Pompeo says US has 'more work ahead' to defeat ISIS

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the US has 'more work ahead' to defeat ISIS


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more work means EXTERMINATION.... really!

realDonaldTrump what? No way

Back to school Mike I'm afraid

So is Pompeo lying? Or is trump lying?

9/11 was an inside job The United States attacked itself from remote control ships on the World Trade Center .All evidence found Clinton - Bush - Obama They attacked 9 Muslim countries and killed 11 million Muslims during their 23 years in power, no one has called them terrorists

All evidence found Clinton - Bush - Obama They attacked 9 Muslim countries and killed 11 million Muslims during their 23 years in power, no one has called them terrorists.USA. Foreign and Defense Policy spreading war in Muslim countries for Destroy Arab Nations for Greater Israel

So their not defeated 🤔 oh ok but who is right POTUS or the sec of state?

ISIS must constantly, and consistently, be checked so they don't gain ground, or influence. This doesn't require occupying troops. No one is advocating walking away, just that Americans don't have to live in Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan, to engage ISIS. Bring our Troops home!

lol only after they stopped arming ISIL was Russia able to destroy ISIS oil wells, When Syria ask their ally for help.

America people should listen to their military commanders and general not you Mike and Donald Pinocchio trump

Hope so.

Make up your minds

Is he referring to cleaning up his and Trump's mess? Yes, indeed!

Remember during the 2016 campaign when Trump said he wouldn't let our enemies know what we will be doing?

So.... does Pompeo think the US abandoning Syria is the way to do this?

Trump get his info wrong? 'Your Fried '

Does SecPompeo know that realDonaldTrump is going to be calling him into the oval office to YELL at him for contradicting what he said previously about ISIS? Does he know that he will be degraded, demoralized and told to LIE to the American people & blame so-called FakeNews?

But...........But........Trump said they are defeated.

Trumps reaction for sure.

Hmmmmm does his boss know this.

He should tell Donald

I bet Trump is mad he got caught(easily) in another lie. Of course, didn't need a news network to say ISIS isn't defeated. It's just another thing for Russia to get control of the region if we pulled out, which backfired in KremlinRussia_E's face.

That's perfectly understandable, since voters might elect another Democrat like Obama, the man who created ISIS.

Really? What happened to liar in chief telling everyone ISIS has been defeated?

Hey Mike you’re not presenting news in the same channels as donal drum, one of the 2 is out of calibration 😆

Thus speaketh The White House & State Dept. ... (self-described) 'Knowers of All Things ... Great or Small'. 😉

Do you mean Pompeo ISIS, which is funded by Saudi Arabia with American weapons, as in Yemen and other countries, this is a strange paradox .

Trump said we defeated ISIS. Was Trump lying to us all this time?

Wait i thought they were already defeated. 🤔 🤔 is it tougher to defeat ones ideology than one thought?

But... but... Dump said defeated. Did he.. not tell the truth? Say it ain’t so Pompee

But the president said there’s no more issues Then on exist anymore that’s what he said

So, not defeated yet then!? He might want to tell his boss that! He’s already checked that off his honey do list! Whoops!

It’s too late for that, your president already called UNO. Now you have to draw four.

Yet Cadet Bonespurs says they've already been defeated.

damn, thought Donny said ISIS was defeated?

But I thought it was defeated. 🤷‍♂️

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