Oregon counties request trucks for bodies as deaths climb

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The death toll from COVID-19 in Oregon is climbing so rapidly in some counties that the state has organized delivery of one refrigerated truck to hold the bodies and is sending a second one.

So far, Tillamook County, on Oregon's northwest coast, and Josephine County, in the southwest, requested the trucks, said Bobbi Doan, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Office of Emergency Management.

The refrigerated truck arrived in the county on Friday, loaned by Klamath County, Doan said in a telephone interview. “In the past week, we more than doubled the number of COVID deaths in Tillamook County, from five to eleven,” Commissioners Mary Faith Bell, David Yamamoto and Erin Skaar wrote. They begged residents: “Please get vaccinated.”The county vaccination rate is 70%, either in progress or fully vaccinated.

Hospital workers in Grants Pass, the county seat, said their morgue was full as a result of a surge in coronavirus cases. She wrote that the county hospital is daily exceeding its body storage capacity and that the five funeral homes and three crematoriums are “at the edge of crisis capacity daily.”Morgues are allowed to legally have only a certain number of bodies at the same time, and that creates the capacity issue, Doan said. Her office is facilitating the transfer of a refrigerated morgue truck from Yamhill County to Josephine County.


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FEMA has nick name them AddottTrailer’s after Texas governor Abbott who has a passion of filling them up with his deceased constituents.

Lime kills mold spores! Kills bugs! Makes grass greener! Has a sweet smell! Helps in other things as well! Does help in repelling snakes! Gets under their skin! I am into herbs and foods you eat to stay off being sick! Hot and Sour Soup! Golden seal Echenecia (natures penicillin)

they must be the unvaccinated.


donwinslow And over 95% are unvaccinated. When will they see sense.


COVID-19 Fruit

I call bullshit!!!!!

For the skeptics, maybe you'll believe Fox12 Oregon ... From the article: 'There were eight deaths [from COVID] in August,” McCraw said. “Prior to August we only had five from the beginning of this thing.”

You know what the problem is? It's a Ford. You know what Ford stands for? Fix It Again Tony.

Grabs glasses**** What the hell is Oregon doing?!

DeSantis is to blame, right?

Delta is more infectious compared to the original SARS-CoV-2 and other variants of the virus is building. It’s important to understand the environment is also changing. People have become more complacent with social distancing,wearing masks etc .

donwinslow You, every doctor and nurse in every country, every undertaker, crematorium and cemetery in the known world and 90 percent of the world’s population must be lying… because my favorite radio talkshow host who died yesterday of Covid told me that Covid is no worse than the flu.

is that bad?

All COVID deaths in the US prior to Jan. 20, 2021 are the direct fault of the US President. None of the COVID deaths after Jan. 20, 2021 are attributable to the President. All red-state COVID deaths are the Governor's fault. No blue-state COVID deaths are the Governor's fault.

This is not Kabul. This is not Hurricane Ida. This is about Covid 19. We have terrorists in our country trying to incite shooting rather than wearing a mask. How much more weird can it get?


Please let it be ANTIFA members

Please note where the article states... '... he wrote, adding that suicides are also up in the county.' My heart goes out to everyone who's been mentally tormented tor destroyed by the fear based psychological warfare, if you're hanging on, youre not alone 💜💜

Start treating people instead of putting them on ventilators.

I don't understand why President Biden doesn't have us back in an emergency with all these deaths from Covid and the sick that have been vaccinated.

that's to bad the way the politicians run that state it's not surprising


Ok serious question. How many die at home of covid? Or do they just die at hospitals after some so-called treatment?

Perhaps people should read the story, before there is mass-hysteria. Says nothing about vaxed/unvaxed. Feel free to read the story and see this.

Yes, a peak of 30 deaths in one day in this latest wave. Did they use refrigerated trucks last winter? This is just pathetic fear mongering. The data is out there for everyone to see.

Not this bullshit AGAIN this didn’t work the first time you tried it 🤦🏼‍♂️

And? Those who can be vaccinated & aren’t & dying makes no sense to me, so just let them be! Those circulating false info & not following guidelines for professional, just let them be. My biggest concern are for kids & those who can’t be 💉 We are a country of privilege idiots

You guys report the story and talk like we don't know how to fix the problem it's called getting vaccinated if people don't want to get vaccinated and they die... well... That is The Choice that they make.

I was just in Oregon. Didn’t see or hear anything like this. Just more BS.

In India they didn't have refrigeration trucks: they burn the bodies in the parking lot.

Gee I wonder if the BORDERS had anything to do with the outbreaks. CAN'T understand why nobody ask the so called president that?

Because one county in Oregon only has one funeral home for the entire county and only holds 9 bodies. Lmao abc you don’t do yourself any favors with the whole fake news thing

Fat Obese people should be scared. About 80% of all covid hospitalizations are FAT OBESE PEOPLE. About 95% have preexisting conditions on top of being Fat. NATURAL IMMUNITY IS FAR SUPERIOR TO THE VACCINE.

Why is GovRonDeSantis allowing this to happen?

This is a morbid Sunday like what happened today 😰

Wasn't the 'vaccine' supposed to be 100% efective against hospitalization and death? 🤷‍♂️

DeSantis again… oh, wait it’s Oregon.

Ron Desantis has a lot of explaining to do


Stop with your BS. Feeding the world misinformation every minute

Burn em

Outdoor mask mandate working great, because Science™

Jeeez Desantis is a monster!!!!

It's not covid19. It's the harmful vaccines.

Ah, that covid fear porn never gets old. Keep up the great work, media!

Do the vaccines work or not? 70 percent vaccination rate.

Man. All those darn Trump voters again


Misinformation framed to be information 🚬

Wow! A negative story about COVID-19 and Florida is not in it.

😂😂😂 fakenews! Remember if it’s from a mainstream media Illuminati news source then it’s bullshit or their hiding something else! And, ABC IS the all seeing eye 👁 just like in their logo, same with any EYEwitness 7 news! Their symbolism will be their downfall! FOH!

They orders a couple of trucks so they could have their pals write a story saying they ordered a couple of trucks. Suddenly, a county’s infrastructure can’t handle single digit deaths.

I looked up the data on yearly deaths in Oregon and they were approximately 37,000 in 2019, 40,000 in 2020, and the total so far for January through June of 2021 is 20,770. In other words, right in line with normal numbers. This article is meant to scare you so you get vaccinated

1. Only .07% of people in OR have died from Covid. 3. They requested the truck because their staff is out sick and can’t transport the bodies to other counties. 4. 11 people have died from Covid in the county in last 18 mos. 5. Part of the increase of deaths is due to suicide

They need to mask up and get vaccinated.

People need to see things—visually— to grasp the toll this pandemic is taking. If we could publish photos of the ERs and body bags packed in trailers and put it on network news, then maybe people would think twice.

This is fatality rate of covid per the CDC so either science is wrong or you are just being a fear monger.

Damn red states

I have yet to see pictures of a single refrigerated truck full of bodies… and it’s been 20 months.


But aren’t they mandating masks inside and out? I thought masks work

Seriously, when is Ron DeSantis going to answer for all of this?!?!?

Oh-My-GodOMNIABSOLUTE=Universe-Gravity: Thus, let the Oregonians Be a proponent of USA's🇺🇲 {Second Coming of Jesus Christ's,*SPIRIT* ultimate & complete Consummation & Sovereignty}=*Holy-Soul-MINDSET* for STRATEGIC-Dialogue amongst coworkers, as you exist in this EPOCH on EARTH.

If you see China and its people right now, they are enjoying their summer dancing in the street, eating out, shopping and traveling. No masks all vaccinated , no second wave of deaths. They created it. Had the vaccine now watch the rest of the world die.

Why would Ron Desantis do this to us?

But biden was going to make things better 😂

sucks for them. if only they had the leadership of a real leader like ron desantis.

They will soon be needed nationwide once school starts. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting further away.☹️

then you can take in another 1 million Afghans, which also has advantages if you don't get vaccinated. we still have many you can import with pleasure.

Imagine if we properly treated individuals to keep them out of the hospital instead of neglecting them until they are sick enough to come to the hospital. It’s a wonder anyone survives. Also, what does this say about the supposed vaccine efficacy?!

The refrigerator truck story never tires.

Yeah…sure it is. P R O P A G A N D A

A warning, a media outlet known for possibly spinning and spreading fake news!!!

Get vaccinated folks. I know I won't.

Sounds like their outdoor mask mandate is really working well.

A lot of Scarecrows in Oregon. The Wizard told them no I quess.

Thanks for the good news. Keep it coming

Isn't that a liberal state where antifa is based out of? I would think their vaccination rates are close to 100%. Huge blue state, correct?

Which counties? Cause the numbers don’t add up

Send more.

why it is so important for NSW to focus on vaccinations for all - thank you NSWHealth for all you are doing in the face of this delta strain.

Oh no. 🥺

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