Pelosi says House will stay in session until coronavirus stimulus deal is reached, moderate lawmakers push for compromise

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

''We are committed to staying here until we have an agreement.'

While some have floated the idea that coronavirus relief could be added to the spending proposals, leaders in the House and Senate have rejected the idea.Attempting to break the logjam, groups of of moderate lawmakers in both parties, many of whom face tough re-election races this fall, have tried to push their parties’ leadership to get back to the bargaining table.

Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., added that the push for a deal was not meant to"undermine the speaker’s negotiating position." Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle denounced “brinkmanship” and partisan politics for holding up the passage of another relief bill. The group of lawmakers acknowledged their bill was not going to be the final version, nor was it even a perfect bill, but they hoped it would pressure both sides to return to the bargaining table.

The plan Senate Republicans attempted to pass last week did not include the stimulus checks and had smaller amounts of money for unemployment benefits and state and local funding.


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Pelosi is fighting for Americans McConnell has his own agenda and allowing Americans to suffer McConnell needs to go like yesterday in a coffin or handcuffs it doesn’t matter

Contented2851 Thank you SpeakerPelosi

GDebatta But also had an administration that built the best economy -GDP growth, dollar value, new jobs created , energy insourced , and manufacturing insourced by the trade war with China wlthat needed to happen for decades. Responsible spending practices I.e. loans by the government.

GDebatta usatoday GDebatta and not a word on the outrageousness of their bill . The numbers don't even make sense. If it weren't for Trump we'd be f**d. He not only undid much of the 10 trillion $ DEFICIT (not debt) Obama added - the Biggest presidential Economic irresponsibility EVER.

In other words, until you get your way.

After taking the last month off? Don't act like you're now doing us a favor. TermLimitsNow

Nancy turned down 1.3 trillion dollars for you because she already got hers! Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's husband received a loan valued at a dollar amount between $350,000 and $1 million, the data showed PPP loan?

“members could go back to their districts and would be given notice to come back to the U.S. Capitol if a bill was to be voted on”

Now she’s ready work.

Reminds me when she did “No Bill No Break” for gun control. Except when vacation started...Congress left. What a fool.

Well, SpeakerPelosi hair is good for at least 6 more weeks so....


But where were you last month ? I know, getting your hair done. America was less important than your hair, or did you think up of ways to sneak in crap for your pet/friends that has zero to do with We The People ? Trump2020Landslide

I sincerely hope she is being genuine about this. We deserve a government that works together. If Mitch McConnell plays games here we should collectively, ALL AMERICANS, demand his resignation.

the only reason it's still a thing is because she refuses to pass it without getting a bunch of unnecessary garbage involved

Trump has said many times over the last 3 years he's built the richest economy the world has ever seen. Then only a few months into a pandemic, we have to borrow trillions of dollars just to stay afloat. Pretty much on brand from a guy who bankrupted many companies.

So what... Do your job!!!

GDebatta I thought she and Steve Mnuchin said no money to normal people until after the election?

Nancy wants to pay off her political cronies. 2/3rds of her 'bill' have nothing to do with helping American is a cash bailout for bad unpaid union promises made over the last 50 years in DNC cities. LetThemRot

25 Billion to the USPS - MOSTLY to help the Pelosi Family via her husband having control over the upgrades.

More pressure from the Dems who are in trouble in districts.

$3.4 trillion of stimulus totals over $10,000 of added debt per citizen. Unnecessary over-spending. $1T directed to small business is what's needed. Pelosi is just another feckless demagogue.

she has lovely hair

I guess the polls are showing that is a priority to the people so now she cares. These politicians could get a care less about us over their agendas

Both sides want to claim victory, and the democrats don't want Trump to ever be able to claim a victory. More Washington bs. We need TermLimits

SpeakerPelosi Seems to me she's the only one fighting for relief for WE THE PEOPLE!

Until the GOP is ready to get serious it’s just another stalemate, and the people are the pawns!

She needs the deal so that she can get her hair done again and pedicure!!!

This woman can’t add $2 together

LOL 'Crazy Nancy' sticking did it. Deal will be made within a week.

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