Opinion: New Orleans Saints' plan for NFL draft war room at a bar is dumb, dangerous

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The New Orleans Saints; plans to head to a bar for the NFL draft ignores the gravity of our current situation, nrarmour writes

You’ve finally found a way to be dumber than Mike Ditka on draft day.

The Saints are planning to hold their “war room” at the Dixie Brewery. These would be the same SaintsThe same Saints who are based in one of the hottest spots in the country outside New York City for COVID-19 cases. Payton says the team will follow proper social distancing and limit the number of people in the room. But that’s beside the point. The optics of this are flat-out terrible and will jeopardize health and safety in a city that can least afford it. If the Saints can’t see this themselves, then the NFL needs to shut down this awful idea.

This was always the danger in the NFL going ahead with the April 23-25 draft when the league has closed team facilities and much of the country is under stay-at-home measures for all but essential business. Which the NFL is not, despite what commissioner Roger Goodell seems to think. “Draft war rooms brought to you by Zoom” are not going to be interesting, even if it would be entertaining to see what, if anything, Bill Belichick has in his kitchen, or watch Dave Gettleman navigate a virtual meeting with the “computer folks.” Which means teams are going to try and get creative with where their front-office personnel are located.


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nrarmour You guys really need to understand where in the city this is if you think random fans will 'stroll' into this area. But hey, I get it. Clicks are a way to generate money. So you got me there but I wholeheartedly respectfully disagree with 95% of this column.


nrarmour That's the Saints for you

nrarmour nrarmour you shd be ashamed. This snarky, willfully ignorant story results from your unconscious bias and stereotyping of New Orleans culture. And it hurts a city that just lost a patriarch. Please apologize to the people of New Orleans and your editors for such lazy reporting.

nrarmour First off who ever wrote this had no idea what the hell they were talking about. They are doing it at a beer brewing company that is owned by Ms Gale Benson the same lady who owns the Saints. More irresponsible reporting by USATODAY

nrarmour 😡

nrarmour Typical of today's 'Fake News', keep up the good work. You now have about 2% believability left.

nrarmour Idiot!


nrarmour What complete Bullshit.... Get you’re facts straight

nrarmour Stupid

nrarmour INCORRECT REPORTING. It's at the Headquarters of a brewing + bottling facility. See photo -- Does this look like a bar? Awaiting your written correction + apology to saints .

nrarmour Years ago I would have asked 'How could she have f'd this up so horrifically?!' Today I know that journalism is dead, particularly at the birdcage liner known as USA Today.

nrarmour Wtf 🤦‍♂️

nrarmour Anyone want to join me for a casual stroll across the high rise to the east to 'catch a glimpse'? This complete disregard of journalistic research makes me ashamed that I ever worked for this company. Though I shouldn't be surprised since the ran/laid off us good reporters.

nrarmour Y’all need to fire nrarmour, she’s not even trying anymore 😂😂 she’s repeatedly just throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks 🤣😂😅

nrarmour I toured the massive facility when it first opened. It was so hard to find we got lost and were 15 minutes late. It's away from the city. It's owned by the same owner as the Saints. It's huge and can accommodate social distancing.

nrarmour Know what is 'dumb'? Not doing your research before printing a story. Are you thinking that the Saints will be in the Quarter at the Jax Brewery? The Dixie Brewery is huge and not in a location where people will be strolling by. DoYourJob

nrarmour Trash journalism at it’s finest.

nrarmour Opinion: nrarmour is a ignorant, lazy, uninformed, terrible journalist. It's not a bar, it's a brewery way out in the suburbs.

nrarmour This misleading headline is embarrassing, you can do better.

nrarmour Your effort in the article was really poor. From Sean's interview. It's in an isolated place in New Orleans East. It's not a bar, it's Brewery. It's being used it's being used because it's empty (just built) and it has a large open room for them to say 6 feet away from each other

nrarmour Yellow belly muck-raking at its best! Journalism 101 - research your facts before you publish. If the USA Today will publish this then why should we trust their other journalism?

nrarmour Did you even bother to do the research for your article or did you just decide a sensationalized Hit piece was good enough?

nrarmour When USA today was a good paper

nrarmour Not too mention it's owned by the saints owner as well and has been shit for awhile

nrarmour Are you familiar with NOLA? Do you know location of facility? Do you know history of Dixie beer and what’s happening with bringing brewing back to NOLA? Do you know about status of construction project? If yes to any, then why not include in article? Be a better reporter.

nrarmour How are you not embarrassed by writing this? I guess clicks is higher priority than integrity shameful


nrarmour Nancy did you do one second of research on before you formed an opinion? Let me answer for you...NO. DoYourJob

nrarmour Everybody in New Orleans ignores pathetic journalism, until it involves football.

nrarmour Dixie Brewery isn’t a bar. They will be able to properly distance bc it’s a huge facility. And no one is gonna stroll past. 🙄. Dear lord, do you even have an editor? What is the oversight for your articles?

nrarmour “Casual stroll to Dixie Brewery” 🤔

nrarmour It is a complete sin that you have no idea what you are talking The “bar” is a brewery owned by the owner of the team. There is a huge brand new conference room with several monitors for the team to use. The “bar” is off the beaten path. Get it right

nrarmour “Journalism”

nrarmour Delete your account.

nrarmour So, we're just making shit up for views now? This article should be deleted.

nrarmour Garbage journalism. As SeanPayton said, get ALL the facts together before creating a sensational headline.

nrarmour FakeNews 🤔 as usual

nrarmour Did you do ANY actual WORK for this article? Honestly where do you get this stuff?

nrarmour Dumb as$ it’s not a bar . At least do your homework before writing about something. No wonder no one trust the media. You idiots make stuff up.

nrarmour Stop this shit! It’s a big ass empty brewery. 😡

nrarmour TAKE THIS DOWN! As SeanPayton mentioned, this is poorly reported. Saints aren't drafting from a 'bar' but a MASSIVE local business (a brewery) which is closed and which they are helping support by renting out the space. It's not open to the public at all. facts

nrarmour HTMsports would love you to add this pile of garbage piece on your podcast. Nancy needs to be put in her place

nrarmour This article should be deleted and its author should be fired. This is distorting facts to get clicks. It’s irresponsible, and ignorant reporting.

nrarmour What’s dumb is this article. Pretty sure you could come up with something better to write about nrarmour


nrarmour Facts matter..... And you don't really have any here. Be better.

nrarmour STOP LYING !!!! A conference room at a headquarters with only 6 staff members all 6 feet apart

nrarmour USA Today.. The graphic novel of newspapers

nrarmour What a poorly researched and click bait article

nrarmour Delete this

nrarmour It's not a bar, it's a brewery, and it's literally in the middle of nowhere. It would be tough to pick a spot in New Orleans further from a bar. Also, the bars are all closed here, and have been for weeks.

nrarmour Gayle, time to have our attorneys call USA Today.

nrarmour Bar and brewery are two different things. Journalism should still have standards. Do better

nrarmour As usual, the 'media' never gets the Facts Right before publication. . . . Dixie Brewing IS NOT a bar . . . those named 'Nancy' must just be a little bit slower than the normal human being.

nrarmour Trash can reporter being extremely lazy and misguided...

nrarmour This in unreal. Do some research first!

nrarmour Ignorant is beyond stupidity.

nrarmour Even in sports we have lazy and inaccurate reporting.

nrarmour As long as the sports bar has been cleaned, disinfected and cleared.... AND the Team Dr. has everyone attending (tested 4 🦠), perhaps under scrutiny, and they’re at least 6’ apart... will that be any worse than in a grocery, market or pharmacy⁉️ I’d also insure all wear masks‼️

nrarmour Awwwwww, you’re stupid. 😁

nrarmour This is the “bar” you speak of, it’s a giant brewery, and there’s nothing around this area of New Orleans East. Maybe just doing one ounce of investigating could have saved you from embarrassing yourself and the USA Today like this.

nrarmour You suck Nancy


nrarmour Bar != Brewery. I guess you broke idiots had to lay off too many copy editors

nrarmour Don't listen to these haters Nancy! I'm just taking a casual stroll in front of the Dixie Brewery right now! 🤡🤡

nrarmour All the dumbasses getting on here thinking this story is accurate and trashing the saints/lousiana about it. People like that give the best argument for birth control & abortion. Refuse to research facts and only believe what's force fed to them.

nrarmour I think nrarmour is 100% sure Dixie brewery is on Bourbon St right in between a strip club and a pizza place.


nrarmour Maybe Trump is onto something with this “Fake News” thing he’s always screeching about. This is just sorry reporting.



nrarmour she's a wh0re.. just writes a ridiculous headline to get people to click. i feel bad her because her soulis shrinking to nothing with every article she writes.


nrarmour It's not a bar, crappy investigating and journalism.


nrarmour My god my 7th grade son has done more research in the last 8 minutes than this woman did total for this article. And you wonder why people don’t buy newspapers anymore. lost my respect long ago so I am not that surprised

nrarmour Saints are just pathetic! NFL

nrarmour Fire your fact checker.

nrarmour Nancy, Brian Kemp and DeSantis head to a bar

nrarmour FIRE NANCY for her inaccurate reporting and ridiculous assumptions. Once you have done that, FIRE YOURSELF usa Today!

nrarmour The “bar”......

nrarmour It’s not a bar. It’s a brewery owned by Gayle Benson. There are various meeting rooms and will have limited people who will practice social distancing. Should probably get the specifics before jumping to conclusions anc insinuating they’ll be drinking at a bar having a party.

nrarmour Fake news . Dixie brewery owned by the Benson Family—-the saints would have full access to that without fear of the public “strolling in” . Bad reporting at its finest .

nrarmour I hope you feel good about yourself.. because this is a truly bad article

nrarmour seriously whats the difference between this and doing it in the facility. same amount of people just different location.

nrarmour what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.

nrarmour Worst part of this is you just trashed the careers of NOLA beat writers who work for USAToday. Every tweet they issue will be followed with “you don’t even know where Dixie Brewery is”.

nrarmour Worry about your own meat.

nrarmour So Saints publicaly say draft should be postponed, instead decide to make best of situation and move to Benson East and somehow this person who can’t google maps thinks fans will show up?

nrarmour Its sad to realize that my high school english essays were more accurate and better written than someone paid to write for a living.

nrarmour You. Got roasted. You you, got roasted. You won't take it back, will you?

nrarmour This is easily the dumbest article I've read in a long time. I had to check if it was an April fools joke. 😂😂😂 You didn't even take the time to google.

nrarmour we want a retraction

nrarmour Journalism 101 used to teach how to research facts. I'm guessing nrarmour failed that part of the course. Dixie Brewery is NOT a bar. It's a brewery. It's owned by Mrs. Benson who owns the Saints. It has larger meeting rooms.

datboywolf nrarmour Really need to research before making a fool of yourself. Fake news! Bad journalism. 😡

nrarmour Well damn nrarmour and --- you guys gotta AT LEAST do a little research first..... ContextMatters

nrarmour Maybe check out the website and see that this is a 68,000 square foot facility behind a fence and locked gate. No one is going to “walk by” to see SeanPayton . This is bad reporting at best.

datboywolf nrarmour I refuse to even read the article. The headline is click bait, disrespectful, and ignorant.

nrarmour Your reporting is bad and you should feel bad

nrarmour You should probably be fired for this slandering

nrarmour Ridiculous. You made no effort at all.

nrarmour Terrible, terrible reporting. Need to get facts straight before blasting people to a national audience.

nrarmour Do some research. The article is wrong and the headline is clickbait.

nrarmour FAKE NEWS

nrarmour Terrible take. Shocker.

nrarmour Looks like public shaming has replaced factual reporting. Nothing like jumping to conclusions. 🙄

nrarmour $20 says she doesn’t delete the article even tho it’s inaccurate. The media holds themselves to no standards but holds normal citizens to a high one


nrarmour Do a little homework before you write an article

nrarmour The brewery is in an isolated industrial section far outside the proper city. The middle of nowhere. Gated. No one is going to 'stroll by' unless they take casual walks on the interstate.

nrarmour Weep

nrarmour Terrible writer, should be reprimanded.

nrarmour Even after their coach had covid-19 and was fortunate enough to recover? A hard head makes a soft behind.

nrarmour You can do better nrarmour .... I feel sure. Now’s not the time for sensationalism. Saints

nrarmour Nancy, might I interest you in a side of eat shit perhaps?

nrarmour Major swing & miss... but we wouldn't expect anything more from a Bears fan.

nrarmour Someone doesn’t get all the facts before writing

nrarmour I thought they were better than that. Drew is a YUUUGE trumpflake & this is LA home to SteveScalise SenJohnKennedy & SenBillCassidy. Some of TrumpIsACompleteFailure biggest enablers.

nrarmour Their rich and think they are invincible. Idiots!

nrarmour Saints use a big facility owned by the team owner that would be otherwise empty. The fuck is wrong with that?

nrarmour Another case of FAKE NEWS!!!! You should quit or be fired! Facts come FIRST!!!! The media pushing fake stories in a time like this should be shut down!

nrarmour You are what is wrong with the media.

nrarmour I don’t think she has any idea where Dixie Brewery is located. The least she could’ve done was gathered the proper information. Lazy writing.

nrarmour Do your research before accusing the Saints!!! A Bar? Cmon now. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

nrarmour This is BS reporting. It’s a brewery OWNED by the bensons with an wide area used for weddings,receptions, BUSINESS MEETINGS,etc. plenty of room for spacing. Do better

nrarmour Good journalists are losing their jobs everyday, yet nramour puts out crap like this and remains employed!

nrarmour Beyond misleading and inaccurate nrarmour. Do better .

nrarmour This article is a hit piece and absolutely “ Fake news”. You should be ashamed of yourself.


nrarmour It's a brewery with conference rooms ya fot burger

nrarmour Expect anything different from the team who has the phrase 'who dat'?

nrarmour Uhhhh interesting take Nancy

nrarmour Nancy, You have 8% of your facts correct with this piece! Unbelievable. We need accurate reporting now more than ever. We're in this together. facts

nrarmour It’s not like this will be in a crowded bar, doors will be closed to anyone but saints staff. Also, this will give them much more space for distancing than being crammed in a small conference room which is what we usually see. No problem with this at all.


nrarmour I mean Sean Payton already had coronavirus once already he can’t get it again right?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ God, Louisiana stays the dumbest state.

nrarmour just say hooters not bar!

nrarmour Saints are being smart.

nrarmour There’s a reason they do sports and you write about them.

nrarmour They are from Louisiana so stupidity is part of the culture.

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