Perspective | Trump won’t stop coining nasty nicknames for his foes — but the media must stop amplifying them.

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From Sulliview: Trump won’t stop coining nasty nicknames for his foes — but the media must stop amplifying them

By Margaret Sullivan Margaret Sullivan Media columnist Email Bio Follow Media columnist May 16 at 7:00 AM I was talking to an acquaintance recently about Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign.

This episode was certainly not Warren’s finest hour — but hardly something that should be disqualifying, especially when compared to the horror show of deceit that is Trump himself. “Consciously or not, Trump is feeding us nuggets packed with enormous linguistic power,” Jon Allsop wrote in 2017 in Columbia Journalism Review.

Some of media attention focused on the presidential candidate’s response — that Buttigieg had to research the name of the Mad Magazine cover boy. That was followed by Mad Magazine’s riposte that they had to look up who Buttigieg was. And on it went. And while Trump’s legion of critics see his risible hair and puffed-up ego as fodder for taunts , the news media rarely stoop to repeating them.I often hear from readers and from anti-Trump voters that news organizations should ignore Trump’s tweets, or give him far less attention. In other words, they should cut off his oxygen supply of attention.


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Sulliview We like the names

Sulliview How can a Con-man, Liar, Adulterous, Narcissist & Bully call another person anything! He's one of the sickest person ever to occupy the W.H. If anything the American Media should remind people of this! VoteHimOut.

Sulliview Wow realDonaldTrump ‘s hands look positively minute in this photo. Thumbelina

rolandsmartin Sulliview This all started when this immature clown was campaigning; he fancies himself a smarta** coming up w/these nicknames; 'Crooked Hillary' 'Lyin' Ted.' I was waiting for the 'Yo' Mama' jokes to start. Maybe if he didn't try to be so clever, he wouldn't end up looking so stupid.

MalcolmNance Sulliview Nasty Trump is Unpresidential! Impeach him!

Sulliview If the media was focused solely on the news rather than acting as partisan Dems, there wouldn’t be a Donald Trump presidency. The legacy media got what it deserved - a president who scorns them as they fade to oblivion.

Sulliview Draft Dodging Donny, the Orange Orangutan has got to stop calling people disparaging names./s.

MalcolmNance Sulliview Leaving some clicks off to the side is not too much to ask. When an incentive is perverse, following it makes you one of the vandals.

MalcolmNance Sulliview They shouldn’t magnify trump at all! A traitor in “our” WH. Throw the bum out

Sulliview No Chance of any war with Iran. Saudis, Uae, Israel, europe etc don’t want a war. Infact, neither Iran nor USA want a war. President Trump has geared up for the 2020 elections & so the drama. Retired old man, a dead hawk,Bolton in Trump’s team, soon will be bolt out.

Sulliview Here's what the media must stop doing, and this includes you, Sulliview: Ascribing to Trump some 'kind of dark intuitive genius...' or saying he feeds 'us nuggets packed with enormous linguistic power...” He's a bully, and he can't speak in coherent sentences. Say that.

MalcolmNance Sulliview Don the Con should be used on him not President when addressing him.

Sulliview Because he has the brain of a fifth grader (my apologies to all fifth graders).

Sulliview Duh

Sulliview Looking at you WaPo! Do better! Take the lead!

Sulliview They’re too lazy to do that

Sulliview Exactly if media acted like adults instead of putting ratings before truth; he would become nothing but a lying arrogant child that should be ignored

Sulliview About damn time!

Sulliview Compare Trump ‘s nicknames to the left’s nicknames. Anything as nasty as Hitler,Nazi,Dictator, Homophobe just to list a few.

Sulliview Anyone see the irony in the Washington Post printing a story about how the media shouldn't amplify Trump using schoolyard bully nicknames with a big picture of Trump and references to Trump's list of schoolyard bully nicknames?

Sulliview OMG! So true!! Glad that I’m not the only person screaming at the TV when the media repeats his childish, disrespectful, demeaning idiotic nicknames. WeDeserveBetter

Sulliview Don't report certain portions of the news... because it hurts the leftist agenda? Sounds about right. Nothing new here. FakeNews FakeNewsMedia

Sulliview So childish. We should refer to Trump as 1 % Trump as that is who he represents.

Sulliview Because the media (as lyin trump calls it fake media) is complicit to have helped him get elected! It’s disgusting how much free publicity he gets and his lies are amplified and repeated btw Facebook, tweeter, cnn etc

Sulliview lmpotus went from apprentice to emperor with no clothes, no intelligence, no shame, no compassion, no loyalty, no bone spurs, no service, no honesty, no negotiator, no businessman, no heart, no soul, no religion & now he shares a coin with Jesus. Think about that for awhile.

rolandsmartin Sulliview Trump is by far one of the funniest men on TV, his comedic timing is genius. Please don't take away the nicknames it's a nice little touch. Y'all leftist stop your TDS and you may you have the laugh a little too, it is possible for you to turn your frown upside down.

Sulliview TraitorTrump is an accurate & appropriate nickname for realDonaldTrump

Sulliview STOP amplifying him!! That would be nice!

Sulliview He acts like a 4yo but the press covers him like he literally is a child, it’s ridiculous

Sulliview My go to is PresidentPetulance

Sulliview I disagree. His childish pettiness needs to be exposed or only those of us on Twitter will know about this behavior.

Sulliview Be fucking better, America!

Sulliview Greed for ratings makes the networks look foolish.

Sulliview What's the matter truth hurts WalkAway TRUMP2020

Sulliview Has anyone ever directly asked him why a 72 year old man baby resorts to childish name-calling? Seriously spotlight that shitty behavior and force him to respond.

Sulliview Why? If the media is going to 'Honestly' report then it must report completely.

MalcolmNance Sulliview Totally true.

Sulliview The media is definitely a part of the problem.

MalcolmNance Sulliview surely You Jest?the MSM tactic is to Lead w/Truth&Facts&then'ALL'say,whataya say2those who say or,to play t/Devils'Advocate&then'THEY'introduce t/Liars,Equivocators&Nadir aka,Sen Graham,Jpodhoretz,SlickRick,Kellyanne,Kayleigh&even Worst,book2GOP Ana&Niger&call it,an f-n Debate?

Sulliview Exactly

Sulliview Favorites are still Loony Lizzy and Dizzy Lizzy Warren.

MalcolmNance Sulliview No one on the face of this earth has more nasty nicknames directed at him than trump. realDonaldTrump look, you're a winner

Sulliview Too bad you guys couldn't figure that out in 2016.

MalcolmNance Sulliview Dumpy Donnie has nicknames for others?

Sulliview Thank you.

MalcolmNance Sulliview If Media stop Airing Trump,He would loose his identity,Media continued to make him Relevant, every little idiot thing,he does and say ,becomes a Show,Let him go,he's not President Material,He's a Hoax

MalcolmNance Sulliview The funny thing is that there are so many fitting ones for him that it’s hard to make any of them stick. DonnyTheDipshit DumbassDonny DopeyDon DonnyTheDufus DumfuckDonny

Sulliview Here's a good nickname for Trump..He's the 'Russian Prostitute'

Sulliview We'd all be better off if the media ignored 90% of what he says and does.

Sulliview What about this nickname for realDonaldTrump : President Bone Spurs! That beats even 'Commander in Cheat'.

Sulliview .realdonaldtRUmp has never proven that he is now or ever has been a billionaire. tRUmpNoBILLIONAIRE. The media glibly referring to him as a billionaire may be misinforming your readers.

Sulliview They're classic, and spot on. Alfred E. Nueman fits Buttegieg or whatever his name is perfect.

Sulliview The way you amplify the name and image of every terrorist whoever may want his or her 15 minutes of glory?

Sulliview The same goes for.the minute by minute analysis of impeachment with few real facts or an understanding of the process. It's being turned into a magic potion.that will end the nightmare the way Mueller was supposed to.

Sulliview Media must stop amplifying them... As the media writes an entire article about them... 🙄

Sulliview realDonaldTrump what else can we expect from this vulgar abomination?

Sulliview Nothing compared to the everyday Liberal media nasty names for Pres Trump. Physician heal thyself.

BillionairesNo Sulliview Do you mean names like Brokeahontas?

Sulliview Liberals won’t stop grasping at nothing to waist tax dollars on stupidity and no evidence investigations!

Sulliview The media must stop attending and covering his rallies.

Sulliview Scapegoating dehumanizes your target.

Sulliview It's absolutely disgusting that we have to have a SOB as President. What the hell is this country coming to that we have hypocrite and pathological liar as President

Sulliview True stop the name calling Mr Trump and tweeting insults and news stop reporting it

Sulliview He is so childish. Media don't report his babytalk

Sulliview I thought being 'nasty' was 'good' according to the left when said about Hillary. Did I miss a meeting?

Sulliview TrumpTheFatChump

Sulliview Totally it’s up to the media just STOP. No oxygen to his fire 🔥 PLEASE So childish

Sulliview The go to answer for the left is always suppressing speech they don’t like. That and calling everyone they hate a white supremacist.

Sulliview Just don’t cover him !!!

Sulliview Well he's there great pants sh!ttr

Sulliview Lolololol... a little hypocritical there aren't you Washington Post

Sulliview He should not be allowed to call people names. Has he heard about his wife ‘s Be Best incentive? He is not fit to be president.

Sulliview Nasty? We find them amusing. Get a grip.



Sulliview Umm... you mean censorship?

Sulliview Why the media focuses on such stupid shit, I’ll never understand. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Sulliview Just wait. The Dope from Park Slope just entered the race. billdeblasio

Sulliview Immature...adolescent...pathetic... childish

Sulliview CensureTrump Resist

Sulliview Take away his voice. No realistic press conferences? Then stay away from his helicopter charades. His rallies? Let fox news show them. His ranting in the oval? Report anything relevant later. Take the cameras off him. He's disgusting.


Sulliview it show a 5 th grade mentality all 77 words that he can repeat. He hasn’t left playground

Sulliview We have our own nicknames for trump too like crybaby bitch.

Sulliview hey, Fatso!!.......

Sulliview Trump, the Anti-Christ.

Sulliview So absolutely true!! Please stop the echo.

Sulliview Y’all can’t stop amplifying because you know it is funny as hell!! 😂😂😂😂

Sulliview Must stop amplifying anything about Trump .

Sulliview I would be thrilled if we had a total news reporting blackout of Trump. Don’t show him on TV. Period.

Sulliview You are the media so take a dose of your own medicine. Hypocrisy ImpeachmentHearingsNow

Sulliview Are you kidding? Trump has been a gift to media! NYT is generating more revenue then ever, CNN and Fox are all Trump 24/7, everything everywhere is about Trump! He has turned the Oval office into a 24/7 reality TV with the media playing all along!

Sulliview 'Nasty' nicknames? I think 'childish' would be more appropriate.

Sulliview What you don’t like CreepyJoeBiden and CrazyBernie?

Sulliview dumbdonny

Sulliview Who cares what Brokeahontas, Con-man-don, Cheeto-in-chief etc, says?

Sulliview How can the media stop...that's what they do!

Sulliview Bully.

Sulliview Yes indeed.

Sulliview The Washington Post is in its last days. Don't mind their utterly pathetic desperation

Sulliview He needs to coin a better name for:


Sulliview The Washington Post is in its last days. Don't mind it's utterly pathetic desperation

Sulliview THANK YOU!!!

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