were encouraged to wear. They also had access to hand sanitizer. However, like the president's recent rallies, most supporters were not wearing face coverings.

Henderson authorities said in a statement late Sunday that officials warned the event organizer in writing and verbally that they must obey the governor's directives, which include not gathering in groups larger than 50 people, wearing face coverings and social distancing. In response to criticism the campaign received for holding the indoor rally, Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign 2020 communications director, said in a statement,"If you can join tens of thousands of people protesting in the streets, gamble in a casino, or burn down small businesses in riots, you can gather peacefully under the 1st Amendment to hear from the president of the United States.


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No one believes you, Gov.

Quit spreading the fear . This is ridiculous


Jail violators.

Pretend they are in casinos.

“Nevada gov slams Trump”, with words and DJT doesn’t care! Why didn’t Sisolak slam the door on DJT’s butt out the door, slam him with fines or eviction, slam him on jail for violating the mandates? Why wasn’t the National guard called in to stop the rally?

And against the law! Clearly he can do anything he wants to without being held accountable.

How many different ways does Trump have to tell the People that he's a Damn Fool and not Qualified to Lead Anyone Anywhere?

Temperatures taken , mask offered and hand sanitizer available. Sounds like the protestors were covered and precautions taken. Hey! Is this pic from said rally?

nowickicon State should fine everyone who attended

Mass protest, casinos and brothels are OK.

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It was like any other peaceful protest we are having these days. No mask no problem.

From the Dem playbook: Trump should demand an apology from the facility owner who hosted the event.


Agree, Trump is reckless

As he should. Trump is a moron and putting lives on danger.

Why didn’t the governor shut it down when he had the chance? Wimp! Can’t complain about it when he could have stopped it

Should have had him arrested!! After all he is the Law and Order President!!

Should have had him arrested!!!

Guess he didn't get invited

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Sisolak is a bias, ignorant , ineffective governor of Nevada. He purposely delayed the application with FEMA to assist the unemployed Nevadians with an extra $300/week. He allows large crowds in casinos, not churches. Trump held peaceful protest under the 1st Amendment. BS !

Who cares he allowed it the people of Nevada should slam him for his complacency in letting it happen. He could have shut it down.

Evidently those people who are there don’t give a damn either.

Honestly, states should start suing him for the collateral damage/health costs that result from these rallies.

Vote Trump Out

Trump used the same seat of power that he knows so well-being wealthy U dont think this was aherns biz wuz an accident do u? He knows full well he's made big strides in ensuring the wealthy & privileged arent subject to the same laws as the little people

Yes can someone please tell me why did they not have security in front of that event center and lock it down?

Let's not fall for trumpers tactic to get us to blame our gov who has been working w us for our good This shit is on trump and no one

Sisolak has worked w us to keep our virus cases and deaths down But trump has the secret service w him precisely to overrule local govt officials. U dont think he'd travel wo his own law enforcement do u?

Since these cult members are so eager to be treated like protestors lets first get a policeman to murder one in the street in broad daylight Then give them the mounted police natl guard military force with tear gas response those at lafayette square got

What an idiot this guy is. Trump 2020

Shut up dude

Selfish is a good word for it A better word is proud rapist. Not content to be peed on during his last trip to vegas he needed to per on those of us who insist on wearing masks


GovSisolak is a political hack, Nevadans get him out of the office.

Peaceful protest. Any wildfires/arsonists to worry about or is this really the news? (hit piece). Btw fires started by 'climate change' shouldn't stop at the northern border...unless they're arson.

The governor's rules are arbitrary, inconsistent & unfair - one rule for casinos (50% occupancy) and a different rule for churches and political rallies (50 people).

Lawless Trump

When are they going to get smart and ban him from landing?

AND no action will be taken! All talk, no action! Trump does whatever he wants and people just talk about it! SAD

Political hack. Corona will disappoint that bastard. realDonaldTrump

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Playing to his base but it’s a gamble to assume that this kind of stunt won’t alienate undecided voters

I predict Nevada is about to have a spike in covid cases.

Gov Sissylack = 🤡

realDonaldTrump creates super speader event, heads back to DC & let's the D Gov'r deal with the aftermath just 2 turn around n a couple of weeks 2 criticize him for not containing the virus. HouseDemocrats, SenateDems, TheDemocrats along with JoeBiden need to call him out.

Nanshee would say “sometime ppl do things” 😂🤣😂

If local laws were broken, fine hell out of the campaign and it's executives they are all thumbing their noses at your laws!

Says Democratic Govern who also has corrupt police force leaders that allow ANIMAL CRUELTY in his State See FB Nevada Voters for Animals JUSTICE FOR LILY due to failure of their system until advocates jumped in

But isn't he the Governor of Nevada? Nevadans elected him as their executive. Why would he want some far off 'king' to make decisions for his state? I know. It's because he is a little hand-wringing wimp who's afraid of heavy lifting. He is Embarrassing us! Stop it.

That were just peacefully protesting your stupid rules. That’s how this works, right?

C'mon, it's a peaceful protest so no worries.

This from the guy with Las Vegas in his state?

But rioting and burning cities down is still cool 🤘. Got it


Peaceful protest

Thank you President Trump for coming to my state to hold a peaceful protest. The MSM anddeocratc goverors are trying o silence your message of hope and opportunity for all because thironly message is hate nd fear. TrumpRally Trump2020 FourMoreYears

Okay, don't get me wrong: Trump's a world-class ass, but if this rally was 'against the state rules,' why was it even allowed to begin with? It should have simply been 'We want to have a rally indoors with 1000s of people' and then 'Against state regs, no permit allowed, sorry.'

No one was forced to attend!!!

Typical Trump. I used to be an ardent Trump supporter , til it became apparent, that , he was duty bound , to cull a large swaythe thru the American population . . . 200K innocent deaths , & still counting. On the economy? He was great On covid , he's murdering America

Wow that’s a little late and kind of useless. Slam all you want, it’s your state and you should have done something to protect your citizens.

It time For New York, Chicago, LA, Portland, Seattle Police in Democratic Socialist Sanctuary City that protect criminals, All Police forces go on strike, Go on Strike untill City & State Gov. Support Police, Black war against Police is wrong & Should not Happen. Support Police!

But BLM protests and riots are okay.

No....don't slam trump! Let him and his supporters hold as many rallies as they want to with no masks & no social distancing. Let them get up close and personal, share hugs and kisses, shake hands, touch each others faces, share the trump luv!

It time to Drain the Democratic Swamp! Clinton/Saros/Biden/Obama/Pelosi/Nadler/Schumer/Schiff These are the real Crooks! Funding The Racist Group Black Lives Party Destroying Our Cities. It's Time to fight Back! Stand And Support Police, We all need to Vote All Democrats out!

Blah blah blah.....what about protestors/rioters!!😳 Oh I guess that is ok cause it politically correct!🙄🙄🙄

It was a peaceful protest

It was a riot.

The president should not be allowed to do anything he wants and nobody should be providing security for his rallies.

Tell us how people are getting the virus again, oh wait FAUCI told Trump to tell everyone to get tested that's right

NBC, NBA, NFL, NHL and of course the Democratic Party support BLM and not one issued a statement condemning the ambushed shooting of two sheriff officers in LA over the weekend I will wait !! Vote for law and order Vote DonaldTrump

How can he just go against the state’s governor and do whatever the hell he wants?!


Just one question. Why did you allow it?

He is the most disgusting excuse for a human being. He could have ordered protection for everyone in January when he learned of the virus. He was worried about his economy numbers. Now he’s only worried about the election. Unbelievably selfish and uncaring

Leave me alone.

Sisolak is a hack and a gangster. Kind of looks Mafia-like doesn't he?

American news media doing everything in it's power to help Biden gimp over the finish line. P.S. Those were peaceful protests and fine by your own rules!

'You burn the flag, you should go to jail for one year.'

So here's the $64k question Can a Governor shut down these Rallies by Force? Can they use the NationalGuard to force State mandates against realDonaldTrump and his trumpcult? TrumpDoesntCare BidenHarris2020 COVID19 SuperSpreaderEvent DumpTrump2020 BadIdea VoteBlue2020

Catch up...the plandemic is over 🤣...MSM is an enemy of the people, propaganda for the left and the people that buy your lies

But BLM riots are just find as long as they continue to destroy businesses and steal stuff. 🤡🤡

sima_jon9 Why didn't you shut it down? Why didn't you arrest him? You have the power but you did not act.

Tell him it was an actual peaceful protest 🤷‍♀️

We need to hold him accountable!mthismcannot go on!

Don’t they need a permit to hold a rally?

Peaceful protest. Thought they didn’t spread the corona.

What about the protests AKA riots and looting?

Ha! Screw you!

Everywhere Trump goes he spreads the virus...from the moment he arrives.

I hope someone will follow the cases that arise from this clueless event.

Trump only cares about Trump..

Now do Casino's..

Stupid people can't help themselves, I guess. The problem is their stupidity can and will spread the virus to others that have taken this seriously.

Cry about it

As he should. Those of us that live in Nevada and, like me, right by Minden, are now going to self isolate to avoid the super-spreaders. Trump and his cult don’t care about anyone that is not a supporter.

Trump is ridiculous and if people can’t see that than they are just as bad as he is.

The problem is Trump is so self-centered that he doesn't care about state rules, nor about the spread of the virus. Criticizing him won't work. EJECT him from the WH for whatever reasons can be found. WEareSCREWED

Singular in focus, lockstep with the Dems

Why in the hell didn't the Governor bolt lock the facility?

Riots and protests are fine though guys, just don't you dare have those fun loving Trump supporter rallies.

Trump lied to the American people about the pandemic and it cost 200,000 lives. Trump and his traveling infection show are now causing even more American deaths. Trump is definitely the poster child for America’s decline.

Trash 🗑!!!

Nevada Governor apparently doesn't recognize a middle finger.

Democrats tries to stop trump from his rallies reason covid. Give us the of covid cases on past events & riots & protests prove to us that ppl will get covid attending these events.

Trash 🗑

Are you going to arrest him.

Trump calls himself the law and order president and can't even follow the rules that are in place to save lives. Would negligent homicide constitute high crimes and misdemeanors and if not why? This is what Trump is committing by having these rallies during a pandemic.

Rules made by a Democrat Governor to hinder Trump’s re-election.

Your hospitals are not overwhelmed which is the whole reason for any of this period so what is your complaint?

Actual 'peaceful protests' are federally protected rights under the Constitution of the United States. Mandatory state lockdowns are unconstitutional and draconian..

Selfish is right..... If given one word to describe the GOP it would be 'Greedy'.

Peaceful protest

It was a peaceful protest, which are allowed.

Give it a break already.... Wow politics.

Trump 2020

File charges now. Arrest Trump later.

We'll be in the middle of a pandemic as long as we listen to the scheming, lying Dems, and MSM. CDC: 'As of September 9, CDC data show that 377 AMERICANS under the age of 24 have died from COVID-19. ' OPEN THE SCHOOLS

PeacefulProtest not an AntifaRiot

Ho Hum.


WHY did ya'll give him a permit to hold the rally? Why did ya make the space available and supply his security YOU enabled this rally every bit as much as Trump did. YOU are guilty of spreading this virus!! GROW A PAIR! Tell Trump NO!

If he violated state rules, hold him accountable, as well as the people who attended. Didn't they violate the rules, too?

But he didn’t do shiz about it. They should of had police there and had they only have 50 people at that rally. Where is the LAW AND ORDER!!

The 'Democratic' governor slams Trump

We no longer care what Dem govs say about Covid - they have been so wrong

GovSisolak. Words of how wrong Trump is with his super spreader events allows Trump to continue. Heavily fine the venues who are in violation of allowing the events to happen. Shut them down so they can’t profit from a pandemic ignorant campaign.

Nbc nws grt

Well, the “Law and Order” president thinks he is above the law.

It was a mostly peaceful protest!

Then why didn't you shut it down?

He's absolutely right! Trump is a selfish con-man. He could care less if more people die as long as he gets the attention he craves.

Then why didntbu stand up to him. Tell him to stay out

Then he should have used his power to shut it down!

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