Rats love to play hide and seek, scientists find

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Rats can be taught to play hide and seek -- and they squeal with joy when they win, scientists have found.

Both wild and domesticated animals have been known to play, but neuroscientists from Berlin's Humboldt University wanted to know more about the topic after hearing from pet owners and vets that rats seemed to be engaging in more complex forms of play.

Read MoreInstead of being given food, the rats were tickled as their reward for both hiding and finding the researchers. But after being discovered, the rats would sometimes"re-hide," even if it meant a delay in receiving their reward -- proof, the scientists believe, that the rats were playing for the sake of it.


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DrAbrahamT What is the implications?🤔

Now if you could train your reporters integrity and accurate reporting....

PoshoDev So, scientists found what rat owners have known for decades? They can also learn to roll over, lie down, and even solve simple puzzles. They're essentially tiny dogs.

to bad your ''journalist'' can't be taught like these intelligent creature's. Just think where your ratings would be if they could

'A bit like boys?' bog off.

The scientists could have saved money and just followed Trump around.

Overweight toads can be taught to become President: they squeal with joy when they win at golf by cheating.

Very good.

i like them.they r also very spiritual ! sweet animals

I love rats so much.


Our runner up failed pm playing in his back yard with chloe 😂

I knew that scientists had too much time on their hands.

Rats can be taught to play hide and seek — and they squeal with fear when they lose, scientists have found

More useful than any liberal thus far in spacetime.

Don’t you have any news to report? The operative part being NEW. You’ve been replaying this same story all week- there’s a lot going on around the world. Step up and report it!

Running this with a subway ad. Hilarious

Well yes they can. Ask Tekashi69

Baltimore and LA is their playground.


I always let mine win. The game was called pry the yogies out of hooman's fist. Our rat Butter did it, but gnawed and stole the birthstone out of my wife's ring too!


'Play' ? I doubt it. Probaby 'Taught' with food ? It's survival instinct.

Am not surprised, they do that everyday for survival 🎶 'oh what a rat 🐀 race' 🎶

Thy this in San Francisco. There are lots of rats to play with.

Larger rodents are very bright. You'd be amazed at how large a guinea pig's vocabulary becomes when you talk to it regularly.

just like desert people.

Instead of rat repeat story, how about you do one on rats Hunter and Joe Biden and Ukraine? A billion tax payer dollars to shut down an investigation of Hunter. Or rat Hillary and DNC asking Ukraine to interfere in 2016 for her benefit?

That's what govenor Newsom does Load them up with midlevel diseases and sets them free to roam right into Los Angeles city hall What a fun game our governor plays

Next news this is boring😴😴😴😴

It should also teach us that animals are a lot more intelligent than we give them credit for because we are horribly narccistic! 😂

Can they be taught no to shit pellets as they go?

Ever more evidence that animals are intelligent, sentient beings.

Does this also count for democRATS?

And we are positive that the rat wasn't Peter Pettigrew's animagus

They can also be self serving politicians

Interesting. We will play with animals.

Dogs are smarted than cnn crew!

Metaphor of the day under this regime.


...and the application of this is ...?

Great now stop drowning them in water for that stress test scientists do


Scientists spend our hard earned money researching how joyous rats become during a game of hide and seek, rather than on the cure for cancer.

KTLA rats understand the rules of the game but CNN is still clueless as to the rules of the game. Go figure. Rats smarter than CNN

That is Just So Ridiculous.

The rats should be running FakeNews CNN- probably would do a much better job.

Report news that affects everyday lives, not what you and your coworkers do to pass the time in between Orange Man bad articles.

Is that Rashid and Omar?

Anderson's copper family owned slave's.

What’s next ? Rats on see saws?

please don't teach rats to hunt humans

Are you talking about your broadcast team?

And a govt study cost $$$$$$$$ for that ?

Should be great news for RepJerryNadler and SpeakerPelosi

I wanted to hear the squealing of delight.

😂😂😂😂😂😂they are a bunch of rats

This existential threat is why we must now wipe them from the face of the earth. 🔫🐀

Who pays for this crap?

There's a rat in me kitchen what am I gonna do? There's a rat in me kitchen what am I gonna go? I'm gonna find that rat that's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna find that rat.

Do they count to 20 first?

Old news, if you follow politics and this Whitehouse!

Noon here

Interesting network correlation

Why not - my cat plays Hide and Seek - she started it - she hides and then a meow and I go find her and sometimes it is easy and other times I cannot find her so usually as I head back to my desk she jumps out and scares me even sometimes grabbing my leg

We don’t need them to understand this game more than they already do! They keep finding the foods no matter where you hide them.

That’s most of the Democrats! It wasn’t hard to figure out 😂😂😂😂

Just ask Trump cabinet and staff.

Was TRUMP one of the specimens? Asking for a friend.

Sounds like a fun day in the office over at CNN!

yashar krissbel_

Why is this so adorable!

Do you guys play a lot?

Scientists are now teaching rats how to play hide and seek because they have nothing better to do

yashar That's cool

Please don’t do this to me. I already have damage bc I eat bacon 🥓 and ppl tell me how smart pigs are 😣

Rats play hide and seek for a living, god damn it


These rats appear to have more talent than most rappers.

Animals, including rats, are a lot smarter than most people realize

What scientists have found now Tom and jery demonstrates that decades ago

And is this what my taxes are paying for

Here's REAL NEWS 👇

Good news dear .aoc - you can be trained!

Rat: where’s the food at Human: awe look he’s playing hide and seek

Baltimore is full of these hide and seek enthusiasts.


Democrats proved that years ago

There are better things that scientists can study.

In my experience they squeal when they lose too

PeteTheKnight they are such sweet little animals... i want another one! haha

'Eric, go hide. We'll come find you.' - Junior

NewRightNetwork: The new 2020 logo of the TheDemocrats CA_Dem. Would be a shame if everyone retweeted this and it went viral. Vote GOP CAGOP carldemaio Stop DemoRATs! Rat Infestation Report: .

The story we all need

Yeah. They're mammals. Big whup.

You should have seen them trying to chase that cheese last night on ABC

ZionistGirl18: 30 years Congress TheDemocrats districts look like cesspools You can't blame realDonaldTrump for this mess Why do people still vote Democrat? MAGA WWG1WGA TRUMP2020 GOP CAGOP CA_Dem carldemaio Report:

realDonaldTrump GOP CAGOP TonyKrvaric Thank you carldemaio, and Reform California You put the TheDemocrats CA_Dem controlled cities on notice! Rat Report: Rat Infestation:

Rats also squeal when they’re eating human flesh.

whatever they are still getting smashed with a broom if they scurry anywhere in my home.

senatemajldr has been doing this for years.

Who the hell paid for and put this study together, and why?

Rats like CNN & McCabe are LIARS !


our tax dollars folks

So they're experimenting on democrats?

No we know where billions of dollars are going into.

just wait til they try ditch

Hillary is still waiting to squeal with joy.

I'm sorry, but...

That’s what we need. Joyful rats.

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