Pelosi says no deal yet on stimulus package, as McConnell says leaders are 'very close'

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House Speaker Pelosi says no deal has been reached on an emergency stimulus bill and that the House will introduce its own bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sounded an ominous warning Sunday that she may not support an emerging coronavirus economic stimulus bill that had been on a fast track through Congress this weekend.

Departing a meeting with the top four congressional leaders and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Pelosi said there is no deal yet and that the House will introduce its own bill -- something that could significantly draw out the process to finalize legislation. The fate of a final proposal -- and quite possibly the American economy -- is in the hands of the four congressional leaders, all of whom gathered in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office on Sunday.


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I don't think economy should be put first before health/life. I think the govt should do more in providing more testing centres, preventive gears, control of panic buying, encourage social distancing, fast track the vaccine production and take care of those already infected.


If Turtle Mitch is for it,this includes something for his,his wife and CEO's.

CEO will make millions and you give Americans 100$ for what PPE needs to be Done under Government not states competition for bids!! President needs to Order factories to speed up production!

Typical politicians...the world's on fire and they sit around pointing fingers at each other while arguing about whether it's best to use hoses or buckets of water to put it out.

Vote the Democrats out of Washington in 2020 and absolutely don't vote for no show- clueless joe. Keep this country great. Vote POTUS Trump

Makes sense. Neither side will support anything the other side proposes for the sake of helping americans.

At this point vote yes to help us! We done care at this point other then who is standing in the way of help.

How anyone could possibly want to be a Republican in this day in age is beyond me. They are so greedy and hateful. It’s sickening

Where is the mention about things she is demanding be included that have nothing to do with the virus? You people are some of the most dishonest, despicable people walking the planet.

Republicans are about to not have the senate majority. The 5 republicans going into isolation can’t vote.

Nancy, I love you but don't stall this money. Millions need it.

Stop the bull💩SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer we need HELP NOW!!! Enough with the political 💩!!!!! Americans are hurting or do you not care, while you go about your millionaire lifestyles off our money!! You heartless.....

This back abd forth is turning political! Damn it people, it’s lives your F’ing with!!!

Trying to pack her slush fund!! Pos


There she goes again risking lives for politic, she's gotta go...

You should hand over leadership of the Democratic Party to the Mafia or Mexican Cartels....any institution less criminal than Pelosi & Schumer....

Stupid, Congress. They have become worthless. Anybody that stands in the way of Americans getting help right now should be removed from office...Monday

Deal with what is needed immediately. Longer term unemployment and medical should be dealt with and implementation done correctly. Do immediate block grants to the states most affected so they are not overwhelmed by claims. Those amounts can be figured into a final bill.


Someone needs to drop a big bucket of corona on Pelosi and McConnell. They couldn’t give two shts abouts anyone other than themselves. They are just dragging this out for revenge Screw them karma hurts. Just remember that.

Why wouldn't McConnell sign? The two sticking points don't favour big corporations. Once again, screw the worker, the Republican way.😥

Do nothing Democrats

With CORONAVIRUS the Government stimulus must be worded so large corporations do not allow executives receive their bonuses. We shouldn’t have to state this, but the rich always continue to feel they deserve to live per their usual. One way or another they do not sacrifice.

الحمد لله دائما وابدا علي كورونا وغيره . نحن لا نورث الأرض . الأمر كله لله وحده بعد أن أثبت العالم عجزه .فكل شئ لحكمه لا يعلمها الا هو . لابد أن ترضي بقضاء الله ونستودع الله في أنفسنا وأولادنا واهالينا الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا شديدا طيبا مباركا ملئ السموات الأرض كما ينبغي لجلالك

Democrat Pelosi might not help the bill to help Americans ? Wow !!! Is that straight from Zucker or Obama or who

That old Bat better stop messing with the working man's/woman's money. Pelosishutup

mediaisthevirus DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica TruthMatters Trump2020NowMoreThanEver SenSchumer do you even know what the word “Hypocrite” is?

Of course Pelosi is going to be difficult. shes the world's oldest bratty child.

She wants abortion in the Bill. Let SpeakerPelosi destroy her party more. realDonaldTrump has to bring this up all the time.

Explain why

SpeakerPelosi is mad that she got caught loading the House bill with pork. She’ll only support a bill that achieves her slush fund success.

Heads will roll if Pelosi stops this to introduce her own shit bill.

Pelosi wants- *$ 1200 per person + $500 per child. *Small business loans (which will be forgiven) -67% of our economy *aide to prop up unemployment insurance *help to hospitals/medical workers *Debt relief to students *AVIATION relief, BUT NO STOCK BUY BACK/NO BONUSES

Well, duh, she needs to politicize this or make money on it!

Because god forbid the administration lead the way.

Democrats will make sure you don’t see a check for as long as they possibly can

You all need to grow up and get in a room ( 6 feet apart of course) and negotiate this out. No leaving the room until it is done. The country is watching you. You fail us and you are out in November. We want less bullshit and more action.

Of course she is going to fight this. She needs to be removed from office.

Makes me wonder why i am a democract. Nancy, give us what ever has been agreed on and you can still go back for more. We can't keep on waiting.

If you need to bring politics into a worldwide pandemic you should be arrested immediately.

Thank you. Money should come to the people of America and research on making drugs, vaccinations, producing medical equipment and food. The government focuses too much on saving the economy, they want to save their votes. We should use the money for those who really need it.

Stoned again.

If abortion funding is in this... she is the C U oN Tuesday we ALL know her to be!

Card house.

Stop and pass the bill stop being bull headed

I don’t know why this cunt is still around

Come on Nancy. People need money and they need it now. We can’t afford to make this thing drag on for a month just because you don’t like some things in it. PEOPLE NEED THE MONEY.

of course not, she is fkn usless

Now is not the time to be acting like 4 year olds. Get it together and send money to people who need it

This too is typical of Italian grandma behavior, apart from tearing the Presidents speech? She is trying to take the credit for this. Shameless do nothing DEMS.

Knock the damn politics off!! We need unity.. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

You get what you vote for in the house

The American people should have priority. Lives are at stake. Those corporations who are ham-fisting their way to the front of the line should be boycotted. NOT ONE DIME TO CORPORATIONS. People first.

Of course she would. She could care less about the American people. Just look at her state.

By the time you get done figuring out how much money you’re going to give to all the rich people that little piddling’s that you give to the poor people will just catch them up on their bills what are they going to do next month greedy bastards

Key from the article is they are being asked to support a bill they haven’t fully seen yet

House and the Senate need to get off their political high horses and start working for the American People. I think most American's are sick of them. They work for the American people. They're raking in their checks and getting rich while they let a big part of Americans suffer.

She DOESNT give a single sh*t about people suffering. She’s out here politically grandstanding simply to make Trump look bad. At what point does your OWN well being become more important than hating Trump people?!?! STOP VOTING FOR THIS WITCH. She’s awful. A self-enriching fraud.

Will the bill include Trumps removal from office?

No one knows what is going on behind closed doors. Republicans were probably trying to slide in another tax cut for the very rich

'GOP and 'moderate' Dems both trying to find ways to give *some* relief during the pandemic in a way that will not anger their bosses, Corporations and wealthy donors. Nothing agreed upon yet.'

Nancy playing games again she is bad very bad

Somebody with intellect and organizational skills is revealing how incompetent and ruthless some people can be. The Senators who are blocking the bill care only about their power, not the people. Their mandate to get all of those judges into power is in jeopardy - pay attention!

CNN already has a story about economy going into depression but the key words they use are “may” and “could”. They are already misleading because they want panic which could push suicidal people over the edge. The difference: Trump gave people hope, CNN gave people fear.

Lol pelosi does the first good thing she's done in months by not bowing to worse-than-2008 corporate handouts & you absolute morons are making her look like the bad guy standing in the way of progress. You deserve every jeer of 'fake news' thrown at you, corporate shills.

SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer what's it going to take for you people to stop messing with OUR LIVES? LEAD or GET OUT. At this point I'm asking for ALL AMERICANS to sue Federal government! This is on YOU AND THE LACK OF LEADERSHIP FROM BOTH DAMN PARTIES! Negligent Genocide 😡

Not one cent to hoax enablers and thieves. They already sold their stocks....🤬🤬🤬 NOT ONE CENT!

Piglosi wants to be able to pass out Piglosi Speaker pens with her new bill.


Fake news

👎🏻 SpeakerPelosi

Playing fucking politics again. You boys will be out of business shortly.

Oh so now Republicans and Trumpters crying for Socialist $$ ... I see... ExRepblicanNeverTrump RegisterIndependent VOTETHEMOUT

Don't bail out business, just give everyone 1,000,000 each

SpeakerPelosi WTF is wrong with you!

Well then Cuomo an Deblasio can start blaming her instead of Trump. She is more worried about her corporate buddies than her own people.

Of course not... she was gonna hijack the whole thing from the get go.

There's a surprise...nazi Nancy has to be center of attention, while ppl are starving...she's an azzhat

STOP ! Playing f*cking politics SpeakerPelosi ! Americans need help !

People must remember what she has been DONE

Good god these people are incompetent

🤦🏽‍♀️. Pelosi is such a disaster

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