Opinion | The ugly Asian American stereotypes that fueled Neera Tanden's withdrawal

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Opinion | Miriam Yeung: 'What happened to Neera Tanden is racist, and we can't ignore how that influenced the White House's decision Tuesday to pull her nomination to lead the Office of Management and Budget.' - NBCNewsTHINK

that Asian Americans are the"model minority," a race that is high-achieving and doesn't need government support.

The model minority myth has the triple effect of wedging Asian Americans against other communities of color , erasing a long history of anti-Asian violence and discrimination in the U.S. and, most perniciously, making the needs and experiences of Asian Americans invisible, because why should we be noticed or have the right to complain when we have it so good? This denial of our experience is evident in how silent most of America has been about Tanden's identity in discussing her treatment.

As many Asian Americans have learned over time, you're only the model minority until someone else decides you aren't. Anti-Asian biases featured in the confirmation hearings for Tanden whether or not senators were aware of it. It's time for us to name the implicit biases and assumptions that Asian Americans face so we can be judged from a place of consciousness.


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THINK What happened to Neera Tanden was a comeuppance. It's not racist when someone is rejected for their past behavior.

THINK Is being a grifter and unpleasant to boot a protected class now?

THINK She wanted to bomb brown people in Syria for their oil. You are damn right it’s about racism......hers! And no one from CAP should be allowed anywhere near our government! They are the MIC! EndTheDuopoly

THINK 🤣 Could not possibly been her fat fucking mouth that got her in trouble, it must have been racism...

THINK It is not only racist and sexist, it is just another example of the hypocrisy demonstrated by these politicians. Angry tweets eliminate her who they admit is qualified for the position, but not Trump who was never qualified to be president.

THINK Everything is racist and everyone is Hitler

THINK She didn't get confirmed because she's hyper-partisan and a horrible boss. It had nothing to do with her race

THINK A bigot such as neeratanden needs to be nowhere near the federal govt.

THINK I disagree. I stopped following her due to her toxic words and divisive tweets. There’s no place for that. She crapped all over everyone and now it’s back to bite her. Eventually people will learn the social media matters when you’re looking for a job.

THINK It's raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

THINK In that parallel universe where PresidentJoe waits until Congress confirms all his other cabinet nominations then just 'acting appoints' Neera Tanden to OMB ... Biden there is rebreaking his foot up GOPhers asses.😷

THINK How is the White House racist they put her up for a vote and she didn’t get enough people. Wtf

THINK She didn’t have the votes. That’s what fueled them pulling her nomination. Period. We knew from the start she was a long shot.

THINK No it wasn’t. She sucks. Asians rock.


THINK The practice of proclaiming all things racist that happen to anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes, is racist in itself. Call it what it is. Political hatchet work. If you’d said Trump did far worse on Twitter, you’d have my support.

Deemoney521 THINK The White House didn't 'pull' her. She pulled herself. She has agency.

THINK Bullshit. It was based on policy, not her nationality.

THINK The words 'racist' and 'racism' will have completely lost their meaning by the time all this nonsense is over. Amazing how people just throw them around to describe anything they don't like.

THINK Mosque in France provides shelter to migrants and homeless people ThisIsIslam StopIslamophobia stophating

THINK opinion | shut da fuck up

THINK WH did not pull her. She withdrew. Ffs fix your rant.

THINK We all know who did it . I was so happy when we won Georgia but what I failed to know was about Manchin and Sinema moles. We do not have a majority!!


THINK Mi senior en este dia el Mundo te nesecitan tus bendiciones, MYANMAR , RUSSIA no mas el pueblos quieren DEMOCRACY PAPA FRANCICO TUS BENDICIONES LLEGA A DIOS.

THINK No what happened to JaneKim and tulsigabbard in the primary was actually anti Asian and definitely what Neera fans did to seungminkim was for sure Miriam.

THINK Imagine living in a world where mean tweets disqualifies someone from a job in the executive branch!

THINK People we need to get rid of the rich white elected officials before they ruin our whole country. Really mean tweets? T***p did that the whole time he was in office. Not okay!

THINK Maybe, but I didn't block her for being a woman or an Indian. I blocked her for being a jerk.

THINK Tanden volunteered to remove herself because she saw her nomination being used as leverage. So while her outstanding quality expertise won’t be an asset at OMB, she will find other opportunities. The petty assholes who tanked her chances, however, won’t.

THINK Well if their going by that criteria then Trump should have went Graham and Cruz and Hawley

THINK What did Machin want?

THINK SaveMyammar How will the UN take action? Share this video with the media to let the world know.

THINK The treatment of political reporter Seung Min Kim, after she showed Tanden’s tweets to Lisa Murkowski, was in fact racist.

THINK Racist Joe Manchin has to screw it up for everyone.

THINK What happened to Neera Tanden is “freedom of speech not freedom of consequences” which is the mantra the left used ad nauseum in defense of Gina Carano being fired, and terminations of others who got “canceled.”

THINK Malarkey!! She is a mean-spirited flame thrower!!


THINK It wasn’t racism that sank her nomination, it was the lack of content in her character.


THINK What happened to neera

THINK Holy shit yes line this up I’m going to do a couple

THINK POCs can be bad people too, miriamyeung

THINK I didn’t even know OMB was a big deal like that, then they talked about mean tweets - I thought it was a joke. But they really did take that lady’s job away. Then there was a Korean reporter with the actual scoop... what in the Twilight Zone? Have y’all ever seen that before?


THINK Those hypocrites didn't mind Trump's disgusting, mean, dishonest, racist, misogynistic tweets for four years, did they? This smells like bullshit.

THINK Ok using throwing around the word Racist is not helpful, but I will admit some double standard in her nomination

THINK Her snide and obnoxious comments on Twitter were what got her booted...it has nothing to do with RACE!

THINK Nope. The Democrats forged the weapon that was used against her, ridiculous consequences for free speech. I don't think it should be a disqualifying factor, but them's the rules now...I guess.


Recently my friend's baby was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia & needs a stem cell transplant. Jason & his wife are first-time parents caring for a sick baby & could use some help. If you are in a place to donate or share, it would be appreciated.


THINK An utterly embarrassing and ridiculous argument. The same Senators who opposed Neera voted to confirm Ajit Pai, Nikki Haley, Seema Verma, Rohit Chopra, and Sri Srinivasan. This isn't about racism. This is about Neera.


THINK This has absolutely nothing to do with racism....and everything to do with a corrupt and horrible individual whose past caught up with them....

THINK 🤦🏽‍♀️ ugh

Racist? Tanden was a very bad choice regardless.

THINK 💖 PLEASE READ💖👀 WE'RE OUT OF TIME to secure His 'Aftercare fund' for years of proper follow up & meds, a new 💙 w/out it means He'll reject it & die. PLEASE, if U can't donate, just retweet so others can see, for a Child, Thank You! AboysHeart


THINK The political white noise is deafening.

THINK It was not racism. WOC can be bad people too


THINK Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? Over using racism as a reason for everything is making it lose the power and shame that it should have. It doesn’t always apply. Everybody knows she was a mean person regardless of your race.

THINK Why has no one mentioned that Neera Tanden criticized the CEO of Mylan for raising the cost of Epipen by 500%? The CEO of Mylan is Manchin's daughter. Think that had something to do w his vote?

THINK We seriously need to stop the backlash over every little thing deeming it as racism. The reason she was not confirmed had nothing to do with race whatsoever.

THINK Bullshit

THINK Neera Tanden was pulled bc she’s a horrible candidate. And your racism claims ring hollow considering half his cabinet are POC no one has had an issue getting confirmation. She’s a union buster, outed a sexual assault victim, advocated for stealing oil from Libya & more.

THINK Nothing was racist. She was an evil corrupt person and deserved what happened to her. Take it from a Black woman.

THINK What if she was a bad person and that’s why

THINK munchfreak needs to resign for not sticking with the rest of the Dems!! So sick and tired of there always being some Dem thinking they know what is best and voting against the rest of their own freaking party!! STOP before we start voting Independent!!!

THINK Yea. Might want to rethink that one.

THINK lmao come on

THINK We have a president that can barely read.........does that not worry NBC ? of course not you cover for him and shovel BULL

THINK This is nonsense

THINK Neera Tanden is an establishment politician. So no thanks from this “Asian American”

THINK Lol. Everything is racist for you folks.

THINK you’re wrong. she’s a vile human who wanted libya to pay for the privilege of us destroying their country. stop using tokenism to advance your imperialist agendas.

THINK Bullshit.

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