Pentagon Won't Rule Out F-16s for Ukraine: Nothing Is 'Off the Table'

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The Biden administration would not rule out sending F-16s to Ukraine after it announced it was sending 31 Abrams M1A2 tanks to Ukraine.

The Biden administration would not rule out sending F-16s to Ukraine after it announced it was sending 31 Abrams M1A2 tanks.

This is a capability that would require training. It would require more people to come off the battlefield to learn a new — an entirely new system. And again, the Ukrainians have proven that they can learn complicated, complex, challenging systems. It is more — in terms of, like, the Abrams, it is more the sustainment, the maintenance when it’s on the battlefield. With the F-16s, again, another challenging system that would require training.

Ukraine had pushed for months for the U.S. to send the Abrams tanks. Defense officials had said for weeks that it was not the right time to send the tanks, due to the time and difficulty it would take to train Ukrainian forces to operate, maintain, and sustain them.


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Of course, they need those planes to fulfill promises they made for brown bag money, and Hunter’s crappy art.

Do Americans believe that engaging in a war in Ukraine is better than Pres.Trump’s proven ability to (1) negotiate peace in the Middle East, N & S Korea &( 2) avoid the inflationary impact of wasting trillions of $s on a war that could adversely impact our planet’s climate?

The more Joe sends to Ukraine, the more he gets in return.

I mean, if we aren't in this war already, we soon will be.

How come Ukraine already didn't have a military built up for cases like this? Now they want the rest of the world to supply all their military equipment for free !!

That should be enough.

Biden is begging for war with Russia. Why?

Starting a war one weapons system at a time. Why not. That how they destroy our rights. One Constitutional right at a time.

That Dumpster fire Xiden really wants WW III This is insanity because this won't be anything like WW II

Pushing for WW3. When all else fails, go to war as a diversion.

We are inching dangerously close to war, and I think that (shadow pres) obama wouldn't hesitate on getting the US into one if he saw political gain from it. I feel for our troops, and am glad I am no longer on active duty.

Our so-called “leaders” in Washington, D.C., both democrat and republican, are determined to get America into a war where more of our young people can get killed, For what?

. If you are in the military and you can get out do so Now before it's too late

'Monye makes the vorld go 'round'! '

easylove9554 And 10% for the big guy!

Can't fund new stock without getting rid of old stock...

Biden already gave billions of dollars of the latest military equipment to terrorists in Afghanistan. Why not also give away our tanks lol

Why are we giving away Americas military machines.


F**k it. Appoint Trump Secretary of State since he says he can end this war tomorrow!

For all we know, the Pentagon is not even American anymore! I’ve seen no proof! Seen proof in Society that they don’t claim to be American. So if Society is like the Pentagon?

War is coming, the German bimbo has already declared it. People need to understand that it will bring total and absolute devastation. What is going on is complete madness.

And the Very reason why other countries Use our own weapons against us eventually

Are they going to declassify the classified computer chips and chip sets contained within them? I don’t think so. But again, like Afghanistan evacuation we left behind a lot of classified chips and information the Chinese now have

DORE on Ukraine etc

To become a M1A1 crew member requires 22 weeks of formal school, to be a mechanic is 24 weeks of training… it to mention the logistics (parts, fluids, fuel) needed to maintain 31 tanks. This is all in place and ready to go?

WWIII is almost here. N. Korea and Iran along with China helping Russia. Weak Germany and Poland sending arms and now USA. Over a small area Donbas and Ukraine draining USA of monies yet USA not even guard its border with Dingleberries Biden and Harris in charge.

That's because General Dynamics is paying the Biden Crime Syndicate top dollar to sell, er, 'GIVE' these old technology birds to somebody to keep em in bidness. The USA uses em for target drones so the only reason I can see is cuz Biden needs more laundered $$$$$

Why not… After all Russia is buying about a billion dollars worth of American arms from Afghanistan. Seems legit.

Biden obviously wants WW3!

Oh my God! Please stop the maniac in the White House!

The Russian people are going to have to face reality at some point. Putin out or Armageddon? SCARY

25th amendment time

This administration is an ABSOLUTE MESS… I wouldn’t doubt Russia escalating this to the EXTREME


It was not too long ago. Absolutely, the Republican House pushes back on the funding of this war when they know it could’ve been over a while back and now they are going to send them what they need. Ridiculous! The left (liberals) has ruined our country and now Ukraine!

Why not make Ukraine the 51st State & get it over with?

WWIII in 3...2..1... I miss Trump.

So we are going to war?

FCK no

Where are the tank crews coming from to operate these tanks.

he's nationally abusive.. you guys need a giggle. FrankBadaBing

Don't You Dare Start WW3 ! BidenWorstPresidentInHistory

Escalation they have no reverse gear.

Stop sending USA Military Equipment

That would be fully engaging in the War! Thus, it has got to stop! Putting will not back down! He is heartless.

VietNam Afghanistan Iraq Kuwait… And now Russia-Ukraine Imagine NOT consistently making U S weapons manufacturers wealthier on U S tax payer $$$ When did Democrats become War Hawks?

What comes after the jets?

Escalation. Do we really want to go down this path again?

That's because he keeps threatening law abiding American gun owners with his 'F-15s.' He needs to keep what's left of those antiques close by.

Remember Vietnam! When will the protests begin?

Here we go prepare for conscripted draft if you're under 35 years old

Could the globalists be fighting for their lives by trying to save Ukraine?

He is getting us into WW3

So wrong.

Nuclear weapons?

No even WW3!

This is fun and games for Joey Biy and the Military Industrial Complex. We have to stop arming them now. Zelensky is going to go on the offensive and cross the border into Russia. Then what?

The Big Guy is well aware that it is in his best interest to escalate a nuclear war and hide in his basement bunker, then facing the countess crimes he has committed around the world.

Ukraine must be behind the 8 ball needing all this money and equipment

Tgat didn't take long . Giving zelensky everything he wants . Where's the billions going if nato is supplying guns, weapons ,ammo . Tanks planes . Watch it will be troops next .

Could you imagine a worse idea.

Putin also thinks the same way, NOTHING IS OFF THE TABLE like NUKES!!! Once he nukes, Berlin, Kiev n New York then people will think hard. “Maybe supporting Ukraine wasn’t a good idea” play with fire u get burn, soon or later.

Not good mission creep 🤔

Mentally incapacitated President

Why not you left Apache helicopters for the Taliban.

Walking quickly into WWIII

Just give them nukes and end all of this bulls**t . Isn't that the end game here ?

Next will be American troops.

I predict a rollback on M1 tanks.

They certainly are hellbent on WW3 aren't they?

Ukraine gets F-16's but American citizens have to pay for them. Where is my F-16? I want it here and not there.

We will support the fish, whatever the cost. The important thing is that the Russians will not win

I love all the Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 Biden regime. Democrats all claimed Trump was the war monger and going to get us into World War III and they're the ones that are actually getting us into world war III. China and Russia, both prepared for this to bring it to US soil..

Update your will asap

That’s just stupid. The Ukrainians are not trained on this equipment, send them equipment that is already part of their arsenal. It appears that the west is planning for a long drawn out conflict, will make politicians a lot of money.

ooh_mow It's brinkmanship with your life on the line.

Biden needs to stop acting like he is the next FDR. The Germans in WW II were taking over countries and massacring the Jewish population in death camps. Biden is only sending military equipment so he can say he did something, he is doing nothing but getting us closer to WW III

OMG! Where will we all live if Russia decides to Nuke Ukraine?

Enough with the war hawks!! Try going against your Globalist/ Bankster masters and demand peace talks. Enriching these psychopaths with the blood of innocents must stop! Now!🇨🇦🇺🇲

Get ready for a boots on the ground war with Russia and China

You don't just fly an f16. Are we training their pilots too?

Dam the usa never learns does it

Are they ever going to declare that we are officially at war now?

And just like the urkranian natzis will now how to fly them? I do not support ukraine natzi's

If we're going to do that then show force and take out the objective or just ask the true president Donald Trump how to solve the problem

Biden needs to go. He is making unhealthy decisions. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

They just want to keep provoking the bear until it pulls out his nukes.

The buffoonish Pentagon bosses will find out that vaporization is ON the table. Probably too late.

The last gasps of Totalitarians losing Power is to start really big Wars.

Biden needs to go.

Yes- we're the crabs in the pot and they just keep turning up the heat.


Who thinks we should send those 31 Abrams tanks to secure and defend our southern border instead of Ukraine?

Doesn’t he have to get approval from the house to do this

They are trying to put us into this war. This isn’t even a nato country and is the most corrupt . The only reason he is doing this is because he is compromised

NO MORE WEAPONS OR MINEY FOR UKRAINE..,! We have enough of our own problems here!


With Joe in charge, what could possibly go wrong? WWIII

Geez..this is not good

IT WOULD BE best to get this one over with 'cause Chinese are next and that will be a sh$t Show

Elections have escalating consequences

Is that including WW3? War mongers are in charge of our governments.

US need to send nukes to Ukraine next.

Just give Zelenskyy the neculear codes and be done with it

We will be at war with Russia by the end of the year. Nuclear weapons will be used.

🇧🇷🇺🇸 BidenDestroysAmerica BidenIsADisgrace AmericaFirst ZelenskyWarCriminal RussianUkrainianWar nuclearwar

We need to all notify congress to stop sending our money & equipment to Ukraine until we have oversight & ascess the situation. Do they even have fighter pilots? When did congress pass this bill? Who in the house voted for this?

Mission creep by the DC swamp creeps!

Gosh! Bannon's russian handlers must be freaking out.


The Dutch government have promised to deliver more equipment than they have for the defence of their own country!!🤡🌍

Stop escalating WWIII! Seriously where is the anti war movement



take the industrail off the table

As I and trump said then come the planes and finally out to die forENGLISH oppression of other poor kids !OUR CHILDREN THE RETARDS ALREADY THEIR ! The I’ll die for anything American retarded in the extreme any chance to kill something that philosophy is now killed us all good job

Undoubtedly, with those weapons platforms it means US boots on the ground.

Why have you taken so long for the statement of how to stomp Russia's ass so long can we get a NATO NO FLY ZONE to save the survivors of Russian Invasion

Russia surveils the border and airports with satelites it has hypersonic iskander missles. The tanks will last five seconds. The planes will last five seconds. Renounce the nwo America

When do we the people get a say?

Meanwhile mean to us, but kind to corrupt countries.

This leftist hyper-fixation with Ukraine is nuts and has to stop.

'Commander In Chief' What a fucking joke.

Acts of war take many shapes.

Whose going to fly them? Exactly!

vietnam in europe

Ukraine, when you want eussia to have our technology, but don't want the voters to think they want Russia to have our technology

We are not actually in war with Russia if we send F-15's and the pilots separately

World War 3 anyone?

then what small nukes

Yeah. He wants to help. Giving away the store is his prerogative. How else will he embarrass the country? He's done a fine job at that so far.

Absolutely do not support

As sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives...

This is lunacy

For defense or offense?

While china is building its military america is depleting its own to continue a war that doesn’t concern it

Just wait until Ukraine ask the U.S. to pay for a complete rebuild of their country.

The average person in all countries doesn't want war. It's governments who want war. Rise up and take a stand people of the world. You have the power. You're just brainwashed.


Biden and democrats start ANOTHER war after GIVING Afghanistan to China? Corrupt communist scum.

Armageddon is coming in a hurry

Sending advanced Tanks or Aircraft without the Trained pilots or crews is Useless and plain dumb.

Then They Will Use Them To Attack Russia Within Russia. All Hell Will Break Loose Then. Pulling USA Into The War. Stupid Decision.

I sure hope Russia doesn't attack us in retaliation after we've handed over all our military equipment to Ukraine!

Biden s About to cause WW 3

America is not around when it comes to the battle of Armageddon... Google it..... read about it in the 'manual for mankind' the KJV Bible.

It should never have been on the table.

babs4america Truly Bidens and administration is pissing of Putin! Young lives of Russia are hating their controlled environment of old Russia! But yet the correct young minds are not in control of old Russia! Be careful Bidens!

Biden admin will eventually use tax dollars to send Las Vegas girls for comfort.

Biden said last March sending tanks, troops, jets would instigate World War 3. What changed?


*and pilots.

Biden is going to get us in a war

Welcome to WWIII 🤯😡

Dems love war, makes them even more rich..

Meanwhile, here in the US of A 🇺🇸. It's obvious when a 'president' hates the people he's supposed to represent. He can't take it with him and he appears to be at the circle- of-life precipice. Has it all been worth it Joe Biden?

Someone with a rational mind needs to step forward and stop this insanity. Congress ? Senate ? Anyone ? We need Trump now.

Biden will be sending Abrams M1 tanks and F16 Fighter Jets to ANTIFA!

If the U.S does this they better also drop the DEFCON level!!

So…. Does anyone have anything planned for when ww3 is going on? Drinks? A movie?

The Biden administration doesnt have the tanks they pledged to send? We have thousands of these tanks and now we cant send them? Who is backing down to Putin now?

Might as well send biplanes.

Don't do this¡!

Yeah, but who's going to fly them?

Next Ukraine will ask for 100k troops!

People aren't stupid We're deep in it & your pushing us to Nuke WW3.

Why not just have all us Americans trade places with Ukrainians …….ENOUGH OF THIS NON SENSE THE BIDEN ADMIN IS BEING BLACKMAILED AND NEED TO BE ARRESTED!!!!!….

Biden and Congress will be talking Ohio class subs in a month at this rate. Loco

Who the fuck is going to fly them?

Hell us and nato might as well just go ahead and declare war then.

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