Opinion | Why Trump's patriotic education plan is about a lot more than history class

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Opinion | Natalia Mehlman Petrzela: President Trump's 1776 education plan is about a lot more than history class. - NBCNewsTHINK

First, there’s the question of scale: Rugg’s book was taught in hundreds of schools, but except for the magazine’s national push to eradicate it, most battles about the book were waged on the local level. In the late 1960s, sex education curricula similarly became the target of conservatives who argued that such materials would turn American children into slaves to their sexual urges and thus susceptible to Communist recruitment.

By contrast, the president of the United States, with his 86 million Twitter followers, is spearheading this attack on a core subject area required in every state. Moreover, while exact numbers on adoption of the “1619 Project,” the most explicit target of Trump’s assault, are unavailable, the fact that it is a free, easily disseminated digital product poses an apparently far graver threat than a stack of bulk-order-only, historian-authored textbooks sitting in a warehouse.

Trump’s attack is so pernicious because it’s also not really about history class, as much as my fellow historians and I might like to place our profession at the center of this story. Trump’s attack is so pernicious because it’s also not really about history class, as much as my fellow historians and I might like to place our profession at the center of this story. Outrage over a curriculum is almost always a vessel for expressing anger at less tangible social and cultural forces.

The “1619 Project” is fodder for Trumpers because it questions the hero narrative of American progress, but also because its editor,


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THINK We’ve seen science education erode in Michigan under Republican governors for decades. It’s insidious.

THINK I’m a retired teacher and have no idea what what type of subversive education they think is happening. Curriculum is set by each state, some federal requirements for special education.

THINK think about it. what kind of studies would a racist feel comfortable in, one that puts ppl in groups by their race. if you abolish racial laws. the racist has to learn to adapt to continue being able to make a living. critical race theory is from the mind of actual racists.

THINK Indoctrination is an important tool treated in the AuthoritarianPlaybook, religious or political, a means by which to achieve compliance and ultimately control. All this is occurring in real time. For the ReligiousRight it’s a tool dear to its heart and uses it expertly.

THINK Very interesting ..so what we going to have now is: Right wing rewrite of american history which will failed miserably Racism ..whites only ..history will say no You must be white , christian or Jewish .learn to hate any other religious beliefs other than these . Epic fail

THINK The outrage over curriculum is consistent because the Communist Party made their plans crystal clear in their manifesto. To infiltrate schools to indoctrinate the population.


THINK It's called Whitewashing, Make America Perfect in Every Way Again.

THINK Solve this crisis. Show me afraid

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