Opinion: No wonder Trump is in a snit. Biden is crushing him in polls

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Opinion: No wonder Trump is in a snit. Biden is crushing him in polls (via latimesopinion)

— positive or negative — while Trump has continued to display his nonexistent gifts for governance and moral leadership.The latest polls, from the New York Times and Sienna College, show Trump trailing Biden in Wisconsin , Michigan , Pennsylvania , North Carolina , Florida and Arizona . You can play with those numbers and theto game out different scenarios, but for an incumbent to be that far behind at this stage of a reelection bid is not a sign of a healthy campaign.

In fact, George H.W. Bush, the last incumbent president to lose an election, saw his approval rating drop to


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opinion 👍👍👍

opinion Trump has more competent executive skills in his little finger than Biden has ever seen. You can disagree with his methods and goals but he gets things done. In the face of enormous (some would say criminal) opposition & media bias,he has managed to complete much of his agenda.

opinion You are only polling people who give you the answers you need to support your headlines.

opinion This JoeBiden :

opinion B s

opinion Biden’s not crushing anyone. He can’t even get his facts straight and think properly. Such BS...

opinion There's nothing like an election to prove if the polls were right or wrong. ;)

opinion Say that again, please!!!

opinion Biden crushing him the polls? Where did I hear this before? 🤣


opinion Umm we’re called the United States because each state is more or less sovereign. So all the covid failures and successes rest squarely on how each state handled the situation.

opinion Stop the nonsense - come November the election will be a toss up - could be 2016 all over again

opinion Bullshit, la times with there bullshit polls,pushing racism and hate. Joe biden a true blue racist. Hey black folks, if you think joe biden and democrats are on your side,take a good look at history,they are not. Dont vote for kkkjoe if you care about your future.

opinion At least we finally have one.

opinion I doubt any reasonable person would associate 'competent executive skills' with a frail man who hides in his basement with a mask on. 🤷🏻‍♂️

opinion Do you really believe 60 plus million people are going to vote for Biden? 🤣

opinion Or maybe universal health care would've helped

opinion Joe better pick up the pace if he's to be a winner at the finish line.

opinion Can you please write an article about Libertarian front-runner, Dr. Jo Jorgensen? She is making huge waves on social media, and she deserves the public exposure, at the very least. Her policies are practical, intelligent, and thoughtful. 💛 JoJorgensen2020 🙏🏼



opinion Sure, those Americans already persuadable. An entire 1/3 are perfectly fine with a traitor who sells our PPE during a pandemic, & who even sits back while an adversary puts a bullseye on the backs of our soldiers.

opinion Just like 2016. Last time BLM was trending

opinion I am not entirely sure that Biden is that man. If there is a silver lining to the pandemic and economic crisis, it’s that the nation has witnessed the importance of having a president who is youthful and has competent executive skills. BidenHarris2020 TrumpResignNow

opinion And a functioning brain... That's important too...

opinion Exactly- hence why we need to Abolish the Electoral College!!!!

opinion Correct! Thanks to the Trump administration for making us feel so secure. 🇺🇸

opinion Because polls win elections.

opinion 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you must be smoking that meth/crack.

opinion by Antonio Matragrano - Антонио Матраграно

opinion Give me a Break



opinion Biden gave us 120 million reasons today why polls don't mean a damn thing.

opinion Polls don’t mean a damn thing.

opinion June polls do not determine November elections - remember 2016

opinion Fake news

opinion How though?

opinion dont believe any of the polls...trump supporters could be trolling the pollsters the way tiktok played trump at tulsa...the race is dead even and never lose sight of that unless you want a repeat of 2016....

opinion The polls are not the vote. Be sure to vote or the polls will not reflect reality. We need to overwhelm the vote. And the down votes as well. We need to take the senate to get our government back. If the Dems mess up their one chance to make things right, they're next.

opinion Still not good enough to overcome GOP voter corruption

opinion Gee! Where have I heard that line of bullshit before? I can't wait for Biden to debate Trump. I'll bet you'll be saying he's crushing him in the polls after that too. Of course we both know that he'll drop out claiming he has dementia fairly soon. He won't live through a debate.

opinion FakeNews

opinion Biden would be lucky to be able to crush his Metamucil.

opinion LOL see you in November

opinion Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Not polls, surveys to rig outcome for Biden donations. No one will throw their money away on loser Biden. But you keep telling yourself that. Remember Hillary was supposed to win by 48 points.

opinion Let’s not forget this nugget on THE NIGHT that Trump won in November 2016. FakeNews TrumpPence2020🇺🇸 LatinosforTrump🇺🇸



opinion Was he in a snit ? I hope he was wearing his seatbelt.


.... I'm sure he doesn't really give two shits ... Hitllary lead in 98% of the polls in 2016 too, how well did that work out for her when push came to shove ? Trump2020

opinion hahahahaha! like HillaryClinton was crushing him?😂😂😂

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