Perspective | If a fetus is a person, it should get child support, due process and citizenship

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Perspective: If a fetus is a person, it should get child support, due process and citizenship

By Carliss Chatman Carliss Chatman, an assistant professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law, studies corporate personhood, corporate governance and ethics, among other legal topics. May 17 at 3:11 PM Alabama has joined the growing number of states determined to overturn Roe v. Wade by banning abortion from conception forward. The Alabama Human Life Protection Act, as the law is called, subjects a doctor who performs an abortion to as many as 99 years in prison.

For example, should child support start at conception? Every state permits the custodial parent — who has primary physical custody of the child and is primarily responsible for his or her day-to-day care — to receive child support from the noncustodial parent.

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution requires a census every 10 years to count all persons residing within the United States. If a fetus is granted personhood, it should be included in the count. The census currently asks about the age and date of birth of each household resident.


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these people are in need of therapy.

All important things. One more .....can now legally ride in the two person car pool lane.

carlissc This is a brilliant article. Thank you!

so, instead of people coming to the U.S. to give birth, they can just come here tutto conceive. Maybe I should invest in some inexpensive hotels in San Diego? GetLaidGetCitizenship

Fine- Now will you please stop killing babies, for God’s sake? LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder AbortionIsMurder AbortionBan

Wow! You people will strain at a gnat & twist into a pretzel just to justify brutally tearing babies apart in the womb or scalding them to death with saline! You have sick minds & hearts! 😳🙄🤦‍♀️🤢🤮👹

...and a father. Why aren’t the fathers ever asked to carry the burden?

Sure !!! why not , illegals are getting even more so I vote yes , formula, housing, diapers, wipes , strollers, so yes a nice fat check every month

Wait, So do we get to throw annual conception day parties? Do we get gifts? I knew Hallmark was behind this all along.

A person is a body and a mind. When is a mind tagged on to a foetus. Mind is not same as sensory consciousness of surroundings

Also: driver’s licenses, guns, a lawyer, life, auto and car insurance, vote and run for office. “President Fetus” has a ring to it.


It most certainly should. When does it not An unborn baby is a citizen and the father should most definitely have to support their child.

and a bottle blood from a donor is human pieces but no problem if discarded , so an embryo is just a bunch of cells

Increased prison sentences for rapist and invest? Increase child support and welfare? After school programs? Insurance for disabled children? Or children with ore exusting conditions?

If they aren’t then why have some been charged with double murders when a pregnant woman is killed

I see no problem with that!! 🤔

Geez. This is a new level of inane. Either an unborn child has the right to life or it doesn't. That's it. Inane spin like this is just a total waste of time.

Agreed. But if proposed you murdering trash would hem and haw and fight it anyway.

All also counted in the census

And your point... it should.

Haha 😂 haha 😂 you think you are funny ?

And a SS

A baby is a person. A living fetus is an unborn baby. Stop infanticide.

What I don’t understand is why folks overlook the PERSON that IS here...that HAS a voice... So often conservatives want to protect the unborn but TURN a BLIND EYE when it comes to supporting women and children who NEED HELP. Figure out your priorities!

Think with something other than what you sit on.

It silly how these fools wear the costumes from handmaid's tale - that is exactly what the democrats want America to be. People are blind.

This statement does not make sense.

Excellent analysis.

Yup and the daddy if they’re not married needs to start writing checks for child support as soon as the stick changes color..

History of the improving for right of the weak has been developing. Women, laborers, African American, animal. But it of the unborn child is not. Past, like men who treat women unfairly, now, parents treat an unborn child unfairly.Unborn child & pregnant woman should be protected

Proof of life as presumption of existence is tedious as innocence. Justice cannot be the breath of life.

Plus paid maternity leave for 9 months and even more after once the fetus is born.


Somebody tell the evangelicals how many brown, yellow and black babies transit US territory ‘in utero’ and see how quickly they backpedal on person-ness for fetuses, lest any child in the womb automatically becomes a U.S. citizen per the 14th Amendment.

If insulting creation of life is your pillar than you should receive Earthquakes fire and floods...and. your mom🖕

It's a baby.. waiting to be born. It's a human being with a beating heart. Stop all this crap.

Taking a page right out of Hitler's play book I see. First, Dehumanize them then it's Ok to kill them. Bravo

They do if they are immigrants.

Child support at conception

LiberalScumBags ... a fetus is fully supported by the mother and as long as he or she is an American citizen is accorded all constitutional rights automatically.

Maybe even qualify as a tax deduction or partial dependent......

Stop this. An embryo is not a person, a fetus is not a person. To implicitly accept the word-shifting of the (let’s call it like it is) forced birth crowd, even for the sake of argument, is a big, fat mistake.

Sounds good, I would sign off on all of those...


There’s a lot we could take this; tax break as a dependent, counted in census for representation, eligible for Medicare/Medicaid benefits, eligible for Social Security benefits and other programs.

Good idea.

Setup cable TV air-conditioning have all the comforts of home until you come out then your democrats problem

Yep, that’s what the Georgia law does!


It’s a person thus it should. “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalms 139:14 ESV

Did Plan B stocks go up?

A child tax credit at conception. A library card. Voter ID.

Nice try!

I hate to be that guy, but citizenship is specifically reserved for those “born or naturalized” in the U.S.

Does it get universal health care too?

Pretty sick trying to justify the killing of late term babies. Let alone after they are born and letting them die. Not against abortion but some people are just sick.

What they also seem to forget about how many more deadbeat dads there will be. Trust me, my sons father is one. 2 payments in 26 years.

You got that right sista!

These are all pretty easily refuted arguments, but I do agree that the father should have to pay half of all the medical expenses and other expenses directly related to the pregnancy.

Narrator: Babies do get child support from their parents. Babies should be protected by our laws from, say, murder. And Babies are citizens. So...

If men got pregnant, there'd be drive through abortions clinics and you could pay with bitcoin.

Sounds good to me.

If it's not a person then you couldnt charge someone with double homicide if they murder a pregnant woman.

And vote.

It is impossible to expect people on the left to be rational or reasonable - when does a 'fetus' become a human being Please enlighten us

If you were a real newspaper you would get readers.

Happy wishing if GOP in power? For some reason GOP is determined to make women suffer for having sex and wanting to be responsible mothers? Does GOP care if unwanted pregnancies lead to emotional, physical, financial life-long problems? Now GOP approves of rape pregnancies, too?

And a vote by proxy from its vessel!

not paying its share into social security

According to all the evangelicals and conservatives, the fetus is also 'born' with the right to bear arms ..... but not health care, education, school lunch/bus/locker, pens/pencils, vaccinations, a roof over their head, or child support.

I’m sorry, but this is a dumb argument

The Citizenship Rule, without regard to the status of the parents, begins at birth per the U S Constitution. Whether a fetus is human is a separate question.

And the mom should be able to use the HOV lanes by herself.

...and be considered a dependent on tax return.BREAKING

TBH there's an argument to be made there

That's the best response I've read all year!!!!!!


Technically, they are not a citizen with those rights until they are born. Only then are they entitled to them, assuming that they are born in the US or to at least one US citizen.

mygoodness The book is yours! esl elt tesol tefl english inglés books amazon

And tax credits.

Yup, and according to AL, it should be counted in the census. Gender? Gotta & one, right Republicans? Birthday? To be determined, apparently. Race? There HAVE been surprises at birth. All that is problematic, but more problematic is that the census is a US CENSUS, not AL census.

Those red dresses and white bonnets are adorable btw

Anchor fetuses are too often accessories after the fact for so many crimes and they should be tried as an adult and face the life without parole for their crimes, or be executed. Right GOP?

As long as they aren't born to an illegal. End anchor baby loopholes.

News Flash.the Fetus is a Gift of God. Already spoken for, as those whom will have to answer come Judgement Day.. Repent + change our ways of living + thinking .. Someday we will all come face to face in our hour. Chioce after all is yours Let Us Pray All SeeThe Light of Day !

And the woman carrying the supposed person gets two votes! PS That btw would end the fetus-personhood nonsense

Exactly. And the father should be responsible for all insurance and maternity expenses.

It does;

Yes but they don’t really believe in fetal personhood, that’s just a cover story for punishing women for sex.

Sounds good to me

'It's not a person.' Demokkkrats say the same thing about their slaves.

Good one ,WP. And if the fetus have rights,they should be able to vote too and get a credit card and a drivers'license.

Especially down at the border...right, Jared?

Paid Healthcare at conception!

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