Opinion | The casualties in Syria show that Trump’s policies are leaving our troops exposed

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Opinion: Today’s casualties in Syria show that Trump’s policies are leaving our troops exposed


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Yesterday's casualties show, once again, that while politicians claim interventions will be easy, they never are and will inevitably lead to casualties. Get the fuck out of Syria and there will be a 100% decrease in US military casualties in Syria, guaranteed.

When four Americans were killed in Benghazi, it resulted in a 2+ year non-stop investigation and daily news reports on FOX News. Let's see if the same thing happens here.

Please, Isis attacking shows it's a ploy to keep us there. We will not take the bait from Isis. We are worried about Our own borders

Exposed, NO PAY, lied to, making the country look extremely week

Trump does not know what he is doing, he does not listen to our military leaders, and he is making America unsafe and in danger.

No, that’s FakeNews. Trump’s policies show that removing troops is the right thing to do. We are not invaders nor global police. Our revered military should only be used righteously, to protect Americans.

He needs to be removed.

You are so insulting not only to this President, but to those who carry out the orders and who stake their lives on the mission! You cowards sit behind a desk and push such BS to the detriment of this Country and you wonder why the public has lost all trust in you!


Bezos will have you write negatively about Trump no matter how he handles Syria. Trump is gunning for Amazon's business model of putting Americans out of work for cheap overseas labor & that scares Bezos, so he has you write nothing but negativity about Trump. We get it.

People get shot in a war. I don’t know if y’all know this.

ISIS is defeated, a sound bite for Trump and body bags for those on the front line- all at the behest of a draft dodger

Our media policies seem to be hell bent on destroying this Country!

Give me a break! Obamas rules of engagement left our troops more exposed that anything that is going and you said nothing when it came to his policies! U are totally unbelievable!

They wouldn't expose if there are not there in the first place.

NO! It only shows that the crooks want to keep us there at any cost. They have exploited and used us for decades. Mr. realDonaldTrump 's decision of leaving Syria (and hopefully Afghanistan) is nothing short of brilliant.

Trump only desires to do Russian bidding. Our troops mean nothing. Traitor Trump.

Bring home the troops. Should be simple enough to figure out. All the major highways in the US need a lot of work done on them. Spend the money there instead.

That's why we bring them home ... This about regime change .. Illegal... Does. Syria have a right too arm and support intifia

What are you talking about... Doesn't every great leader show their hand on Twitter at 2am?

Hey, these aren't Trump's policies, they're Putin's, Trump's just mouthing them from his script.

That's bogus. Having our troops invade and occupy another country illegally is what has left them exposed.

The attacks are set ups. The people behind it all don’t care they take our soldiers lives. They only care for their personal agenda.

Who's responsible today's casualties? Just.ask the CIA and Kurds cause of both sides have benefits our soldiers stay and die for nothing.


So...when troops were dying during Obama's presidency, were you blaming his policies as well?🤔

Let’s not expose our troops any longer by pulling them all out.

By Removing them from the country?

Very sad situation.

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