Rare mega-storm could overwhelm L.A.-area dam and flood dozens of cities, experts say

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Scientists call it California’s “other big one,” and they say it could cause three times as much damage as a major earthquake ripping along the San Andreas Fault.


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you are a legend

What would suck is if they both hit around the same time

Bull Shit

HaileyGianfran1 Kaitlyn84692437 TroyJon44103847 consider the toll on school children when disaster hits. Think of the NC communities that were hardest hit by Florence. What policy and advocacy resources should we be considering?

but WHEN is this mega storm happening? when, i ask you. megastorm rain losangeles

Q no m toquen los cojones q a final d mes voy ahí

Uh.. it’s the effects of Liberal tears 😭

I have lived in CA most of my life so how come this is the first I am hearing of this “Other Big One”❓AND we wouldn’t be in this potential mess had our governors, including JerryBrownGov & our legislature SenToniAtkins, put more money into our infrastructure like these damns❗️

The Bible tells us that sudden destruction is coming. If you don't want to read it, you will be surprised. 1 Thess 5:3 Prepare your hearts for what is coming. We are in the last days.

Another reason to add to my list of why I live where the air hurts my face

Given that this 'mega-storm' is likely a result of climate change, can we call it a 'MAGA-storm?'

loosearrow22 if you do move to the LA area one day, please choose to move to a city that’s at a higher elevation, at a lower risk of flooding and mudslides from the mountains.


Good maybe it will clean up San Francisco and Los Angela’s.


I'm not certain about it? It feels like a lit (RED) button is being pushed with a nuclear weapon attached to it.

In 40 years ? I’ll be dead by then.

I feel like we acted the same when El Niño was around...🤷🏽‍♀️

CAL_aesthetic boy. You better come do some freelance work in Vegas till this is over.

Get to work CA!😏

Hollywood is going to start making Damnado


The geologic record shows that at least six storms as severe as the 1861-62 storm have occurred in California in the last 1,800 years. Human caused global warming would not have caused those 6 storms, so how can one conclude it will be the cause next time?

How soon can it get here? I can hardly wait for this to happen. Let's flood this joint. 🌧💧🌊

Signs of The Times we're living in.That's why it would be a really good idea to have a prophet for a President& God has me running 4president so Vote 4 me Shelly Suzette Swedberg (NPA) 2020 We've had problems with the political partys throughout the years Its time 4 a change

More FAKE NEWS! You know what else could happen? A planet from another dimension in a parallel universe could fall into a wormhole and suddenly appear in our solar system causing a MEGA-GRAVITY dispersion...storm. friggin lame news stories...SMH.

Now think of all our Dams that are deteriorating


p_rozz88 uhhhh

'Tomorrow or 100 years from now'. Or ya know, never. Slow news day twitter? Or just promoting man made climate change hysteria au

I *think* I'm safe -- I don't live on a hill, I'm ~2 miles from Griffith Park and the ocean will have to climb 400 feet and go inland 15 miles to drown me *Bolstering up Apocalypse kir today*

LouieSloven 😬

MabrisaWX It was the exact same global warming 200 years ago, it's crazy!!

Hard to take this publication seriously when they publish nonsensical articles like this one. Next week: Milky Way galaxy will collide with nearby galaxy....in a billion years

God told me to start building an ark 6 months ago. I thought he was joking.

JMendez_1000 pimentel_andy

oh well

Crazy. Two years ago I was getting fined for watering my lawn on odd days. Now I may be displaced because of “flooding.” Make up your minds fake global warning people and Al Gore.

When is this supposed to happen?

When is this storm supposed to happen, if it happens though ?


Maybe you should have wasted the money on a bullet train........seems like you had more urgent needs. Enjoy your swim now!

finney0225 GEOSTORM!!!!!! HDTGM

Could?! Nice is this the California onion?

Look at all the MAGA idiots in this thread whose responses are 'NUH UH' to a man. Thoughts and prayers for your public education.

Guaranteed this will now be the plot of a movie starring TheRock in less than 2 years


Just more fear mongering by the media.

And yet the moron poLIEticians of ca still won't do anything to save any of that water runoff. They are too busy saving illegal aliens

Just Google “ARkStorm”

xerxskeez 🚣‍♂️⚓⛵🛳

Maybe Gov. Brown should have put the high speed rail money into shoring up some of those dams.

Just another conspiracy theory, stop fear mongering, we have enough to worry about in reality

Not ideal

This article just suddenly reminded me of that Travis Bickle quote from Taxi Driver. 'Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.' Unfortunately, the innocent might perish with the scum...

Wow a fake storm for the ages

California needs to take God to the 9th Circuit Court to get an injunction to prevent this.


Time to take out the trash Lord! Let’er rip!

Please report if this is NEW info or the same report from 2011.

sarahkendzior LABasin ClimateChange

And nothing of value was lost.

Calif reeps of bad karma

Don’t expect any help from the president- we all know he holds grudges and is mentally incapable of help😔

I am not a scientist, but I predict major solar flares causing widespread outages around the world, causing all sorts of mayhem. There.

Now we know whose fault it is.

Sounds like they’re prepping a tax hike.

Here's an earthquake bed

People say they are in a drought or somthing so it's just nature making up for lost time.

Was this news intentionally to help earthquakes insurance companies to get profits income? New tactics now?🤔

I hope RepRoybalAllard reads this and does something about this as this would devastate her district!

Chemtrails, definitely ChemTrails.

- When? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month?....I need to plan my vacation around this. Gratitude and toodles.

– I'm just a messenger.

This is a clickbait nothingburger. 🍔 California has experienced fierce storms before. Around 1991, there was a storm with 90+ mph sustained winds that knocked down hundreds of thousands of trees and fences. And dams have emergency spillways.

If HAwaai gets snow cali will get rain

Be careful la

Cc: Federal Government

Lol just wait they will still say that their in drought still 😂

Soooooooo you’re saying I should get a boat. 🤔


Hopefully California gets washed away.

What about that drought caused by global warming?

Just no. Trump first.

Shit back to riverside I go

Are we going to get made for TV movies starring the dad from wonder years like we did with the big one? In junior high I was really freaked out over pollution, killer bees, the big one, nuclear war, hurricanes hitting Southern California, the sea level rising, etc.

we were literally suffering from a drought like yesterday california wtf

Which area in particular

Failed to say when this would happen

Fuck yeah. hit me baby lets get wild


This so good news re

Yea but Jerry Brown said we are in a drought and he needed to double our water bills

please no...I'm moving back...😟😟

Time to buy a bigger boat!

Trump’s fault.

We’re too high on legal cannabis to jump on the fear bandwagon, try again next time

Good thing this article isn't paywalled

Kirtley2323 MJO any one?

We should be fine.

I think the earthen dam portion of the Puddingstone Dam is the one to really watch... from a large storm to a severe seismic event; any breach could impact a wide area for years to come.sandimas

California needs a good washing

Ok but when is it happening

Well anything to rid the world of Liberals/Democrats is a good thing in my eyes. Just saying.

And it could be sunny and 70 degrees....

And last year scientists said we would have no rain this year. I’ll believe it when I see. The fakenews can’t even get the weather straight. GlobalWarming hoax

Andy_Rod84 end is near?

JoyTaylorTalks And..

That’s because “Scientists” are probably creating it!

So what a lot of things could do this? Is there a storm even predicted?

So, according to the article, there was one of these rare rainstorms that devastated CA 150 years ago, but the one they are worried about happening now is going to be caused by climate change...oye...

DoomPrevails yikes!


_devsss wow

Read this and this is just to play on fears. No prediction of a huge rain storm.

Because one “Big One” isn’t enough. ARkStorm


ARkStorm sounds like some three letter agency program. Just sayin.


Gavin Newsom is California’s other big one.

I will pray to the Spaghetti monster this doesn't happen

Call maddow dad!

Holy shit...that’s in Pico Rivera near my brothers house.

Hahahaahahahaha fuck you west side

California water right laws are a mess due to diversion and agriculture so maybe more water is a good thing?

Sources say, these engineers are as usual 110% incorrect. Never gonna happen. The sky is NOT falling. Carry on - sources say news 2019

Well thanks for scaring the shit outta me 🤗 lol sighs funny not funny

Thoughts on this RobertGarciaLB

Wow I guess Californians better start voting liberal now since Democrats do such a great job of preparing for this stuff Oh... Wait

This is hysterical crap and should be beneath the LA Times to print. Please quote by name one scientist or engineer who would have anyone alive worry about this storm occurring. Be better than this.

Rain? Or liberal tears?

People have such short memory syndrome they forget things like this happened in past times. They hope to make it a “new” issue to push their agenda which is now climate change.

We gotta worry about earthquakes and floods now

It’s called a hurricane ppl on the east Coast get them every year...you’ll be ok

Quick!!! Somebody 'vuild' an ark! MagaArk

looks like Calipornia is in for a big cleansing enema.


And after the storm the state will still say we are in a drought.

Thanks for raising my anxiety...

Uhh ChloeEast Olivia_Rodrigo

It isn’t that it’s rare, it just has a long cycle, about every 150 years or so. We’re actually overdue, the last one was the winter of 1860-1861.

So basically it will rain for 15 minutes straight instead of 5?

WeThePeople LookUp REAL Science California GreatAwakening DarkToLight Geoengineering Also known as Chemtrails Has been CREATING Record BREAKING Weather ConspiracyNoMore ClimateChangeIsReal MANMADE FactsMatter StopSprayingUs StopGeoengineering

It's called Geoengineering, first they tried with fire now they are 'cooking' a mega storm ! unfortunately the weather it's weaponized :(

. * fearmongering...

lakesideliberal Remember those Army Corps warnings about a hurricane hitting New Orleans, and how bad that would be?

This article should come with a link of “things you should prepare, just in case” bc now I’m freaking out that I won’t be prepared! (Mostly for my pets 🐕 🐈 )

I don't know about you but that sounds like an emergency to me? Biblical proportions? Shouldn't we be preparing disasterrecovery WhiteHouse realDonaldTrump GOP HouseDemocrats DisasterAssistTeam

'Build the ark' 'Build the ark'

the_exCLAImeRE 🤔🤔🤔

Staaaaaahhhhhhhhhppppppppppp! Enjoy the present 🎁 it will happen when it happens. Humans are destroying Earth all on our own

what? when?

I’m not a religious guy, but when scientists drop the phrase “biblical proportions” my ears perk up. For those of you that are religious scientists have other words worth taking note of like climate change is a global catastrophe.

I guess the articles about the earthquake thats supposed to kill us all at any moment stopped getting page views.

GregMillsTVNews Which is worse, the rare mega storm or an earthquake

BlckGh0st you saw this?

Ok. If.................👀

We've had 40 years. When are we going to start moving inland?

Irresponsible as usual...what happened to our drought, which ruined California’s farming...BECAUSE of water mismanagement? ActOnClimate NewGreenDeal farming Flooding ClimateHoax

. . . Or it won’t.

Don't worry California you won't be alone. Florida is following that same path.

sarahkendzior Not for nothing, but is this damn one of the Ca infrastructure FEMA projects Trump’s taking the money to build his wall?

It’s hypothetical. There is no perceived time or date. And the report is meant for disaster preparedness. Relax people. hypothetical relax

Isn't that arkstorm?

Please stay safe all 🤞

Drown them all

onlydole Get ready. Be safe, my friend. ♥️

👀How soon is soon?(yitt)

The Purge ✨🤙🏾

Bring it!

mjkeenan your premonition might come true!! See you down in Arizona Bay!

Oklahoma doesn't seem so bad

You do realize that the earth was completely covered by water due to rains a few thousand years ago.

Trump will just ignore this and demand money for his wall instead

seems to be happening all over the world. but just a coincidence.

....nah, it's gonna be the quake. No need to beat around the bush about it anymore. Let's just hope for the rest of that funding for the alert system

Uh this is a movie called geo storm. This is “news”?

More fear mongering........


Well you have been needing water for a long long time

You lost half the country at 'scientists'. Sad.

I thought this was real, then I find out it is the new fear campaign linked to the ClimateHoax name changes, no rising water, temps not going insane. One day this whole climateChange stuff will be called for what it is a hoax

Whatever happens, Californians can all stay there.

mayraaa_ it was nice knowing u fam

Two years the drought was going to kill us, now is a storm😆🤷🏻‍♂️

dadjeansNlean alexhwebbiee

I’m moving to England


So it’s either climate change or earthquakes or fires. Maybe you lefties should get a clue and realize we’re all going to die anyway. In the end we certainly shouldn’t trash the earth but my goodness.

This is a great example of clickbait what-if garbage. Just 25% of this type of storm is detrimental enough to cause massive concern. A 50-50 chance? I would be more concerned of a storm an order of magnitude than the last one - the 605 was flooded from that.

All this crap is man made and yes I said it! Ain’t no one fooling me. All of a sudden Cali gets all this rain and winds.


thewillernandez Every weather story has to include climate change in it as if my repetition the mantra will be beat into our heads. Just look up the great Sacramento Flood. Was it climate change in the 1800’s too? Crap science..

Does this fall under fear mongering?

Please Baby Jesus let this happen, fast! Nothing funnier drowning all those liberal loons!

The wall should protect CA from the flood.

It's okay, don't any of you worry, the president doesn't believe in climate change and we all know if you don't believe in it it can't effect you... right? 😒

sauce_4 you packed yet?

Good info. What's the status of the Santa Fe dam, upriver?

Sodom (LA) and Gomorrah (SF)

Maybe spend more money on infrastructure instead of illegal aliens. Can’t blame flooding on “climate change” when nothing has been updated, maintained in years

I wonder what The National Butterfly Center thinks of this...

Lol. Sweet. Shoulda build a wall around Cali quick. Have fun in ur disaster of a country🤣

Still waiting for the Big One from the San Andreas... Needs to happen just over Hollywood!

Mother natures purge of the weak herd

When is this storm coming?


Maybe you guys shouldn't have put concrete everywhere down there.

And Trump thinks our CA border is an emergency? 😳 Fix the damn dams! 🌊🌊🌊 Best not to be washed away. 🛶

If you're from California and don't know about the great flood of 1861-1862...consult your local school district about being really bad...Ark-Floods happen on average every 200 years...

it’s finally happening JAYMANSnD

Roland Emmerich was in pre-production before he even finished reading the article

has the spotted owl weighed in on this yet?

'Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay'


Wait wait! Is it the Franchise Tax Board?

I want the drought back

And of course the other side of the 'ACC/CACC narrative is the huge swings from droughts to floods. As if that's never happened before either. LOL

samkinsley26 imagine my shock

sarahkendzior so that 'wall' money might be better spent on our infrastructure, What a quaint idea

Imagine a repeat of the 1861-62 ARK storms on the state considering the massive subsidence which has occurred since that time. 300 mi-long lake then - now? … Still sinking - graphic only from 1925-77

“The Big One” earthquake “The Big One” Flood. Bring it on, California stays ready! LosAngeles

sarahkendzior All the best to ASamanthaRae mattdeco and all others in CA.

'COULD'. Not will. Not even maybe. It's hypothetical. Fear mongering. I wonder how much tax money is attached to such a statement?

sarahkendzior Okay, but when is this predicted? It’s not mentioned anywhere in the article.

TWITMO_INMATE That’s been known but government officials prefer wasting money on illegals and green deals. Just say no to FEMA bc you were warned long ago.

sarahkendzior No worries, President Trump has made sure that you won’t have any funding to improve the situation. But you will have a pointless wall on the southern border of the US.

I mean, god hates California. 🤷🏼

TWITMO_INMATE With any luck

So basically after both of these hit then California will be an island?

Well, hopefully it would wash away FILTHY HOLLWOOD!!

'Biblical'? So it's not really gonna happen, but some morons will believe it did?

this only furthers my desire to eventually leave california for good

Nah. Worry about THIS 👇👇👇 one. I'd move East.

What happened to the America that put the first human being on the moon? What happened to the idea that we can tackle any challenge? Just imagine the number of jobs we would create by building the infrastructure for the future that we need. We’d again become the envy of the world

This would be alarming if it was actually forecasted ... as opposed to hypothesized.

Should I care ? Maybe for a Climatologist....maybe...

Eric_LA_ Tax the rain!!

California Doomed , Sky is Falling Climate Change Scientists predict massive flooding destroys State in future.

Pray for us

yall better hightail tf out of there no ma’am

Never, we live in a PERFECT bubble. 🙄❤

If we only had built more damn instead of that train to central California that we will lose billions on.

Wait.... I thought you guys don’t believe in science

Hurricane Harvey... anyone?

Man, the government is pulling all the stunts just to get people out of California. No f**** given. 😂

Maybe Calizuela’s leaders should have spent infrastructure monies on infrastructure, not feral invaders and political correctness!

But will it solve the water issue?

Like a biblical cleansing. Payback's a b**ch. Karma coming from the clouds...

God's punishment for hating on Trump!

Governor Newson can used the money he allocated for the train to nowhere if he still have it! Don't ask the federal government for help


I highly doubt the Federal government will give USARMYCORPS of engineers 600 Million to fix the Whittier Dam. Though, it’s nothing in comparison to 725 billion of economical loss and relocation of 1.5 Million people. SupJaniceHahn might have to save the day. NationalEmergency

LAT's wants to blame this on AGW. . 'every 1-10,000 yrs . . but now because of ClimateChange. .' 'historical record indicates that CA endures widespread flooding every 100-200 yrs,' Feb 2017 . . 200 yrs period has been well understood for decades.

Comments GavinNewsom

Old theory was once every 1,000 yrs? I think not: 'USGS sediment research in the San Fran Area and also near Santa Barbara indicate that ‘ARkstorm’ floods have occurred in the past in yrs A.D.: 212, 440, 603, 1029, 1418, 1605, and then 1861-62; once every 165-400 yrs.' Not ACC.

It's going to hit Seattle. Relax.

150 years ago greedy capitalist gold rush caused Cali’s last mega climate warming storm.

California is a catastrophe waiting to happen because of flawed political leadership.

But at least we wasted $77B on a train and not silly dams and reservoirs. JerryBrownGov Twice the tenures -- half the service. Bad in '70s and bad in his 70s.

What's that I smell? A 'Epic Storm' Tax? We all know it's coming. Drought Tax, Rain Tax, Solar Tax, do we have a Moon Tax yet? I think we need a Moon Tax too. And a Mars tax. Then they will tax Uranus too.

Only Los Angeles buddy

I wonder if that would be a NATIONAL EMERGENCY.

Shopping a script for The Rock’s next movie?

This is a great example of why we need to allow people to own & operate VTOL aircraft..

Oh boy. I left California cause I couldn't stand living there, but as an American, if it gets hit that bad, I'll be out there to help.

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