President Trump arrives in Paris, fires off angry tweet at French President Macron

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Pres. Trump, first lady Melania Trump arrive in France for ceremony marking centennial anniversary of the end of World War I. Immediately upon landing the president fired off an angry tweet directed at his host French Pres. Emmanuel Macron.


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Oh great 👑👑👑

World is swaying away from racist Trump

And then did not show up to commemorate the dead. Beyond classless

If they're upset it's simply because he wasn't PC enough to to say it in French!!

This is called insurance, Mr. President---insurance!

a stain on the usa

What a horrible person he is.

i agree with the pres our grandfathers saved their ass and because we deserve the same size slice of pie that the rest of the world gets we get the fireworks hows that for gratitude

Plane rose up 13 inches when potus stepped off. When asked the plane replied “uggggggh that’s a load off”

More angry tweets and lies part 2

Then he went to watch tv in his room.

Macron said the EU should form a new military force to protect them from China,Russia, and the United States. After all we’ve sacrificed for them , that was a huge insult. President Trump was exactly right. You TDS sufferers need to educate yourselves.

Maybe, you should treat France as an ally realDonaldTrump . You certainly enjoy your more-than-fair-share of French Fries. Your azzzz is as big as Champs-Élysées and your man-boobs look like 2 Orange berets flopping in the winds of Normandy. T’es rien qu'un petit connard!

Talk about a misleading headline.

Is he grabbing her by the BAG?! Like dude— let go.

A draft dodger just playing the role & he not good at it smh

What do you expect from a Trump. We need to get him out. Trump ImpeachTrumpNow ImpeachTrump

This is coming from BoneSpurCadet. How comical

I’m so embarrassed that he represents the United States. He is not my president and he is going to jail soon.

Has there ever been a president more afraid of a flight of stairs than realDonaldTrump ? Even FDR laughs at Trump's fear of stairs.

Sounds like Trump is trying to sell some military equipment to France.

How do they weigh down his empty head to keep it from blowing around?

Notice Malanias hair flying all over the place and his stiff as a board

No. EmmanuelMacron fired first at President realDonaldTrump and before arrival of FLOTUS : “President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia.”

My dad was in for 2 tricks and our president now is overseas not honoring our troops of present or past but yet I'm proud of my dad I'm proud of all veterans I'm proud of our troops this is their day not his

Best!! Real American president and Flotus!!!!!

I cannot watch him anymore. I change the channel when he comes on. Repulsive

Trump and Uk not allowing France creat Europe military this is threat for USA and UK ! This bullshit he should stick in NATO obey his majesty realDonaldTrump All EU sucks with our US leadership ! America national security France can’t mess with it StupidMaccron

slewfan Trump calls it like it is.

Nice block using your purse Melania!! Made him grab the handle/strap. Body language is sooooo telling with these 2. I miss the loving, supportive Obama’s!!

I'm sure in the Moscow Army Officers' Mess, the thought of a European Army ever actually fighting must have the guys with the scrambled egg on their caps rolling in the aisle, no?


*Angry and unsecured tweet

dkennycpd Remarkable classless

Ever since the election he is off the chain

She does not want his hand lol

Isn't it ironic that Donald Trump is celebrating the end of a World War by spending the entire day criticizing NATO - The very organization solely creatived to prevent future world wars. Putz!!!!!!

See how he had to grab her arm back?

His Trump has no class. He does not represent the United States of America.

Sabriyyah54 Why do I get annoyed that soft core porn woman is on Air Force one and waving at the world?

jjasq All done in the best possible Trump taste . Well macron deserves it , he is a stupid upstart that thinks he is the new Napoleon

Macron has form for saying stupid things. wince I'm with Trump on this one!

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,, ,, , is


Hahahahahaha. FLOTUS hates POTUS soooooooo much. It's the only thing she and I have in common.

US go home!

We do need allies, even he does

Donald Trump: he's back.... sorry France 😔

ironic on the anniversary of the the WW...ElishevaAvital Mtakam1939 EdKrassen

If only Trump could act as decently as Macron! No leader there wants to see these two. This is the centennial anniversary of the end of WWI. How was that war started? By pan-Slavic Nationalists. And here comes Trump ... a self-proclaimed Nationalist with a Slavic-born wife.

wildwillow65 If I werr the French I would deport Trump ,He is a Hostile alien

Oh look Donny and his handler

Trump is an embarrassment every day.

“Melania please hold my hand the stairs are scary”. Surprised he hasn’t demanded a lift fitted to airforce 1

He only grabs her hand because he is trying not to fall!😂

Trump is a God.

Dafuq. Where does he draw a line in his servitude to Putin? Or does he not realize Russia and China exist?

France should bring back the National Razor and use it one more time. Twice if needed. The American people won’t mind. Trump Republicans Democrats

Ohhhh look at those two lovebirds

We the People 🇺🇸 pay billions for the saftey of EU & as NATO “partner”. EU haven’t been paying their tab 4 decades. President Trump has demanded EU should pay min. 2% of their GDP, since we’ve been paying 3.5% .Us too lowering to 2% = fair partner and saves 🇺🇸 $300B Questions

Trump TrumpRally TrumpPressConference Paris WashingtonDC VeteransDay

If President Fathead doesn't like it, it's probably a brilliant idea and exactly the thing to do!

PetraAu Is he getting a rare handhold?

Bracing myself for the idiotic, insensitive comments that will come from this visit. I always think I've got it, and he always dives deeper than I thought possible.


If the trumps fell down the stairs it would be my screen saver for the rest of my life.

Looks like he's trying to snatch Melanomas handbag on his second grab for her hand.

Plenty of rats in Paris will blend in perfectly🐭

He's probably pissed b/c Melania thinks Macron is a cutey & she gets along with his wife. francediplo_EN. Sorry in advance, France.

Does Macron know he feels this way? Because, I’m sure he’s insulted!

Bathmophobia realDonaldTrump

It's 100% correct

How can she see to walk?

He can only tweet he can’t tell Macron to his face that’s why he tweeted realDonaldTrump you are weak and dishonest

Did he even make it off the tarmac before launching into a complete temper tantrum? Poor France, I'm so sorry you have to endure him being there when he's being especially loathsome because he hates being told he can't be a dictator and do whatever he wants.

Running away from the caravan? But aren't there French mercenaries there too

I'm all the way in Canada, and even I find myself oddly relieved


At least he isn't wearing the toilet paper....


Who are they waving to?

This reads like an onion headline.

The heading should have said, French President Macron insulted the US & President Trump fired back. Why didnt one headline say that? Is it politically incorrect now to use words in defending our country?

He’s boring, really! Same SHZiT dif Day

Over 100,000 US soldiers died in WW1. 17 million total in war died. President Trump is there to honor those that sacrificed their lives. President Macron insults our country by grouping us with Russia & China, as threats. Our President defends the US. That's what he should do.

And in celebration of the end of World War I, the American President started World War 3.

Ha! Look at the facade of them being happy. Trump all of a sudden grabbing her hand. Usually she’s 10 steps behind him in the rain while he holds his umbrella. Or the you are so gross don’t touch me swat away.

Oh here we go again, just insult another ally host. I notice he’s too chicken to insult or say anything bad about the real enemy, obviously under the spell of his puppet master Putin

So much for restoring America’s image abroad.

Just as before, trump's tweet writers write something disrespectful and stupid. Then trump caves in front of the real leaders. I guess trump was practicing his 'confrontation' skills with the WH press corps. The Nationalist was most disrespectful to black reporters.

😂😂Forcing her hand, when she is not happy to be your wife.

I hope you will take him back? 😲

Trump continues to work for interests of Putin and Russia.

If there's a way to restrict Trump from being an 'insulting guest' ; send Pence!

1st 'lady' holding her bag in her left hand, so she doesn't have to hold Trump's hand. sad

America is in crisis

badov49 Macron deserves it that little backstabbing weazel

Please, keep him in Europe for two more years!!

France, please keep him there. We don’t want that SOB back here.

I agree with Macron. I don't trust Trump with his radical decisions.

The greatest couple

.realDonaldTrump's humiliating losses in the Midterms2018 must be really getting under his skin as he ramps up his erratic behavior to a whole new level. Most old guys have to be in power for many years before they go this bananas. pitytrump

Why is ABC posting such negativity? Fake news to get everyone worked up.

Are they holding hands or are they both holding the straps of that purse

He behaves like an old man stuck in a nursing home

cherryames1949 Trying to Act normal.

Trump has a thing for insulting people without discrimination. We shouldn’t take him seriously. He wants special treatment and we should treat him as a special.

European armies would have meant a German empire without US help. However with nuclear weapons how will this command work will UK France agree any nuclear attack on Germany or elsewhere in Europe is an attack on them? Will there be an overarching nuclear umbrella?

Abc is a bunch of liars

For some reason, watching this video and seeing Melania’s hair flying in her face made me think of “Cousin It”, Adam’s Family. Sorry if my comment offends anyone.

Can he ever do anything without being an ass. He lands in another country and immediately insults their leader. What a great way to represent our country.

To France from Americans: Please forgive us for our ass of a President and accept our thanks for babysitting him for a few days so we can have a break. We're in your debt. 💟

“BeWorst”! Visiting foreign countries w hundreds of years of cultural traditions f good behavior, expects any guest being polite. Melania’s “BeBest” was wasted in this case. Absolutely no manners. Donald is an exemplar of “BeAbsolutelyWorst”.

To the world, America is embarrassed by this idiot who is so petty and insecure. To our allies, please be patient as we fix this malfunction. We still value our friendships with our friends.

Just wait,potus. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Fully deserved insult s are coming... For you, that is.

Starting the trip off on a good foot. Insulting his host. SMH

naychu3 'centennial anniversary' is redundant. Say 'centennial' or 'hundredth anniversary.'

When we will need our allies, they will do nothing to get respect you have to give respect but this man is simpleton and not to understand or chooses not to show REPECT...

They do not represent me.


It took Trump 3 days to think of something snide to assault Macron. Trump you are a huuuge embarrassment to USA. Noticed Melania didn’t want to be holding you tiny hand again. She is embarrassed and repulsed by you. Soon she will be free of you & you’ll be in jail.

Unfortunately, the World doesn't trust him, or his 40% followers.

Tell the full story ABC in your headline...Macron made a poor statement about the U.S. possibly being a military threat to France.

I guess the festival d’amour with Macron is over then? Why? Did Macron say no to another military parade to make twumpipants feel all important n’ stuff?

I guess he really is terrified of steps! Look how he’s gripping her arm?!?

I really don't care, he could stay there.😝 SORRY FRANCE 😑

sasyecat Well pair they come mr. And mrs. I don't care about the United States

Well Mr. Macron should slow his role. They are nothing if not for us!

He’s right, insulting and realDonaldTrump ain’t putting up with it, from anyone.

Why would the French feel as though Europe needs protection from United States? China and Russia maybe, but the United States? Mmmm?

Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll choke on a croissant.....

Good what Macron said about US is reprehensible.

That’s a shame they made it.


Are we surprised

The sad thing about it this shit he doing isn't going to effect his old ass! It's going to be the downfall of the U S. He going to die and our kids will suffer from all of this!

No words

The Ugly American has landed!

🤔don't think it matters much if French troops are involved in a 'European army.' Did we all forget how impressively the French laid down their weapons and surrendered to the Nazi's in WWII? What? Are the new French soldiers going to pass along their expertise other Europeans 😂

lol ladies first is lost on Trump is he holding her handbag or hand?

So a country that had never win a war, rolled over to Hitler, wants to raise an army to do what? NATO and the UN should go without the US.

Rude mushroom

Did she get an extra allowance to let him hold her hand? 🤣🤣🤣

Can he please never come back to the USA? We would greatly appreciate that.

AmandinTae trump is attacking macron 🍪

Can you people ever say anything positive about POTUS?

Donald Trump is forever criticizing, insulting people. How the hell you go to another country and trash talk another’s man opinion 🤦‍♀️

The man-baby temper-tantrum has landed in Europe

-45, je sais que tu es un faux.

The way he's holding her hand tho...

You just know all the French chefs, waiters etc are gonna spit in his food. Maybe that 'special sauce' on his Big Mac will be, you know, 'special' ...

I thought he was walking with the lady from the ring at first 🤣

No class.

May EmmanuelMacron set that prick straight publicly for once and all. Correct American, that fool doesn't rep anyone but himself. He is not loyal to his wives, lawyers, business partners, or children, let alone you MAGAs. WakeUp FloridaCount it is still a count

Why does he dress like a mortician

They always come calling for the 🇺🇸 to save them. I’m for it less we have to worry about.

Totally agree President Trump!!thank you

Real classy guy. Who can vote for this rude, obnoxious, thin skinned, lying, mess of a human being? Who in their right mind would work for him? God Please Help Us.

Trump just pissed because there’s no parade ! Haha

I guess Trump got upset because France didn’t roll out the red carpet for him this time around. Imagine visiting an ally and start by firing off an angry tweet directed at President Macron.

Fake news making it sound like hes mad that they want to defend themselves when in reality hes mad that macaroni called america an enemy that they need to defend themselves from

Why do these other Countries put up with Trump?

Is it mental health awareness month again...just asking...because...

They need to ban that SOB from their country!

BoycottFrance France BoycottAirFrance BoycottFrenchProducts BoycottFrenchTourism

Why are you such frauds!? You left out that he said we are an enemy he needs the army for

I really don’t care...Do you

EmmanuelMacron: please keep him! Sincerely, (The sane) America

President trump isn’t very smart,

OMFG! Just shut up Trump

Will he make a speech? 'CONGRATULATIONS to all the survivors, and anyone who didn't become a POW, I Like people who weren't captured! Let's make America great again! Thank you vote for me in 2020

did you all notice how trump held melania's hand hostage?

realDonaldTrump proves that even if you have money it cannot buy you manners.

He should have tweeted Without U.S. money and blood Macrom would be speaking German.

Quelle dommage.

They act like imitation humans. And not even well-designed ones. They are both thinking so hard, “walk, grab hand, walk some more, flap hand in air, do the walking thing, again.”

Because, he's a child. When is America going to get it?! They put a child in charge of the country😠

winning MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Such an embarrassment

For good reason I’m sure. Our First Lady lovely as always.

These two are so damn goofy and fraudulent! They are trying so hard to show a united front that they can’t even get hand holding right. They crack me up!

Who does this clown think he is?

Stop with your crap reporting


Why can’t he just fall down those stairs

I wouldn't even meet with him.


Of course he did. Head an a*shole

He’s such a twit. They must all dread them coming there.

Go home. Merci.

Trump is absolutely void of any sense of anything but himself. Why did he have to go to France? It would be better for him to stay here and embarrass us on our own territory and not embarrass us in front of the rest of the world.

I hope to god I get to see him fall down those stairs just once before he goes to prison!

monica_barona In response to his provoking tweet but you leave that out as doesn’t fit your POTUS bashing agenda

Sharp as a marble!!

This man has zero diplomacy.

monica_barona For good reasons, fakenews. Try and keep up or get a day job

He should be going up the stairs with a print of Pres. Macrons foot on his $$. Unbelievable!

He is so embarrassing to the American ppl. When will this mad man stop? Nancy Pelosi, dont let us down dear.

That's because Trump wants Europe to help fund the U.S. armed forces & basically be his puppets

Seriously, nobody wants him!

I know that whenever I visit someone in their home, the first thing I do is insult them on social media so they won’t try to stab me in the back. Works like a charm.

How long until he claims he’s meeting with parents of World War One veterans?🤔

Two fools.

He is so classless. Doesn’t have the basics of etiquette to demonstrate while representing the U S. what a boor

Screw that SexOffenderTrump. He's not my president. BuildTheGuillotines

It is time our country shape up, we see this escalating. Our President deserves respect , he represents us. I can’t believe the press is so low. Fake new & disrepect. What example r we sending our children. I wonder how Obama would feel if his daughters acted disrespectful

Que cute. The happy couple.


No red carpet, boy Trump is slumming it.

Sounds normal, not sure why the French even invited him to begin with.

TheFirstImmigrant in Paris. Who’s surprised?


that is the most awkward handholding I have ever seen!

OMG..The man is hosting Trump, and he's attacking him I'm sorry..I never like to say too much about the FLOTUS, but she knows exactly who she married..I don't feel the least bit sorry for her..She was part of the Birther party, too..

Look how unsteady he is on stairs. There is really something wrong with him cognitively

Because Macron is a globalist tool.

seeritarun Waiting for the million dollar hotel bill for the first night so that Melanomia can go shopping.

Please keep them

Why isn’t the baby Trump balloon there

Look at that.. on the plane and Mel is on her 2nd outfit. Let’s keep track of the wasteful spending.

This disgraceful human being has gone international in spewing his hate and disrespect from the office he holds. Disgusting. Lawrence

Can you keep him please! We really really don’t want him back.

Please rain on their parade.....

I guess nobody likes him there either nobody cares if he is there

Anyone else notice that when he's walking down from the plane, he has to GRAB (aggressively) his Ashley Madison wife's hand.. and she really doesn't want to touch her scum bag husband.

they put on a big display. Macron said Europe needs to have there own military. He forgot if it wasn't for our country there would be no France.

FLOTUS An angry tweet to his host. Your BeBest campaign is just not getting any traction with him.

Fucken stay there!

realDonaldTrump attacks host countries, decades old allies, our free press, our democratic elections, & a Republican appointed special council. He praises Putin, Kim Jong-Un, & anyone who praises him. And the gop remains silent. invokethe25th gopcomplicit hatefulrhetoric

It’s so sweet that they sharing a handbag

Veterans Day 11am 11-11-19.

He is such an embarrassing and dangerous fool.

You can't help prove him right. You are nothing but Fake Hate news!


I would tell him go back home. You are not welcome in my country

The man has no class, and he wonders why people don’t trust him

Keep them both. The world doesn’t want them.

Remember that Trump, a draft-dodger and overall despicable human, is representing all Americans at this very solemn commemoration of the sacrifices made by millions of Allied military and civilians in WWI. What a travesty!

whpresscorps Angry tweet? Sometimes the truth hurts. realDonaldTrump was spot on.

macron knows how to push his buttons and will most likely embarrass him again over the weekend

No one cares

Someone please explain to this dope what WWI was all about.

Wonder how long it will take him to insult the French .....asking for a French .....

'Yanqui, go home!'

Anything else newsworthy?

I wish the government would correct the mistake of making him president already , I’m tired of living the same nightmare

The Allied Nations vs Donald Chump. VeteransDay2018

AF1 doesn’t have WiFi?

Wacko just want stop seriously this got to stop we have grown people who work hard to teach our kids not to act like this but yet we have a Grown President who simply don’t know the meaning of mature.

He is scared of stairs

Classless as usual 🤡!!

What an ass.

Melania certainly looks like she doesn’t want to hold trumpy’s hand!!!

Macron is very Hypocrite men .

He’s got a point. And to be fair did macron really say they need military protection from the US?

Of course he did. Because he wants to ass things up a bit. How embarrassing. I can’t believe this orange ball of gas represents the United States!

G's up

bigfatkatt What a jerk! realDonaldTrump you are a GUEST of France! Please, for once have a little dignity and decorum!

That’s such a shame! France has been a great supporter of AMERICANS and Journalists by the lights going off on the Eiffel Tower! That’s helps AMERICANS know that they ARE Supported by France, England and their Armistice DAY lighting! NO Need for that! We can’t thank them enough

mefbama Who made a snarky remark first. You are BSABC

Sadly, President Macron has realized realDonaldTrump cannot be trusted. We will do better than the rotund orange moron in 2020 President EmmanuelMacron , we promise.

She doesn't want to hold his hand.

To be fair, Macron's statement which lead to this tweet was odd and insulting.

He isa nasty old man that hates even himself so what can you say. You can keep him .


bigfatkatt Keeping it classy

What an embarrassment!

Tal para cual

Macron is suggesting that the EU form it’s own army and leave NATO which is enough to anger anyone with any commonsense. should try to look past it’s political bias.

Dear god, would you please PLEASE keep him

LOL! Imbecile45 is such an embarrassment.

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