Protesters rail against Biden on deportations

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Biden’s campaign stop in Dover, NH got derailed by immigration protesters who want him to apologize for deportations under the Obama administration

DOVER, N.H. — Protesters disrupted Joe Biden‘s first campaign event Friday at the start of his weekend swing through New Hampshire.

About a dozen protesters surrounded Biden with signs that read “End all detention. End all deportation on Day 1” and “We haven’t forgotten 3 million deportations.” By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time.“I will not apologize for deportation if the person committed a felony,” Biden told the protesters, as his staff tried to clear a path through protesters and Biden supporters jockeying for selfies, to remove the former vice president from the crowd.


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The left wing Democrats will lose this election by supporting the very issues Trump has lied about. They will soon be seen as standing for open borders and allowing illegal aliens and undocumented people to stay without penalty. Bad.

Democrats eat each other.

The far left is ridiculous. By all means, re-elect Trump, that’ll help immigration policy.

Biden should strongly defend deportations and should strongly support deportations by Trump administration. Deporting Illegal immigrants is morally and legally justified.



Well Done! Bill Weld 46 Potus!

So starts the purity police bullshit

The are railing against the wrong man it is Trump they need to rail against!

Thinking protesters you might want to be in those states that are getting raided on Sunday. Let's not blame the wrong people.

I find it suspicious that Biden is attracting protesters at his events for a policy that wasn't his! I smell Trump political operatives and/or Russian disinfomation. If you think either Trump or the Russians wouldn't stoop to this...I have a tower in Moscow to sell to you. 🙄

Helps him if he can get through the primaries...

But quiet on Dumpfs plan, right makes sense!

And not Trump?

They should. He has no reason to be pursuing the presidency.

Those are paid phony protesters

Trump has really awakened Americans and things that bored us before are now front and center.

The Far left loons with their political stunt.

That's what happens when you apologize for following law

Eight years of being a book end has not prepared him for this fight.

Me watching the Dems eat each other.

Wonder who set that up for Biden? Hmmm...

What deportations..era of no scandals

Good anyone who supports the patriot act and illegal drone wars In other countries doesn’t deserve to be president


I see a crowd of douchebags

The Wokes, like the communists before them, won’t stop till they get blood.

Is he bald?

Biden is lookin' broke.

People . . .. . .THERE WERE NO SCANDALS during the EIGHT. . .LONG. . .YEARS of Biden/Odumb'F'. . .silly protesters. . .

Most of these “protesters” are Bernie / Putin backers.

Damn Creepy Joe is looking frail. You know it's bad when you make Hillary look healthy.

Um Trump about to start a whole series of deportations all over the country this weekend ,while he has immigrants locked up in detention centers that are overcrowded and you protesting about the last president.. oh ok ... !

Some seem oblivious to Obama’s scandals- google “immigration crisis” during the years he was president and you’ll see plenty of sourcing on this.

I say thank you Joe

Should JoeBiden apologize for a law CONGRESS passed?

Does anyone else besides me find it more than a little suspicious that 'protesters' appear at a Biden rally to demand an apology for something twenty years...or more...ago? It's not paranoia to see this as a possible Trump dirty trick. That, or a Russian-led effort. 🤔🤔🤔

I kinda feel for the guy being surrounded like this.

All democrats had to do was not be bat-shit crazy, but they just can’t help themselves.

Who’s paying them?


Biden was the VP of deportation!

They got his ass!!!

“We can’t get to the monster who’s killing people! What do we do?” “I know! Let’s go after the decent guy with whom we have policy disagreements!” “Wait - won’t that help the monster?” “Sure but who cares? We are angry!”

This is what happens when you cater to stupid people and they come after you



The Democrats are still going to be crying about who is apologizing to who as Trump wins again. Wake the hell up!

You mean paid ambushers showed up with cameras ?

Bernie supporters, most likely

He's not bold enough to stand up to them. Wimp. The law was followed joe tell em if you dare.

“Protesters” - my guess it’s a staged campaign event by GOP or Harris or even Sanders

Wonder which campaign sent them ?

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