President Trump Signs Historic Child Welfare Executive Order

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Learn more from ACFHHS about how today's Executive Order (EO) strengthens America's child welfare system and aims to improve outcomes for children and families:

Topics:WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, President Trump acted to strengthen America’s child welfare system by signing a historic Executive Order aimed at improving outcomes for children and families. This EO focuses on three key areas of action: improving partnerships, improving resources, and improving oversight.

“Our number one goal is to help our children and youth by making improvements to our child welfare system, and I’m incredibly grateful to President Trump for taking this monumental action today,” said the. “These strong actions support vulnerable children and youth nationwide by advancing measures to reduce child abuse and neglect, encouraging family preservation, and strengthening adoption and other forms of permanency for America’s kids.

ACF has worked tirelessly in aiding efforts to reduce the number of children entering the foster care system. Through proactive primary prevention efforts and a focus on providing services to keep children safely at home, ACF—with partners at all levels of government and in the not-for-profit sector—has been able to keep more children safely out of foster care. This progress can be seen in the data.

The second reform seeks to improve resources provided to caregivers and those in care. To accomplish this, HHS will increase the availability of trauma-informed training, support guardianship through funding and grants, and enhance support for kinship care and for youth exiting foster care by evaluating barriers to federal assistance.


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ACFHHS How many children are in cages?

ACFHHS Another meaningless EO. Meanwhile how many children are locked up at the border?! I feel bad for the career HHS staff who have my greatest respect....please know that we will do everything in our power to vote in a new POTUS JoeBiden in November!

ACFHHS If there is anybody willing to help please let me know. I wish I could take the County to court on behalf of my grandchildren for making them suffer this abuse for 6 yrs and they still won't permanently remove them. Still in Family Court. I need a lawyer to do it I have no money.

ACFHHS I beg someone from outside New York State to review my case and many others where CPS keeps putting children back into their abusers homes. How many innocent children have died or killed themselves because they fail to do their jobs. Abusers shouldn't be given more than 1 chance.

ACFHHS I've asked this question of every case worker & Law guardian 'WHEN WILL ENOUGH BE ENOUGH?' WILL IT BE WHEN THEY BRING ME ONE CHILD & TELL ME THE OTHER IS ON LIFE SUPPORT OR BRING ME ONE CHILD & TELL ME I HAVE TO BURY THE OTHER? They'll say maybe we should've permanently takenthem

ACFHHS I would also like to see Child Protective Services stop protecting my grandchildrens abusers and start protecting them. It's been on going for 6 yrs, after a few parenting classes the kids go back only to have a new case opened. Terminate the mothers rights so I can adopt her.

ACFHHS Grandparents need to get more help when raising their grandchildren. We should get the same financial assistance as Foster Parents get. I support my granddaughter and me on my monthly Social Security. Thank god for Food Pantries or we wouldn't have enough food every month.

ACFHHS But he’d send DACA recipients back? Hypocrite

ACFHHS Here is one for the ages As POTUS is signing these pages He said he’s delighted To see families united Unless they are migrants in cages

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ACFHHS Please talk to social workers, foster parents, adoptive parents instead of beauracrats. They live the system, they know what needs to change . someone sitting in chairs in the government have no idea what actually takes place in the foster care world everyday. Seek the wisdom!!!

ACFHHS As former foster parents and adoptive parents we see this as a lot of words with no weight. social workers need a lower case load and better pay. We need to prioritize what is best for the child. Adoptions through the states foster care system cost little, folks want babies.

ACFHHS Voting your husband out of office is the single most effective thing we can do to ensure the safety and well being of children, in the United States and beyond.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Thank you so much 🇺🇸⚖️⚖️

ACFHHS Is that counting the ones you stole from immigrants? Or have in cages? Did you find their parents or you are adopting them out?

WhiteHouse ACFHHS WE hate mass media and they are scum like leftist democrap communists and blackLIESsdon'tmatter for we are for ALL and against anarchist terrorist in America Go Trump

ACFHHS Take a seat sis...or better yet, take a walk down to visit the children is cages who were ripped away from their parents.

ACFHHS Just give these foster kids $20,000 and college..and fire all the social workers...

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Waw

ACFHHS cagedCHILDREN There are still 15,000 children in dentention💔 BeBest

ACFHHS Are some of the data points really not already being collected? I find that hard to believe.

ACFHHS Stop stealing children, ya pukes!

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Wait, isn't this the agency, or one of them, that is supposed to take over many that police departments currently perform?

ACFHHS 💐🙏🇺🇸 JolieFuselier

ACFHHS I guess the children being tortured on the border don’t count !! *%\\?🔥🔥🔥

ACFHHS Children in cages is not here.

ACFHHS While a permanent stable and safe home can also be found in same-sex homes but you and your husband don't care to put that into this EO.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Child Welfare!

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Failed PathologicalLiar Insane RacistPOTUS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS More money for CEO’s and shareholders while children still suffer. That’s what realDonaldTrump wants as well as the entire GOP or anyone in support of it. They care of nothing but themselves and people with money. They will let children die before helping them. Fuck you all.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

ACFHHS I'd love to adopt, however, it's just to expensive for us. Will something be done about lowering adoption costs?

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Defund the politicians

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦🌹🌱🌴🌿🌹

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Hey. The lockdowns and illegal orders and mandates from state governors ar destroying the country. They are destroying businesses, schools and families. Why aren't you doing anything to help?!? EndTheLockdowns. There is treatment.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS When I see numbers like this it reassures me that my ideas on spay & neutering are correct. Start with everyone in prison and anyone that hurt a child.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Does it take an EO for people to do their jobs. All sounds like normal policy that should have been always followed.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Forcing women to take their pregnancy to term does have consequences. Build a better support system for them after birth.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Thanks... could really watch a bit.. the German net systems are a bit slow!!! Greetz fromgermwny!! Monique clara klebsattel...

WhiteHouse ACFHHS TrumpIsNotWell

WhiteHouse ACFHHS

WhiteHouse ACFHHS That is sad that there are so many in foster care.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Here's an idea. Allow gay couples to be foster parents. Stop the bias towards Gay couples wanting to adopt. If anyone knows about the struggle, pain and hurt of a Foster child, it is the Gay community. They have a wealth of love and understanding to give

WhiteHouse ACFHHS 5,600 new covid19 cases in Florida today. Do you not have anything better to do?

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Loser

WhiteHouse ACFHHS How about the children that are still being held in cages❓

WhiteHouse ACFHHS Yeah, just don’t let the LGBTQ community adopt any of those kids. What assholes.

WhiteHouse ACFHHS resign

WhiteHouse ACFHHS 6 Months, 26 Days, 16 Hours, 13 Minutes, and 53 Seconds

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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