Pence will not self-quarantine, plans to be at the White House Monday

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US Vice President Mike Pence is not planning to enter self-quarantine after his press secretary tested positive for coronavirus Friday, and he plans to be at the White House on Monday.

US Vice President Mike Pence plans to be at the White House on Monday, a Pence spokesman said on Sunday. Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Devin O'Malley, the vice president's spokesman, said Pence"will continue to follow the advice of the White House Medical Unit and is not in quarantine." Separately, an official said Pence’s schedule will probably be on the lighter side for the next few days but he’s not doing a full self-isolation.


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And he wants to tell others about the importance of quarantine. Let's live

Um. Lie.

Good. Spread it around the GOP ... its what they want right? TyphoidPence

Of course, spread the virus to any and everyone you come near. Mask will make u look weak, not smart enough to listen to experts.

Let them all rot

Inconsiderate cunt

Pure stupidity!!

Is it safe to him

Is he afraid Mother might get suspicious?

He thinks he’s Jesus and walks around assuming nothing will happen to him. He’s as bad as his boss.

Sweet. Infect the White House.

No way MOTHER will let him roam around the house with that abomination.

Good. Hope the virus gets him but we couldn’t be that lucky

Keep spreading the virus Pence.

He obviously could care less about his felliw human beings. Jeez, these people are so delusional they actually believe they won't get the virus. Mother Nature just might give them a wake up call.

Jesus will cure him if something happens

Jesus or Satan will save him.

How selfish and crazy is that? You are part of the leadership who are supposed to be setting an example and you do the exact opposite of what has been laid out as guidelines. Another reason that people will continue to pass this virus from person to person. So many people just

Hey VP make sure you kiss the entire Trump family, KellyannePolls senatemajldr and that turd Stephen Miller 🤣

Do the president and vice president that is trying to kill us off we should turn around and hang them by their little Binkies and the rest of the president's family hang her by her titties and kill them up get rid of their trying to do it to us so let's do it to them before

Good .Pence should climb out of his empty box and go kiss his bosses' ass, since they can't shake hands during this pandemic.

Breaking the rules left and right. He is such a puppet

Pence has no choice! In their distorted view it would appear weak. Let’s just keep rolling the Jerry Springer “Life in the USA” episode. Shame DT treats real life like a reality show. A President who was up past his bedtime Tweeting. Absurd to say the least!

Sounds good hug and lick dear leader all you want.

No, I plan to keep on shaking hands, too.

Of course not....that would require caring about his fellow human beings and going against Trump.

More of realDonaldTrump DoAsISay leadership style

Remember, Pence is the guy who doesn't believe that smoking causes cancer. So, no surprise.


If the statement CNN. The VP tested on Sunday and was negative. Plus all meetings people remain 6 feet apart. Please CNN you can’t be trusted.

How does that work does secret service protect the president from the VP... cannot wait for president SpeakerPelosi def not a realDonaldTrump but if you are do you ignore this because the present downplays covid constantly or do you want everyone to go by guidelines

And he’ll be tested daily.

Of course not he’s a man! Men don’t cry! Men don’t cower! Men don’t....geez I can’t not for this guy! Hahahahaha

He can't because trump won't let him!! Both of them want the American people to think there's nothing to worry about!! How can anyone stand behind these liars and deceivers? People going out to reopened clubs and shops are now getting the virus!!

Spreading the 'Trump Plague'


Another Darwin Award on the way.


Sorry for him when Corvid-19 visit him finally

Well, no surprise there. When the boss is a moron, the servents became infected with the same vírus: lack of judgment, lack of inteligence, lack of leadership, lack of everything really. No lack of fingers to tweet, the new way to lead this poor US by these poor, sad men

They have set themselves up to fail. They can't be seen to take this situation seriously in the face of the propaganda they have been pushing. Here comes the hoax boys. Karma is a bitch. Trump_wannabe_autocrat TrumpLiesPeopleDie you_cant_cure_stupid StayHomeSaveLifes

it will be fine. everything's fine.

Yeah, and make sure you sneak some sips from Crazy Donny’s Diet Coke too!

I was surprised that a church did not spoke for very long time after corona appeared. How to explain something doubtful? It takes time to accept the truth. But, rules are for everyone, because we all are mortal.

Good. I hope he has it and I hope he infects the rest of them.

Good. Let them all get sick and rot.

SetTheWrongExample LikeAFlu

morgfair Mikey ya gunna give that ole herd immunity a try amongst the entire WH staff?

Is he infected? If not, this is pointless. Then again, this is CNN.

Of course this administration does not have a clue they even lack common sense.

What absolute irresponsible behavior. And setting examples that lead to illness and death.

So he tested positive & wants to share with realDonaldTrump. Trump’s always looking for positive news.

And so if Pence or Trump get the virus, they have no one to blame but themselves. No sympathy from me.

Self quarantine will ruin this great friendship.I hope he can hug Trump and they share a cup and a table and they ride in the same car and they shake hands and he laughs with him face-to-face because they are really close and deserve to maintain their close friendship.

Great job 🤮

Great . Go ahead walk around talk to people make them sick . Such brilliant leadership you guys have shown . I voted for u guys last time not this time . 2020corina clowns 🤡 way to keep America safe . MORONS

He should go in and shake hands with Trump. Business as usual.

Maybe everyone else should call in sick? After all, if he's been exposed, he could expose others.

Why is he not staying home?

Fauci himself is only doing 'modified' quarantine. Know why? Because there's important shit to do and we can't just lock down when the risk is minimal and manageable.

Jaws music starts playing

HuffPost which is it? cnn says he isn’t. HuffPost says he is

Good doggie!

So he wants a shot at president between now and November. I don't blame him. He'd be a better placeholder than the bumbling orange imbecile that has left nothing but death and destruction in his wake.

And he doesn’t wear masks. Stupid is as stupid does.

Wait, wait, let’s give this a chance. I’m willing to see how this turns out.

He is head of the Covid_19 task force.

'Because I'm an asshole,' he explained

America's enemies don't have to lift a finger to acheive their end with Trump at the helm... in November restore your dignity USA..please for the sake of the western world.

u go boy! Be very near Trump.

Good idea 👍👍 don't forget to give Trump's a big hug..okay!?

Please give Donnie a hug from all of us. A bigly one.

Americans pray this administration catch this virus. It is only fair. May whatever God you choose, smite you down. Amen.

cnn ABC MSNBC NBCNews when are your reporting BarackObama and biden and TheDemocrats for treason? Obamagate

Mannequins aren't susceptible to viruses.

Sounds like a self-correcting problem to me!!

Don’t bother with a mask, Pence. It’s just a hoax.

Thank you got not doing what the rest of us have to do - wear a mask! You lack of setting an good example will have you moving out of Washington in November! I don’t understand why you are taking this risk, it’s mind blowing!

People like this need to catch the virus & become the sickest they ever been!! The mask is NOT for you, it's for other's safety & well being.

Selfish POS, just like his cult leader.


God works in mysterious ways! This situation could work itself out very well.

...and this was the guy that was leading the virus taskforce. lol


I’m thinking him and his buddy have already had the antibody shots

Disinfect the White House. VoteDemocrat2020

Good.. enjoy the spread.

GOPVirus GOPAreInfected ProtectYourChildren QuarantinetheGOP GOPCorruptionOverCountry GOP GOPGenocide

Truth is coming CNN won’t be able to cover up anymore, millions each day wake up!!!

Good, let him run around there all he wants. “Head of the Task Force”...🙄🤦🏼‍♂️

Good Pence and Trump can get the coronavirus and die, and then we can swear in the new President Pelosi! You know, to really make America great again. PresidentPelosi MAGA

Yet Fauci will so he can’t contradict misinformation from the WH?

Let him spread it around then 😡

Pence is showing you Dimocrats how to behave like a man.

It would be fitting if he was asymptomatic and took it home to his wife and made her sick. The irony of their cavalier attitudes is lost in them.

I guess he's trying to pray it away. 🙄

Get over it, CNN! They know what to do, not you!

I sorry but I bet a female would write something like this... a guy would have told him to be a man and do your job

It's called leadership.

Perhaps he can stop on his way at a nursing home and volunteer for a few hours.

Shame on you Pence. You are endangering everyone in the White House.



ah meek penis flip flops again, rigid leadership that's the way to be second banana!

I’m guessing the entire White House knows this isn’t that serious and they are just waiting for every Dem to overreact so they lose.

Fine by me...

I doubt that. It's a publicity stunt: While Trump is still in bed eating breakfast, a maskless Pence shows up at the White House, moves some empty boxes of PPE around, waves to the press, then is scurried off by his handlers, and will not be seen or heard from for 14 days.


He must have gotten his plasma treatment

To for it fool🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Hé may well infect others ...

Good, let’s see what happens.

So... good luck 🍀 my dear!!

Media needs to get its' story straight 😐


VP nothing but a realDonaldTrump cockroach.

Do as I say not as I do isn’t going to go over really well with suburban women.

I love it! COVID for everyone!!

So selfish and non caring of other humans!

Good for him... now let’s talk about the crime Obama has done

You go Pencie!

Oh Nooooooooooooo! 🖕 CNNisFakenews

Only the secret service is allowed to make decisions about the president's safety if they're allowing it maybe we should wonder what they know that we don't know.

Herd immunity. You all like science so much, then listen to it and stop locking your immune systems up!

So,is there everyone in the Whitehouse doing their job anyways? No

Technically, according to the constitution if VP and realDonaldTrump both need to be quarantine, SpeakerPelosi will be POTUS 46. If he isn't quarantine, it might means realdonaldtrump is already positive with COVID19.

go cough on your boss for us

He should be relieved of office then go home save lives

Puppet Pence is an idiot & irresponsible however it's fabulous and terrible to think that perhaps he might get ill as well as Trumpy Poo! I shake my head every day at these idiots!

There goes the neighborhood

Then Pence needs to step down from his position.


I mean, why the hell not? A) at this point theyre all gonna have it, and B) not a single one of them can afford (politically, which it's clear matters much more than their physical lives) to give up the macho-man-no-mask-needed schtick at this point.

Great ,infect the fearless(coward dodging) and Nancy Pelosi can be President once and for all

You do you boo

Where is Hunter Biden? We want our 1.5 Billion back

Gotta make sure and spread that shit everywhere can’t look weak

Leading by example ....

Toxic masculinity at its best

For pence and he should know this Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.

On the job ... as always!

Yeah, ignore reality. It’s all a dream.


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