Opinion | The Trials of Bill Barr

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From WSJopinion: Bureaucrats bristle as Attorney General William Barr delivers on his pledge of accountability, writes KimStrassel

The Roger Stone sentencing uproar is deeply important, and not because it’s another Trump “scandal.” Rather, it’s a clash that was always coming—the moment at which an ungoverned bureaucracy smacked up against Attorney General William Barr’s promise to restore equal justice and accountability at the Justice Department.

Democrats and the media are in a tizzy over the department leadership’s Tuesday decision to file a sentencing memo calling for Mr. Stone to receive a shorter prison sentence than four line prosecutors originally...


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opinion KimStrassel There will be no accountability

opinion KimStrassel Trump says: 'Fear Me, I have Barr.' Barr is Trumps fixer. First time in History, AG injects himself into prosecutorial cases. Friends or Foe's Who's next? Flynn- Car thieves, Pot Smokers don't you know; a guy who wears the military uniform can't do 6 months.

opinion KimStrassel Don't believe it

opinion KimStrassel

opinion KimStrassel Bill Barr is trolling.

opinion KimStrassel Happy days are here! We are now living in a “ Banana Republic”.

opinion KimStrassel Sentencing for 99.5% of the population would be per the guidelines with ½ given an expectation of early release; AND that is if they all agree to save taxpayers the cost of a trial. Stone probably chose trial hoping for a reduced sentence in case Trump was removed from office.

opinion KimStrassel Right on, Kimberly!

opinion KimStrassel Unfollowing you all!! I'm tired of being lied to and watching this corrupt government get away with all these crimes

opinion KimStrassel Barr is the one who should be held accountable! He is a disgrace!

opinion KimStrassel Impeach Barr

opinion KimStrassel Sounds like an RT “reporter”

opinion KimStrassel Nope. Billy Barr is Trump's newest fixer, replacing Michael Cohen. Try Harder for your neo-third-reichers.

opinion KimStrassel Preach it. The swamp rats are scattering.

opinion KimStrassel ROTFLMAO

opinion KimStrassel Thinking about someone writing this literally reminds me of being an addict back when I was using. As in I would only do this to feed a dope habit that’s how little I’d have to care about my sense of self respect (I’m poor now. You couldn’t get me to put my name on this trash)

opinion KimStrassel Prove it!!!!!

opinion KimStrassel You mean Deliver Lies and BS. McCabe found innocent!

opinion KimStrassel I like your analysis.

opinion KimStrassel This is so pathetic. How peoole maintain any self respect for yourself when they write and print this garbage is truly astounding to me I mean I just cannot picture myself or any halfway decent person I know (or even the slime balls I know) doing this

opinion KimStrassel Words vs Action

opinion KimStrassel WSJ has more spin cycles than a washing machine. All their writers are paid for amoralists

opinion KimStrassel 8 years of Obama administration corruption won't be rooted out overnight but one creature at a time.

opinion KimStrassel Oh is that what fixing cases for the president is called now? Accountability? Is the same scrutiny going to apply to cases ginned up against presidents enemies? Somehow I doubt it

opinion KimStrassel Who has received 'accountability' so far? We know who won't ( Comey, McCabe, etc.).

opinion KimStrassel Walk away Bill Barr, beforebyou bury yourself deeper. It's bad enough you have aligned yourself wit trump; but how your are complicit in his abuse of paower!

opinion KimStrassel Can the Wall Street Journal be more in Rupert Murdoch’s pockets? At least the news reporting is unbiased but the editorial columns are so skewed to the fox network agenda. I’m finding harder to use the WSJ as my newspaper of choice.

opinion KimStrassel Kim - they say everything Trump touches dies. Best of luck to your career in the post Trump era

opinion KimStrassel Kim - I can understand someone having strong fiscal and social conservative views, and to an extent I believe that’s who you are. But to defend Donald Trump and every single one of his actions, that’s make believe. You know it and so does everyone who reads the paper.

opinion KimStrassel KimStrassel is for A President for Life. She will support anything to keep the Dictator in power. Her immorality is STUNNING.

opinion KimStrassel this writer is a horse’s ass

opinion KimStrassel Kim - What’s it like to have to go to work every day and have to play a pretend character?

opinion KimStrassel Hard pass. There’s no point in reading Kim Strassel. She never holds Trump accountable. She just attacks the process of anyone attempting to hold him accountable. A joke column.

opinion KimStrassel You keep embarrassing yourself. Rupert must give out bonuses to write this stuff.

opinion KimStrassel Kim, you're full of 💩 & you know it!

opinion KimStrassel BarrLies What is the square root of a cover-up

opinion KimStrassel Kim Strassel getting ready to write an op-ed

opinion KimStrassel Krazy Kim with another pearl of idiocy

opinion KimStrassel Trying to turn the US into a theocracy has nothing to do with accountability. I see a FOIA in someone's future.

opinion KimStrassel He’s finished

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