Opinion | Mike Pence: It’s time for Congress to establish the Space Force

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Mike Pence writes in Opinions: It’s time for Congress to establish the Space Force

Since taking office, President Trump’s top priority has been to strengthen our national defense and protect the American people. We have made historic investments to rebuild our armed forces. We have removed unnecessary restraints on our commanders, giving them the rules of engagement they need to defeat our enemies. And to meet the emerging threats in space, the newest war-fighting domain, the president has called for the creation of the U.S. Space Force.

Over the past 60 years, the United States has assembled the world’s largest, most sophisticated constellation of military and intelligence satellites. And we have forged the technology to leverage U.S. power in space here on Earth, giving our war-fighters and intelligence community a strategic advantage and increasing the agility, precision and lethality of our military.

Responsibility for our national-security space programs is spread across more than 60 departments and agencies, resulting in a glaring lack of leadership and accountability that undermines our combatant commanders and puts our war-fighters at risk. At the president’s direction, the defense secretary is already establishing a unified combatant command for space that will centralize the command-and-control structure for space war-fighting. It will also develop and implement the unique strategy, doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures our armed forces need to deter and defeat a new generation of threats in space.

The first-year cost to stand up a lean, focused Space Force is expected to be $72 million, and less than $2 billion total over the next five years. Once fully established, the additional cost will be roughly $500 million per year, the equivalent of 0.07 percent of our entire defense budget.


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Only if he guarantees to be on the first flight to never never land

How about fixing our railroads, subways , improving roadways , bridges and airports etc ? Infrastructure please

This is wild, they believe in Space before Climate Change where everyone's grandchildren my not make it to live !

Its space (void ) between stall mucker Dence's ears

How about we concentrate on fixing our own planet and doing what we can to halt or slow climate change before it destroys humanity and any chance we have for future generations to explore the galaxy. FixTheRealProblemsFirst

Mr. VP, we didn't need a spacefarce during the entire Cold War & we don't need it now. How about spending billions on a climateforce instead? VP

I just have to know, whom at the Post lost the Bet that required them to allow Pence to write this OpEd? It's just so damn funny thinking about tRump and Pence running around in Space Suits!!

Lol against who or what? He is as crazy as Trump.

The muppets did that along time ago... they named it Pigs in Space ....

Religious Person Like you should work for Peace & avoid Human Dominance by War . Already enough Arsenal in wrong hands Space Force will add further to Arms Race

Ridiculous waste of time and resources.

And put Trump and Pence and the whole WH Staff on the first shuttle off of Earth! That will be a real day to celebrate 'Earth Day' free at last, thank god all mighty we free at last from Trump BS!


Pelosi,Waters, and Biden want to go

Pew! Pew pew pew!

Is this a joke? Is this The Onion? Is this real life or just reality tv?

Would that be part of the Administration’s Master INFRASTRUCTURE plan they failed to implement or just one more distraction? Pence needs to get head out of Ozone layer. He ain’t clean by any means. He could also be an unindicted co-conspirator just because Trump “touched” him.

Please stop allowing garbage people from this garbage administration to waste our time in the Opinions section. I already get enough propaganda from Marc Thiessen (whom you should be canning over his lie-filled propaganda pieces incidentally).

You can put him on that spaceship too!

Unless there is really an alien space ship hidden at Andrews AFB we may have to wait for awhile.

Unbelievable horseshit

Seriously what would be the point of a dedicated space force that the air force couldn't do themselves? This sounds like more bureaucratic bloat. Not very conservative 🤔

Full of space cadets.

It's a necessary move for national defense, in spite of the idiocy of Trump and Pence. I wish they would just shut up and let the DOD and Congress handle it. They're not helping.


The idea of going to space has and will always be a collective global venture and should never be left forone country

Mike Pence has mastered the five Ds of running the White House, Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.

Global Warming is at hand . Fuck gunnery in space.

Universal healthcare is too expensive but let’s conquer space! ConservativeLogic Is there a crisis in space? Another bunch of IllegalAliens coming for our jobs and our hamberders!! SendPence

Someone should advise Mike to perform a self induced procreative act upon himself.

Lock him up too.

Let's ship him and trump to Mars

Why do you publish nonsense.

Let’s don’t and say we did.

What an incompetent space cadet! Get real 'goofy'!!

🙄 really? VP

There are far more crucial issues of national importance to be addressed, the national debt is out of control, Trump is taking money better served elsewhere and using it for his vanity wall. And let's not forget all the investigations going on concerning Trump, family & friends.

VP you don’t own space! Space is not your background and there is no threat in space but when the day comes and alien intelligence will show up we won’t measure up not even a bit because of our hypocrisy and cowardliness thinking we and especially the US is smarter than them!

Omg. That is so ridiculous.

The fact that mainstream media cower to ignorant boobs like VP and let them spread their ignorance through opinion pieces is why the public trust is so low. used to have standards. Used to.

Let’s make VP “Space Cadet 1” and launch him as soon as possible, as high as possible. One way ride.

Space Force? Great, let's put Trump in orbit!


Can we make sure everyone can get healthcare and prescription drugs first, vicemoron

Wow.. they are not even willing to consider the ideas in a Green New Deal but are willing to commit billions to a Space Force which has NO specifics. Honestly, how stupid do they think we are

Bull Crap! Spend money on things that matter to most Americans like cleaning the water and air!

Because VP wants to carry his bigotry and hatred into space? Don’t worry VP there aren’t any gays in space....yet SpaceFarce

Who gave Pence opinions?

its called the Air Force

The United States Air Force Space Command hearing this 'Space Force' stuff:

Admin has not protect resources of earth ...now want to exploit space

Sorry who cares

Good lord

It’s time for Congress to ImpeachTheMF

The only vision I could muster while reading this piece was that of Dark Helmet and President Skroob at the helm. When 2020 shows Pence and POTUS the door, I sincerely hope the venerable Mel Brooks will document the story of their administration.

VP is correct. We don't have other more important issues to deal with. ClimateChange IncomeInequality GOPcorruption GOPbigotry GOPTaxScam GOPalternateFacts GOPobstruction GOPderelictionOfDuty

No it's not!!!

We already have a branch of the Air Force for space exploration. Pence should spend his time more productively by looking for his lost morals.


Space Force...because it’s time to take this treason to plaid.

Naturally, the Klingon encroachment on the Milky Way makes this a given.


Space between your ears already established And empty......

I think that we should worry more about life on Earth first. Global warming, erosion of our shorelines, keeping our Great Lakes and waterways clean and being mindful of our environment. Those would be my priorities.


Aren't we primed for El Pres and Vice Pantsface to levitate the entire Executive Branch to The Sea of Tranquility? Or is this Space Force Pencepiece in the reviled Washington Post just to distract---post Michael Cohen's testimony---from The Naked Emperor's pandemic corruption?

And we'd like you to be first to go fake VP

VP “At the president’s direction, the defense secretary is already establishing a unified combatant command for space that will centralize the command-and-control structure for space war-fighting.” Terrific. Control. Weaponzing. Combat ready. What happened to exploring?

VP “Space is central to our way of life. U.S. leadership in space has pioneered groundbreaking new technologies; then why not fund NASA so we can actually go into space rather than begging for rides on Russian crafts?

Right I don’t think congress can do much except focus on the environment & get these hucksters out of office

Ha ha ha. Why because of the Romulans?

The space force is not important at this time relative to cleaning out Trump’s swamp, controlling use of nuclear weapons, foreign intervention in our election and government processes, bringing down the cost of pharmaceuticals, addressing our infrastructure, womens freedoms.

And Take all the Republican cowards with him into space. MAGA.

Our threat is much closer than is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

We have a space force. It’s called NASA.

Nah, VP , they should wait until after the corrupt, lying fool occupying the People's House is in prison before giving him more resources to sell to the highest bidder... TrumpKeepsLosing

realDonaldTrump and vp are determined to involve the world into a new ArmsRace that no one will win and sink us further into debt


And the “distract with red meat to idiots” play continues...

And take all the replicant cowards in to space. Make earth great again!

Is this all he can contribute to the national conversation?

Is Oence playing w robots in his closet again?

Remind me again how we have no way of paying for universal healthcare

How much? Where's the money coming from? Doesn't AF do it now.

No $ for SNAP or healthcare, but we got it for the space army?


Tell that fool VP that we have a space force called NASA, tasked with peacefully exploring space, and it's been under-funded by GOP for years. Tell him to say the truth: they want another excuse to wage war from the sky MilitaryArmsSalesDeals.

Yeah, because the country isn't 22 trillion in the red. Totally justifiable

We will! We’re going to send this whole administration in a ship to mars!

Does Pence believes in space?

Only someone in POTUS orbit of lies could believe that “space... is now crowded.” Seems like VP should chat with neiltyson

Imagine ridding the world of nukes since a metal rod dropped from space can destroy as much as a nuke w/o any fall out, DUH! It could be used to destroy and not worry about areas around the target since there is no fall out! Go for it Mr. VP moving the US forward!

Bloody klingons!!

Seems like we've already got millions of Space Cadets. Republican Party = Space Force

It’s called ‘The Air Force’ and ‘NASA’. FFS

You mean the guy who thought conversion therapy should be state sponsored. That “Mike Pence”? Who gives a fuck what he thinks?

ReginaRed4 Nope. Not as some autocratic distraction from crime and treason.

It’s time for someone to shoot Mike Pence into space.

What we need is a down to earth force to clean up this filthy, rotten government that has been allowed to trample every law for two years because of sycophants like Mike Pence. He'd love to be in space and not deal with reality.

This is SO important!! I think the entire Trump team including his family should be involved. They should get on the space shuttle go to the moon and pick out where the base will be placed. We PROMISE 2 come and get you...eventually..maybe..will see

What nonsense VP .

Republicans always propose preposterous outlandish programs that waste taxpayers money and line the pockets of the military industrial complex. Gutting the environment on the planet we live on, but thinking of a space force. Many glaring needs for infrastructure, health etc.

I got about 2 dozen Democrats in Congress who should volunteer

Can we put Pence and his evangelical pals in orbit? They’ll be closer to Jesus

Looser. Bruce Banner from Johnnie Quest.

And we can send you, Trump and the entire GOP into outer space

I agree. We need a Space Force to blast Pence, Trump and the whole rotten lot into outer space.

In the background, they have the song ‘Jesus take the wheel’ playing.

We do not need a Space Force to add to our debt. We need to better coordinate the forces we already have. We should work on infrastructure. This country's going to look like North Korea if we don't smarten up. The stats are showing this. A few big cities and failing rural USA.

If it's within Earth orbit it's still Air Force. Are we going to be fighting *outside* Earth orbit? Who are we fighting and what are we defending outside orbit? All assets meriting that investment in defence are within orbit, within jurisdiction of the Air Force's space division.


Although.....I mus admit we have enough space cadets in our government to fill one

Last thing we need is a 'space force'.

We ll be 1!

Yes it would be a great place for Pence nd Trump to spend 30 years or so exploring that possibility

What it's time for is for you and your boss to go away so we can fix the messes you made Pence SpaceForce ImpeachTrumpandPence

He may as well be Dennis Rodman promoting a Space Force! They are both like Ronald McDonald... they make noise but have nothing to do with the quality of hamburgers.

That’s not on their mines! An you know it!

It’s time for him and donny to go to prison. cellmates

Please remind him we still have shitty school lunches on Earth.

Y'all can't house or feed the homeless, but yet you can get the $$$ for the damn Space force program? ! mikepenc

The Space Force has been in operation for decades. Black Budget money and Solar Warden!

A nation that is too broke to take care of its veterans, that claims it needs to cut Social Security because of lack of money, that cannot afford to provide affordable health care, clean water and a decent education to all of its citizens - cannot afford Space Force.

VP has “Been in space” for an unknown amount of time, watching him, watch Trump is creepy, and seems kind of Gay. Not that I have a problem with that, Just saying. He’s getting lonely in “Space” needs company. When he comes back to reality, he’ll have a prison cell awaiting him.

VP...useless and out of touch as always...

He knows he and trump might have to move off earth and they want protection.

Vomit Mike Pence

It’s all abt keeping ppl busy & confused.

Anything..anything at all to deflect, why not with something totally absurd

This is idiotic.

America needs many, many things BEFORE we even discuss a space force. The first is getting trump, pence & other GOPers OUT of office & HELPING ALL Americans, not just the filthy few!

Please go to space. Just go.

Spathe forthe, Donny! To fight all the spathe warzzz!

Send Pence up in a Space Ship that fails to return to Earth.

'May the Force...OEPS...

How does your so called religiousity combined with Space weapons Mr Pence? How do your master square the quest for Nobel Peace price with space force? You mean it is just fake politics; for the base you two are playing.

Space Farce...it’s time to day stance ourselves from this GOP Administration...

So wait, we can't afford a green new deal to save the planet, but you can find money for a 'space force' to protect its charred and hollowed out husk from aliens. Got it.

Russia and China are way ahead of us on this...so yes... The time is now to move on this.


I swear I only clicked on this because I thought it was going to be an Alexandra Petri column.

With everything else going on does he really think that's the most important thing that matters

And take you with them


No dice unless the first mission is to shoot him and Trump straight into the sun.

Yeah, we’re so done wasting money on health care and education. Time to solve some real problems! hopeyouarekidding

What should be done is put Trump and Pense on a rocket and shoot them to the moon and leave them there

I tried to read it but felt it was making me stupider.

Only if it’s sole purpose is to launch VP Mike Pence into the sun.

Thank god it's a Dem house, and that impeachment and jail time are at hand

Yes, because Washington isn't in enough turmoil just yet. Let's throw another gallon of gas on that dumpster fire.


This is Insane Asylum-worthy but also very brilliant 🤔

Only if the said Force escorts Trump, Pence and their cohorts to the far reaches of the galaxy where they can't hurt anyone ✋ and of course returns to Earth without them. Imagine all the past damage, hurt and despair that would be diminished and future damage avoided.

Lindsey Graham and Mike Pence are two of the greatest sycophants in our government at this time. It's downright embarrassing to watch.

DBChirpy so non believer in Science wants another space force? Lol. Lol. Lol.

■■■ SPACE FARCE ■■■ Merely another 'DISTRACTION'! Smoke and mirrors will NOT divert focus!

Oh no no no. This is what we are left with when they impeach Trump? Good God almighty.

i think its a visionary initiative- one which other country should take stock from...space is the next frontier

No it's time for all of you crazy mf's to get on your meds or be the 1st Mars colonists

It's past time. We need a Moon Base. We need a Mars Base.

Shut up 🤐...

Just had dinner w a totally 🧠🚿ed Republican. Some Trump fans believe the Space Force is being developed by military intell experts based on a QAnon theory that aliens r controlling us & their knowledge converges with Trump’s tweets which are all brilliant & planned 🌈🦄

We need to take care of things here on planet earth.

Aha, to protect us against illegal immigrants from space I presume?

You mean like “NASA” ?

Space *Farce*. It's time for Congress to end this Trump Farce. EXGOP

it's time for Congress to establish trump's militia

For him and other space cadets.

Blow more money for defense firms. The damn defense budget is 900 billion

It’s called the Air Force ... I guess Pence doesn’t know this. Watch a re-run of I Dream of Jeanie: Larry Hagman wore USAF Blues.

First we’ve got to establish a logo and theme song.

We do not need space militarized. In fact, we need to be going in the opposite direction: demilitarization. War wirks so good on earth, let's have it in space?

Everyone laughed when Trump proposes the idea of a SpaceForce, but within a year, China will be able to shoot our satellites out of space with ground based laser technology. We must be able to defend our tactical military assets!


Time for a “movie time” executive time out.

never mind the chaos going in on in the White House

Keep working hard slaves!

Every time I read “Space Force” my brain makes it sound like this guy saying “Jesus Christ” Credit KevOnStage

It is time for Congress to clean out the WH. That is what time it is.

Idiot 2

It is reported that US troops in Afghan is planning to destroy Taliban Camps soon. The elimination process of Osama Bin Laden Son already started. US revenge can not be stopped by any Nation in the World. Pak is totally under US control now. If Space Force opened, it is record

They’ll only mess that place up too...

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard................

It has been said umpteen times by now

الله عليكم برافو فعلا انتم تنشؤن قوة فضاء من فلوس العرب البقر والخونه وباقي اخوانهم يتصورون جوعا

I don't know, even thinking about that creepy man talking about space scares the heck out of me.

Good. And we can put Idiot in Chief, his VP and Liar in Chief’s whole family on the rocket and blast them away till kingdom come.

It’s time to fund health care for all you phony Christian brownnoser.

Mike Pence....the decline of America MakeAmericaGagAgain

Sounds like there could be deals worth potentially billions of dollars with a program like “Space Force” I would hate it if someone took advantage of that and inflated the need for such a force 👽 *Cough cough*


Pence and Trump are already SPACE CADETS! 🤣🤣🤣 SpaceForce

Pence Your days are numbered

MicheleDiane8 InsanityAndBeyond

Pence is a space cadet

Time for Mike Pence to get a clue. Why the hell did Manafort pick him?

So, that's how they're all leaving?

Quick! VP distraction article - what can we write? Oooh SPACE FORCE! GO! YES SIR!

Why? Are the Martians going to invade?


Isn’t our Air Force our space force?

Space Force!

Space Force!

Space Force!

Cool, does that mean the cost of my health insurance will come down?

Space Force!

So he can play w/ the astros

Bugs beware.

Fix Flint Fix grand caynon potholes Shore up banks..spring coming Oh..wait

It's been over a year since this was funny.

Evangelisten: Statt für den Schutz der Erde zu sorgen - heftig in den Weltallkrieg investieren. Wer stoppt endlich diese Sekte? Klimaerhitzung = Hölle auf Erden

It’s time for him to fess up that he really is a robot and therefore, not human.

No it’s not!

We have got to build a Wall around the planet earth. Aliens are everywhere

Right, got to stay on the potential aliens under control. To hard to build a space wall.

Space Force: ✔️ Wall: ✔️ Health Insurance 4 All: ✖️ Better Education 4 All: ✖️

bUt HoW WiLL yOu PaY FoR MeDiCaRE fOr aLL oR a GrEeN NeW DeAL?


I’m certainly not an expert on the military or space flight, but I do know that creating a new branch of the military will take a lot of determination, focus, and political savvy, and I’m worried, because I haven’t seen any of that stuff from this administration.

Where’s the money coming from? We are already trillions in debt and have a deficit of billions!

Sure....but first, clean water for Flint. And all kids returned to their parents at the border. First.

To send him, Trump and the rest of the White House Flunkies to the moon.

Says the person who is wayyyyy out there. PenceKnew

Of all the issues pressing on us, why are we even talking about this?



😂😂😂... 🙄

Work on distraction, much?

Forget building an infrastructure, funding education or helping our vets. Just start a Space Force!

It’s time for Mike Pence to stop making life more dangerous for gay and trans people. Let’s start with treating people better on earh before we branch out to space.

“U.S. supremacy”? That’s jingoistic. Not to mention “supremacy” has a negative connotation coming into major play with this administration. Also, treaties that prevent any one country from being dominant in regard to space.

No wait. What happened to this entrant?

It's been established for some time now...

Fucking Aliens! GOP GOPChairwoman senatemajldr GOPLeader SenateGOP SenateDems nytimes FoxNews abcnews CBSNews NBCNews CNN PressSec foxnation foxandfriends joncoopertweets CREWcrew ProudResister VP

I can give you 22 trillion reasons we don’t need a space port!!

Let's work on infrastructure before worrying about a Space Force!

Pence, you should go into space and stay there. There are more important things to do. Or maybe the sane Americans should go into space,since the t...p and you have screwed up the US.

Agreed. And he and the TrumpCrimeFamily should take the first flight up

CantHide a waste of hundreds of Billion$ for a duplication of already existing DoD, Civilian Gov’t Depts: -National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) -Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) Plus USAF+NAVAIR+FAA+ leveraging existing infrastructures DepSecDef


To fend off all the demons attacking Heaven & its angels, no doubt.

I think the US WORLD EMPIRE is too big already. The US government does not need to murder families from space. You thought this was about science and exploration? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no I really think the US world empire needs to shrink down to ... the US.

WTF is it's mission?

Silly me, I thought realDonaldTrump already did?

It’s time for congress to impeach realDonaldTrump VP

Since 1982, the US Air Force has established a Spacce Command. This is all we need for now. We have never established a military branch as a monument to a person. We should not start now.

My first of several issues with this is “Mike Pence writes”

Trying to figure out an escape for himself

(Eyeroll) Just give Pence & Trump a bagful of Legos and let them play Space Force downstairs.

It’s time to launch all of those grifters into space 👋🏽

It's time for Congress to vote on articles of impeachment for the idiot POTUS AKA OrangeRacoon then when the boring moron vp pardons him do the same.


It is time for America to take back our world and dump drumpt and his stooge Pence.

volkswagen bugout air miles ford fake muscles

Its an imaginary thing that Trump made up and absolutely no citizen is demanding its creation

VP your boy can’t even tie his own shoes


These idiots can’t keep their stories straight, how are they developing a Space Force? LMFAO

Let me guess, no gays, lesbians ,transsexuals, only white heterosexual Trump loving evangelicals.

He's clearly waiting for The Rapture whilst totally misunderstanding who's going where.

They have to clean out the 'space junk' between their ears before they even think of a real space force.


Vice -President Pence wants Congress to establish the Space Force. His request might be more effective if he set an example by being on the next rocket to the International Space Station. Then he can star in a Muppet Show segment called 'Pence in Space'.

Well, the US is the last advanced country in the world without one. The next major war will be fought in space, and Russia and China lead the world now in ability to travel to space.

And he would be an excellent choice to send to Mars.

Oh come on, - April Fools Day is a whole month away!

He needs to get things under control on land before wasting money on a space force - good lord

Where will they get the budget?



Space Force🚀🛰

Pence wants to be a Space Naut. Mother approves as long as there is no Martian whipping posts, she's got that covered😉

Orders from Russia

Wacky! Can you say NASA!

He can run but he can't hide even in space.


It’s time for Congress to send VP into Space

Because he is lost in space.

Its time to impeach

Sounds like VP wants to escape our planet!🤔


I think Mike Ornce is already in the “space” force.

It is well overdue. The further we travel out there, the further we will go here.

We‘re waiting...

You and Trump are the space FARCE!

Stop it

But ignore healthcare and climate change. Got it.

he's even dumber than IQ45, if that's possible 🙄

Ssssspaaaaaaaaaaaacsssssssssssssssse forrrrrrrrrrrrrrcssssssssssssssse


So the loyal puppy of The Supreme Space Commander is also a comedian.


Only if Trump, Pence and McConnell are all duct taped to the outside of the first rocket.

Spinning pence🤔

We have no money for the dahum space force!

WTF!!!! he is SO out of touch

More like Space Case

Coming from a man who denies Earth science.

He's pathetic

Send Pence and Dumpf in space and forget to bring them back.


Aliens must be amassing on the moon...invading soon.

you are a national newspaper and you don't need to entertain things like this

This is proof that he is traveling in a very weird orbit around a very orange sun! Geez what a goof!

VP ... there's a threat emanating from outer space ☄️ Did I sleep through this? 😧 Pence

That logo looks like it belongs on a 1980's arcade game

Really? In the midst of a national emergency Seems strange...

Waste of time. Unnecessary. We have a space force. It’s called NASA. Kind of like the July4 party. Can’t you stand up to Trump either? Just another fool on the hill.

We all know Pence didn’t actually write this.

Why doesn't he establish a way out of being Vice President - like immediately - he is an embarrassment with his bigotry and racism stance

ROFL what a joke! How about taking care of our vets, 911 survivors, cancer patients, FEMA, homeless, and current military. You know the Military that Trump wants to take money from for his “wall”.

Ummmm no. It's time Republicans get the national debt under control

How about we prioritize taking care of our planets environment first before we venture off into space and likely pollute that. This administration really hates aliens.

Why fund social programs and education, you know, stuff that actually helps Americans? Why fund tech that could battle climate change? No, let’s build a wall and establish Space Force. You are old and in the way!


ImpeachMikePence. Ask him what he knows about his dealings with Paul Manafort?

If Space Force means putting you in a rocket ship on a one way ticket to oblivion, what’s not to like?

Is this some kind of joke?

Is Mexico paying for this too?

It’s great that our long term plans for space are rooted in war.

Ha ha ha ha ha ! More wasted money by GOP!

Space force... The only way for VP to escape brown skin & the gays.

Space Farce! There fixed it.

Shut up Mike.

If they do, the Traitor Tot will just steal the appropriations to build his wall.

what a waste of money. doesn't surprise me though. all the money each year that is wasted on defense and tax cuts that don't benefit average americans could go to programs that really make a difference in the people's lives who need it most

You people don't need another way of hiding Money

How many times is this going to be announced? We are up to Infrastructure Week totals already.


It’s time 4 congress to offer a healthcare system that provides affordable & accessible coverage for ALL Americans/no cutesy short-term plans association plans high risk pools/preventive critical & chronic care/to include drugs/no pre-exciting condition exceptions

It's time for Pence to get on the spaceship.

Shouldn’t one have a belief in science first?

so since you submitted it to mainstream media, that means it's automatically fake news right? Isn't that how it works? VP

It's appropriate, since this administration already has so many space cadets...

Not until every single immigrant child is reunited with their family.

I dunno, we might be better off, in the long run, putting some energy behind combatting climate change instead of fighting Martians.

Are we redirecting money or are you asking for more mil spending?

Let's not militarize space.


Will never happen because POTUS wants it. The socialist communist politicians in congress will never let it happen. They will probably want to investigate why it’s needed for 3-4 years as politicians do. this will not further the socialists communist politicians agendas won’t go

Should be space farce

The only question is, what will mother allow him to do?

Mike Pence does not hold a candle to Trump when it comes to distractions. He would fail miserably as a three card monte hustler

I think we all forgot he existed....

Hmmm... It makes perfect sense for a space cadet to establish a space force.

Jesus, let’s waste some more taxpayers money! Fix things here on earth first asshole!!!

Libs are against it because Trump is for it. That pretty much sums up their critical thinking skills.

VP Mike Pence worships a false God.

Trump: “Space Force!” Congress: “What the hell is ‘Space Force’?” Pence: “We’re not sure, but you need to start that now.”

HOW ABOUT THEY FIGURE OUT HOW TO UNITE THE KIDNAPPED IMMIGRANT CHILDREN WITH THEIR PARENTS FIRST? I hate this administration. Every single one of them needs to be removed.

What a joke. This entire administration is a joke.

Mike Pence loves Uranus

Back to the space thing. Boy you guys are running out of distraction topics. Just settle down and except that resistance is now futile.

We have the airforce and navy and cia leave well enough alone

if Congress establishes the space force, trump will try to divert another $2billion for his wall.

Establish drinkable water in Flint.

You've lost babies & can't get them back to their mothers while claiming you care about the unborn. You worship dictators who murder their own & Americans. Please. Create the space force. Make yourself Capt of the virgin flight & take the cheetoh family & GOP w/you.


It’s time for Pence to be in prison as a treasonous trump co-conspirator

it's appropriate that a SPACE CADET talks about the Space Force!

aka Space Farce

oh brother - WHAT DRUGS IS THIS GUY ON? He is a fucking ZOMBIE🧟‍♀️

Another Distraction! Anything to get Americans to look away from the fact that we may see the First Indictment of a sitting president. ChrisCuomo NYCMayor NYGovCuomo nbc CBS ABC NPR BuzzFeedBen latimes dfamerica_ HillaryClinton RepMarkMeadows

Lost in Space

Sounds communist tbh

Lets wait until after 2020

First, impeachment. Then we can’t talk Space Farce. (Not a typo) Thanks.

Are you that crazy. Space Force what a joke. The only way they should do it is they can take you, trump and his cabinet and send you to outer space. Of course never to return.

God created the heavens and the earth, and Trump and Pence turned them into a war zone. Two fake national emergencies in just a few weeks! WhiteHouse VP realDonaldTrump ImpeachTrump

The concept is a financial boondoggle similar to Reagan's egregious effort. They believe this ancillary military force to be a demonstration of patriotism. It is anything but!

Only if that Space Force will be taking Trump and Pence with them.

Hahahahahahahahaha mike pence you crazy

Women need not apply. We can't have vaginas in space. They are evil.

I can’t stop laughing. Where are the white coats? HELP

Only if we send pence to space

Who gave the mic to Pence?

Pence gonna run it haaaaaahaaaaa haaaaahaaaaa shit

Put him on the mother ship already.

The “out of it” award goes to VP

Oh dear.

Mike Pence can write, read even?

How about when congress gets a report on Khashoggi and others that this administration is refusing to do

He should be the first person they launch into the depths of space.

Because we have effed up Earth so badly, let's seek out other planets to screw with?

What ridiculous drivel. They drag that pretentious nonsense out whenever WH wants to divert attention. A lot of hokus pokus. LOL

Cash cow

I’m a WP subscriber and find it offensive that you allow this fawning obsequious traitors words near the WP

Yup. Keep those gay aliens outta here.

Feed your poor first. It had been estimated that one in three Americans live in poverty or near-poverty. This should be a source of national shame.

As stupid as the name is, I'm amazed at the amount of ignorant people on here who have no clue what our adversaries could do to us in space.

Distraction. “LOOK OVER HERE!!!”

Allen's vs. Predator lol

My opinion: it is time for Mike Pence to testify under oath before Congress.

Or... we could just fund NASA and let it do all the wonderful work it is capable of doing. The Space Force proposal is another waste of money, probably suggested by Putin to Trump, to deplete our Treasury and leave us weak. Your thoughts, ShuttleCDRKelly?

The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming! May the farce be with you, Mike Pence!

It’s called NASA

Fuck Mike Pence and every opinion he holds.

Why is it time?

Uzayın sahibi var 7 kat Arşı alayı yörünge'de tutan güç Yüce Allahtır senin kuracağı uzay gücünün ömrü 3 veya 5 saniyede yok olacaktır Mike Pence Evanjelistle'rin fikrimi onlara söyle Zebur,Tevrat,İncilde, Ne yazıyor öldürmeyeceksin İnsanı Yaşat'ki İnsan var olsun Pense Efendi

Why not. Let’s waste some more money. 🤷‍♀️

Hahahahahabababahab....hahahahahabab....ha. haha. ha. Baby Drumpf wants to be prezidentialish. Soooo cute. 🤮

So dumb

As satellites are reduced to the size of mailboxes, we had better not be the last in line to create defenses of EMP weapons and the threat they pose to mankind itself.

Yeah, because they finally have everything figured out and running smoothly here on Earth. 🤣🤡💩🥾

President Putin’s Space Cadets

trump family escape plan. now we get it! vp realDonaldTrump

Space Farce is the perfect name for VP

Launch him into space.

Nanobots or bust!


Against the Kardashians?

Calling all airheads.

I'd apply to the Space Force just to have the rejection letter from the Space Force.

mitchellatencio do I really want to read this, I wonder

Maybe if you had asked BEFORE blowing up the budget and adding $1 Trillion to our NationalDebt

More useless in their role - VP or FLOTUS ?

VP We already have the Air Force we already have NASA we don’t need to add a Delusional Trump tactic to the Budget woes. Lawrence

. I wonder what we'll think of the name 'Space Force' in the future. Not that it's a good name now. .

Time for vp to resign. Nothing worse than a fraud.

Yay!!! Space Force!!!

It has been established. It is called NASA.


Nice 👍 to see NEW space force. Who will become Darth Vader’s character ......? I’m guessing Hillary..... 🤔.

Think of all the effort in logo design and recruitment material will be needed.

I want to be a red shirt! Is that a problem! Neat!!!

Let’s make sure 13M kids don’t go to bed hungry every nite in America.

The Space Force? I can think of some politicians who are on the force now, all they do is take up space.

Midwife to the pornstar presidency

Always playing to an audience of one

No! Its time to give that money and energy to NASA

Hey VP, try talking to the usairforce for a minute. They 'do space' just fine. Also, there's NASA. Knock it off with the expensive key jingling to distract trump's cult from how they're being duped by a halfwit.

Pence can be Space Force Cadet One

Space Force! Da da da Space Force! Nothing but Space Force! Da da da daaaaa

Snark: Yes, in Deep space its a well known fact there is a DeepState that we need to protect ourselves from!!

Gay aliens invading tooo ?

Hey Mikey VP, why don’t we sort out the disasters on our current planet first big guy

Will anyone ask him how will they pay for it? Doubt it

Because...there are no more problems on EARTH and our country is a utopia, its time to create Space Force to combat gay aliens...

WRONG, it's time for Star Fleet....


He needs to hurry to meet the gay aliens.

Pence can't begin to comprehend the implications of a 'Space Force'

We may have finally found a PR endeavor worthy of his low-wattage intellectual output; it certainly isn't going overseas and talking to actual functioning adults.

He’s already the commander of the Space Cadet Force.

I'm all for it as long as pence is the first guy we shoot into space

Idiot puppet.


Why would Mike Pence write an article for a news source he and his boss call “fake news?” 🤔

pew pew pew




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