Opinion | Why the U.K.’s latest move to pathologize transgenderism feels eerily familiar

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The U.K. is deploying a familiar GOP tactic to suppress trans rights – and it’s setting off a constitutional crisis.

— when she was minister for women and equalities, and Westminster briefly considered its own version of the law — making a similar case as Scotland did in justifying the passing of its bill. “Many trans people feel that this [current] process is overly intrusive, humiliating and administratively burdensome,”. “Further they argue that by requiring a diagnostic psychiatric report, the process perpetuates the outdated and false assumption that being trans is a mental illness.

As I navigate the bureaucratic and medical changes that come with transitioning , I resent the patronizing requirements by the state, which places an enormous burden on trans people to prove who they are — rather than trusting them, as adults are trusted to make their own decisions in practically every other legal walk of life. And I resent the psychological evaluations necessary for some steps of the transition, which pathologize transgenderism.

I resent the patronizing requirements by the state, which places an enormous burden on trans people to prove who they are. Conservative Party members have also peddled the tired and spurious narrative that this law would make it easier for men to infiltrate “women-only” spaces, potentially endangering women and children. This, much like fraud fear-mongering, is a flat-out lie. Countless data shows trans women are much


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Mental illness, and how governments handle. It is truly a problem around the world.

It is not suppressing trans rights just suppressing making society except their mental issues as normal. when they and anyone not saying they have mental issues are insane to the facts of right and wrong! Trans people need the respect to getting them help for their issues!

Because it is a mental issue and should be recognized and treated as such.

“OMG! The right-wing is destroying the USA Constitution in England.”

It’s about time there’s pushback against this insanity

Trans movement destroying feminism movement.


What ever happen to be who you wanna be and the rights to be who you wanna be for goodness sake. People need to live their own life and leave others alone.

It's so good to see the west turn against this disease masquerading as a civil rights movement.

Who decided that we need to hear about these people all day, every day?


The Republicans claim of voter fraud is substantiated, unlike the democrats in 2016.

We're is a 16 yr old kid gonna find the money for a sex change?

Getting ridiculous.

I'm convinced MSNBC is just making shit up at this point to remain relevant.

I'm convinced MSNBC has run out of shit to publish. Ay this point they're just making shit up.

Nobody is coming for trans rights. Love who you want to love. Identify with who you want but the twerking, tips and kids at family friendly drag shows is 🤢

lol, don’t you think transgenderism is pathological in itself. no one needs pathologize it

Here's an example of Trump and his authoritarian buddies mucking up humanity. Seems eerily familiar to history as well.

What are transgender rights and how do they differ from other rights? I think people who suffer from the mental illness labeled transgender need our love and mental health assistance, not pandering as MSNBC is doing. Have compassion for those with serious mental health problem.

Which Trans rights are being suppressed?

Stop the destruction of GIRLS SPORTS right before our eyes.



The question isn't as much why children should see drag shows but more as to why tranies want to perform them in front of Children? And no child should be subjected to anything without their parents consent and nothing perverse or sexual in Nature. Stop indoctrination of Children

They can have all the rights under our constitution as everyone else. Just stop shoving them down our throats telling us we have to accept their choices. I can respect love and treat people with kindness and not agree with their choices. And I have no phobias because of it.

Simple. The UK should just adopt what Scotland proposes. Win/Win/Win.

That’s a groomer’s flag on her cheek. The pedophile predator flag.

There’s only two sexes, male n female. Sorry kiddies, no matter what the wokesters tell ya that’s a fact. We call it science 😉

Trans are the most powerful special interest group in the West!

Hahahahahahahahaha Loving these comedy columns. Keep 'em coming

MSNBC is deploying a familiar NAZI tactic. This is absolute pure propaganda. Goebbels would be proud.

All these plans are coming from the Russian playbook to create divisive activities in democratic countries! The GOP and the Russians have been in bed together for some time now! We must expose these plans for what they are! Chaos actions!

Maybe pushing Drag Queen Story Hour off as somehow acceptable wasn’t such a good idea after all

MSNBC = Freak Show

Liberal propaganda rag

You mean cross dressers. Says the King!

Nobody is trying to suppress trans people's rights they're doing a great job themselves

🥱 don't care

Two people went to the shop. One person identified as “They”. They” bought an ice cream? If so was that one or two people? 🤔 “They” is a plural.

Do transexuals enjoy some special rights the rest of us don't have?

Trans rights are not necessarily human rights.


Why does the lgtbq communities need special laws and treatment. Why does society need to bend to them instead of them integrating into society?

Sounds like the pendulum is swinging back.

This fight has been coming for decades. We're done being oppressed. Now they're going to have to go on records as being biggots and face the wave of younger voters who are not going to have the tollerence for their bullshit. We're not going back in the closet!

tparsi is NIAC and an Iran lobby! He does not represent the Iranian people, and he defends the government and the IRGC. He is not with IRAN, but he is with the REGIME! Please Listen! Do not publish his nonsense! IRGCterrorists IranLobby

It’s called Gender Dysphoria Disorder.


I think most humans don’t want trans rights , keep it in there own home

They're human beings. They have the same rights all other human beings have. They'll be fine.

What bollocks is this

Sadly the lies and hatred deployed by American conservatives is being used in other countries.

Good. This is a insignificant issue that requires abandoning too much rational thought.

Stop trying to Trans the kids you sick groomers.

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