Opinion | Sarah Sanders chooses Fox News over briefings

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Opinion: Sarah Sanders has appeared on Fox News at least 12 times since her last briefing

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders outside the West Wing of the White House on May 8. By Erik Wemple Erik Wemple Media critic with a focus on the ups and downs and downs of the cable-news industry. Email Bio Follow Media critic May 22 at 4:14 PM White House press secretary Sarah Sanders didn’t make much news Wednesday morning when she spoke with the “Fox & Friends” crew about current affairs.

During the ongoing no-briefing skid, Sanders has appeared at least 12 times on various Fox News programs, as follows: March 12 , March 25 , April 2 , April 4 , April 14 , April 18 , April 22 , April 29 , May 2 , May 4 , May 16 and May 22 . Sanders has also appeared on NBC’s “Today” and ABC News’s “Good Morning America,” as well as CNN, CBS News and Sinclair.

Fox News host Sean Hannity helped Sanders make this particular controversy vanish, at least for Fox News viewers. In an April 18 chat with Sanders, Hannity stumbled and stammered in a transparent bid to minimize the offense of lying to the American people. It was a moment that propaganda historians should bookmark:

Another extraordinary moment on Sanders’s recent Fox News tour occurred on the May 4 edition of Jesse Watters’s weekend show. Apparently Watters hadn’t realized that Sanders had stopped doing briefings, because he asked this question: Bolding added to highlight another lie: The White House Correspondents’ Association, and plenty of other voices, have urged Sanders to relaunch regular briefings. The response has been more Fox News appearances.


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Well she should do something! She no longer does the briefing meetings. She can’t handle the press questions so she got out of the kitchen! She needs to be retired along with all the other swamp critters in WH.

President Trump should cancel all White House press briefings. Revoke all fake news (i.e., WAPO, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc.) privileges entirely.

Well, at least their there are no hostile journalists calling her out for her blatant lies.

She is amazing

American tax dollars at there worst...👎

👏👏👏 haven’t missed at all...

Remember when Avenatti was on CNN and MSNBC every night

LOOOOL. That'll teach 'em. Little self-important weenies can't get any TV screen time.

What do you expect? all you ghouls do is berate and shout and argue, how the hell can she do her job with you out of touch keyboard warriors for the Democrats continue to re-litigate everything

She works for fox

NOT 'Opinion:...' That's either a fact, or it's not a fact. It's NOT a statement of opinion. Who TF wrote this tweet?

They treat her respectfully. Take that as your briefing.

State TV, one step closer to Russia being the mother land.

So what? It's her job to answer questions

No one really cares. She only lies. You can't believe anything she says. She belongs on FOX.

That’s not an opinion jackass. If that’s true, then it would be a fact. Silly goobers

Seems like Fox fits her better. Her press conferences are worthless.

That is not an “Opinion”, that is a “fact”. Get your story straight

State media. Call it what it is.

Why underscore her insignificance?

PressSec do your job and conduct WH press briefings .... stop feeding the tRump base on FOX news...VoteBlue2020 sendavidperdue SenatorIsakson

That’s because CNN did not invite her..they are still hung up on Russian.

Have lost all respect for her. She’s not innocent.

She should be paid by Fox News and not the American people for being a press secretary. She should be off the tax payers payroll.

el sluggo PressSec

Good, the press pool is more like a cesspool


She is auditioning for her own show

No wonder I haven't seen her

So what CNN has all the criminals every day

Wah wah wah

Sanders only likes the EASY questions. That’s why she goes to Fox ‘News’

Love that Sara!

And, if she's just got to hear herself lie to her audience of one, that's the best place for her to be.

Why are we paying her

She's a waste. .

It’s no choice . Ridicule doesn’t kill anymore but ....

She’s a waste of air.

She stopped pretending to work for the American people before Sean Spicer left. That's how/why she got the job. We caught on pretty soon after and wondered how the press could sit there and listen to her lies and abuses. I'm happy w/o her lies.

Sarah doesn’t want news reporters to ask questions, just paid friendly sympathetic propagandists...

She still looks stressed. You would think that the lack of confrontation and soft ball questions would help her 'stress face' somewhat.

Good for her. The press is dead, superfluous People no longer need them.


Sarah Sanders is HORRIBLE.

Two lying B's

Well, when all's well and the ship is steady, might as well do a little P.R.

If this is what it takes to keep the world from ever looking at Jim Costa again so be it

Building up that CV...

Feelings hurt

Pursed lips.

She is great isn't she

Those are the only Americans that count to her.

She gets paid $180k a year by the US government (aka taxpayers) to be a Fox News commentator. Governmental waste at its finest

Trying to get a job.


sarah is forgotten...let her tip toe thru the tulips all the way to Kansas

Not surprising;Fox is a propaganda outlet and that is Sarah's job--spread lies and propaganda to the 'true believers'

Why not, its State TV.

She lies! They can have her!

Drama queens Costa, April should take the blame for fewer press briefings

Maybe Fox News should pay her instead of using taxpayers money

Why does she bother?

Sarah says Nancy Pelosi ‘should smile' more, she rarely ever smiles. I suppose smiles come easily when you know you are not lying.

There she can claim some small tiny degree of credibility.

The devils in Sarah.


Sandra the liar. How appropriate. FOX NEWS offers a perfect environment to lie with comfort - no unsettling questions and absolutely no fact-checking.

Good for her!!! She is doing a great job!!!

State TV

PressSec she’s working on behalf of less than half the country. She means very little to the nation in doing so, nor does anyone really miss her so good for her. Perhaps they’ll give her a job when the WH is restored to its former glory and they’re out of it.


Now she finally has an audience that will believe her lies and we don’t need to hear them! Looks like a win/win?

And has posted 125billion times about Trump since his election all FAKE NEWS. Tf are y’all even talking about?

fakeNews seems appropriate for PressSec

DE👏🏼PLO👏🏼RA👏🏼BLE👏🏼 Fox News is state run media.

Is she applying for an anchor job. Lol 😂

Fox viewers are the only idiots that listen to that bag of hot air

President Obama went almost 8 months without a press conference. And your point is ?

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!


😅😅😅😅what a fool

Who cares

Spreading propaganda.

PressSec would be wise to remember that she works for ALL the American people, not just those who watch Fox News. DO YOUR JOB

Why is she still being paid

“Sarah Hucabee chooses propaganda over free press”

Fox is Trump TV.

What is so unusual about government officials appearing only on State TV. I mean that is what other countries like Russia, North Korea, China, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. fo.

Can we vote to not pay her anymore? Let Fox pay her!

Worthless & a liar, that is all she is!!

And you are surprised why?

Stay puff marshmallow lady.

Then she should be paid by Fox News, not US citizens.

fake news no one cares about your opinion pieces

So what?

Opinion: Leftist, anti-American libby so-called 'journalists' should go to jail for their collusion with TheDemocrats

jealous fakenews

So is Sanders getting paid for being on Fox while the government is paying her to be press secretary to donny?

I don’t care, do you?


Who loves ya’ baby? Only Fox apparently.

Need to keep the propaganda going.

PressSec is supposed to be working for all of the country not just 40%.

Of course. It’s her last refuge to spin GRIFTER 45’s yarns.

If you have no answers, don’t listen to the questions!

That's obvious.

Don’t we pay her salary?

Sander's is a disgrace.

I am forced to pay taxes and then have to put up with the government squandering the money paying turds like Sander her salary. Fire Sarah Sanders. Put her on Fox New's payroll.

Well, these are the only people who listen to her bullshit, so it makes sense. I don't watch Fox, so it's okay by me!

It appears the whole Trump gang use Fox as their pulpit! How fun 🤪

Another clown

Glad to see you are watching

This administration is killing Democracy and FreePress

How many times did MichaelAvenatti appear on cnnbrk ?

Just 1/10th of this behavior from the Obama admin would be grounds for assassination by this party. Wow hypocricy personified

LDJensen5 Fox can have her

So what, WAPO? Banana Media FakeNews

You don’t own her. Quit the harassment!

Cause only Fox will spin Trump's Lies.

double dippin' sarah wonder how much they are paying the slug? and we tax payers pay her too? wow she IS a real CON 'bless er lil hearrrt

She’s trying to find her next job

Well where else can a LIAR like her get sum 'tention and praise for her LIES? FX FAKE TALES of a LIAR by huckasand yuck who listens to her anyway its like hearing a train wreck or listening to 45 disgusting

Because state run media is only interested in the party line.

The former press secretary.


PressSec should change her name to PropSec as in “propaganda secretary”

She’s going down with her boss!

How many times did they shovel her lifeless body into the side of a van like a side of beef ?

They are so anti-American😡. Everything has to be their way. Their way or no way. Hateful liars.

Ahhh. Poor is feeling left out. Grow up and start acting responsibly and you’ll get interviews as well. But for over three years you’ve been lying about this President so why should they answer your questions?

Wny is she getting paid to be the press secretary?

She goes to most trusted news network

Trump's number one liar for hire. She will go down in history as the most dishonest press secretary in U.S. history.

PressSec = Lies

Get her off the federalpayroll and let fox pay for her


So what? Maybe she is treated with the respect she deserves.

She is a wise woman.

Thats because: 1. They don't ask difficult questions 2. Trump can't be trusted to answer even simple questions

I cannot believe she’s 36. Holy crap.

Her lies fit in better there

What a friggin waste of taxpayer money, eliminate her job.

Propaganda game is strong.

It would be nice to give regular press briefings but, like her boss, she doesn’t like questions she can’t answer.

Fox news is the WH briefing. State run tv

They work for Trump TV...a censored operation.

nobody else wants her on, she has nothing to say that is 'original.' Just defending Trump's lies is not newsworthy


PressSec so I see you working at the propaganda station now. Your lying 🍑 should fit in perfectly over there.

She likes honest journalism not WaPo fake news stuff.

Since Fox “News” works or the White House, it’s not surprising. Almost no one interrupts Sanders propaganda show there.

I'd like to never hear her voice again.

They don't care if she lies. Fake Fox news

She is useless !! She must be fired and pay back her last 2 month salary .

What does this blob really do now ?

Sarah who?...oh does PressSec Sanders still have a job? and if she's still on the payroll...for what?

Sadly, really sadly, she and her father are fake Christians; fake patriots.

And if not, why not?

The people love her. She is excellent spokesperson for President Trump. She is best Whitehouse spokesperson in history of U.S.

Do we tax payers get paid for her time with Fox?

Well she must be more comfortable with questions from State Run Television and not being pressed for any of her responses!

Since most people who want honest news don’t watch FoxNews I don’t think my tax dollars should be used to pay this fakes news PressSec who is only talking to 30% of the population. FireSaraHuckabee

So, here’s an idea. Instead of the American taxpayers covering her salary why not have Fox News pay it? taxpayers

She is a poop.

Hiding from the National Media due to the lies she tells. Covering a lie with another lie is implicating herself in the Trump Administration. She needs to go to jail as well. We the People need for her to be held accountable.

Those are her briefings. No tough questions to reply to.



Sanders is already a has-been.

Most people would b fired for not doing their job TwilightZone

Where she belongs..

Sarah surfaces 12 times on Fox to spout lies.

Sarah is a lying liar!!!

Good for her

She's a hack. Can't believe anything she says. An embarrassment. Hope she sray on Fox where I will never see nor hear from her again.

PressSec can’t stand the pressure of reporters asking questions so she needs a friendlier audience....hence the appearances on Trump TV aka Fox News

Maybe PressSec should stop taking our tax payer funded paychecks and go ahead and jumpstart her inevitable destiny at foxandfriends

When the MSM fails to report the news with no bias. I wouldn’t talk with those idiots either

Sarah Sanders has made herself irrelevant. At best, a minor footnote to the Administration. At worst, a caricature of a press secretary.

We Americans are so stupid that we just keep paying a $180,000 a year for this? A press secretary works for ALL American tax payers. If she can't handle the job, we need to DEMAND the she resign!!!

On Fox Faux News, there is no one to challenge her outrageous lies.

How many times has Swerdlick appeared on CNN since then ? Did he go past Avenati yet ?

Well I guess we all know who will be her next boss?

I don't think she's even aware of how insulting her actions are.

Okay, the lying 🤥 Network and lying Administration!

Not a good look. America, pay attention.

FoxNews doesn't ask PressSec any toughies. Spineless

Yay! You can count!

Let’s keep it that way....

So what! Does that hurt your feelings? ThatsIt AtLeastTheyRespectHer

Maybe Sanders is auditioning for a new job.

We love it. Giving us that transparency tht no 1else will give

So! How many friggin times did CNN puke station interview that asshole Avenatti and did you say anything! Go get a life and start doing some real reporting instead of opinions, analysis and perspectives! You continue to be a joke! And remember it's not a law to hold pressers!!

PressSec is a scared little girl who prefers her safe space, which she ridiculed liberals about.

So what

Freedom of the press also means reasonable access to the office of the POTUS! And then to do favoritism toward one TV network, well that's the beginning of fascism.

The fake news briefing and her BOSS tells her To jUmp she replies how High...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh she makes me crazy😱

Faux News can have her...she is a pitiful excuse of a woman!

Total BS.

C,mon people, don't you think there is something wrong here? It's like we're in the twilight zone. If anyone thinks this is normal then there is an even bigger problem. At some point a person has to think more of their country than of their party.

She looks like she has eaten as many cheeseburgers as well.

Not answering questions from the free press. Co-conspirator in obstruction, lying, and generally not being a patriot. press secretary who doesn’t deal with the press. UnfitForOffice

Probably because they are the only ones that believe the crap that comes out of her mouth

They’re the only ones who’ll have her

Hey PressSec any thoughts on doing the job we pay you for?

She does have to secure a job at some point...

Her face is scary

They can have her.


Us media is operating like the enemy of the people. WAPO CNN are the worst can’t be trusted to just report news. It always has spin and attack activists working as journos

When the rest of the world won’t accept your lying you go where they do. Fox News is a safe house for liars.

FOX is state TV. DefundFOX

The cow can’t be trusted

Have you seen the “media” lately?

Only network who will put up with her bullsh-t

Fox News dont have reporters who manhandle women, unlike CNN

Fox 'News' should pay her salary instead of the people of the United States.


Her press briefings are now being held on Fox News.

Keep up the good work Sarah. Keep the fake news networks guessing and dont reward their bias. I think you are doing an excellent job for the USA

Because she gets to write the questions

Well, to be fair to HuckaSilly, The Fox Propaganda Lie Station is the best place for Liars to call home.

Perhaps they should reach out to a communist rag like the Wapo.

Does Fox pay her an honorarium for each appearance? If so, double bad! She's not earning the salary we are paying her!

Fox is only network that called RUSSIAN COLLUSION correct from day one. CNN MSNBC thousands of hours wasted on deliberate attempt to make real a myth. Your paper too.

She has no political future so she's hoping for a job


I for one am glad we haven’t had to see her stand in front of that podium and watch her stutter while she is dreaming up some bullshit answer.

Why doesn't she get a real job?

So she doesn't speak to the whole country anymore, it's only Fox viewers? Nice.

Made for each other. Both fake news.

She should get to the podium but I will admit...her silence has been refreshing. I don't watch Fox so I am not aware of what she is lying about with her BFFs on that station.

Didn’t realize she was still bilking the USA out of a salary

That is a stupid move. Sarah works for America not Fox. Liar!

Let her stay there. She treats you all with disdain and spews lie after lie. What she does is not spin. It is blatant dishonesty. And you take it and beg her for more. You guys never push back to the extent you should. She’s a garbage person. Special place in hell for her.


Yes who wouldn’t want a powder puff organization lobbing you softballs. Actual questions throw chubby off of her game

I know, Sarah. When you're sad, go see Fox and Friends. 'Nobody understands me' she wails to Steve and Brian. 'I need a hug'.

Murdoch is the silent culprit in this propaganda seed 'dissemination' 'all deliberately staged' publicly circulating falsehoods 'misleading information' influencing and encouraging hate and divide. The U.S and the E.U need to make Murdoch accountable

She is pure 🦊💩

I don’t blame her lmao every other media outlet is as biased and corrupt as this one

She only wants to speak with Fox viewers. They believe everything she says.

Because they treat her with decency.

PutinsPuppet only speaking yo state run media...who'd have guessed?

That’s because she was told to appear on Fox News

Does anybody really care at this point? She is looking for a job! And no one is hiring her!

She's just auditioning for her next job.

It's just so much more pleasant to deal with fellow cultists than critical thinkers. Right Sarah? 😉What a POS. She is just terrified she will criminalize herself in the face of actual questions. Someone should drag her a** before Congress too.

PressSec is a list nobody needs to entertain her anyway. I pity her children

Quite frankly more than a little sick of this cow

What does she do all day?

are they paying her salary or are we?

State TV.

Fox is the only news outlet that allows her to promote the Trump lies

Proganda puppet. Tired of paying her salary!

Why is she still drawing a taxpayer paid salary?

Well, perhaps Faux Snooze should pay her as a consultant rather than the taxpayers as a non-functional, fact-twisting 'press secretary'.

Fox loves the beast.

Does she hope to find a job there?

Wh press briefing to the bosses base

Has she ever smiled in her entire life? She always looks like she is smelling something really disgusting. Perhaps it is the fetid stench of her boss's lies and her father's hypocrisy.

But who’s counting...👀

Auditioning for a new job?

How can she still have her job?

Apparently Fox News is the new briefing room.

She should work at Fox News

You can see her at a farm in the mud.

A venue where people don't want the truth suits her better anyhow.

At a taxpayer cost of $180k per year.

So this letting every honest, hard working news reporter know to not ever waste time with her. Her next gig is Green room hostes at the Steve Wikos show.

No one wants to hear her lies

she's praying they hire her since no one else will

Keep up the good work Sarah, my regards to the President!!!

Because Fox has more viewers than the completion combined. It makes sense

She just lies anyway. Seems like an apt place to be

Well we all know they like being lied to at Fox. I consider the rest of us better off the less we see of her and the more she’s fact checked.

well isn't that shocking.... and the results are?

WHEN is her GODDAMN due date?

Thats fine, I wouldn’t believe her briefings anyway.

Sarah Sanders is an employee of Fox News now. She should forfeit her taxpayer paycheck.

FoxNews has lost its standing as “News”. It is now SOLEY a propaganda machine. Deplorable and pathetic

Why don’t they pay her fucking salary, then?

I wish she would appear on the back of a milk carton.

That is her Press Briefing!

Because they don’t ask her hard questions.

More of that transparency.

Those ARE her briefings.

And not told the truth in any of them

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