Police did not clear Lafayette Park area so Trump could hold 'Bible' photo op: Watchdog

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

BREAKING: Police did not clear Lafayette Park area so former Pres. Trump could hold 'Bible' photo op, according to a new watchdog report.

could walk from the White House over to St.

President Donald Trump holds up a Bible as he stands in front of St. John's Episcopal Church across from the White House during ongoing protests over racial inequality in the wake of the death of George Floyd, June 1, 2020, in Washington, D.C. But it does not explore why so many officers used as much force as they did against peaceful protesters in the area that day - or dig deeper into the actions of the Secret Service and other federal entities on the ground.

Given the narrow focus of its report on whether the U.S. Park Police exceeded its authority on June 1, the inspector general did not seek interviews with other key agencies and senior Trump administration officials, including leaders of the Secret Service, White House aides, or Attorney General Bill Barr.Police block 16th Street in Washington, D.C., near the White House, June 1, 2020.


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If that's the case, then why was it taken during the protest Infact, he hasn't been near another church since that fay.

Interior’s OIG is and has been corrupt and incompetent for years—always declaring documented claims of management’s fraud and abuse as unfounded. Someone should investigate the DOI OIG!


Trump wanted the fencing erected (yes l went there) because he was showng his one true color-- yellow. Same reason he went to the baby bunker. Wait maybe it was bc he couldn't erect a wall in the desert so a fence was the next best thing.


Bone spurs walking.

That’s bullshit search lies we watched it happen

Yeah yeah..

So a Trump-appointed IG says Lafayette Square wasn't cleared so Trump could hold a bible upside down in front of a church (looking back, what an idiotic photo op) and the media buys it hook, line & sinker.


lovesnowflakes This is a bunch of garbage, all you need to do is look at all the timelines to see what really occurred. And it was televised!

More FAKE NEWS debunked.

We saw it live!


What kind of clown shit is this

Hahahahahahaha. Rewriting history.

Yup that looked like what happened and this made up excuse is better because?

Oh yes they fucking did.

Watch it , your bias is showing

Why DID they violently remove those lawfully present and protesting?

Another cover-up. The American people expect that Trump be held accountable for his malfeasance.

yeah, sure.

I don't believe that.

Bullcrap it was for fencing. It happened in the evening. Were they planning on installing fencing at night? Where were the construction crew and materials? We WATCHED it LIVE. No one politely told anyone 'construction, please leave the premises'. There was tear gas, and trump.

Sounds like BS. Instead of 1 year later, why didn't the IG come forward at that time to (supposedly) get the record straight? I'm tending to believe Barr's version to be the truth and nothing but the truth.

ABC—don’t waste your time on this criminal loser.

Duh. People with brains knew this last year.

I call bullshit!

Come on, bro.

Amen this is the picture of that day he slowly walked down there to the Church then Held up his Bible because God is the Answer to all our Problem's Keep the Faith anotherwards.



Believe your eye's not his lying ass.

So abc was just conveniently lying back than, MSM normal method.

DebHaalandNM needs to investigate the author of this report, must be left over trumpists.

My ass !


BREAKING: ABC News helps spread bullshit coverup story.

If anyone would read through, nowhere does it say that's not why it was cleared. We all know what happened.

Bull. No one believes that lie. No one. Just stop.

Uh-huh. Yep. Sure. Of course. (I knew it was something.) Certainly. Well, problem dissolved, hey?

Block ABC news. I just did

See again this man was innocent how ridiculous they did everything in there power to take him down like the covid 19 just saying president Trump did good did what he said he would do Made American Great Biden tarring it Down American not first with him

Bullshit ... we all saw it all on TV. Unbelievable.

That is pure bullshit.

Replies are so salty over being fact-checked.

Calling bullshit. We witnessed it happening in real time. Bill Barr’s un marked pseudo para military “troops” to supposedly to clear violent protestors. We all watched the area cleared with tear gas and undue force. Press was beaten and pushed back. We all watched it live.

Keep fucking lying. gaslighting

Any info that comes from a gov’t entity is suspect, with any administration. E.g., alleged Gulf of Tonkin incident and claim that Saddam Hussein was responsible fir 9/11.

Yeah right. And my name is Elvis Presley.

Political appointee battles with Truth once again. And the winner is.......?

BREAKING: don't believe your lying eyes. we're innocent. they say after they've investigated themselves.

You may want to investigate this instead of just parroting someone who is a military fanboy and Trump appointed lacky.

Um, I literally watched this shit happen live. Best retract this nonsense.

Is joining the FoxNews propaganda machine? ShameOnYou

What? I fucking saw it happen. What is wrong with you?

Well now, that's not what we saw and heard so I guess I'll just believe my own eyes and ears.

This report was done by Trump appointed IG. We saw what happened and no amount of spin is going to change that.

The sun is not hot! The rain is not wet! Who do they think we are? Morons! I say NOT!

Well, that's a damn lie.

These lickpittle toadies want us to believe them instead of our lying eyes and their own footage. Our media makes 1980's era Pravda seem like an unbiased and critical news source. It's revolting.

ABC News must be competing with FOX for fake news channel award.


So what was the tear gas for then?


We know what we saw, WorldNews FFS

TrumpPhotoOp LafayettePark Park was cleared SO THAT the president could hold up Bible in front of St John's church. (NYT June, 2020)

People he's trying to clean up his BS so he won't have that over his head for the midterm elections and the '24' president election. Trump's not an idiot. His actions are always for a reaction. Just like his big lie he prompt that way back in June of last year.

Then exactly why were these protesters gassed and pushed back?

Nobody believes this.


Hey ABC we all saw this with our own eyes. WTH did you see?

Hey , Since when did protecting politicians become more important than protecting the people? You know the people are your customers right?


Who is this clown of an inspector general? And who is the ABC reporter who can't read and think? 1) IG report makes conclusions only re the Park Police stating they had 'plans' 2) Nothing about BOP or SS who IG noted started unexpectedly early and without warning and with gas

Why report this at all? Partisan review. We all saw it with our own eyes.

And we’re expected to believe this idiocy?


It's amazing how things are turned around oh Trump did this and Trump did that but come to find out he did nothing these Democrats are terrible liars they're trying to rig the election so they can stay there forever and God help us all

We all saw what happened. Total BS.

This country is not all it cracked up to be. White men in Government positions can do and say whatever they want despite what's in video. That should scare everyone.

Think you need to add “allegedly” and “according to well known liars”

Thank God that b*tch is gone. The highest office in the world with such a BLATANT LIE, just to take a stupid pic. I’m surprised he’s not in jail.

We saw it with our own eyes. Quit spewing propaganda for authoritarians.

Sounds like the perfect excuse that the “poorly educated” will go with to defend their 💩🤡🎪 Cult Leader! 🤦‍♂️ Might be time to replace the word Justice and go with “Really, that’s the excuse you’re gong with” Dept.

Yeah, sure, we believe that bs.

Who you gonna believe? or your own lying eyes

PLEASE STOP covering Trump. There has to be better information out there about our country and people you can report on? Surely. It’s the press, media & news broadcasters who are keeping him popular with OTHER white racists. You’re giving power every time you write his name.

I will stop watching ABC and tell everyone else to also... You are aiding in a gaslighting attempt by putting this out there... You are becoming PUTINS helper... Peaceful protesting and innocent people were GASSED BY OUR OWN POLICE FORCES....

Given that this report was put together by Trump appointee Mark Lee Greenblatt, I find it highly suspect.

I literally watched it on tv..live..

This is one political side doesn’t trust the media. Keep going and the other political side will be just as bad. I watched this live, I watched him walk down and past where the protester are. This literally makes no sense.

This is fucking laughable. Who's getting to everybody? This is revisionist bullshit and you journalists should turn in your credentials for promulgating this horseshit.

Effin Liars !!!

Wow This is some Bull Shit! Really? We saw it with our own eyes? Who is this IG? CoverUp

Did whoever wrote this headline not watch these events with their own damn eyes

So? He wasn't skeered!😜 This is this hardly newsworthy!

This is bullshit

😂 LisaTurnage12

Yeah! The kavanaugh witchhunt hearings! They trashed the Capitol! They kidnapped senators in elevators shut off elevators and screaming and spitting in their faces! Barging into senators offices and terrorizing their staff! Vandalizing the capitol buildings! Running into hearings

Yeah, ok.

This doesn’t pass smell test

So now has joined the “don’t believe what you see only what you’re told” group. The media has failed democracy terribly. This was a time to shine instead you repeated the lies of a wannabe authoritarian regime. Very Orwellian of you.

What a gross, misleading, misrepresentation of events

We all saw what we saw. Stop giving voice to lies.

Did some just drop the tea gas by mistake?


Did you watch, ffs? Yes, he did do this for a photo op.

This was ONLY regarding US Park Police. Other agencies were involved

Explain the helicopter ...

That is a bullshit lie

So the people beaten, gassed, struck with rubber bullets just moments before TFG got there are all imagining it?

Truth has a trail! This trail has missing facts! No blame! Excuse and timing are off the trail. When we place all type of cookies in the same jar, mistakes are made. Big Mistake! Was someone trying to impress a group?

Don't believe this. Another cover for Trump. Who is these people...

The gaslighting continues

Nothing like manipulating a headline. ABC NEWS still carrying water for Trump. Shameful.

The Bible was upside down! What a moron !



“We have investigated ourselves and determined that we did not do anything malicious”

What is this cockamamie BS? 🤥

So, you didn't even consider the source before you printed this? Your eventual retraction will mean nothing to the MAGA goons running wild with this story now. How very responsible of you. 😒

Is your next article going to be about pissing on my leg and how that's actually rain rain despite every eye witness account?

Four legs good, two legs BETTER!

I literally watched them do so on live television 🤔

Dangerous times

So, , how do those fascist's boots taste?

I don’t buy this at all

ABC News is part of the problem. Do better

If this is so, then the timing is remarkable.


Trump appointed IG in 2019 who wasn't replaced by Trump before Biden took office is clearly not independent & should be replaced. This doesn't explain Chopper intimidation, Joint Chief apology & tear gas lies. Prior info could have been about fences but Trump ATTACK US CITIZENS

Male Cow Doodie.

Here we go again with the whitewashing smh

Which no one believes

Oh look, the media talking about Trump again b.c. it gets them brings traffic on social media. Guess they can't bring up RacistBiden since it gets censored.

by 'clear' they mean 'war crime on US citizens'

That’s total BS and you know it.

So trump just happens to carry a bible around to inspect the area where a fence will be going up? Really? Jfc the media is as insanely dishonest as trump

Wow. We all know what we saw. Can’t believe you’re even tweeting this bullshit

Elderly woman who I had on FB was peacefully protesting & beateb unnecessarily by cops. She couldn't walk after & had a huge b&b mark for weeks. All so Trump can take a blasphemous pic w/bible

Interior Department Inspector General Mark Greenblatt, nominated by Trump cleared Trump. That is the story.

That’s a blatant lie. Just like they didn’t use tear gas…

Yes they did.

'Sep 25, 2019 — Inspector General Greenblatt was nominated for this position by President Trump in January and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on August 1, 2019. '😂🤣😂🤣 Sure.

OMG I voted for the guy and even I know this is a lie... We all saw it with our own eyes 🤦‍♀️

Yes they did

Lol. I guess we can't believe our lying eyes....

spreading false information through huge media outlets isn't exactly legal, just saying

Lies. I saw what happened with my own eyes


Gaslight much?

Why are we protecting a wannabee fascist's reputation? GOP are monsters and terrorists and don't deserve it!

The timing of both Trump’s promenade and the forceful clearance of peaceful protestors is prima facie that the clearance was executed for Trump’s benefit.

Why the lies? This happens far too often. After we’ve seen something love you can’t take it back.

To be clear The police used a larger, more forceful & better prepared for battle, police presence to 'Install Fencing' than they did protecting our nations capital during a violent deadly insurrection. Just so we understand each other...

Why is Mark Greenblatt still IG at the Dept of Interior?

A total and complete lie-it’s on video tape

This is a lie. I do not believe this ridiculous story at all.

You forgot the part where Trump gave his speech during the abusive clearing of Lafayette Square, rewind your video, he starts off with 'I am your Law and Order President '. The exact same time peaceful protestors were being attacked. Please don't join the Faux News!

Bull Trump made comment after comment about 'dominating the streets', using the military against protesters, calling protests / insurrections, etc ENOUGH of this CRAP! LET'S GO AG GARLAND OUR DISGUST OF THEM DOES NOT INNOCULATE THEIR CULPABILITY CLEAN HOUSE ALREADY!

Once you tell one lie you have to keep telling lies to cover up the other lies. - Trump Crime Mob

🐂💩. 🙄

Hahaha i watched it all tho

If this watchdog is to be believed, who ordered the use of tear gas on the protesters that night?

Does anybody believe this? I'm so sick of the GOP rewriting history. Hasn't this country had enough whitewashing of our historical facts?

Who cares

“News” 🙄

This report is horseshit

Does anyone actually believe this?

what bullshit

We literally — and I mean literally — watched it happen in real time. Get the hell out of here with this headline.

Where is the fencing? We asked former Bill Barr, he stated no fence, someone got the script wrong. It was a photo op with Bible upside down. Nothing more.

We saw it live with our own eyes. WTF is this Gaslighting?



I simply don't believe it.

Lapdog report.

I started, but I am effin NOT reading this! I watched in real time. No “do-overs”.

So why did Trump go there & why did they need police for that?

That is complete BS and is completely incredible!!! That report must have been written by a Trump appointed and Barr approved IG.

We're not blind, or stupid. We know what we saw. We know it wasn't about building (yet another) fence. IGisCorrupt

Well, well, well … look at that … the MSM lied again 🤔

ABC actually reported on this event at the time, with live ABC footage showing the police beating up journalists. But maybe it didn't occur to you to look at your files of your own coverage before slavishly repeating a government office's latest lies?

We. Watched. It. Happen.

Why would Trump lie? /s

It doesn't take this long to figure out what happened. We all saw what happened.

Click bait. Pathetic click bait. We saw it with our own eyes.

Journalism ≠ spreading their bullshit for them.

Oh well, even if they did they should’ve dispersed : )

Did you read your own article? 'the report found that Bureau of Prisons officers on the scene used pepper spray against protestors and that Metropolitan Police officers used tear gas, despite orders from Park Police not to do so.'

Man in Pelosi’s Office Discusses Jail Conditions for January 6 Detainees Unfortunately for dozens of political prisoners held hostage by their own government, freedom appears to be a long way off. By Julie Kelly May 25, 2021

What an incredible load of B.S.!


Lapdog report.

Crazy... almost as if the bat shit crazy left wing media fabricated the whole thing just to hurt Trump... This has been proven multiple times now. Wonder if the Left wingers have fabricated more?...

So now is gaslighting us, too? We saw it with our own damn eyes you assholes.

Not true at all. We watched it live. Trump and his crew even took credit for it.

Sure........, how stupid do they think we are?

I think that should issue a retraction or clarification on this. I watched it live with my own eyes.

'The Sturmabteilung did NOT bash in windows of Jewish businesses and synagogues on Kristallnacht. That was purely an accident. 'Kristallnacht' refers to Der Führer's wedding registry. He would like Waterford Lismore.'

And so, the gaslighting continues - expelling facts with lies, and with no accountability.

Garbage, we watched it happen in real time.

Trump2024 FraudCNN abc “news”

This is the best reporting you have? Let's do some critical thinking.

Riiiight. It took a YEAR to decide that? Bull.

So the trump appointed IG says that the tear gas, riot gear, and low flying helicopter were to supervise a new fence going up?

buried the lead: “Interior Department Inspector General Mark Greenblatt, nominated by Trump...” way to help Mein Drumpf re-write history.


You should be ashamed for running such an obvious lie without pushback

For years, we have been warned that this path will lead to history being re-written in very unfortunate ways. When will those warnings be heeded?

You guys really screwed this one up.

Yeah okay…

The trump appointed sycophant said it wasn't forcibly cleared for a 🐃💩 photo-op... 🤔 ...We all WATCHED it happen! UnFNbelievable Gaslighting!!!

Wow thats crazy how yall are just lying now

Damn! Y’all will push any lie!


Fuck off.

So we should believe this not our lying eyes? Shame on you

Nope …complete bs

Trump lapdog lies what?

The watchdog was installed by trump.

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. We ALL saw it. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…. I’m so tired of the Trump admin gaslighting everyone.

Aren’t you sick of having to eat crow for your later debunked anti-Trump propaganda. Used to watch ABC News but TDS destroyed you’re organization.

Don’t be foolish. This story is not over.

Watchdog this.

BS 😡

You spelled lapdog report wrong.

Did a literal watchdog write this 🐶

Ohhh no you DID NOT see what you actually saw live and/or in person. Whatever.

Yeah sure...and Ivanka, who is JEWISH NOW, always carries a spare Bible in her Max Mara bag.

lies. blatant lies.

Still not buying it. They set a curfew and gave hours that the protest could be conducted. Yet somehow, somewhere someone went early and said, “Bring the tear gas and pepper spray, broom them out….we gotta build a fence right now!” And the photo op was a coincidence? C’mon man!

It's not about a photo. It's about a brital attack on the 1st amendment and peaceful protesters. This is a deceitful headline. There were no witness interviews in this IG report by a Trump appointee.

so he just happened to go wandering around waving a bible around just after the square was cleared and the clergy were removed forcibly from a church for no good reason?


Gee I’m shocked!

I have some really old lights that keep flickering. Really old - they run off methane or something. Can you do something to stop them flickering?


The timing says differently.

Bullshit, who was paid off

BREAKING: ABC News is trying to repeat the same level of bullshit 'reporting' from 2016 that got us all in this shithole situation to begin with.


Lying liars and the lies they tell!


LIES. LIES. LIES. Like hundreds of millions, also not going in the version of history I'll pass on either.

They couldn’t have put off the fence installation until the next fucking day?

Well of course only during the term of the orange shrek wound redaction of statement from a parks and rec guy be necesssary.

YumiBod Mr President, you are looking fit !! 👍

Why is Bible is quotes?

Folks this is a flat out lie created to cover up the truth . Don’t fall for this crap .

If you think America believes this, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Just like we saw January 6 live, we saw this live. Again, false testimony is there. Play the live footage. It was played LIVE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE!

It was broadcast live television.

We are sick and tired of the gas lighting. We know what we saw.

It’s a bunch of bs. False answers to the crime.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the interior dept is joking right Either that or they’re a bunch of f-ing corrupt idiots. How about they all get fired? Seeing as they work for the people and all and they’re not doing their jobs?

Revisionist history bullshit.

...............said an ig and trump installed.

So... they cleared the park to install fencing so that Trump could safely visit, and that's not clearing the park so that Trump could safely visit?

Uh POTUS DOJPH what is this BS?!?


Absolute BS !

Nope. Not buying it.

La Policia no sabe que la trump es traidor& criminal y Genocida en America sus manos estan manchadas de sangre.....Hoy es un ciudadano mas y no debe tener ningun privilegio/ tiene que estar preso en Guantanamo 5Stars ...💀💀💀💀💀...

Breaking BS maybe. Shoddy shoddy journalism..

Complete and utter bullshit. The corruption is deep and dark in Washington. I have lost all faith in this so called democracy.

This is what happens when Trump lackeys are left in charge of anything. Barr did this with the Mueller report. And House Republicans would have done the same thing re 1/6, if they were in the majority.

This is complete BS.

cough, cough bullshit cough cough

Bold face lie!!!!

The truth always comes out to clear Trump of every false accusation by the left. They fear Trump will come back and we’ll take over the House, the Senate.. AND WAIT FOR THIS! The White House!!

Usually people are supposed to wait a couple of decades before start rewriting history

Sounds like bullshit to me…

Gee who knew they would blame Trump.

Wow … is this headline for real? Do better

We could have had Bernie. This current administration gets worse every day. Who needs Mitch, et al, when we've got these clowns

Why is the media running with this when it's obvious it was all scripted to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

B.S. Do better ABC.

That is a BS statement 1. They could have waited until the protestors cleared 2. What was the fence for? 3. It is just coincidence that Trump showed up directly after with his General in military attire?

REALLY................. LOL

From the nytimes article... *sigh* the headlines are so simplistic and misleading. It's basically like saying the IG is a homicide detective who isn't allowed to investigate spouses, therefore he concluded the husband didn't do it.

Another liberal lie debunked.

Doesn't pass the sniff test, cupcakes.

Matthew 6:5-8

And Mr. Greenblatt has a bridge he wants to sell us. How do these people live with themselves

Bullshit LafayettePark TrumpCrimeFamily


Funny that the DC police said the very same thing when it happen but the media failed to mention it. Check the date.

Right. I don't believe a word of it. They risked serious bodily harm to install a fence? Get the hell out of here. Gaslighting has become just a normal everyday occurrence anymore

I know what a fucking saw. I watched it live. This was not for a fence install.


Ummm. That's not how I remember it happening while we watched the events happen live, on TV.

they are lying through their rotten teeth

This is what's known as a 'transparent lie.'


😳That's the excuse to let TrumPutin off the hook. 🤔So, When did this fencing contract occur & Why did TrumPutin decide that was the perfect time for the PHOTO OP?😳😩 🙈🙉🙊🍔 Lies & more cover-ups.

Thats FBS! trying to rewrite history.

This is a trump appointee this is a LIE America watched this

This is complete bullshit. “Thank god we just happened to gas people clearing a path for the President! What luck!”

A report where there did not speak to anyone. We're screwed.


I'm sorry, is this the bizzaro universe?



But ABC News repeatedly reported just the opposite. How could that of happened?

I'm sick and tired of hearing about what Trump did. Either announce that he's being arrested or just ignore it.

So much for credible reporting from abc. Never expected this from them. Terrible

Then why the obviously choreographed show afterwards?

This is not true and shame on you for helping to spread this lie.

Are you kidding me with this 🐎💩

I call bullshit

Of course they did, also because he was very scared. Journalism is dead.


Why is there still no answers to that low flying Helicopter Attack? We still don't know who ordered that? Do your job ABC peacefulprotest attack!

This tweet is misinformation at its finest. You are reported and blocked.

Who's watching the watchdogs?

You did not see what you saw.

Secret service did.

The person who ordered they speed up the operation? NSME FUCKING REDACTED Try the fuck again, ABC…

The Inspector-General did NOT interview the Secret Service who was working with USPP, individuals involved, nor any of the numerous agencies assisting. This 'report' is so partial it lacks all credibility. INCOMPLETE BS


Talk about fake news

Such bullshit.

Leading sentence should be Greenblatt was handpicked by trump. You also left out the attack was on not just peaceful protesters but members of the episcopal church of d.c. who were mercilessly gassed and forced off episcopal church property.

Lies, all lies. Greenblatt trying to rewrite history.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

This guy says trump didn’t do anything wrong? Shocking, and say!

Mark Greenblatt is a holdover of the Trump administration, no wonder he came up with that conclusion

Whatever. Continue on with your paranormal investigation.

Except we all literally saw it happening. Watchdog is full of it.

And yet, that is EXACTLY what we all watched happen, live and unedited. (Don't believe your own eyes and critical thinking?) NO. WE SAW IT.

“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”


Yeeeeeah OK! 😂😂


we all watched them tear gas people, what the hell is this talking about? maybe he didn't directly order it but they were doing that for him.

The IG who wrote this report, Greenblatt, was appointed by Trump and confirmed by Republican controlled Senate committees. This 'report' is garbage.

Bull. We saw it.

Garrett_Archer Did you read the report? Clearly not. It was real clear. Bill Barr came out there and kept asking if it'd be 'safe' for the President to come out, and telling the police the President was going to come out, and really it needed to be 'safe'......So the police cleared the area.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, okay...the thing I saw with my eyes didn’t happen.


Why are you guys so obsessed with trump?



Terrorists Criminal Iranian Indonesian Circles still Continued their Plot Propaganda Conspiracy until today to be success to Rape My Body virgin 10 years n to Rob My Money Authority by their Important Indonesian Circles Plot To Me in Indonesia MoneyLaundering AbusersHumanRights


CNN ADMITTED THE FIX WAS IN. Covid did NOT jump out of an armadillo at a wet market a mile down the road from the largest coronavirus lab on the planet. The Park was not cleared for Trump! Everything American's were being told in '20 was a lie and you wonder why Jan 6 happened?

who gives af is my response 🤣🤣

No. Trump held a press conference in the Rose Garden, the order was given for for protesters to be cleared, and then Trump walked to stand by the church for a photo-op. Cleared not just for the photo op -- for the Trump campaign ad of the 'lawn order' president. Tweeted?

Cover up?


A 'watchdog report' by Trump appointee Mark Greenblatt.

Then who did

hypocritically, a young white man, called luan who worked as a motorcycle taxi, in the praça seca in RIO DE JANEIRO, KILLED BY DRUG DEALERS, DID NOT HAVE THE SAME REPERCUSSION OF THE MODEL'S DEATH in the community of lins, who accuse the police at the behest of drug dealers.

Bull🐃💩 🤡

So the guy nominated by trump found trump did nothing wrong? Well, I guess that settles it. Also, did you really type up “with great fanfare” when describing his walk to the church? ABC needs better journalists.

I call this bs

They did it for fun? There is no other explanation

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Norwegian police identify toddler who died crossing the English ChannelThe body of a toddler that washed up on Karmøy Island earlier this year has been identified by Norwegian police as that of Artin Irannezhad from Iran, who was previously listed as missing after his family attempted to cross the English Channel by boat in October 2020. Oh poor little baby. My heart goes out to the family who is devastated for the loss of this Angel. I am so shocked at how harsh the reality can be. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. 😪 :(
Source: cnnbrk - 🏆 393. / 55 Read more »

Toddler whose body washed up in Norway drowned in Channel last year - policeA toddler whose body washed up on the southwest coast of Norway on New Year's Day has been identified as a boy who died with his family while trying to cross the English Channel, Norwegian police said on Monday.
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »