Opinion | Trump Is Losing the Trade War With China

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From WSJopinion: Donald Trump is losing the trade war with China. The markets doubt tariffs will bring about any major concessions, writes Jason Furman.

The continuing trade war with China is leading both economies into uncharted and potentially dangerous waters. Image: AP/Getty/Composite: Brad HowardPresident Trump’s China strategy is failing. His tougher approach has yielded no meaningful Chinese concessions but is increasingly damaging the U.S.

economy. Today China is more integrated with the rest of the world while the U.S. is more isolated. To combat China’s unfair, statist economic practices effectively, the U.S. must change its approach, enlisting allies and international institutions to advance a more focused set of demands.To Read the Full Story


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opinion Win or lose, United States cannot label themselves as free economy any more

opinion Impudent child...

opinion I read this and wonder what motivates someone to write such nonsense. The US economy is doing very well.

opinion Americans should all stop buying made in China goods. “Stop China”, “China is evil”, tarrif this and tariff that, all this riff raff. Its all bullshit when you all buy affordable Chinese made products. Stop buying Chinese made products then. Starting with the smartphones. 🤔

opinion Who the HELL is Jason Furman...?

opinion He’s already won.

opinion Please give everyone a break! The author of this piece is a democrat and an Econ prof at Harvard following the latest dem strategy Russia hoax failed Racism label going nowhere so let’s talk up a recession and losing trade war to China.

opinion What a garbage article and totally false reporting, china is losing and will continue to lose the world will follow America and withdraw

opinion China is collapsing

opinion Congrats

opinion WSJ CNN are the enemy of USA now.

opinion 单美国一个国家并不能伤害中国多深,大不了不与美国贸易。

opinion What a dumb analysis

opinion The Chinese have no reason to back down. The demand for their products has not waned, even with the inevitable cost increases to consumers from the tariffs. They play the long game, whereas Trump is just a short putz.

opinion BS

opinion Bullshit!


opinion Trump is your last best hope to deal with China in any meaningful way. Next Prez and your back to pre-Trump ass hattery and that status quo.

opinion That,'s ridiculous! China's economy is shrinking by double-digits and will continue to do so as long as Trump remains steadfast. Our economy will suffer only minor setbacks over the next year. The longer the war lasts, the worse it is for China.

opinion Lets be clear, America's total trade with China is around 7%. Put things in perspective for a change. Think about the $billions stolen from the US. Do you really want to see China continue on their path of stealing and destruction? It would be shortsighted.

opinion That’s right China will never play fair, they will always steal everything they can and its time for America and American businesses to end our trading relationship with these global criminals.

opinion We are winning. We don't need China.

opinion That’s not an opinion. That’s fact.

opinion Furman has the intellect of an ass and the foresight of a rhino but you guys quote him.

opinion This article is nonsense. What the author suggested have been tried and never worked. WSJ 's name is well deserved. It has to represent wall street interest, not anybody else. The gamblers on the street are scared to loose their opportunities to cooperate with Communist Party.

opinion Pretty lame 'Opinion' gang. . .

opinion This is not a game. Trade should be fair. Time to rally around the President as he resets one sided trading with China. The world is sitting on the sidelines.

opinion Maybe we should not trade with China at all. They seem worse than Cuba!

opinion Here is what I see as a tariff problem: China controls its people and its economy. If products are too expensive, they will do without. If exports orders dwindle, they will do without. This is the Chinese communist way...

opinion Wait I thought they were easy to win

opinion Another bullshit article. People need to actually compare the economies , instead of allowing someone to present a narrative to sway political opinion.

opinion I wouldn’t bet against this President!

opinion I expect this opinion from an Obama guy. China could be on their knees begging, and I’m sure Furman would still say China is winning.

opinion Yes, China will wait until trump is out even if it takes 5 more years. Unfortunately, within that period we will all suffer.

opinion Remember folks, this only WSJ’s “Opinion” nothing more. In the long term when China gets burned by the trade tariffs, the fake news media will still spin lies

opinion Trump IS a loser.

opinion Not necessarily an unbiased opinion.

opinion Stick a fork in the trade war, even WSJ is giving up

opinion This guy and his people bombed Pearl Harbor. There was be a short term lost that investors can write off. DIVEST and make it in AMERICA. Tightened up immigration. It's time to feed the homeland. REPARATIONS have been paid to everyone except the SLAVES?

opinion I can't believe you people still think this is a 'Trade War'.

opinion What would you like him to do, raise the white flag.

opinion The markets doubt or the and opinion doubts?

opinion The Beijing Journal!

opinion This trade war benefits trump and his daughter. Both have taken out new trademarks there since he has been in office and higher tariffs mean higher priced goods.

opinion Wish casting

opinion But Xi is his friend. A commie!

opinion Question why would you want to do business with a communist country that has no regard for human life of it's citizens? Democide onechildpolicy

ZmansEnrgyBrain opinion Both sides are losing. This should be obvious

opinion Of course he is losing. lol. Imagine if your opponent was ultra-narcissistic, extremely confident, inexperienced, never took advice and was dumb. I think you would usually defeated this person in resounding fashion.

opinion Trump's cocaine economy is running on a drug like high of deficit spending. Now, desperate for a 'FIX' before withdrawal, Trump is begging like a junkie for the Federal Reserve to give him another rate cut fix. Trump is bankrupting America and Putin is smiling

opinion Press will steer public sentiment to ensure China wins

opinion Given his history as a businessman...he is taking the U.S. economy to the next chapter...Eleven!

opinion Let's ask Warren Buffett.

opinion The US will thrive and China will die. They have more to lose than the US. Keep fighting realDonaldTrump. You will win this trade war. US Companies needs to get out of China!

opinion So says opinion. Previous administrations did not do anything to stop China from doing unfair trading and dealings with US companies who did business w/ them. Clinton, Bush & Obama all failed to do so. Trump is trying to do it alone w/o support from congress. Trump will win!

opinion China must be stopped

opinion As MR.Trump has tweeted to all of our fellow americans this will be an good thing. I stand behind him of this proposal. Trump for 2020...

opinion The China Street Journal is at it again

opinion Decoupling is the objective.

opinion What is sad here, and not discussed, is what would be reasonable goals for trade with China and how we could have realistically achieved them without so grandiose a trade war. Often you take a series of small deals rather than fight to the death for the big one.

opinion Time for Western countries to move production away from China. Short term greed World Freedom

opinion What a joke. Trump just saved America. You liberals who’ve been so brainwashed by Wall St & globalization almost destroyed the future of USA. realDonaldTrump robert_spalding Jkylebass SteveKBannon LouDobbs

opinion He's a big cheating loser... what else would you expect from this war more than losing and trump trying to cheat? 😂😂😂

opinion Do you think this is in the best interest of the country, everything he's been doing, was for his own benefit.

opinion Hahahha who is this dumb.

opinion You are loosing 👎

opinion The tariffs won’t bring concessions, but will result in a major restructuring of the worlds economy , which will NOT be in China’s favor. Theft matters now. Finally, long term thinking by other folks...

opinion Forgot to mention the free flow of Fentanyl through our mail system, AND the pirating of intellectual property rights that costing America billions and lives.🤷🏻‍♂️

opinion Trump is right, we need to take on China now! Let’s have the fight for long term prosperity! America companies should look to move supply chains out of China, apply max pressure. Think Trump’s wrong, go ask the people of Hong Kong!

opinion Free trade is never free. Chinese produced goods do not pay property taxes needed to find local economies. Tariffs help balance tax inequities. Free trade only benefited CEO's who were looking for short term gains.

opinion Economically speaking, China is soo vast and soo big, in terms of population and resources that they do not need the rest of the world, so why do they seek interaction and acceptance on the world stage ? A guess : Everybody needs The Truth, and that need becomes a desire.

opinion If that is the case then why continue trade at all? They are an aggressive communist nation. They ignore world courts and international laws. They will not trade fairly. So WSJ.............. you side with the Chinese in that?!?!? Interesting.

opinion How can you lose a trade war when the previous president’s policy was to surrender and lose? Being in a trade war is a win over previous policy

opinion China buying headache and losing.. China will collapse .. slow economic growth rate earlier..US has many options but china will seek new markets..

opinion Or it's all orchestrated because Bill Maher asked for a recession to make Trump look bad?

opinion By what measure? And what is your counter strategy. Man I have bot realizes so many are either ignorant on geopolitics or have been paid off by the CCP to bury their heads in the sand. America with this crop of pundits would never have won the Cold War. So sad.

opinion Sponsored by the CCP

opinion It’s not about concessions, it’s about decoupling the US from China.

opinion China has a lot to lose and their 'integration' in other parts of the world may not be sustainable in this climate.

opinion Consensus of markets? China might not give any concessions but global trade will adjust away from China along with our tech. Winning is perception, in this particular case a narrow definition of winning or losing.

opinion Wrong

opinion This imbecile is saying china is winning LOL

opinion Give China billions!

opinion Not only is he losing this trade war with China he isnow threatening France with a tax on wine. The man knows no limits

opinion Certanly ....somebody in wh have to stop him before one day via twitter he declars the real war ..your president is reallly dengerous

opinion Not over until the fat lady sings, so time will tell

opinion Since when does retaliation mean a war is 'lost'? This is a strange take on something that is only getting started. Retaliation is to be expected. What's the alternative?

opinion losing? by what measure? corporatists and China apologists only care about cheap labor, not fair trade

opinion 呵呵,作为中国人,天天看你们的报道还以为我们已经赢了呢!事实是中国的就业,物价都面临很严重的压力。当然你没说中国赢了

opinion Opinion America is booming! and China is tanking! MAGA

opinion What’s really strange...China holds our debt.

opinion Honestly believe he sees this as a war of attrition. His win will be destroying the world economy but the US will be destroyed less. Strongest of a weakened world economy. I believe, for him, that’s a win. Madness.

opinion You are loosing with China

opinion Short term drama vs long term planning. We are getting crushed because we have the idiot.

opinion But he said

opinion It's just a matter of time US becomes worse under Trump.

opinion Xi has no schedule. Trump does. Trump has lost this trade war.

opinion Furman who worked for a spineless gutless boss

opinion The market isn't the economy. Trump is winning. Period

opinion Jason Furman is an idiot

opinion Trump knows we must decouple from China

opinion President Trump knows very well what he is doing and the US economy at best

opinion Two assholes don’t make a right.

opinion The first Chinese-style Dragon City Mall in North America opened in Scarborough, Canada in 1984. It took China 30 years to trade occupation of all of North America.

opinion Not only is Donald Dump losing the trade war, he has already lost! Our great negotiator has to make a positive due to the pending election. China can out wait him until he is out of office, and beyond!

opinion I never heard of Jason Furman, I could say the same thing, do you think folks would listen to me?

opinion Why the hell don’t you make it clear who is writing this crap. Infurman is a hard core Obama appointed liberal anti-Trump based appointee who is going to say whatever is necessary to get appointed by Biden or Warren. You are Lying By Omission. Stop it.

opinion Prof. Furman had his chance to bring CCP into compliance with prevailing intl economic, commercial, and human rights norms during the Obama Administration. He was too cowardly to act then. But he’s apparently brave (and shameless) enough to Monday morning quarterback now.

opinion China is in real trouble, but they can suppress dissent so much better than the US. Anyone can criticize the US government & it’s leaders without fear. Further, China can pay these dissenters.

opinion Would you rather surrender ?

opinion Obama flunkey Jason Furman says what

opinion He prolly has 4 more years to win it... be patient, the Chinese certainly are.

opinion The status quo is China losing: billions in tariffs coming in while they offset the negative effects with currency depreciation. Get your heads out of the sand!

opinion “The markets” ... you mean the ignorant dude who churned out this drivel.

opinion Tell us again how scary Elizabeth Warren is....

opinion Lots of international support for America first? The coalition of one as I see it. Maybe pulling out of some agreement will help.


opinion No you are wrong again. Stay the course and he will win. It is harder to oppress the masses when the economy falters. Don’t blink and all Americans win.

opinion He is trying to find out how to claim that US has won the trade war.

opinion Simple stop making products in China with USA companies , bring back all those companies back to usa . Reduce the Amazon and retailer business and support small companies as 35 years ago when MADE USA was quality. Simple as that.

opinion Trump will win trade war. The media and some dumb folks supporting China incredible , the resurrection of Mao .

opinion The art of how not to poke the dragon...

opinion No, he isn’t, regardless of how wishing hard for it makes it so.


opinion Article was written by Obama’s Chairman of White House Council of Economic Advisors. According to this genius Trump should do exactly what didn’t work for Obama for eight years. Predictable and silly piece from the increasingly predictable and silly WSJ.


opinion Is it that simple? China & USA interlocking supplies demand economy. Seems like US now recognise the possiblity China may overtake n wants to unlock this connection. So as not to aid China's growth n overtake US as 1 Economic Power..

opinion We knew that already. The question I have is; how strongly will this effect the U?S?A? We are teetering on the brink of failure --our schools, infrastructure, economics, health etc etc. We need a forecast of the blowback from this mess.

opinion china eats liar trumps lunch on every deal trump trys to make/.china plays trump like a banjo,,trump is always trying to change his great deals that turn out not to be great deals,,costing taxpayes more for trumps tarriff tax that china does not pay/.trump is a moron/.

opinion I think we're winning it, but it's unlikely China will agree to major concessions before the US election, if it can keep it together that long. That's a bigger 'if' than many realize. If DT wins the election, China will have to deal. POTUS


opinion You only want to make money from China. That is why you do not like the tariffs because Trump's policy prevents you from making money from China. You always criticize Trump because of your interests, not because of right and wrong.

opinion BS.. you are colluding with China

opinion To Trump, closing the trade deficit is winning.

opinion markets slave 2 chinese, will anyway loose Jason furman needs to loose his job realDonaldTrump is winning the war with China. Anyone, be it markets or otherwise, who operate with doubts and need concessions, will fail either ways But 4 Trump, China would be eating USA's lunch

opinion Multilateral ? Like President Obama was aiming for with the TPP agreement ?


opinion Is anyone considering if Americans stand together on the trade war, it will also give us leverage to help Hong Kong?

opinion Trump knows squat, just like in the shot. See, the US and Chinese economies are married to one another. If China suffers the US will too, very basic.

opinion In the end, Trump will fold.... and then claim victory! EverythingTrumpTouchesDies

opinion The media is pushing for a rescission. They failed at everything else

opinion And this is the hardest compromise in the world.

opinion Trump is trying to go national socialist against a country who has perfected that role for decades. This is why his boyfriend called him a dotard.


opinion It’s about compromise.

opinion Pure trash from a guy who had 8 years in Obama’s worthless administration and chose to do nothing. Now he’s giving advice🙄

opinion We are all friends

opinion Seriously..... he’s talking about economics now

opinion The tariffs he suspended for Xmas will never come into being. He can’t risk implementing them going into an election year.

opinion Not losing, lost. China is simply buying and selling to other countries in the global economy. What they will do is offer goods at a great price, increasing their productivity, and their consumers will benefit. Bringing them back into the US market is going to be tough.

opinion That must be why China is doing so poorly right now. Consumers always hold the upper hand. Without the consumers, the producer makes no money and thus stops producing.

opinion BridgetST101 Sextrade101 Raheelraza Ayaan DouglasKMurray Jeanlouisroy CraigScottCA alexandrasl maryamnayebyazd calgaryherald bbceducation globeandmail macleans washingtonpost AndrewScheer jfrobergeQc francoislegault JustinTrudeau

opinion Donald Trump presidency will be remembered as one of the worst moments in America's history.

opinion As predicted.

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