Opinion | Patriots Vote in Person

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From WSJopinion: Vote in person. It’s not more dangerous than going to the grocery store and will help reduce the scope for November-December chaos, writes Holman Jenkins.

Time is required to exchange pieces of paper through the mail, as Congress understood in the Credit Card Act of 2009. It set a 21-day grace period before interest accrues to your account. It set clear rules for when your payment is complete: when received, not when postmarked. Even so, one voting-like risk doesn’t exist: None of us is ever likely to be victimized by a stranger paying off our credit-card bill in our name.

Alas, the likelihood of millions of November ballots becoming disputed only begins with the possibility of a late or missing postmark. Pressies amuse themselves by inventing behavior by Donald Trump as the source of every problem, but any election, involving any two candidates, would descend into legal chaos if the margin is significantly less than the number of rejected ballots .

Mail-in ballots raise an obvious chain-of-custody challenge—how do we know who truly voted?—against which states have erected various barriers involving signature-matching and witnesses. Now these are being rewritten on the fly. Judges will second-guess rejected ballots. They will second-guess unrejected ballots and may even demand an accounting for unsolicited ballot forms sent out but never returned by a voter.

In a normal election, 0.01% of in-person ballots are disqualified, and about 100 times as many—or 1%—of mail-in ballots. In the Wisconsin Democratic primary in April, 2.5% of ballots were disallowed, the equivalent of three times Donald Trump’s victory margin in 2016. In the last presidential race, 134,000 Wisconsinites voted by mail. This fall, it’s expected to be 1.8 million.

When the oregano hits the fan, our only avenue is to fall back on the letter of the law. When America heard Hillary Clinton say Joe Biden should “not concede under any circumstances,” many of us mentally reserved an unspoken clause on Mrs. Clinton’s behalf: “unless Donald Trump has clearly won.” We may have given her too much credit. If Americans take to the streets amid weeks of legal wrangling, none can be entirely confident of an orderly, constitutional outcome.


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seanmdav opinion Have no fear. As long as you vote DemocRAT, your ballot will be recorded properly, perhaps multiple times. DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

c_oredump opinion Sounds like a plan! c_oredump and opinion

opinion Go early, lines will b long.

opinion 'Patriots' vote!!!!

opinion opinion is tone deaf and finds any excuse it can to rationalize the inane garbage spewing from Murdoch’s favorite scumbag president. What a stain on an otherwise fantastic journalistic institution

opinion The picture you use show why its a problem. Republican legislators and officials have done their absolute best to ensure that there will be MASSIVE, 8+ hour lines to vote in cities while you'll just be able to walk right up and vote and leave in rural areas.

opinion Many states have vote by mail for decades WITHOUT any meaningful issues. It plays into the hand of Trump and his enablers. They don’t care about how one votes, ONLY that Trump HAS to win OR that he is declared winner WITHOUT elections.

opinion I'll vote any legal way I choose! How dare you? With polling stations closing, I could face multiple hours wait. Are you going to work my shift? Are you going to replace me and my husband's wages? Are you going to provide childcare? HolmanJenkins and are DISGRACEFUL!!!

opinion I'm immunocompromised and already have severe respiratory issues. if i vote in person i will get covid, and if i get covid i will die. so. no. I am not risking death for fucking Joe Biden :)

opinion Republicans can and will take the chance with the virus on Election Day. We are tired of all the misinformation on social media, BLM, and the Democrats. There used to be a time when the dems represented hard working Americans, but not any more!


opinion The fuck is this title?

opinion What store do you go to where you have to wait for hours in line in close proximity to others? Take a look at picture & how about videos that they been showing lines! U guys are incredible anything to stop mail in voting because you know GOP is going to lose if everyone votes!

VotingStraightD opinion Hey, here's an idea, maybe don't shame your readers into voting in a manner they are not comfortable with or equipped for. A lot of folks need to stay home or prefer to stay home -- like the entire trump family who are voting by mail.

opinion Anyone else think this is interesting as it sounds anti vote-by-mail or is it just me? I am a bit suspicious of things anymore, right or wrong.

opinion True

opinion Voting 'in person' on those easy to rig electronic voting machines is the best way to incur election fraud. That's why Trump wants us to use them. He has the Russians ready to rig those machines once again! I'll use the much safer paper ballots, thank you!

opinion Please join The2020Project to help Resisters safely get to the polls in massive numbers... 😷

opinion 'Patriots'. STFU


opinion So I can be in a crowd like that where some idiots in line will be mask-less? So Trump’s “poll watchers” can harass me? Imagine minority areas where there are fewer polling places. Imagine having a job where you can’t take time off or you care for others?

opinion Will there be automatic sanitization stations at the entry / exit? Think that will reduce transmission from touching the computer stylus/screen. Then the floor- tracking whatever home on their shoes and people breathing possibly infected indoor air.

opinion Tho even with fold-up lawn chairs standing in line for hrs on end is just too tough for many people, due to their age or underlying health concerns. But I agree ANY & EVERY one who is capable of voting in person SHOULD. Rather than using mail-in. Will reduce the count & workload!

opinion Wrong. Drop off your ballot. Don’t use the USPS. We’ve already seen in GA, NC, WI, MI, FL that machines are being hacked. A paper ballot cannot. And you don’t expose yourself to more people.

opinion Echoing the party line of the WSJ's owners, the Murdoch family. Trump is their meal ticket.

opinion I’m not standing in line for hours with other people at the grocery store

EndangeredOcean opinion Voting by mail is a legal vote. Just count every vote and this election will go fine.

opinion Trump didn't vote in person.

opinion Sorry I can't, my state doesn't have in person voting. That just part of why this opinion is trash.

opinion Important 'Early Voting' Dates

opinion 🖕 'Patriots' Vote ... period. There are MANY valid ways 2 Vote. It is unpatriotic 4 IMPOTUS to disperse confusion & fear about Our Voting System on a daily basis, instead of strengthening protections & availability during his failed pandemic response! VoteHimOut VoteReady

seanmdav opinion Dem Governors have promoted mail in ballots disallowing the majority of voters to go to the polls. This was all done on purpose, the more space between the voter & their vote; the greater opportunity for electoral fraud & tampering. As if we don’t have enough problems in NJ.

opinion If you vote in person, please use hand marked ballots. There is real danger of machines being hacked.

opinion Universal mail in ballots is an attempt to steal the election and every single one of us knows it.


opinion Democrats should be screaming this. Without a doubt if you’re elderly or at risk, vote by mail; those populations usually do anyway. However if you are able to vote in person, do it and early if possible. Don’t overload a system that already can’t handle its current load.

johncardillo opinion I have voted by mail for the past 12 years. What is so wrong with that?

johnpavlovitz opinion That's how repubs gerrymander and suppress votes.

opinion I'm voting early and in person


opinion I have underlying medical issues and I've decided that I am voting in person. It may not be 100 percent safe, but I want to ensure that my vote is counted.

opinion No matter how long you need to wait on line, be there to VOTE IN-PERSON. Protect your right to vote. We are senior citizens & will take folding chairs, just in case there's a long wait. AMERICA MUST NEVER BE A COMMUNIST COUNTRY!

opinion I can’t believe they don’t have different locations to vote.

opinion I agree with the point if not the jingoistic nationalism of the article. I buy kitty litter in person. I can vote Trump out in person. Early voting starts in 23 days. I'm there. BidenHarris2020

opinion How can you trust the voting machines? That’s the problem!

opinion LOL GovMurphy GovSisolak VoteInPerson

opinion I’ll bet more than 80% of staff will vote by mail. Would love for you to release an internal survey after the election. Hypocrites.

opinion I always vote in person but I'm expecting a longer wait time this year. I'm just worried I won't have enough time. I wonder if that's a legit excuse to get out of work early. 😅

opinion Mary, just wear a mask, keep distance & sanitize your hands before touching your mask or face. It must be awful to not leave your house like that. I hope things improve quickly. I work with the public daily full-time & I just stay mindful of my own actions. You'll be ok. ❤

opinion FALSE: This will only be true if people wearamask, and practice social distancing. Stores have employees to monitor this, waiting in lines to vote (for hours) will not. Source: I'm an MD/PhD with virus research experience, and people around me all day long refuse to do these.

opinion Just vote him out! I don’t care if you stand in line, absentee, send it in, whatever it takes. Take America back and I’ll join you in the celebration

opinion I don’t go to the grocery store. I shop online only & have everything no-contact delivered. I’m one of the severely compromised & I do not plan on sacrificing myself, my husband, or my children because idiots worship that orange pustule of pus filled goo. I’ll vote by mail.

opinion Since when does Wall Street want people to vote at all?

opinion Are you still using ID's? mdtutul61 MedeTalks medicine20 MedProProtector MeetITSM getoutofhell with the BCCRSS because WeFlySoon TrutbBillboards PaperGate Voteinperson FireTheLiars PositiveTwitterDay VotingIsFraud FraudVote BCFraud

seanmdav opinion BeatTheCheat

opinion Why can't we agree that voting by mail is best for some and voting in person is right for others. The diversity allows for a safer election because no system will be overwhelmed. We just all have to do our homework.

ReddogOHIO opinion Exactly what Trump wants voting on rigged machines. Use paper ballot.

opinion But Trump supporters don’t wear masks, catch Covid, and die. Just ask Herman Cain, Rick Rose of Ohio, Joe Hinton of Alabama, and the list goes on and on.

opinion Early Voting offers generous options to vote in person. The sites are very up to date regarding safety health precautions

johnpavlovitz opinion It shouldn’t have to be this way, but with Trump stoking fears of election fraud for many months, voting in person is the best solution to shutting him down.

EWErickson opinion I've voted by mail since 2012. Not about to change that just because the Dickcheese in Chief likes pretending my vote doesn't count. He's going to cause chaos regardless.

opinion so you admit that Donald Trump is not patriotic. He votes by mail.

opinion It's not. If a woman can get a pap smear and a mammogram (where a tech is all over you) why can't you put on a mask and stand in a line to vote?

opinion Make up your minds. Voting in person is a covid risk. Vote by mail. Maaaaybe it's not so bad go vote in person. Mail might be bad.

opinion Wow a coherent piece by WSJ, I’m impressed!

opinion The title is in poor taste despite the good points made. Do you really want to suggest that military personnel posted overseas, disabled voters, those lacking nearby polling places because of racist/classist closures, and very high risk voters aren't patriots?

opinion Yup, just keep 6' apart, take a chair if needed, wear your mask.

opinion I say fuck it! I’m not going to let that orange barrel of toxic waste steal my vote. I’m going to vote in person. Double up on the mask wear gloves and carry my own pen. I want it to know that I was there the day he was VOTED OUT! Just be safe everyone.

opinion This article is misleading. In NJ, if you vote in person, it will be by provisional ballot, not on machine, & it will be counted LAST. Please vote by mail as soon as you receive your ballot. If possible, put in ballot boxes, which are monitored & emptied by reps of both parties.

opinion 2016 I had to stand in line for an hour with people jammed packed into the voting center. Don't ever recall standing in line at the store that long or having that prolonged of close contact with others. That's probably why this is an opinion piece, and a shitty one at that....

opinion I prefer voting by mail, because voting in person is more dangerous than going to the grocery store or other stores.

opinion If you can do so safely and the earlier the better- by all means- Let's Get that creep out of the People's House!!

opinion The assumption is that there will be enough election judges to open an adequate number of polling places. What is the risk of being an election judge?

opinion For some people, going to the grocery store is dangerous.

opinion Oh..don’t you worry..I can’t wait to March my ass to the polls..and vote for JoeBiden here in Texas...

opinion I stand ready to wait in line to defend America!

opinion Hahaha what a narrow minded joke. The fact people think everyone is okay with going to grocery store at a time like this is crazy.

opinion If it's perfectly safe and corruption-free to vote by mail why don't they allow people to purchase guns by mail? After all it's not like anything could possibly go wrong.

opinion Voting by mail is not only safer, it makes a paper trail. Can't hack a sheet of paper.

opinion Vote Trump for jobs and love America or vote Biden for welfare, socialism, and misery. Vote 2020 its your choice.

opinion Vote in person so your vote counts and doesn't get tossed. If you have been out of your house grocery shopping or any other shopping then you can vote.

opinion I plan to vote in person, and I believe the more people who vote in person the better.


opinion Or at least fill out the absentee ballot AND TAKE IT TO THE VOTING POLLS. Vote early if allowed. DO NOT MAIL THE BALLOT - it will most probably never reach its destination except garbage can.

opinion Vote any way you can. Just VOTE. Don't let anything dissuade you.

opinion Wtf is this horrible take

opinion VoteInPerson vote VoteHimOut

opinion True!

opinion Sorry, but if: That is what Trump wanted us to do AND Ivanka manufactured voting machines in China AND An 11 yr old was able to hack a voting machine and CHANGE the vote in 12 minutes flat I don’t think this 👆🏼 is sound advice. This is what Trump wants. Ask yourself why.

opinion There are a lot of factors at play. The weather, for one. Who will stand in a line like that in pouring rain. Cold or snowy weather is also possible. There are people who are the protectors of elderly people or people with pre-existing conditions. There's no magical fix. Mail it.

opinion OR, you can drop of your mail-in ballot at your country clerks office. People could drive those who can't get there to drop their ballots.

LaurieWalters19 opinion NOT the same! I shop early, less crowded, check purchases myself. I'm rarely within 6 ft of someone except quickly passing, not standing beside them for hours. I'm not reassured my voting machine will be secure. Yes I'd love the outcome election night but at what cost?

opinion I don’t trust the majority of “voting machines” anymore❗️jennycohn1 says when she interviewed Reince he said they could change the”vote-totals” of some machines‼️mail-in allows 1-reference to count‼️I’m getting my ballot in the mail & then dropping it off in person‼️

opinion I will stand all day long to vote Trump out. This needs to be an overwhelming landslide! Let’s do it America!

opinion So what you’re saying is the way the military has been voting for decades is suddenly a problem.

opinion I can’t wait to proudly vote for my POTUS again!!! Trump2020! Freedom GodBlessAmerica

opinion VoteEarly in person (able & willing) as it gets counted on Nov-3 EOD., e.g. start dates: NorthCarolina Oct-15, Florida Oct-24, Arizona Oct-07, Wisconsin Oct-19, Georgia Oct-12, Texas Oct-13, helps overcome POTUS Dejoy tactics on USPS ops. Election2020 COVID19 SCOTUS

opinion VoteInPerson2020 VoteInPerson Vote

opinion Absolutely. I was going to request an absentee ballot but now early in person voting in my state starts Oct 8th and I am preparing to stand in line no matter how long and vote in person and TraitorTrump out the door.

opinion HearMyVoice

opinion Nobody has to wait 4,5,6 hours in line at the one and only grocery store you are allowed to shop in.

opinion If you can VOTE IN PERSON, but if the only way you can vote is to mail it, then do so. JUST MAKE SURE YOU VOTE!!! VOTE BLUE!

opinion This article should have stated ' if you're able'. I'm in Oregon and normally mail back my ballot. I will use a Dropbox this year. For those of us who can vote early and in person, it's a good option. We still need to thoroughly verify our ballots.

opinion And do it early!

opinion ' It’s not more dangerous than going to the grocery store ' lol you guys copied my tweets from 3 months ago

opinion Ourancestorsusedtogotochurchin large groups, armedwith blunderbusses,becausethe Waum Panosglikedto attack then in hopes slaughteringwhilefamiliesallatonce!

johnpavlovitz opinion Because everyone goes to the grocery shop on the same day? Do ppl at the WSJ not grocery shop?

shanselman opinion What's the point of 'voting in person' if you can't vote due to miles long lines, none availability of voting stations, voting machines, voting materials etc etc; all their tricks to suppress Dems votes. This advise is suicide.

seanmdav opinion So true! Vote in person or request absentee ballot! Vote early if possible and in person is the safest way to vote and have your vote counted and not gerrymandering by crooked Democrat activists and judges!! If you can get groceries you can vote in person!!

opinion I think either in person or in mail is fine but if u are healthy and low risk might as well do it in person to make it easy to count the mail votes. There were a lot of issues faced by different states re mail voting hope this November it will be better.

opinion Too many mail ballots are being found in ditches, parking lots and in misfiled bins. Vote in person! Make your vote count. You are just as safe voting as at the gas station, store, restaurant. GO VOTE itisyourvote BeFree

opinion Standing in a line for hours is painful to those of us with chronic pain conditions HolmanJenkins

opinion I'm beginning to think about changing my designation to in-person for precisely this reason.

opinion Everyone should be voting in person.

seanmdav opinion Dems are voting by mail.. Vote in person and it will be like a Trump Rally!

johncardillo opinion Agree. VOTE IN PERSON.

opinion Trump will win on election night. Everyone knows it. If people want to have a war, then the war will be over by the next night.

opinion Guess what wsjopinion ? I haven’t been to a grocery store since MARCH. I do plan on voting in person due to realDonaldTrump ‘s dismantling the USPS. I will have a scary couple of weeks waiting to see if I contracted TrumpVirus but it’s better than 4 more years of trump.

johncardillo opinion 'Racism is not dead. But it is on life-support, kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an excuse or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough to turn out as a voting bloc on election day.' - Thomas Sowell

opinion Nothing less than voting early, in-person, will provide satisfaction. We've got to dismiss trump via a face-to-face engagement with the working machinery of the state. No message-in-a-bottle aspirational paper wish into a mailbox will do.

opinion I'll be delivering my ballot in person days before election day to count for the 7am early results on election day.

opinion In Florida mail in ballots are counted before in person ballots. Get the in quickly.

johnpavlovitz opinion Make it a resounding result. No room for ambiguities. vote2020 EarlyVoting PeacefulTransferOfPower

opinion Ds know they cannot win. So Like criminal children, theyll cause chaos through the seditious “Transition Integrity Project”. In the end, they will lose in a tsunami of legal votes. realDonaldTrump RaheemKassam

opinion Tell POTUS to do the same

opinion Really tired of assholes like this defining what a 'Patriot' is.

opinion Everyone I know, including me will vote in person for Trump

opinion If you can & it is not risky to your health (i.e. cancer, etc) I will vote BLUE in person

opinion BS, what a privileged 'opinion', the coronavirus is real-it's killing people-it's 100% safe to vote by mail, it's way more dangerous to be in line for hours. Think about other people.

opinion More merchant of death crap, eh? Hell fucking yes it's more dangerous than going to the grocery store. At least there, I can avoid people and not stand in line for 8 hours because there's only one working, pre-hacked, electronic voting machine.

johnpavlovitz opinion Vote any damn way you want; just vote


opinion Vote any way you like, just vote.

shanselman opinion What makes this disgusting and most heinous is that Republicans tend to do better and win elections via mail in ballots. Now that more Democrats are planning to utilize the same legal option to vote this election voting in person is now more patriotic?!?! VoteEarly VoteInPerson

opinion FlipTheSenate so we can impeach and convict both tmp and pence if they're seated by tmp's phony SCOTUS Like senatemajldr MoscowMitch taught us, we won't need evidence or witnesses to do it...we can just do it.

opinion Absolutly


opinion Just got our 2nd great-great-grandchild. Were going to vote by mail, but decided given Dejoy's actions our votes might not be counted if we did. We are early voting in person though it is risky for us. Want my g-g-grandkids to live in healthy democracy. GOP has lost its way.

opinion It’s a shame that we have to put our lives at risk, but this autocrat is already telling us what he is going to do. Also, vote in all of the down ballot races as well, most DA’s & state AG’s are elected and they manage the grand jury process to deliver the results that they want

opinion May not be more dangerous but how many of those machines can still be hacked? How many are from China? Why is Trump promoting in-person vs mail-in when mail-in has been perfectly fine since its inception? 2 weeks is plenty of time to verify & count mail-in ballots, patience.

opinion fuck wsj 'opinion'

opinion Some of us don't go to the grocery store still. Some of us have been following doctor's advice. Some of us live in states that took it seriously and have decided to go all VBM. There isn't as option to vote in person other than provisional ballots.

opinion Yeah well I'm in Pennsylvania and already have my mail in ballot. 😡😡🤬🤬

opinion 1000% open voting now , plenty of physical location and plenty of time to SD and MASK ... use sporting arenas of convention centers to add additional capacity and space ... if Costco can handle the chore of grocery shopping in a “safe” manner , surely we can do this for voting.

opinion Holman Jenkins has been in Trump’s pocket of lies since he was elected. So hmm vote in person because Donny can manipulate the vote and there is no paper backup?

opinion Are you suggesting those serving in the military aren't patriots? Because hundreds of thousands vote by mail every year.

opinion I love how black people have complained about voter suppression for decades. Now they can for the rest of y’all and now you get it. Now you worry about casting your ballots and how you’ll do it. That’s rich.

opinion Every person who can must vote in person!! Although high risk from CoVid I will vote in person. We must save our nation 💙🇺🇸♥️ BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica BidenHarris2020


opinion How about we follow legal procedures for the election and not let psychopaths hold us hostage by making threats.

opinion I agree, VoteInPerson2020 No reason or excuse is good enough by the left to stay home and mail in your ballots. GO Out and VOTE

opinion I thought ya'll were for freedom, how about 'vote whichever way you feel more comfortable?'

opinion I'd love to vote in person, but my communist governor won't allow unless provisional. We should all have the option. Bunch of bullshit.

opinion The military has been voting by mail since the Civil War. Where or how one votes is not a matter of patriotism. That said, the current admin is dismantling the post office, spreading conspiracy theories and assaulting democracy in general. That's the issue to address.

opinion Right. My 80 YO mother is mostly deaf and legally blind. I help her to vote by mail. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants to hear me yelling, 'MOM, THIS IS FOR SENATE. DO YOU WANT MARTHA MCSALLY OR MARK KELLY?' and my mother's loud response. Vote by mail FTW!

opinion Typical right wing BS

opinion That is not a realistic option for everyone, and it's cruel to suggest that it is. Many of us have not set foot in a grocery store for months. Our limited excursions are to see doctors for necessary visits that cannot be done except in person.


opinion that is what I am doing.... in alot of states you can vote early in person

opinion Would anyone send their winning lottery ticket in through the mail? I didnt think so. Vote in person as if your vote was a million dollar lottery ticket that you want to present IN PERSON.

opinion Let’s make the total fucking nightmare the trump camp has admitted to plotting in this Atlantic article as hard as possible by delivering a decisive and resounding defeat of trump *ON* Election Day. American democracy really is on the line.

opinion It’s dangerous for the elders who work the polls making sure voters get their ballots & that their ballots are filled in right and not rejected (like by overvoting for 7 candidates when they can only vote for 5.) So go Fuck yourself. WSJ’s motto: “Money Over Lives”

opinion Election fraud occurs at the voting machines, which can easily be hacked

opinion It makes no difference how we vote. Just vote!


opinion A bigger issue is the number of polling places that will be available...Trump is pulling out all the stops to disenfranchise voters in every way possible. So sad that Republicans are standing by doing nothing as he destroys our democracy.

Betsy_Manning opinion Just make sure those electronic voting machines aren't connected to the internet! Everyone should take a pic of their vote. Or be provided a receipt. Something.


opinion No. I will be voting from home. Get your shit together, do better. America can’t seem to do anything these days? Can’t even get an election straight.

MarciaThill opinion not everybody does go to the grocery store. I don't, I pick up my groceries. I don't think i've been in a room with more than 10 people since March.

opinion Yea id rather not get harrased by trumpies

opinion I don't go to the grocery store and NEITHER WILL I INCREASE THE RISK FOR ELECTION INSPECTORS. Vote by absent ballot.

opinion TRUMP & RUSSIA PLAN TO HACK THE VOTING MACHINES PEOPLE! -2016 they attempted to hack several in SWING STATES but were ALLEGEDLY unsuccessful (IMO they were testing it) -IVANKA got the trademark for a voting machine -Trump OBSESSIVELY pushes ppl to use machines during Covid

opinion Voting in person is the best way to make sure the election results are reliable. This only works if there are ample polling locations everywhere regardless of demographics or income. You can't cheat the inner cities, and when you do, it's not a good look. Fair election is a must.

opinion Bullshit!

opinion Exactly what the three Democrats in my household have decided to do! We will show up, we will mask up, we will socially distance, we will vote in person, early. Ages 73, 75, and 94! This is our act of defiance.

opinion Wow: 'Patriots Vote in Person.' 200,000 Patriots have also died in vain, because Orange Julius Ceasar has convinced his cult of magic disappearances. I wish he would vanish.

opinion Hey, just like the store I can vote. The store also gives me options for curbside pickup or delivery. So yeah, voting is just like shopping and I choose, within my rights, how I want to do it. You just have an opinion. I have the power to decide for myself!

opinion I've been planning on doing that since Day One. I'll happily stand in line for hours and risk COVID to vote this treasonous fuck out of office. The importance of this election outweighs convenience.

opinion I plan to VoteInPerson and hope that as many people who can, will. IMO, getting a high BidenHarris count on election night will be a 'uge blow to DictatorTrump!

opinion I’m voting how ever I want. Whatever pisses off trump more is my decision

opinion step 1 wear a mask. step 2 vote in person.

opinion A few minutes on Twitter - everyone is freaking out about their vote - TRUMP DID THIS TO US😡 VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

opinion Patriots? What a weird notion.

opinion STOP TRYING TO ELECT TRUMP!!! Some states have voted safely by mail for decades! JUST VOTE!!!!!!


opinion Real patriots dont vote within a corporate captured duo poly. Real patriots would bring this whole thing down. Left, right, the entire corporate owned fuckfest should go down.

opinion Vote in person if you believe it’s as safe as attending a Trump rally.

opinion Patriots vote in person. I call BS on that. Patriots VOTE!!!!!

opinion So realDonaldTrump is not a patriot? I guess we knew that, but thanks for your opinion

opinion Oh there will most likely be chaos


opinion Looks like it. At least where I am the lines are nothing like that and not there for hours on end. Hopefully being outside helps?but, cold weather is coming, how is that going to effect us?

opinion Hey everybody.. let’s all fix healthcare and insurance with these 3 simple reforms! SatisfactionGuaranteed!

opinion Vote early using a mail in ballot and be safe!

opinion That's utter BS 🤦🏽‍♂️

opinion Wouldn’t be hard to do if the GOP wasn’t actively trying to disenfranchise people of color.

opinion Nothing compares to getting to the bedroom after a long workday in the living room.

opinion Everyone goes out at some time to run errands. How is that different from voting in person? Can’t understand why Americans are making a big fuss out of this and creating huge risks to complicate the coming election.

opinion The WSj editorial page is a trash pile.

opinion I'm immunosuppressed. I haven't had the luxury of going to a grocery store since February 27th!! Voting by mail is my only option but for some reason the President, (who also votes by mail), seems to not want to count those votes!

opinion Absolutely


opinion This is dangerous propaganda. you’ll have blood in your hands

opinion Remember this, from every voting cycle?

opinion Washington Oregon Hawaii Colorado and Utah all vote solely by mail. So no one there is a patriot? Why is the promoting swill?

opinion absolutely NO reason not to vote in person. Wear a mask, gloves if you want, and bring hand sanitizer with you in case the polling place runs out...VOTE IN PERSON

opinion Thank you comrade for promoting your fearless leader Putin’s agenda. You know this is total cra

opinion Most people think so. The Dems are trying to rig the vote counting. Vote fraud is a bad thing!

opinion Not all polling places are created equally

opinion Patriots vote Biden. Mail. In person. Patriots want this failed, incompetent, indecent, unfit and corrupt president out.

opinion Really? Each year you are owned by Murdoch the less relevant you become. Face reality.

opinion Remember these folks?

opinion Don’t tell me how to vote.

opinion Easier said than done. There are still significant barriers to voting in many areas, especially underrepresented ones.

opinion Nope, I’ve voted by mail every election of my adult life. Stop lying.

opinion Sadly there is small but significant number of people in this country that desire as much chaos as possible.

opinion What bullshit. The Trumps vote by mail.

opinion It is for people under going cancer treatment

opinion The opinion page, which is committed to supporting a man who called our veterans ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’, isn’t in a position to tell anyone how to be a patriot. Patriots Vote. Period.

opinion Patriots vote in person or by mail. Patriots also leave office when they have lost an election.

opinion Do it!

opinion You're saying I'm not a patriot if I vote by mail? I vote by mail regularly, and am no less a patriot.

opinion This is the only way you prevent chaos

opinion You say opinion - but it’s not

opinion Since I don’t go in the grocery store (pickup only), I’ll just vote by mail. But thank you for being concerned. TrumpVirus TrumpCOVIDRally TrumpCOVIDSpreader TrumpLiedAmericansDied UnfitToBePresident

opinion This ship has sailed

opinion Was this article written by Coronavirus?

opinion Vote however you want. This is America You have choices and this is a democracy. No matter what the Russian traitor in office or the craven WSJ says.

opinion And bedridden patriots?

opinion How about you write an opinion about the president unequivocally stating he’ll accept the results of the election under the same exact rules that put him in power

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Search Resultreuterspictures The Democrats gave us four years of turmoil because they lost their power. The election is not about the virus, or race, or one man's personality. It's about a corrupt, elite ruling class who thought they ran the world. They will take our freedoms for good, if allowed.
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Billionaire Bloomberg raises millions to help restore Florida felon voting rightsBillionaire Michael Bloomberg has raised over $16 million to help former felons restore their voting rights in the critical battleground state of Florida, a person familiar with the matter said on Tuesday. Felons shouldn’t vote! People that don’t file taxes shouldn’t vote. felons allowed to vote ? 🥴 Soros foot soldier.
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Opinion: Will the Democrats' threats to retaliate against a Supreme Court vote backfire?Opinion: Will the Democrats' threats to retaliate against a Supreme Court vote backfire? (via latimesopinion) opinion *foghorn opinion The country’s that have managed the virus are those with good leadership and citizenry. The USA has no leadership at all, just a madman who is running the place in pursuit of his own personal agenda, a true narcissist. Things will not turn around until there is a new President. opinion Will the stop helping trump? that is the real question
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Holly Willoughby's This Morning outfit divides fansHolly Willoughby wore a show-stopping look on Wednesday's This Morning, but fans have mixed opinions
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