Protesters Hit By Car in Seattle

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Two protesters were mowed down by a car early Saturday morning in Seattle, and the driver is now under arrest.

It happened at around 1:30 AM on a stretch of the I-5 that was closed to traffic. A car suddenly barreled down the road, striking 2 people.

A 24-year-old woman is in critical condition with what troopers said were life-threatening injuries. Another woman suffered injuries that were described as serious.The Washington State Patrol took the driver into custody. A spokesperson says it does not appear that impairment was a factor.


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Maybe protestors shouldn’t be standing in streets.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Another dead liberal smh 🤦

Guy that hit them is black. Won’t hardly make the news.


Hahaha best thing seen all day

it was a black male driving by the way but he will get a pass

that was sweet be good beat for a rap song,

They only hit 2?

Just a social distancing enforcer 🤣

Poor car


That tends to happen when you’re in the road.


Prayers for the car 🙏

When you slow the video down, you can see he tried to steer away. Dont get out of your car in the middle of the highway blocking the road like some sort of paramilitary.


Just post the video.. ain’t nobody going to your website you watch a video that’s all over the internet

So, Bubba Smollett is taking up drifting...

No, you silly bastards, freeways are for car.

Good he was on the highway


Twitter should add the laughing emoji.

Why do they continue to protest on the highways That’s just one thing I don’t agree with or even understand. I don’t get protesting on the highways? It’s dangerous. Can someone help me understand why they do this?

Good, need more of that... Trying to stop someone from passing through is against the law and they can use whatever force they can to defend there rights from an angry mob. 🌻

stan that driver

Exquisite beauty.

Why did they block a road by parking cars sideways at night? People are tired, drunk or sexting at that time.

And the driver was..... But thats none of my business

Nice driver...

New law, if you're protesting on the freeway, you can be run over with no consequence to the driver.

Wait, that looks like a freeway? WTF were they doing walking in the middle of it?


Why in the hell would anyone be standing on a freeway?

why would you dress up in black and then go onto a highway at night? not too bright

Not good. I hope they didn't have any tweets even joking about plowing through protesters if they blocked the road.

Maybe they should all stay home!


Supposed to press x to jump.

Good....hit more!! Gonna be acting foolish on an open highway

Then maybe they should NOTstand in the roads

Don't stand in the street dumbass's ...

WTF they “protesting” in the middle of a hwy at 130am? Play in street= get hit by cars. Pretty simple.

It’s should read “idiots who block a highway in the middle of the night see error in their ways”


Maybe they should try moving the protest to standing on train tracks or ?

Sidewalks = people / road = cars ... people+road = SPLAT! 🤷🏻‍♀️

They shouldn't have been blocking the freeway while wearing all black clothing. There should be 0 charges against the driver and the 'protesters' should be liable for all damages to the car.

Maybe someone tell them NOT to be in the street.....remember safe at home!!!

Get the fuck out the road stupid .

That's what ya get. I'd hit them too. Fuck them!

As long as they didn't hit reverse and back over them again I'm cool with it!

I hope someone got the license plate number

🤔wow getting old now

Hit by a black driver fleeing the police tell the whole story tmz

I don’t condone them getting hit, but.... get off the road and you won’t get hit by a car.

Hahahahahaha protest deez nutz lol

Are we blaming the driver? Didn’t we all learn not play in the street when we were young? Yeah let’s stop so these ppl can drag us out of cars and beat us. 👌🏼

Get out of the streets !!! Enough already

Oh well. Probably should look both ways before you step in front of moving vehicles

Fuck em blocked the street

Stay out of the road and you won't get hit. Or did these buffoons actually take the advice to 'go play in traffic' literally?

Buhahahaha wish 911 would've ignored the call...... wish the driver had hit more of these animals

Play with fire you get burnt, mess with a snake you get bit, middle of the street at 0130.... not supporting the driver at all. Also not supporting the idiots in the street

Get out of the streets if you dont want to be hit.

Solid take out. Get the hell out of the road

Let me guess, the protestors beat the driver to death because they decided to stand on a dark ass freeway at night when it’s already difficult to see, hard to slow down and who knows if they were tired etc. Play stupid games...

Just like play with matches and your going to be burned. Stand in the middle of the road you will get run over. Are you sure the protester didn’t have a death wish

With that speed he knew what he was doing and planned to use deadly weapon which is vehicle to kill. Pray for those girls and life in prison for that trash.

You forgot to mention that the driver was a black man. We all know if he was white it would've been the first thing you mentioned.

Protestors don't block highways in the middle of the night.

Eventually this was going to happen and will happen more often.

I was 3 years old when I was taught not to play on the road...

The driver is black. Nothing to see here.

Don't these kids know not to play in the streets

Get off the road!


Rioters & looters. Hardly protests anymore.

Idiots on a freeway 🤦🏽‍♂️

Well you probably shouldn’t be chasing cars like dogs do😂


People are not going to continue to allow the shutting dow of the freeways. Surprised it didn’t happen before.

Wow this really be GTA type of shit

Move bitch get out the way

After over a month of these citizens having their city taken over by lunatic Marxists mobs can you fucking blame them for not caring anymore

Ab time, get off the damn interstate

That was brutal. I Hope that person is charged with attempted murder.

Well done. Should have started that weeks ago


Boo Who


Roads are for vehicles..

What the hell do think was going to happen? It’s dark out, the IDIOTS are wearing all black and it’s a freeway! You have to be some kind of stupid to be doing this kind of crap! AntifaTerrorists BLMTerrorists MAGA

Guess they won’t block traffic anymore


Blood shed for votes, this is what the world comes to? What a stupid reason to get hit by a car.

Play stupid games......

It's called 'natural selection'. We use to have wolves to take out the weak of the herd


That’s why momma tells you not to play in traffic...

How evil

Freeways are for cars, not pedestrians.

hope the car is ok

Well, protesting in the middle of a highway at night... pretty fucking stupid.


a protest at 1.30 am ok i bet it was a peacefull one too, dont play in the road and it wont happen

Why are you protesting at 1:30am? Dont they know that nothing good ever happens after midnight.I assume it was all worth it as they both are totally fucked for the rest of their lives. The vehicle always wins.het it got it good!

Stand in the middle of a hwy and you might get run over.

Absolutely LOVE IT!!! Stop blocking traffic bitches

but why the driver is under arrest, it was an accident

The unidentified suspect -- a 27-year-old man from Seattle, according to The Associated Press -- was booked in the Whatcom County Jail. Police said he is the same person who attempted to elude officers in another incident two weeks ago.

😂😂😂😂 move bitch get out the way


Common sense seems to elude these poor people. Protesting in the middle of the freeway at night. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I've seen the video, its sickening and stupidity in action. It's a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. On a at least 3 lane highway of which 2 where blocked by cars, the 3rd was a few people. Driver comes up to it split sec they move to miss cars hits people at night,


Quit blocking the fucking road then

Awesome!! Probably saved numerous businesses from being hit.

Guess they shouldn't be walking on the road then

Get off the roads!

realDonaldTrump He manipulates followers into risking their lives and those they love by making forgoing a mask a sign of devotion to him. He inspires them to murder and commit terrorism against American democrats. Control over devotees is Trumps turn on.

The guy blocking the highway hit the car

What were they protesting? Standing out in a Freeway at 1:30 a.m. is very unwise.

Well it's a road🤷🏽‍♂️

So when did it become legal to protest in the middle of the road at night Protest Yes Road protest Stupid Not guilty Dont play in the street COMMON SENSE

Dirty rotten protesters

Hahahahahahahah play stupid games win stupid prizes.

...and the driver was BLACK!

Unfollowing! I’m so sick of this biased news source. Goodbye.

Interesting to see the people who comment supporting the driver are pro trump, isn't it?


It happened at around 1:30 AM on a stretch of the I-5 that was closed to traffic.

I don’t give a shit about black criminals!!! What about Vanessa Guillén’s death by a black assassin?! Where are bkacklivesmatter hypocrites?Or it was just for blacks?! Where is AOC and her fucking megaphone?! Where!! She is good agitating people but doesn’t care about latinos!

They should be happy it wasn't some of those titan trucks with cargo. Same thing would happen, and all of them... And who's smart idea was to leave a van, with no lights on in the middle of the road at night, stand behind it, and run towards the car as you see it approaching?

Is the driver ok?

1:30 a.m. of a highway...

Whack Lives Splatter. Get the fuck out of the street.

All that road and he had to hit protester, glad he is arrested, evil, just evil.

Well they were in the road

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