Pompeo: Taliban must behave

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

“They killed an American in an effort to gain leverage at the negotiating table, and President Trump said enough,” Pompeo said.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday said Afghanistan’s Taliban must learn to behave.

Trump on Saturday announced he had canceled secret meetings with Taliban leaders and the Afghan president set to take place this weekend at Camp David. "We had a commitment from the Taliban that said they would break from al-Qaida publicly and permanently," Pompeo added. "We had a commitment from them that said they would reduce violence.


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Pompeo, REALLY? Behave? One of the most ruthless, criminal beings on earth, and that’s all you’ve got? voteblue

Don’t believe one word from Pompeo’s mouth. Like Barr , whatever The Godfather says

Who believes this BS 🤷🏻‍♀️

Since when does the President or the military worry about any losses, except when they can leverage them to justify retaliation?

sorry, don't get it, how killing one american gain any leverage withe U.S.?

Did he say that right after claiming the US has killed 1000 of them in the past week? 🤔🤔

Pompeo is just Happy Obama was able to get bin Laden before Ttump could get cozy with him - like Kim and Vlad and the Saudis.


The Taliban have been killing Americans since we invaded Afghanistan 18 years ago.

The crap that comes out of this administration is foul.

trump SCREW UP NEGOTIATIONS with the taliban TalibanTrump Afghanistan

They have been killing US and Afghan soldiers for 18 years. So they will kill one, so to gain leverage: that does not make much sense to me.

So he’s saying that had they not killed an American in the bombing that it would have been ok? That tRump would have still had the “peace” talks? The death of an American was was irrelevant to them. They’re terrorist and have no regards for human life.

I have to throw the BS flag out hard on this. Over 2,000 fine American soldiers have been killed. Trump and his administration is a failure.

... and in related news, Mr Pompeo calls for a woodpecker to chip off his growing long nose

I call 🐂💩

so what hes saying is trumps stupid decision making got an american killed.

Mr Pompeo, have you forgotten that the US supported and armed the Talibans gains the Soviets? That we were assured that they wouldn’t have gone the path of extremism? That they terrorized & gained control of the country to then sponsor terrorism? How can they ever be trusted?

The spin on this story smells of duplicitous lies: who would kill people to 'gain leverage'? Either there was a rogue Taliban, or maybe there was no meeting planned at all. After 12K+ lies, who knows what to believe any more?

Is that the sharpie version?

No Noble Peace Prize sniffing up that one...

I’m afraid I’ll need a name on that.

Isn't that what they so? They kill us. What is the big surprise?

I’m sure that kid is glad to know his death was the line to cross to keep the administration from doing something dumb like inviting the enemy to a chat over a round of golf.

Pompeo 'conveniently' skips an explanation for inviting a terrorist group to Camp David, thus continuing to show contempt/disdain for Americans' beliefs, values and intelligence. (shaking head in disgust)

What about the other non Americans that died? Were they just collateral damage in the Taliban's plan to get the upper hand with America? I don't think so

The TAluban is owned by Russia. Good luck comrades

Trump is an impotent...leader. All the show of fake 'negotiations' always peter out.

Pompeo is a liar too!

Good response, POTUS 👍

I saw him Face The Nation...🤢

MissyCrook7 On the other hand it could mean they were about to meet with the wrong folks.

Complete nonsense.

He's covering for trump

Boy wait until he finds out what they did in New York 18 years ago

Was that before or after the Trump admin capitulated? talibanTrump

soo... the first 15 Americans the taliban killed this year were ok, but the last one was too much?

.. like he was just a pawn in the game you are playing with them...

Pompeo said that over 1,000 taliban were killed in the past 10 days.

That’s one way if looking at it, another could be Trump once again bumbled peace talks trying to take credit for something that was already negotiated

They will never behave. But through proper vetting we can keep them out of the USA 🇺🇸

SecPompeo Such a loyal little Lap Dog. 🐩

They continue to murder thousands of innocent people and you expect them to behave?

Bullshit! The folks at the State Department can’t be that stupid...

Much of America has been saying 'Enough' for over two years.

I just don't understand how killing and blowing up people would give them leverage....why would they think that would give them leverage Could someone help me out on this

If Obama had tried negotiating with terrorists the GOP would have lost its mind

So. We negotiate With terrorists now. Cool. Doesn’t matter if the terrorists had already been killing people before he wanted to negotiate , but oh boy after killing one more , that’s the last straw. Ok Mr Art of the deal.

These are the words that the man pictured in the tweet said. I'll grant you that. However, nobody believes them anymore. He could walk up and say 'we're going to fight our next war with atomic glow sticks' and it would hold the same level of meaning and truth. 14 more months

They killed an American, because that’s part of what they do, numbnuts!

They why did they plan the meeting at Camp David in the first place? Trump and the admin think we're idiots.

Hmm pretty sure killing people, including Americans, is what they do. Dummies!


Dinner at Camp David on 9/11 was a good idea?

Says fat SecPompeo

Did Trump not say, 'my friend, you are welcome to the WH,' like he does with other tyrants?

When was the last time the taliban “behaved”?

Pompeo on SOTU, justifying having the Taliban Camp David... “Lots of bad folks have been to Camp David.” None of them have murdered 3,000 Americans just going about their lives ON OUR SHORES. Pompeo is a boot-licking Trump stooge who cares not one iota about this country.

Why did PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump plan a secret meeting with the Taliban on US soil, at Camp David, on the anniversary of 9-11? The Taliban provided the training camps and protection for Osama Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda terrorist organization that attacked the US on 9-11-01

Oh please-spare me! 🙄

Remember when Trump said he would meet all fallen soldiers and receive their caskets. When this hero came home Trump was tweeting cat videos.

Talibans doesn’t know about diplomacy, for them is diplomacy when someone smashed their heads, not gentle, with precisely kicks

That's just the way they negotiate. trump's no better than they are.



BS, Pompeo...BS!


A hard lesson that you can't negotiate with everyone . There is a line!


Yea that's it. It's always about tRump right? They don't murder people because of their ideology, it's just to impress tRump, have the upper hand right?

If this is true, and I’m definitely saying IF, why were they even invited here in the first place?!?!?

Killing a hundred Talibans a day as P brags after 18 years! Talibans - no! Afghans- young people and old people, yes! A totally perverted and scared USA! Genocide!

So what is prepared to do about it? Simply canceling a meeting is a passive-aggressive approach. Not a good optic for a president.

I call bullshit!

That makes no sense.

Serious negotiations take place after a successfully observed ceasefire. This Administration is so inept they can’t even lie effectively -even after so much practice.

What a load of crap.

Wipe them out!

Then you need to go kill a thousand of them that's the only way you win against somebody like those idiots. Find their families and kill them too and let the next one's know that's what's going to happen to their families.😡

Pompeo also claimed on 2 Sunday morning shows that US forces killed a thousand Taliban in the past 10 days. Is it possible verify this hard to believe claim? Please!


Trump doesn’t give a damn about that and quit lying for Christ Sake!

Where were they when Khashoggi was killed? Tough talk no action...

It’s a war. People get killed. I doubt it had anything to do with negotiating

What about the Romanian and the Afghans? What are they? Chopped liver?

So the Saudi prince killing an American journalist wasn't 'enough'? Do you people even hear yourself talk? Or are you just that stupid?

Bad Taliban! Bad!

The job has aged him. I don't think any of these people are going to survive the choices they made in the era of Trumpism. Anyone who breathed the same air as Trump has committed suicide. That makes them crazier than he is.!!!

Oh, please. You just now figured out the Taliban are murderous lunatics?

What is this 💩POTUS doing to this country. Inviting the Taliban and Russia to Camp David. He needs to go and NOW

Did he go meet the coffin and call the family? The ultimate sacrifice


Oh yeah I’m sure that was it.

What can of excuse is that?

We’re so used to folding like cheap suits & paying off friends & foes, we shiver in fear at the thought of saying NO to anyone at any level, even our own kids, which ultimately enables anyone anywhere to demand & expect gratification on cue. Bribery has been our go to diplomacy.

Trump is responsible for that killing.

I’m sorry, was he referring to Saudi Arabia?

I call bullshit

I am sorry , but I really don’t believe you at all . They killed few day before meeting to gain leverage?! Who the f*ck would do that ?

What are our numbers?..even?

So the US killed 1,000 Talibans in 10 days to gain leverage at the negotiating table? is that what you are saying?

You expected killers to not kill because you said so?

So...all the previus Americans who got killed by the Talibans were ok...all except this last one according to Trump and Pompeo?

Is this man as stupid as he appears? A Secretary of State ought to have some skill for critical thinking. Why would killing an American get the Taliban any leverage in negotiations?

Says who?

The appropriate question is why would they think this would gain them leverage ? What does this say about their view of Trump ?

And now, because we're not negotiating, an endless war continues and more Americans will die.

LOL. Trying to make Trump look like a hero. LMAO

You keep a guy alive if you want leverage. If you kill him, you lose the leverage. So trump got the guy killed?


I call BS.

Garbage argument- this is most likely another lie!

Pompeo went on to explain that the US killed way more Taliban fighters. Possibly to gain leverage at the negotiating table. Or, somebody is lying to us.

Everything about this is fishy, from why would wanted Taliban leaders come to America to killing an American to gain leverage. How the hell does that give them leverage? I would love to hear that explanation.

But, killing and dismembering a journalist was still ok for Saudi Arabia... I guess” not enough” enough.


Obama was right, Pull Out of Afghanistan but Trump was wrong: they’re only solders and signed up to die. Obama knew what he was doing & wanted to protect soldiers. Trump’s got no clue


Jamal Khashoggi ? Where was Don then?

Religous extremists don't care about negotiations. Learned nothing from Sunnis flying airplanes into buildings did you?

The entire thing is a bunch of lies...hence Trump and Pompeo...the two most unbelievable voices in government. Only Bill Barr could add more deception.

So they are now going to stop killing Americans? I’m confused 🤷‍♂️ Their raison d’etre is to subjugate the West and kill infidels. How does anything Trump has done stop that?

It is a war zone. Soldiers die. This will not end that. Trump said he could shoot someone and be elected. He can now allow people to be shot and still have his complicit supporters mindlessly adore him.

Sorry Bin Liden was not around for the Camp David get together. If I were realDonaldTrump or VP I would ask SenThomTillis and LindseyGrahamSC to open an investigation. I believe BarackObama is behind this. TrumpPence2020 MAGA BeBest

Pompeo is a sycophantic liar whose utterances should always be viewed skeptically

He invited these murders to the US on the anniversary of the worst terror attack ever. Your story doesn’t hold water or make your boy seem like a tough guy. He’s a snowflake wimp and the enemy of democracy

digital era the principe is not constrained he can’t constraint inadvertently the united states of north america is an ultra digital power that doesn’t meld in others embedded with religious affair spirit of law the decision have been made YKUTCZFOOKOO

He invited the taliban to US soil and was going to host them on the taxpayers’ dime.

Horse shit!

If the meeting was so secret, maybe the murdered didn’t know?

Too bad Trump doesn’t care that much when Americans are killed right here at home in mass shootings.

Pompeo is a hypocrite. Waiting for the rapture.

We stopped negotiations because they killed one American, but bragged that we killed over 1,000 Taliban in the last couple of weeks. This is insane!

And we killed 1000 but still expected them to come to the table? 🤔


That is not the point. The point is he invited Terrorists to the US to meet at Camp David right before Sept 11TH The terrorists he invited were some of the same people that attacked us on 9/11

Wow, I read the afghan president cancelled the meeting Friday, cause they felt it was a trap. Now 2 days later, trump says he cancelled. I DON'T believe a dang word trump says.


We kill thousands of them to gain leverage on them also.

Lol how about you grow some balls and step up to trump

Once a draft dodger always a draft dodger ❗️

Yeah, I believe you. Not!

hey Mikey, too bad you wasted your Harvard education when you went to Trump University, majoring in Being Brainwashed, achieving magna cum defectus post-graduate 📜 “Politicians were mostly people who'd had too little morals and ethics to stay lawyers.” ― George R.R. Martin

I thought the US just killed 1000 Taliban according to the admininstration. What was that to gain leverage of?

He's CORRUPTED also!

biancaquilan, I believe that it is important to point out that the American soldier killed in Afghanistan is from PuertoRico. Context: The hundreds of thousands of the men & woman that live in PuertoRico & serve in our armed forces can’t vote for their Commander-In-Chief.

His blood is on you and trump

That is all a conspiratorial yellow-brick-road to distract and redirect the public's attention. Pretending they are making a deal when there was no deal to begin with. Failure is not a form of valor, it is cowardice.

Oh...THAT's Trump's 'red line'? Oh wait. 'Temporarily suspended negotiations with terrorists.' Ah. Got it.

ya know it's harder to kill Americans if they're in America, bring them home w/o a deal, leave Afghanistan to the Afghans


What a strange lie to tell. Especially since Trump acted like MBS didn’t murder and slice Khosaggi when his own intelligence service said he did.


Uh huh .....🙄

Trumps a stooge and Pompeo is a 🤥

I wish I can get people to lie for me so easily.

To gain leverage? How would that work? Then maybe they should have killed 10 and would have the ultimate leverage, right? Now if they were saving Americans that would gain leverage.


It’s not in response to the 1000 taliban we have killed in 10 days?

Please. No one believes he has a clue.


Pompeo is playing the fool for trump and he knows it.

Wasn’t the Taliban declared ‘dead’ some time ago? The hell happened? Lemme guess—- realDonaldTrump

We the American people have had enough of Trump too! TalibanTrump

No I don't think so. You are thinking inside the box. Taliban don't follow any rules. They are barbarians. They want to go back to the dark ages and take the rest of the world with them.

Never should have been invited in the first place



He’s not missing any meals with that expense account

So that American would be alive if Trump hadn’t set up that meeting?

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