Pelosi calls for removing Confederate statues from Capitol

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is calling for statues of Confederate figures such as Jefferson Davis to be removed from the U.S. Capitol. The statues 'pay homage to hate, not heritage,' she says.

FILE - In this June 24, 2015 file photo, a statue of Jefferson Davis, second from left, president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865, is on display in Statuary Hall on Capitol Hill in Washington. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is demanding that statues of Confederate figures such as Jefferson Davis be removed from the U.S. Capitol.

The California Democrat made the announcement on the very day President Donald Trump vowed on Twitter that he would not rename military bases honoring Confederate generals. Only a short time before Pelosi’s statement, NASCAR announced it would ban displays of the Confederate flag at its races.Confederate monuments have reemerged as a national flash point since the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis officer pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes.

The presence of statues of generals and other figures of the Confederacy in Capitol locations such as Statuary Hall — the original House chamber — has been offensive to African American lawmakers for many years. Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., was known to give tours pointing out the numerous statues.


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What about Frederick Douglass or are you just banking on the fact that the voters don’t know American history he celebrated slavery and was a Democrat and you have the nerve to bash Lincoln gosh get educated people

This is my AmericanHistory leave it alone. ConfederateMonuments ConfederateStatues

And she pays homage to the circus 🤡

She’s been there 49 years Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi’s her father dedicated a confederate statue and praised the confederates. Jumps on the latest bandwagon

You Removed Permanent! Then we have Great History!

At least we won't have to tear down any Nancy Pelosi statues. With her love of Roberty Byrd and all.

This would be wrong.

I think these statuse should be put up... as well as the ones we have.,the ones we don’t like are teachers for everyone to remember the pain SEGREGATION AND DISCRIMINATION causes! It is to remind us of our past and what not to do!!!! Why protesting if not for change?

They pay homage to great courage defending their freedom in a legally questionable federal usurping. Slavery and racism was and always is wrong. Courage defending principles, especially against extra-legal actions, is memorable. Both for valor and our founder's grave mistake.

Yea let's just forget about the 'bad' parts of American history so it can happen again.... these people are jokes. TRUMP2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

levaymusic Why were they built in the first place. The “Rebel Flag” is the only flag Amerikkka seems to follow because they don’t do shit they say the U.S flag is suppose to represent

Pelosi is a hypocrite. She makes money off of less fortunate people in 3rd world countries and doesn’t want AMERICA TO BE GREAT case she would be broke.

One of the few things liberals are doing that I can get behind

The unveiling of Lee/Stonewall statues. The Mayor of Baltimore at the time, said in part “we can look for inspiration to the lives of Lee/Stonewall to be resolute & determined in preserving our sacred institutions. The Mayor D’Alesandro, Nancy Pelosi’s dad. She was there!

Pays homage to hate, not heritage. It pays homage to treason and evil.

MrNoelV Long overdue.

This is what she is worried about now? Obama had 8 yrs

Only in your twisted mind Nancy

and also traitors to the united states so Trump wants a few peaceful protestors torn out of the autonomous zone but hateful confeds can display their statues for 100 years in the Capitol? hilarious

The “Party of Lincoln” wants to save the Confederate flags & statues.

And they’ll work like hell to keep it there if for no other reason than the fact that Pelosi wants its removed.

Let’s remove all democrats from office

This one too?

Remove that old statue of Nancy pelosi while your at it.Oh wait that’s not a statue? It’s Alive😫

when are the Democrats going to remove their racist relic of the past- Biden?

And centuries from now day when archeologists are trying to understand America there will be no historical reminders of the Democrats dark past isn't that convenient 🤔

And she praised Byrd...Hillary said she idolized him.

Arlington National cemetery is on land that belonged to Robert E Lee Y’all gonna dig graves up and move them

Where does it stop? Didn't the founding fathers have slaves also? Are you knock down Washington Monument too? Well if anyone could make someone lose that big of an erection it would be SpeakerPelosi ..

I’m calling to remove PIGLOUSEY

It’s actually a reminder not to repeat history but Democrats can’t handle their history so they keep lying!

Pelosi is a joke

Stop trying to erase history and censor US you’ve had decades in office just now wanting them gone? Only statues that need to go are you and your career, corrupt cronies.SpeakerPelosi HouseDemocrats

Please don't forget Mount Rushmore and anything related to George Washington! Get rid of it all. That'll fix things!

“Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.” Confed. VP

Tell that evil women Pelosi NO!

Thats a mistake

That Capital doesn’t belong to you.

Those flags should be removed... Her old ass needs to go too! pelosisucks


Late coming since these statues have always been symbols of hate....but I'll accept it.

Democrats are trying to fix their past and have a brighter future for ALL........GOP trying to go backwards and re live it ...BEHIND A WALL and AN IDIOT voteBIDEN

realDonaldTrump you mad?

By hiding your history is opening the way to forget it. By keeping it open for all to see is a way that we will not forget our mistakes.

Another opportunistic foray, keep the statues

You know, having confederate statues in the United States is like having statues of Hideki Tojo. The confederacy was an enemy of the United States so glorifying anything related to confederacy is treasonous and disrespectful

How many times has she passed these statues in her lifetime in this building, only now to feel offended by them? If she never said anything before, they never offended her. Just be honest and say you're saying it because it's a popularity contest, not your personal feelings.

If we want Civik War statues, let’s have some that celebrate the defeat and surrender of the Confederacy.

So we're pulling down statues because we dont like what they represent historically? Well i don't particularly like the history of George Floyd so can we topple him from his petard

How long has she worked there? 🤔 PanderingPelosi

Instead of taking old ones down. Erect new ones that either we missed or captures the moment of today. I believe the statues are a testament of our pass bad & good. Also the Dems realize how sensitive people are to the pass, and wouldn’t want their own history tainting progress.


Wow Nacy Pelosi calling for statues of Democrats to be taken down. She probably thinks American has forgotten the Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and Jefferson Davis was a Democrat.

And, they were traitors!

WTF are confederate statues doing in the capital? Is there a Hitler one too?

She needs to stop trying to remove our History. Removing statues will never erase our countries sad history. It is full of some of our greatest moments and full of bad moments. Our history is what makes us great. History is recorded for future Americans to learn from.

Enough is enough

Why did this only come up NOW? Yeah, better late than never, but what was the bar before?

Nancy needs IMPEACHED

Someday her name will be purge out of Congress.

Oh dont worry. They’re coming down. MAGAisOver FuckTrump

Pelosi:antifa member, put her in jail and she never quab, quab, quab anymore

Since when did we find that out?

What did they pay homage before the black lives mattet moment? Didn't seem to bother you then did it? Phonies.

Did you donate any money 💰?

Statues do not create hate Pelosi its in the heart that creates hate or love good education when the kids are little and not separation and other actions You can destroy all statues burn books ban great movies like Gone with the wind Democracy or ?

Go home Nancy. It’s history. Pull up your big girl pants and crawl back where you came from

The statues are erected because of something good they did for the country. Not for their mistakes! SpeakerPelosi

OMG! Enough already. history Learnfromit Just because someone did something “bad”, does not mean that everything they did was “bad”! If that is the case, why is SpeakerPelosi still “working” in the house?

asnowreports Jeff Davis has a statue in the capitol building? Why?

We don't memorialize Nazis in this country and any other country. We don't glorify rapists that went to war for our freedom and we don't name buildings after murderers so why memorialize and glorify the men that fought for the enslavement and keeping of human beings.

How about we stop focusing on platitudes and start the hard work of dismantling systemic racism instead.

Do they think voters are stupid? Surprise, it's ELECTION Time SpeakerPelosi 80 yrs old & 45+ yrs in politics, yet, she just realized this? Just like JoeBiden - on record as leading segregationist; uses ongoing colloquialism & political double talk to rewrite his history

Why the fuck are there Confederate statues and flags all over the damn place?!! This is the USA!

This is why nobody can take Nancy Fucking Pelosi seriously. She is a joke.

About time. Didn't the Confederacy lose the war?

SpeakerPelosi and let’s look to remove confederate monuments in front of state capitols as well

Don't stop there, gotta get rid of the Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson memorials as well. You might want to look at local NFL team too, I hear they have an offensive name.

She cannot remove statues on federal property on a whim.


Thank you.

It's pretty clear to me that the game plan is to demoralize Trump supporters and freedom loving Americans into submission before imposing new fascist dictatorship. Nancy, you are playing with fire.

Amen to this, get civilized a little, would you?

Wow, unreal

Yet she walked by them for 30+ plus years! Such a bandwagon hypocrite

What is next. Unfortunately it’s a piece of history. If blacks can’t deal with it. Tuff shit

A statue of Davis inside the Kentucky capital is dwarfed by one of Lincoln. The Davis statue states, soldier, statesman, patriot. Kentucky was a border state, did not secede.

So do you pushing hate when no one is talking about hate!


This 'garbage of the house Pelosi like to quap, quap, quap all day long


The Statutes across the world have had their time and purpose. Now they are obstacle. Obstacle in the real sense because they refresh the bad glory and that hits you hard, more than anything else. Because it suggests that the suffering have been there from long long times.

Democrats put those statues up!


Democrats removing there racist history.


Nancy Pelosi is the definition of hate

Awesome. Her 100 years Congress and she not thinks it’s a good idea to remove them. Whatever you have to do to get the vote right SpeakerPelosi

Why didn’t she “call” for this years ago if it really meant anything to her? Bandwagon jumping!

Priorities people...priorities. Reminder: Earth and its species are dying.

Joe Biden—44 years in office Chuck Schumer—39 years in office Nancy Pelosi—33 years in office Maxine Waters—29 years in office Dianne Feinstein—28 years in office If America is such a 'systemically racist' country ...Why haven't these Democrats done anything to fix it?

Love her

We’ve been calling for her removal for at least ten years .shes way more offensive. Anti-White.

Put them in a Museum and educate people with the history, like we have The Holocaust.

Or we could get rid of Pelosi instead. She’s offensive!

She must have reverse dementia. She's been walking past them for 3 decades and now knows that they're there.

I would certainly feel satisfaction if those confederate statues & Pelosi were removed from than Capital building. Don't forget how long they turned a blind eye.

Pelosi is also a relic symbol of hate.

THANK YOU SpeakerPelosi

Pelosi speaks with a fork tongue! Just remember there are working tax paying US citizens that don’t want this, and don’t act like savages to make their point!!!!

SpeakerPelosi Who are you and what are you doing? History is history and ripping down statues is STUPID. If you hate our history this much leave congress and get out of the US because you don’t deserve to be here. Absolutely disgusting in so many levels.

I’ll just leave this here:

Funny, I thought this was paying homage to hate... KAG QAnon QAnons

All these statues there pulling down were Democratic s, the party of slavery ! They want To erase there history. There past sins.

Nancy Pelosi....😱

Too little too late. Shahid Buttar for California's 12th!

She should also remove herself from the Capitol.

How about we just remove Pelosi?

SpeakerPelosi you’re full of hate, why don’t we get you out of senate. Bring in fresh young blood so someone can actuallymake a change!!!!!

As long as we’re honoring Confederate losers, we should probably erect a few statues to honor other losers who’s asses we kicked in battle over the years, and maybe a Hero’s of the Nazi Party Museum for the white supremacists in the GOP to visit Resist

How about the Columbus statue still ripping them down they should pay for everyone and lock the people up

And , so says , “The Meth Head Pelosi!

Shes so phony.

Now when did she come up with idea...given that she has been working in the US Capitol for the last 100+ years...

More Bolshevism pure and simple

SpeakerPelosi Don’t forget Statue of Robert C. Byrd famous democrat senator and KKK member/recruiter. Be thorough!

They demolish statues, purge books, erase history, compel public demonstrations of submission ... the left increasingly resembles the Taliban.

And that will fix everything.

Let’s remove Pelosi.


Pelosi, you old bag, retire already. No one cares what you say. SpeakerPelosi

Is Bryd KKK being removed

The useless Queen of Pandering speaks again.

Ya just know she's like...

Pelosi hates conservatives her name should be removed from all documents and fired from her position

Notice how policy makers are latching onto the absolute bare minimum to try and appease the people? Don’t fall for it. DefundThePolice demand systemic change. blacklivesmatter

The Do Nothing Democrats are obsessing over statues and political stunts. Americans deserve better.

We can not and should not erase history. Instead learn from it and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

SpeakerPelosi represents division... which seems to be leading to hate. By her logic, can she be removed too?

Black matter life organization burn & looting our country represent hate from the blacks to the whites SpeakerPelosi

They pay homage to Nancy's party...

She is all about hate

And I suppose those statues will be replaced with figures of those who advocated communism and socialism. What a country!

I say all statues be removed from all public places. Roads named after nature and numbers . Boom done! You want a statue or street it goes on private land with private funding! Enough!

I say we remove Nancy Pelosi from the capital building. It would be a much better place to be with that nut gone!!!

Get rid of black history month. Take “race” off job applications. Stop calling me a white man and stop calling yourselves black people. Teach your children to be selfless and one day when our generations grow old and die racism won’t be a thing. Start there thow.

She damn sure can’t do anything else but pander, right SpeakerPelosi ?

And once we have removed statues, let's remove her, too!

Desperate to Hide the Democrat Party's Racist Past, Present and Future

In history, one iota cannot be removed. Pelosi knows it.

Can we remove her from the capitol

Señora pelosi usted se volvio loca y no aviso

Very true. We have had enough divisiveness throughout our country's history. We need to celebrate those individuals and events that unite us as a country.

The statues stay! Get used to it Nancy!

Can we remove the Statue of Nancy Pelosi? She also pays homage to hate....js

All the statues who are bad to the humanity need to go include the “street black matter life “ all represent hate racism To. Blacks whites SpeakerPelosi

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