Opinion | What does the Mueller report mean for 2020?

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Opinion: What does the Mueller report mean for 2020?

President Trump at the White House on Monday. By Ed Rogers Ed Rogers Opinion writer focusing on politics Email Bio Follow Opinion writer March 25 at 2:00 PM Well, it turns out there was no collusion. This is not a big surprise, as I wrote in July 2017 that “the quest for collusion is crumbling,” and in June 2017 that “the president still has the advantage of being innocent.

Obviously, President Trump’s opponents and critics in the media will want to mostly ignore the findings and look ahead, but they cannot ignore that Mueller’s investigation failed to conclude that Trump or anyone in his campaign colluded with the Russian government. Trump may be a miscreant, but he is no traitor. The immediate reaction by Democrats has mostly been lame backpedaling and stalling and calling for the complete report to be released — whatever that means.

For the pro-impeachment crowd, Mueller’s report appears to have left enough of an opening. Most of the 2020 Democratic presidential wannabes are going to say Mueller’s language regarding obstruction of justice is deafening in its silence. They will find refuge in an excerpt of the Mueller report cited by Barr that notes that the investigation “does not exonerate [the president].


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Win Trump 😁

Landslide for the President!


That the WaPo is no more relevant than say....

A lot will happen between now and then.

Trump is going to win in a LANDSLIDE!

Nothing, it was not all conclusive.

More Trump victory.

Release the report

It means a win for Trump

No it's not. It was never about the probe. It's about Russian interference which he has done nothing to prevent, the horrible standing in the world we now have, the hatred, violence, fear, the widening of the wealth gap, and the destruction of healthcare.

We don't know because we have not seen it!


Not a nickel.Much to do about nothing

Cash App $grandpacarlos

He’ll become so obnoxious now they’ll impeach him.

Are there no minimum standards for opinion articles? This is up there with a psychic reading. subscriber

Trump 2020

It means fuck all, it's like the insurance company declaring you cancer free before the doctors even finished the diagnosis and then denying you coverage for the disease that will eventually kill you. America has Cancer and that Cancer is realDonaldTrump and the GOP.

A new Trump win

If the Democrats spend there time investigating this for the next year and a half. They will lose! The house and Trump will win!!!

We'll know as soon as the American people read the Mueller report.

Depends on how independents will vote

Honestly the last two elections here in south Florida has taught me that your vote truly does not count. So it means nothing at all.

LOL. That the Dems have nothing to run on.

Republicans need to step up and challenge Trump. No reason to let him coast to another nomination.

4 more years

I am happy that we do not have to experience criminal trials for criminal DFT. Now let's just continue to make his rein impotent until 2020.

No idea because we haven’t seen it. Either has wapo so get after it

Nothing spectacular. You and your left wing fruitcakes could read 'Goldilocks and the three bears', and still come to the conclusion that Trump did it. He's a spoilt, vindictive child, but jeez you guys are unhinged.

not nearly as much as all the super hype might lead you to believe

Ask his bosses?

...none of us have read it?

4 more years, baby!


Means Dems are in full panic. After 2 yrs of lies from the mouth of Congressman,Senators and Fake Media the damage they caused to themselves and America is unforgivable.

Probably a realDonaldTrump re-election as every investigation by the Dems now just looks like then chasing smoke at the end of their own cigarette

Nothing people are sick of having a President for only 35% of the American population.

Mueller Report = Trump 2020

President Trump 2020 is what it means.

It means you will be out of business, or will be in the red with Bezos covering the difference. Or is that already the situation?

One word: LANDSLIDE! Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Thank you crazed democrats and fake news media.

Nothing... especially if we never get to see it.


It means that im voting all blue, because of everything else trump has done in the 2 years it took to finish

Another divisive campaign.

It hasn't been released. This opinion is premature.

It means you spent 2 years selling the public lies. I don't see that changing.

Idk. I’d have to read it first.

Trump gets reelected in 2020.

Hard to say without knowing what's actually in it.

Death knell for dems...

That about half the country will be voting for a bunch of charlatans and reactionaries , and the others will vote Trump ?

Who knows? No one's seen it yet.

Nothing. Trump was winning regardless.

I hope it means a second term for our Great President and return of the house.

There will be so many other things that come out in the coming months, the Mueller report will take a back seat.

It means, Ivanka will be the first Woman President after Donald’s second TERM.

It means that he still ain't shit

The wolf is nevery gone. It stocks you till the end of time. Never let your guard down. I see Google still screwing up my words. Not much change since I've been gone. Loosers bitching...winners still not happy. What's with you.

It means that we're fucked

Nothing the report has nothing to do with the fact that he is one of THE WORST PRESIDENTS EVER and the next two years will prove that and who are what will he blame then for his utter incompetence

It means the ones that set this up is going to jail

No need for MuEller to say sorry. Trump should say thanks for helping me clean house. Next two years planed already. Too early for 2020 talk. More intertainment on its way. This is what he does. WWE STYLE.

We don’t know. There is no report.

How would anyone know when no one’s seen it?

6 more years.

That the president will run on the Mueller report.

It means a win.

The mueller report gives Trump something else to complain about. Always complaining about something. It's raining. Dems must be behind it.

This president runs his show like a criminal mob boss. Publish that fact more often.

We can write an Op-Ed on this question ONCE WE SEE THE DAMN REPORT! We can't answer this question Based on a press release.

Does it have a hidden Healthcare plan only?

Forget about Mueller report. Be more scared once declas happens.

I'll tell you when I've seen it.


Spoiler: Nothing.

Here is how I see this whole thing, the MSM and the pundits sold Mueller to us as all knowing and all seeing. What we now know is that is a bunch of crap. He saw and found nada period.

There is an impression that in the USA and in Russia at the level of 'Policy Makers' dominates a certain category of political scientists, for whom the state of relations between their countries named 'From Cold War to Hot Peace' is a breeding ground for their political longevity

How can you form an opinion on something you haven’t even seen?

Re election

nothing lol

Mueller’s reports has to be public so Americans people have to see and read and understand so can make decision 2020! This all covered by corruption and criminals are running the country!!!

we don't know because NO WE HAVEN'T SEEN THE REPORT YET

There are wolves in NY too.

Nothing until all is revealed, two years for Mueller to do and Barr gives a short 4 pg this is it in less than 48 hrs, not to mention, many acts of potential crimes uncovered during the russia probe are being investigated by SDNY

It means we will vote the Dotard prince out of office. Trump will face serious charges in New York. Trump empire will fall and his children will go down with him.

Not a damn thing.

Looking at the Socialist/Communist Democrat Party, Guaranteed Trump 2020.

Basically means Dems are going to have a tough time beating Trump

4 more years of KAG !!!!

That anything you print is a lie!

It means four more years for trump. Democrats have all these people running for president right now, and none of them are going to beat trump.

Someone needs to eliminate this problem once and for all. Either congress needs to do its job, or our democracy is over. As it is no one trusts anyone on capital hill. Ever wonder why?

We have no idea what the Mueller Report says, . All we’ve seen is the Barr Letter, and he’s complicit in the cover-up. Please report accurately. Democracy dies in misinformation, too.

Some pissed antiTrumper will bring a small but mean ebola virus box to DC or any place were 45 is supposed to pass... An out of control pandemi will spread at the same time we struggle with four cat 5 hurricanes and wildfire vanish villages... 45 will still talk about his polls!

It means trump will get relected by a landslide. Even democrats are seeing through their partys bullshit.

Probably not much, realDonaldTrump is still a lousy President.

When you’re rich, they let you do anything

It means we should grant Trump lifetime presidency.

Probably nothing.

You going to comment on CNN legal analyst and Jussie Smollett’s attorney, Mark Geragos, being named as co-conspirator with Mike Avenatti in the Nike extortion scheme? Your bio says “breaking news”. I think that falls under the category.


It proved that the end justified the means. The liberals will do anything to deny that America does not want their socialist agenda. Let the man govern.

it means that media like you have handed trump another term

America has not seen the Mueller report. Please stop gaslighting America.

It means you lose!

every citizen needs 2focus on the issues & go out & Vote every time in every big/small county,town,city State in our Union every election mid-terms & special election's regardless of ur party But we must Vote vote vote our Democracy has been broken w/this corrupt Adim . 🗽🇺🇸👥


Re-election for Trump. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

It only means that we’ll take tRump down with overwhelming Democratic vote! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

So much false hope on here. Come to the understanding you were duped by the media. It’s ok say that, it’s not your fault they came at this with full intent to sway public opinion the wrong way.

Shouldn't we wait to actually see it before discussing that?

As no one has seen the Mueller Report, we have no frickin idea what it means for 2020. How can we?

He might still lose but I'm guessing his chances rose at least 30%

It means what you think it means, but too afraid to admit.

6 more years


A Fascist dictator in the White House. Quote , 'We need a Fascist Government in this country'. Gerald McGuire, from interview with Philadelphia Inquired 1935.

It means 4 more years of Trump.

There is absolutely no reason for any American to ever buy a WaPo any more. The damage they've inflicted on this country over the last two years is unforgivable. You need to simply go out of business...there's nothing to save.

For foreign policy ,basically this is like a new election victory. Trump is now in great position to beat the prolongation games his administration was facing in all his foreign policy negotiations,particularly North Korea.

We must get out and vote


That Trump will have more than 90 percent of the districts

Opinion: We have no idea what the Mueller report actually says, so your opinion means squat.

And the theme returns to the following: What possesses millions of Americans to support him and why did they vote for him, and probably will again? Because millions are dumb, corrupt, bullies, racists, deliberately misinformed, and want a cheater in WH on their behalf.

An easy Trump Victory!

Exonerated by a report Republicans won't let us read? Not much. If it clears Trump, why can't we read it?

It means realDonaldTrump is elected for his 2nd term!! That's what it means!!

Dems lose big time - trump for 4 more 😂👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

It means that the democrats have re-elected Donald Trump in 2020.

Nothing he’s still a piece of shit no matter what.

maybe cool your jets a bit on this one

Who knows? We haven’t seen the Mueller report. This is a trash piece and the Post should be ashamed for running a headline like this.

It means get y'all asses out and vote

Depends when do we see the Mueller report? So far we have seen only a false and misleading opinion by Bill Barr.

It means the media's credibility rating is just above Michael Avenatti's

So far the Mueller Report means nothing because we haven't seen it. Barr's summary was nothing but a GOP hack job. Barr should lose his law license.

realDonaldTrump will be re-elected in a landslide

Nothing, yet. We don't know what's in it.

Trump wins

I'd love to answer your question but I'd have to see the Mueller report first.

Reasonably written and balanced article considering the Washington Compost wrote it.

It means the WaPo can continue to cry for years to come. Sheesh. Get over it. Go cover real news again. You know you want to.

Enough of the Drama , lying , corruption , BS Anyone would be better in 2020, anyone !

Of course. It means the media and the Dems obsession against Mr Trump and how they have not have let the president his job. Big win for me. Now the Americans are Never going to ever trust the Dems/ media

It means four more years of Fake News from your cage liner. Thanks for all you've done!

Dems are going to vote for Dems Repubs will vote for repubs. Independent voters will decided this. We have a record number of people working. We have some crazy new Dems. We have this Russian hoax. Does not look good for Dems


4 more glorious years.

Ed Rogers (the author) is a Republican Strategist. Read if you have a block of salt handy.

Trump supporters like kissing asshole shaped mouths

How would anyone know, nobody has seen the Mueller report you idiots

Trump have to go in the slammer!

It means...

The Trumpers are going to feel overly confident, will stay home and splash, splash GOP gettin’ a bath:

We’ll know when we see the Mueller report not a summary from trumps lackey

Nothing since no one has seen Mueller's report...not even Congress

Trump moves to Russia with his lover Putin


It just occurred to me that Melania FLOTUS must be hoping and praying realDonaldTrump doesn't win re election.I can't imagine she wants 4 more years married to a pernicious pig. No offense to pigs.

Opinion: It's horseshit to publish this before the report is released.

It means the justice system is tailored for the rich.

That thinking Americans should vote for our POTUS a true person who really want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT IN 2020.

You should be asking what does the Mueller report mean for media, journalism.

It means the media just became a big liability for whoever they support

and a pack of other wolves are approaching his door.

Not what that jerk you have writing his opinion thinks. That's for sure.

It means you won't be around in 2020. JeffBezos POTUS knows, Anons know, soon the whole world will know. Tick-tock dimwatt.

It means......... Trump has a 2nd Term!

Some of this

Whatever, that pic of trump, he's looking really pasty, nasty & sick. 🤢🤢🤢🤢

We don’t know since none of us have read it!! Including the !! And the nytimes ReleaseTheMuellerReport NOW!!!

once we hear the WHOLE thing we can let ya know :)

It means one thing: Trump 2020 KAG

It means 4 more years of Trump. So...will you accept the election results of 2016? The world knows the answer to that. MAGA2020 MAGA Glad you like losing.

Przykro mi Donaldzie. Min iloraz jest no jest. Zdradziłeś stany i ..

Well, help us get access to the ACTUAL MUELLER report and we can respond to your rhetorical headline.

We haven't even seen the damn Mueller report!?

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