Opinion | Why doesn't the GOP want boomers to have good elder care?

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Opinion | HayesBrown: Republicans are betraying the baby boomers as they hit old age. - MSNBCDaily

Among the items on the chopping block is $400 billion in funding for in-home care for elder Americans and people with disabilities over the next eight years. It’s up to Congress to provide details, butthat the money will “help hundreds of thousands of Americans finally obtain the long-term services and support they need, while creating new jobs and offering caregiving workers a long-overdue raise, stronger benefits, and an opportunity to organize or join a union and collectively bargain.

“Caregivers, including nursing assistants and home health and personal care aides, earn $12 an hour, on average,”on April 9, adding that most of them are women of color and one-third of caregivers who work for agencies don’t get health insurance from their jobs.


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HayesBrown The GOP has conditioned their base into thinking: - The 2nd Amendment is all important - Tax cuts work - Big government is the problem - Minorities are the problem The part they leave out; the GOP is about the rich only...the non-rich GOP voters keep them in power.

HayesBrown the GOP has convinced its voter base that govenment assistance is for undeserving minorities .. ppl i kno in the eldercare profession say how in nursing homes the old white folks on Medicaid sit around complaining using those same Fox news talking points ..

HayesBrown Trumpism and it’s associated doctrine of stupidity have lulled the GOP into an all but comatose state. There isn’t one piece of legislation or one proposal they’ve made in the last 100 days that is even worth the time of day.

HayesBrown The question is, why do Republican voters keep voting for Representatives who don’t care about their needs.

HayesBrown Their voting base will continue to vote against their own interests, and the GQP knows it. We're not talking about a very bright or informed demographic, here.

HayesBrown The GOP support the Wealthy not the working class. That is why they are against raising the min. wage!

HayesBrown Theres a special place reserved in HELL for ASSHOLES LIKE TUCKER CARLSON!!

HayesBrown Favor making, that doesn’t sound corrupt at all

HayesBrown Which simply put, makes them look like petulent children yelling at their parents 'I hate you!'

HayesBrown Dems do it too. Look at Warren wanting to forgive student debit but no effort into increasing Social Security payments for poor seniors and boomers. But yeah, let's give young people - who can still work- a big old $$$$$$ gift.

HayesBrown Let’s face it; if the GOP hates it then it must be good for America 🇺🇸!

HayesBrown How many elderly in our Nation are republicans? So sad to be treated this way. But That's THEIR PARTY! This is who they give millions of dollars to! The elderly are supposed to be smarter than this. They're letting hate be their deciding factor. Clinging to RACISM! UNREAL!

HayesBrown Making? He is bad

HayesBrown President Biden has been in office just 100 days and the Republicans are absolutely terrified! Let's see 200 million injections ✅ the stock market didn't collapse ✅ suburbs still standing✅major legislation passed ✅ unemployment down ✅kicked Putin's ass✅. Facts matter!

HayesBrown That's way too much... 400 billion? Are you crazy?

HayesBrown Daily Anither false twisted distorted narrative from you leftists and leftist media. And how and when is the GOP denying Healthcare to babyboomers?

HayesBrown Daily Too many folks needing or expecting. Republicans want many to just die.

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