Opinion | The Trump Disruption

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From WSJopinion: President Trump’s policy record is better than he and his opponents have made it sound, writes The Editorial Board

When Donald Trump won the Presidency four years ago, half of America gnashed its teeth or cried and even supporters who cheered weren’t sure what to expect. Four years later our verdict is that he has been better on policy than we feared but worse on personal behavior than we hoped. Whether Americans re-elect him depends on how they assess that political balance sheet.

We realize that even considering the Trump Presidency in these conventional terms is offensive to some readers. Don’t we get that he’s a would-be authoritarian,...


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opinion Absolutely Trump economy over bush Obama combined this is not Republican or Democrat thing facts are facts not sweet not fake wars and sweet lies like the two clowns before President Trump

opinion LOL .. You also believe in Tooth Fairy, Don't you?

opinion LOL. You and many others also believe in tooth ferry. Don’t you?

opinion Better for whom

opinion Wait is the black unemployment rate as reported by the BLS part of these successes? 🖕🏾

opinion Policy is as policy does! Some lead to: 🔸️Climbing Covid deaths 🔸️Children in cages & 🔸️EPA chief states that there was 'a past over-emphasis on climate change.' And, some 100 environ. protections are being rolled back...

opinion more WSJ lies, constitutional checks and balances are not intact


opinion Trump’s Policy on Covid.. ignore the experts spread disinformation send conflicting messages silence truth-tellers and then squander the prestige of the most powerful nation on earth.

opinion Bullsh-t

opinion In the same way Wagner's music is better than it sounds.

opinion It's clear that the WSJ has become a Trump boot polisher.

opinion For who?

opinion WSJ Trying to make a silk purse out of a Bull’s ass production Sad

opinion This is stupid & insulting.


opinion Skimming over its other faults, this article's tagline is incredibly misleading: the article discusses his administrative successes *from a right-wing agenda perspective.*

opinion He's put the entire American experiment at risk and turned us into an international laughing stock. Policy success you say?

opinion 186,000 dead. What are your thoughts on his Covid policy?

opinion For whom?

opinion trumps policy record is deceit, lies, tax fraud , bankruptcy's,foreign russian banks,deals with the saudia prince,paying djt millions.even murder is ok with the trumps/.putins puppet, pelosi & hrc were correct,a puppet to putin/. treasonous/.

opinion FAKE NEWS from a failing newspaper. Readership dropping daily. Pathetic stories from pathetic writers.

opinion Oh just shut up ...

opinion What policy

opinion Tone deaf - any Republican president would have gotten you your tax cut. Judges, roll back of regulations - without destroying and burning the Union, diminish US overseas and shut the door on immigrants (legal and illegal)

opinion return on the investment for their retirement went up and increased paycheck, doing really, people want the economy doing well, four more years,

opinion For the 1% maybe. The rest of us are losing rights, health, security and much more.

opinion I’d rather paint the exterior of my house in July with a Q tip than vote for Biden...

opinion You, again, have your analysis backwards!

opinion WSJ The new National Inquierer iamaveteran usmc

opinion '... useful decisions that no other GOP President would have made—withdrawing from the Potemkin Paris climate accord...'. I hope the grandchildren of the members of the board forgive them for such myopic disregard for the planet and their own families.

opinion WSJ used to be, even though right leaning, respected for at least being somewhat on balance. Now they’ve gone full tilt propaganda. I guess the editors need to make sure Trump hotels continue to provide free copies in the lobbies. Thank God for FT (Financial Times).

opinion What a bunch of nonsense. I blocked wsjopinion. Hoping that would hide all the nonsense shared by wsj.

opinion No it’s not

opinion Omg better hahahahahahaha only for the idiot qanon believers

opinion The best measure, in quite sometime, of how American leadership compares to the rest of the world, was the Covid-19 pandemic, and yeah, the results speak for themselves. Trump policies are only 'better' if you act like the rest of the world doesn't exist.


opinion It doesn’t matter, he’s undermined the rule of law, our democratic values, and is tearing this country apart. You ask us to look away. Conservatives have good ideas, but your support of this monster will push those ideas into the wilderness for years. Good job assholes.

opinion America is not, and worst still millions of Americans are close to family financial disaster. btw who has reported on healthcare in America, the thought that preexisting conditions may soon be DOA via Trump insuring all persons who contacted COVID-19 will become ineligible. Vote

opinion Heh Murdoch rag, stop kissing tRump's ass!

opinion Sure; better for rich white men and dictators.

opinion WSJ has gone completely Trumpanzee and it’s sad.

opinion This is a laughable analysis

opinion 😂

opinion Lo..-l. . Cool Enough.

opinion What about his record for killing innocent Americans needlessly? Like over 190,000 people have died due to realDonaldTrump's irresponsibility, incompetence & stupidity. How about reporting on THAT!

opinion Why print false opinions

opinion I’d venture to say it’s likely because he’s had little to do with, and little understanding, of exactly what you like. He’s a one trick pony.

opinion Well, other than destroying America you think he’s pretty good?

opinion Which policies? Response to Covid-19? Immigration? Increasing significantly the federal deficit? Losing our role as the respected leader of the Free World? Anti-free trade?

opinion please explain how you have come to this conclusion.

opinion 36 million Americans living in poverty. 52 million drawing unemployment. 5% of the population owns 66% of the wealth. You are sadly mistaken regarding Trump and his policies.

opinion Can't wait for a President that we don't have to constantly listen to Trumplicans: 'It was a joke', 'taken out of context', 'he was kidding', 'but_____ said', 'he's just not articulate', 'you can't prove it [even though he tweeted it or we have a recording], 'that was long ago',

opinion Fluff piece, overly complementary of achievements while giving his weaknesses and divisiveness a passing nod. $3 trillion added to the debt, a total disregard for the military, a jab at Russia’s collusion no mention of Rosenstein’s obfuscation of the Mueller investigation.

opinion It don’t matter..... he is a very dangerous brainless individual

opinion Just like solving the trade deficit with pointless tariffs? Record trade deficit this month. Navarro is a fool hired by an idiot. Go away Rupert.

opinion was pressuring the fed reserve good or bad?

opinion This is a joke, right?

opinion Yes! Massive deficits! Sliding into recession before the pandemic! Incomprehensible incompetent pandemic response! Closing on 200k dead! No promised health care or infrastructure. A wall that blew over. Kids in cages and lost in chaos. Tariffs! Huge trade deficits! 4th rate.

opinion TRUMP 2020

opinion Truth!

opinion Nope

opinion He has committed an astounding amount of grift - did you add that in? His numbers on grift are the highest anybody’s ever seen. Amazing numbers.

opinion Absolutely. His record toward establishing a dictatorship in the US is far better than anyone has given him credit for.

opinion Nope! It’s as bad as it sounds

opinion Mr President YOU GOTTA DO BETTER *192,864 DEATHS 1000/day *6 Administration indictments *ASKING PEOPLE TO COMMIT VOTER FRAUD *STILL OVER 30 MILLION unemployed LOSING company’s insurance *FAILED Crisis Fund Negotiates *Bankruptcies, Foreclosures & Evictions *Instigating VIOLENCE

opinion Like everything else, the WSJ is using classical Market spin of “versus expectations” Here: “Sure, it’s been a train wreck, but we were expecting nothing less than a *flaming* train wreck full of *manure* running over school busses full of rich white *children*...” /s

opinion A fair critique! Note the the successes in the article were due to traditional Republicans in Congress and advice from libertarian think tanks. Now if he only withdrew more of our troops from abroad ...

opinion Are you competing with OAN to become Trump’s Russian Style State Media Outlet? Your Propoganda is showing Kommarad, AGAIN. The man has done nothing but destroy the Country’s Economy and Reputation, WTFU.

opinion Why the supports the Dems? The Dems are for infanticide, taxes increase, illegals immigrants first, submission to Muslims and the infamous Sharia Law, riots, looting and many other aberrations! What's is wrong with you guys?

opinion Maybe so, but the rest of him is so vile and disgusting it doesn't much matter.

opinion What are you now for inflationary polices of reduced immigration feds flooding market with money low interest rates and sky high deficits? I guess WSJ is mostly about racist white power than conservative fiscal policy.

opinion What a crap!

opinion Hahahahaha!

opinion no, it's not.

opinion So you mean the stuff that doesn't have to do with Trump being a criminal, a traitor and a person who disrespects soldiers and war dead is actually really good?

opinion Course it is. It’s a policy 2 protect his own arse.

opinion Even if the rest of realDonaldTrump /DraftDodgerDon ‘s policy agenda was pure gold, his Covid fuckups would completely cancel it out, and it isn’t pure gold.

opinion Trump a threat to globalists those who profit from thins staying as they are. Root of leaks pressure spin on covid comments. Look at foreign policy wins Kosovo Serbia Israel UAE could have been made years ago

opinion No it’s not! Deficits out of control! Small businesses failing, revenues not coming in to support our country, attack on USPS budget, attack on Health Care, and defunding of Social Security!

opinion Better for the rich and infamous.

opinion That’s some wacky opinion

opinion Finally something that is not only against Trump WSJ let their reporters out of the basement

opinion 🤣🤣

opinion If this election was policy vs policy Trump would win all 50 states

opinion Sunday morning at wsj: The wsjopinion columnists were up all night, drinking, fussin, and fuedin. The reporters arrived this morning, shook their heads, grabbed brooms, and started cleaning up.

opinion Everyday their so called 'oponion' visibly demonstrates who they want to win at all cost.


opinion I like that there are no new wars, but ther was more bad than good policies. For every one good policy there was five bad ones.

opinion Comparison of data under Obama vs under drumpf BEFORE the Pandemic hit....

opinion 🤣🤣🤣Nah!

opinion Gee, ya think?

opinion His policies have made people and the earth itself a more dangerous place in which to exist He is too self centered to see his poor choices will affect us as a nation, including his children,their & family for many generations to come. Humanity & our environment will suffer.








opinion Then let him run on his record

opinion “Judas Iscariot’s record is much better than his opponents have made it sound. “


opinion Ok. Who else killed 190k Americans?

opinion Good policies for the folks that read the —for sure!





opinion WSJ, you've GOT TO BE JOKING!!!

opinion I got as far as 'Trump's tariffs lead to a manufacturing boom' and decided that I couldn't subject myself to any further nonsense.

opinion I've never once heard him accurately explain one of his policies and its benefits.

opinion Nahhhhhh.


opinion Policy? What policy? Are you freakin kidding me? When asked by Fox what his agenda would be, he had NOTHING! ZIP. ZERO. NADA. Another jibberish response.


opinion 'The political irony is that this success was due to Mr. Trump’s adoption of conventional GOP economics' The real irony is the editorial board believing Keynesian economics is 'conventional GOP economics' FY19 deficit was how much?

opinion sure, if you define 'better' as policies which benefit the top 1%







opinion Where to begin. Trump's courts have castrated Congress's checks and balances. Convention offered no platform. Deregulation by putting lobbyist in charge? Strong wage gains are the result of a push to raise the minimum wage to $15 which the Republicans never supported.

opinion It's actually even worse than his opponents make It sound. That's the story.

opinion This is a very poor analysis. USA credibility is in shambles, cost us long time partners, his politicization of Institutions is dangerous and ineffective, his economic gain is ephemeral and not structural, his social policies goes backwards...etc, etc..This is shallow, quite bad

opinion 👋👋🛑

opinion Oh give me a break!

opinion Kim keeps building bombs while don the con golf’s

opinion Fuck your opinion page

opinion Ask the kurds. Putin loves it. Murdoch is Putin’s asset.

opinion 😂

opinion That still does not make him a good President and world leader!

opinion What policy?

opinion Let’s talk about that platform that Trump has set forth if he wins...oh wait, his party HAS NO PLATFORM He’s decided to just air his all of his grievances instead Trump doesn’t make policy proactively, he only reacts when someone either praises or insults him or to feed base.

opinion Lol

opinion No mention of his health issues or the fact that he used stooges like Bannon and Miller to develop some of these “winning” strategies...?

opinion ABC news and all the news outlets from around the world including world embassies, psychologist and doctors in Australia commented on my video

opinion What’s fucking better?

opinion Lipstick On A Pig, brought to you by Rupert Murdoch’s mouthpiece.

opinion Trump policies aren’t even remotely ok from deep right wing, or just leaning right conservative standards. The policies (even the judges!) are laughably incoherent and corrupt. Live by the con, die by it. Just wish Democracy wasn’t on a ventilator NHpolitics

opinion Jesus....you guys are full on bullshit for Donny this weekend...tryin desperately to keep the corruption gravy train going?

opinion Facts, and figures don't lie. GOD Bless America, and GOD Bless President Trump. President Trump / VP Pence 2020👍👍👍🇺🇸👍🇺🇸👍

opinion Editors at WSJ:

opinion I don’t know, I’m looking around America right now and not feeling it

opinion No ❤️

opinion Your opinion is wrong.

opinion This has only gotten more pathetic since last week. You’re embarrassing yourselves.

opinion How much did he pay for you to write this.?

opinion Opinions are like *ssh*les. Even Losers&Suckers have one.

opinion Who doesn't love a bigger wealth gap, destructive tariffs, dirtier air and water, more environmental destruction, dirty energy, hungry families, caged children, mass shootings, health care for rich, and lawsuits to eliminate healthcare for many, All good. GOPBetrayedAmerica





opinion What’s the unemployment rate again?

opinion You should all be just ashamed of yourself for turning a respectable newspaper into another rupertmurdoch garbage..this is not juournalism.

opinion Know Trump. No peace. No Trump. Know peace.

opinion For some. His overall effect has been devastating. He's our biggest threat.


opinion Do not elect Barack Obama because that's who you will get. Vote GOP

opinion More idiocy from Rupert Murdoch. His policy of killing 200,000 Americans by ignoring COVID19 has evolved to killing 2 Million by adopting “herd immunity “ .

opinion ::sounds of laughter::

opinion There were a few mistakes, some very serious ones, eg. murder of Gen Soleimani, matters to do with Israel, theft of oil from Syria etc... but at least there are no more new wars.

opinion The editorial board might have been in coma for years I guess.

opinion Better for who? sycophant facism autocracy oligarchy pickone

opinion So, what's the unemployment rate? How many workers do not earn a minimum wage? How many workers are being forced to work in unsafe conditions? Get out of your gated communities and see the real United States.

opinion ok:kids in cages,tax cut for rich, trying to gut healthcare, pandering to Putin,Saudis,failure NK,ignoring pandemic,placing incompetents in top jobs,bribing countries w arms sales,lying daily,overturning envir regs,suppressing voting,violations emoluments and hatch,dissing women

opinion you’re kidding right?

opinion Really? With record unemployment of 30 million due to his handling or lack thereof Coronavirus (180,000+ deaths & counting),tanking the robust economy of BarackObama sorry realDonaldTrump destroyed our economy, environment, our health care- allow others to write opinion

opinion It’s not a record that any sitting president couldn’t accomplish...basically, you are congratulating him for doing a “oh-hum” job along with alienating just about every ally, every friend, and every racial group in America. I think “decency and honesty” could have have done more.

opinion We all lived through his presidency guys - you can’t bullshit us. We’ve seen that he’s a terrible leader, a liar with atrocious morals. No one has ever been less deserving of a second term. 10s of millions are salivating at the chance to vote him out and save our country

opinion Quick to praise accomplishments that are dubious at best. Quick to downplay behavior that is both personally egregious and harmful to our democracy. Great job guys.

opinion If only your editorial board had maintained its credibility over the last 3.5 years, I might believe you.

opinion Another bad take from the

opinion If only facts mattered in 2020, the year we became dumb.

opinion What policy? Trump's policies are not even documented.

opinion Seriously, that should be 'Destruction' instead of Disruption.

opinion the wsj is turning 360. a newspaper without opinion who throw news like a kid throw toys.


opinion Putting lipstick on a pig?

opinion Trump is great! Glad I voted for him in 2015. Will do it again this November.

opinion Agree with this writer’s opinion, Trump’s policy is better for America and more suited in this economic crisis situation we are in due to pandemic compared to Biden and his far left colleague’s agenda. If voters willing to overlook his personality flaws, he will win another term.

opinion realDonaldTrump has been a TotalFailure at HealthInsurance reform. He could have gone down as the greatest president in 75+ years by expanding the health insurance income tax deduction to ALL, employed or not. Helps ease ALL onto ACA exchanges buying more stable coverage.

opinion No wonder I cancelled my WSJ years ago!! Maybe they should Chandra the name to Pravda.

opinion Murdoch’s underwriting just gets worse and worse

opinion It’s the end of the republic you fascists.

opinion No. NO!

opinion Opinion: stop posting garbage

opinion You’re fucking kidding me, right? TrumpHasNoPlan

opinion Pois é. Mesma coisa vai ser no Brasil quando Bolsonaro for se reeleger em 2022. Fazem campanha contra todos os dias, mas na hora do balaço geral não vai dar para negar os avanços! além da falta de corrupção!!!!

opinion Why hasn’t Trump told the American citizens why he hasn’t completed his yearly physical? Could it be the mini strokes he suffered in Nov. 2019 which required he be rushed to Walter Reed?

opinion Absolutely! The debt skyrocketed (remember the old GOP, our grandkids are going to inherit all this debt..AAAahhh!!!), leading COVID cases and deaths, unemployment high, laughing stock of the world, Russia and China running circles, etc...Trump policy THE BEST iamaveteran usmc

opinion Fox News is destroying the WSJ. The WSJ has lost the ability to report without pandering to Trump, the Trump GOP and right radical.

opinion How can you say this after so many lies? If he can’t be honest, why should he be our president? Not accountable for govt COVID response? What is wrong with you? Cancel my subscription!

opinion Define 'better'?!! 180,000 dead to Covid19, Millions unemployed, kids in cages, Kurdish allies abandoned, bounties on US soldiers, nepotism, Hatch Act violations, buddying up to dictators.... Consider my subscription canceled.

opinion Cut the crap, WSJ.

opinion Just a completely asinine premise. Ball-lickers just like Fox News: “The President is actually doing great things that in his GENIUS he cannot articulate”. Ridiculous

opinion Nice try Rup

opinion No. It's not

opinion Of course, WSJO. You’re not terrified of taxes at all, are you? I think your opinions have an agenda.

opinion Funny you now all of a sudden run these conservative “opinion” pieces at a far higher frequency. You’re owned by Murdoch (FoxNews).

opinion This guy had no experience as a president. Why he gives himself credit.

opinion I cancelled my subscription after reading this. An article trying to sell Trumps efficacy as President that literally ignores the coronavirus and the economic collapse that followed. From the editorial board as a whole. It was dishonest and distressing and I cancelled.

opinion What in God’s name happened to this newspaper? Ego driven whims do not constitute a policy record.

opinion Signs of a true leader

opinion Damn, this is desperate. 😂


opinion The WSJ Editorial board has really gone to shit

opinion Not so good to see that the so-called editorial Board. is on DRUGS helusinating .

opinion From opinion: Whatever Rupert Murdoch wants us to say, writes The Editorial Board.

opinion This is really bad fiction.

opinion Thanks Rupert Murdoch, Fox News.

opinion It’s sure is

opinion His policy successes mostly revolve around environment destruction to support his cronies in the energy industry. No surprise wsj loves this.

opinion Hi see only policy seems to be destroying the U.S.

opinion So what. Tweets are the public White House. That is what the world sees....A RANTING CHILD!!!

opinion You are either a dope or you are intentionally misrepresenting. Probably both.

opinion Well done

opinion Which do you like better, the rampant nepotism and corruption, or putting kids in cages? Or is it just too hard to choose one?

opinion Murdoch is a plague on humanity.

opinion Yet another example of why I cancelled my subscription.

opinion If we get back to fair news coverage that is balanced, we might avoid disaster.

opinion Oh the butt hurt on here is funny. Now go read the NYT editorials to soothe it

opinion USA is approaching 180,000 dead from Covid-19 and we have a man in the White House who boasts about grabbing women's genitalia and who exhorts his followers to beat up opponents and says nothing about victims of police violence. It's beyond belief the WSJ likes this guy.

opinion Are you seriously trying to vouch for this guy?

opinion Wall Street is not America. He has done worse than we know.

opinion the opinion pages at WSJ are a sellout....they live in the alternate facts world.

opinion Does Rupert Murdock own both FOX & WSJ :)

opinion 'His Administration’s anti-Covid record is better than Mr. Trump has made it sound.' Trump gives himself an A. 180K Americans are dead. How is Trump supposed to make it sound better?


opinion Samuel Adams said, 'If ever a time should come when vain & aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in gov't, our country will stand in need of experienced patriots to prevent ruin' Nobody lies to people they care about & respect, nobody but Trump

opinion The best way to defeat your opponents is to go out and do what you said you were going to do..MAGA2020LandslideVictory

opinion Oh. Did the wall get built after Mexico paid for it?

opinion Once respected, wsj is now just the print version of fox news

opinion And don’t forget he taught us that the Spanish Flu ended WWII. And look it me I always thought it was atomic bomb. Foolish me.

opinion Children in concentration camps. I’m blocking you now!!


opinion Better than what? The short-term profit takers and tax avoiders have been happy, but his policies have been a disaster to Americans in general. Mask up. Vote for Biden/Harris. Care for all. =

opinion Dear American people,when President Trump has planning for next 4 years wonderful to bring America Great and all things good for American People as jobs,welfare, Social insurance etc. so Please vote for President Trump for his next election. he will do American people proud

opinion Dear Leaders in the world,Please don't hear what thing CCP say, let look what thing CCP did,they've never kept promise and always swindle in all negotiating table about economic, militaly and give a debt trap. there are several Nation was to be fall into a trap of CCP,insolvency

opinion Dear America Leaders, Please prevent CCP to set army base in Palau island Nation, it's very important, or US army, or Taiwan army set army base there to prevent the expanding all over the world and separate between ally each other

opinion Dear America Leaders, Please bring attack submarine, attack missile to the east sea to decimate CCP' submarine base. CCP has prepared modern weapon to agains with America Army in east sea and Taiwan strait, the US cruiser should be present in east sea to support fisherman please.

opinion Dear American People,Pelosi has told Biden don't dialogue with President Trump in front of voters, she's afraid that Biden will be suffer a heavy defeat dialogue,so American People should vote for President Trump who outstanding ability for 4years next to make America Great again

opinion What about character? Racism? Guess $$$$$ is all that matters. Sickening.

opinion Friendly reminder to everyone that at the end of the day the WSJ is owned by News Corp. and Rupert Murdoch, you know, the same human reprobate that employes Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram.

opinion Bullsh-t

opinion To the WSJ I have no doubt that it does. Who the hell do you think he was doing it for?

opinion 189k deaths, riots everywhere, environmental destruction, yeah that sounds better when you look at the profits the billionaires made from this clown.

opinion Trillion dollar deficit, -9% GDP, double digit unemployment and 180,000 dead. What policy led to that?

opinion Keep trying to elect Trump. trash

opinion Translation: you should vote for the dope who doesn’t even know what he’s responsible for

opinion Trump scammed America and failed to pay taxes on over $100 million in taxable income in 2012 associated with his hotel tower in Chicago. Trump laughs at ordinary, honest Americans who pay their income taxes.

opinion Komrade KimStrassel and the crew with more nonsense.

opinion Current task election , truth comes later

opinion Looks like Rupert Murdoch forced the entire WSJ editorial board drink the Trumpian Koolaid.

opinion Horseshit.

opinion I thought this was balanced - not easy to do in current climate of being told what to think. The good and the bad taken together fairly.

opinion - Go peddle those lies elsewhere!

opinion What policy record? The national debt?

opinion May subscribe after all. Will need some follow through

opinion Now, click your heels three times and come back to reality!

opinion What policies? Constitutional rights? Children in cages? No policy on Covid? Attempting to eradicate social security and preexisting conditions; stocking the Supreme Court with conservatives willing to overthrow precedent; tax “reform” that benefits millionaires .

opinion In another reality?

opinion The Editorial Board is wrong. Detached from society, elitist. Superficial economic indexes are not the only thing that matters. The became a POTUS Press Secretary outside the WH . The old WSJ founders would be wondering when did it lose its civility. badpress

opinion The Trump ass-kissery of opinion never wears out.

opinion lol, fuck you. In absolutely no way is any of that true. He's a disaster.

opinion The hell it is.

opinion BS

opinion The headline actually belies the article....

opinion WAIT!! He *has* a Policy?

opinion Tax cut did not pay for itself as Trump and GOP promised. Ballooned deficit unnecessarily.

opinion You are such a disgrace..a true Murdoch company.

opinion The first balanced article on Trump I have read

opinion It seems you’re on his campaign staff while claiming to be journalists.

opinion Indefensible he is

opinion Not to mention, favoring the repeal of sexual assault guidelines so many 'young people's lives aren't ruined' sounds like something a board of rapists would say to protect their rapist offspring

opinion Also this: “No one will be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”


opinion Handing a hefty tax cut to the uber-wealthy, instituting widespread de-regulation, and packing the courts with Conservative judges are all things any Republican President with the Senate in his back pocket could have accomplished in his/her sleep.

opinion Many of his crimes go unreported too. What’s your opinion of them?


opinion How low is this bar?



opinion Reporting driven by keeping the end in mind. Imagine if Obama were in office. You’d be ranting, not polishing.

opinion WSJ opinions are trash

opinion For the WSJ editorial board it’s mostly about corporate tax cuts and deregulation. The rest is collateral damage


opinion Some people just cannot take the truth. They only want news or opinions that match their own. Are they that insecure that they need everyone to agree with them 'or else'?

opinion Trump 'better on policy than we feared but worse on personal behavior than we hoped' about sums it up for me.



opinion What policy record? For a business paper you applauded the tax cuts which has left the government $1.5T short in tools to help the economy in a crisis. Not a good move. Now we should look at a counterintuitive move - raise taxes and interest rates to improve the economy.


opinion 'the resulting tight labor market produced strong wage gains for lower-skilled workers left behind by the Obama-Biden years.' Prove this. I'll wait.





opinion Thanks, Rupert.



opinion Shitty opinion. But what can you do when you're part of the % of people benefiting from the ruin? Sounds like an opinion piece written by someone who doesn't understand low wage workers havent benefited from this economy at all & thinks the economy reflects the avg person

opinion Something I'm genuinely interested in reading (and then fact checking bc news outlets have stopped doing their due-diligence). Anyone know a source on trump policy other than something he has his hands in?

opinion 180,000 Dead, social unrest, violence and destruction, racial injustice, record unemployment and a shattered economy sounds pretty bad.

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Opinion | Another insider attests that Trump is a threat to AmericansGiven what we know, this latest indictment of the president is entirely believable. Yeah he's a threat but you will have some dumb idiot maga people he's doing a great job were at the man's a idiot he can't run the country right but yet and all his supporters drink the Kool-Aid and still vote for him knowing he's dumb Mike pence is dumb Where is the clown supply emporium where realDonaldTrump gets his orange face paint? Would it have killed you guys to make the headline 'Another insider suggests that Trump is a threat to Americans'? You know how this reads. Despite the fact it’s an opinion piece, it reads as if this insider is attesting to something that is a cold hard fact. Which it isn’t.
Source: washingtonpost - 🏆 95. / 72 Read more »

RNC speakers come out against 'cancel culture,' unless Trump does the cancelingFor all the testimonials to free speech and independent thought, the RNC speakers voiced the same message— which, best as I could tell, has something do with a radical Democratic plan to destroy America by sending prisoners and anarchists to pillage the suburbs. Cancel culture at its finest👇 Who did the president cancel...waiting....crickets galore!
Source: YahooNews - 🏆 380. / 59 Read more »