Opinion | It’s time to start impeachment hearings. Today.

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Opinion: It’s time to start impeachment hearings. Today.

President Trump By Brian Klaas Brian Klaas DemocracyPost contributor Email Bio Follow DemocracyPost contributor May 6 at 5:50 PM If Donald Trump weren’t president, he’d probably be in jail.

All three of those assumptions are shaky. Few Americans have actually read the Mueller report, and walking the country through all the damning material in high-profile public hearings has the potential to hurt Trump far more than the Democrats in Congress. Moreover, impeachment isn’t just a tool to remove a president — it’s also a way to mark a presidency with historic disapproval, thereby deterring similar conduct for future presidents.

The brightest dividing line between democratic republics and authoritarian regimes is the rule of law. These days, just about every tinpot despot holds sham elections, so what separates dictatorship from democracy isn’t just voting. It’s the rule of law that gives meaning to democratic institutions. Without it, democracy is a mirage. And in functioning democracies, the idea that “nobody is above the law” isn’t just a slogan.

But there is also convincing evidence that Trump committed crimes to try to protect himself, a direct and dangerous challenge to rule of law. Although special counsel Robert S. Mueller III declined to charge Trump with crimes himself, he did outline 10 instances of obstruction of justice, several of which would normally lead to indictments.


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And the hate goes on the lying cheating Democrats forcing a false narrative on the American people and attempting to impeach one of the greatest presidents has we've ever had

I agree impeach all the Socialist, Communist, Antisemitic politicians in our goverment. That is a great idea


There they go! Again.



nytimes TeamPelosi nytimes I know the Dems are split on Impeachment but for sake Country, The Constitution and the Rule of Law we must start Impeachment hearing to get to the bottom of the Mueller Report. Americans must see who Trump really is. Nothing more than a con man

Actually, compared to the Nixon impeachment, it's way past time....

I don't think that would be a good idea. All the smaller cases will have a greater impact when they are all brought into the light of day Rob UK 🇬🇧

Paranoid, while whitewashing what Hillary did. A cover up by the deep state and the Washington Post.

docrocktex26 our democracy has long passed into despotism!! we must get this man out of office at all costs!

Haha ok, good luck with that.

Agreed - along with the Attorney General


JoyRoseM History will frown on us if we do not respond to this criminal.

Today, was like months ago.

Do it! I dare you! It will be laughable when Trump uses the Mueller report in HIS defense. LMAO!

Where is the High Crime, Treason, Bribery or Misdemeanor Conduct for Impeachment? There is no case. Unless the SC categorically said so, it then becomes a matter of opinion between the AG and Congress who is divided. Therefore we the people decide on this in 2020. NO IMPEACHMENT.

jpporter One question I have for every American that’s supports impeachment .. what era was worse this one or Bush? Which presidency did more damage to the United States and innocent people around the world ?

No I'm good.


Impeachment, it's time to set aside the ruling that was not a ruling to begin with and charge Trump with multiple charges of Obstruction and conspiracy to commit Treason against the American people

Yes and yes

Anytime. Real Americans are waiting!

Based on what crimes? You guys are joke

Impeach the treasonous peach!

Impeach the bast*rd. ImpeachmentHearingsNow

TRUMP 2020

WoPo is leadings Trump haters in mass masturbation session! Enjoy!

Trump 2020

WAPO aren’t you being sued


it is way past time....tRump MUST GO

Bring it libs

Only thing stopping them is common sense and something to charge him with.

Your paywall prevents me from seeing who wrote this, but I welcome you trying to find a crime.

The requirements to impeach a president are found in Art II, Sect IV of the Constitution. States that the Pres, VP & all civil Officers of the US, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, & conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes & misdemeanors...

To impeach liberal liars and crooks

Opinion: That's how you start a revolution and next time, we'll make the Constitution less favorable toward liberal policies

No its time to get off our ass and VOTE we need to stop acting like we don't matter....and of course we don't if we don't get in volve so let's get out and VOTE let's help stop this nightmare...

On the grounds We don't like him? Total BS





susanishappy12 Impeach arrest I don’t care this is all a nightmare

For what hurting liberals feelings

hihihi, very boring!!! Dems and Trumphaters are getting crazy. Their favorite word is IMPEACHMENT. Remember, Trump is by far the best President since Ronald Reagan

Aren't we,if not I've a year past that, a few weeks past since the MuellerReport ?😕 A bit too late don't you think?!..😒

Yes.. Our Democracy.matters..

WAPO has all but guaranteed his re-election. Not as bright as you think you are and certainly not reading the country as a whole very well.


The way this is posted makes it look like it's an editorial; i.e., the official stance of the newspaper. It's not, it's a column by Brian Klaas.


Why does it feel like that is exactly what trump wants?

All of them trump, Barr, McConnell and Graham ! Every last night be of those crooks!


Hey SpeakerPelosi, CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

ImpeachThatMotherfucker RT : Opinion: It’s time to start impeachment hearings. TODAY.

ewarren stood up and showed everyone what leading from the front looks like. Clear unafraid rallying a call to action for the sake of the United States 🇺🇸 and the Constitution. McConnells self serving nasty little speech was shown for what it was - dereliction of duty

For what exactly?

I didn’t know we could impeach a newspaper!

Enough talk. Get it done already.

Unfortunately a significant portion of the population is ok with his corruption and criminality as long as he's accomplishing their agenda. Very telling the corruption and criminality are consistent with a conservative agenda.

wd5jlr If Trump is going to lose reelection in 2020, his only hope is to step down under impeachment & hope Pence honors their pre arranged conspiracy to grant Trump et al a general pardon for their crimes.

Come on, Nancy, your donors will recover. Put the citizens first and get this grifter out!

What’s our president’s crime, “journalist”?

How many? One! Name it!

Congress will be too busy recovering from IG Report, Uber indictments and AG Barr investigation into SpyGate. Actually, I wonder if Impeachment is a cover for those. If the reports/indictments are released during it, the Ds will claim it’s just politically motivated cover. 🤔

You’re right impeach Nancy Pelosi , Cory Booker , Mad Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris , AOC, Tlaib, And on and on !

Right Fucking Now!

Opinion: The Republicans would welcome impeachment hearings. That would guarantee Trump wins re-election, increases it’s majority in the Senate and takes back the House. What have the Democrats accomplished?

DevaneKim Do it... please!

I guess democrats will spend Trumps entire term doing nothing for America they should all be charged for obstruction

Case closed move on

PLEASE... The more Democrats stomp their feet and scream The higher Trumps approval rating goes. The bigger the win in 2020

Riddle us this WaPo, if Mueller’s job was to find truth & indict, but didn’t, & his team wasn’t really a cheerleader for Trump (there was a Clinton Foundation person on the SCO), did it ever occur to you that the SCO played us all? Mueller’s Vol2 is like a laser & we’re cats. 😂

We are going to IMPEACH your reporting. All you do is lie and sow decisive rhetoric so down you go!

It really is possible to write a near-perfect op-Ed. Here it is, about impeachment.

Focus all efforts on 2020. That would be a powerful message!

How can a man get on stage and cover for a hostile foreign power after they attacked our democracy and not be charged with treason? That is the very definition! Grow a pair Dems!

Impeach now! Are we a nation of laws or not?

Peeling onion is quite an engaging act,where eyes water,end up with nothing! Can claim exercise completed to the pride of dissidemts! Amazing style to carve sense from nuisance!

Opinion? More like a Duty.

Trump and his minions need to understand its either impeachment and removal for them or it ends with the American people taking justice into their own hands.

Are we going back to the Clinton days.

Weak House has to get on this. Dems are all over the place. No focus. I do not agree with GOP, but at least you know where they stand on issues. 2020 is about a a new POTUS and the dream would be to vote them all out, GOP and DEMS and replace with more modern thinking people

Those WaPo opinion writers are so amazingly dumb. They must be a bunch of 18 year olds.

You guys are crazy. Win at the ballot box rather

Please let’s do

2020 going to be a long long defeat cry for WoPo caders

Go to hell!!!

Letting this man continue to destroy our values and America is criminal. The House has an obligation to impeach. SpeakerPelosi CoryBooker RepAdamSchiff

There's only one way this will go and it's not in Democrats favor. If you think Trump is a crook just wait and see what happens. You either want a solid case against him to go the right way or rush it the wrong way. But this still won't end how you think it will. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Apparently, the hearings are for the entire DNC. If not there is nothing to disciss regarding impeachment.

No serious person would move forward on impeachment PoliticalHacks

Correct Opinion: It’s time to start the paper shredder for WaPo. Today (and first thing everyday).

You guys are in full panic mode. Now you C_A/Bezos ordered talking points are getting desperate. You all know you will soon be labeled as an enemy of the people of the United States. Many High rank Dems will soon be in cuffs. Will you report truthfully on it when it's here?

YES! Right. Fucking. NOW!

Your opinion is pathetic

Why? So his 46% approval rating can skyrocket to 80% ? 😒

Why? On whatt grounds ?

The GOP will protect Trump unless the evidence is damning, public and incontrovertible, nothing else will do, at this point there's not enough to be 100% sure of taking him downl, they will make sure it fails because although he's a dangerous clown, he's making them rich.

YESSS! Or the Dems don't have 'a pair'! Pander to the progressive left-wing radicals minority base! MEANWHILE The rest of America sees

For what exactly? Obstructing the investigation of a hoax created by his political opponents and promoted by tools in the press like your rag?

Do it. The only ones who want that are the fringe radical left. Impeachment is unpopular with normal people.

Just sayin. Its all online Everything Ive ever stated months to yrs in adv. Ive been accurate on. Let that sink in FBI Mueller fully ignored NSAGov breaches weeks before they happened WRAY __ book deal on more IRS TheJusticeDept FinSec CDTO FBI leaks KimDotcom AP

Yes...please give Trump the excuse to declassify all documents proving widespread Obama corruption and the illegal spying of the entire GOP Primary...not just Trump! Do it!


Start impeachment hearings!!!!

heatherfieldmom Get some i will bring the scales of Justice

Put up or Shut.... NO BALLS!!!! Congress needs to get to work on solving their constituents issues. Health care, immigration infrastructure, flooding relief to farmers, taxes, you know Shit that people outside DC, NYC, and the West coast care about!!!!

Memo to WP ... Democrats don't have the votes. You should have studied in math class. Democrats are 52 votes short. Any impeachment attempt will seal Donald Trump's victory in 2020.


So says the snake in the ears of idiots...

It is past time

Trump could have been a strong leader than shows weakness. More of a politician now than a leader.


Lock him up !

What a joke!!!

Congress needs to do their job, impeach now


For what?

Yes, start impeachment bc there have not been enough winning moments like Election Day and the release of the Mueller report. Republicans love those moments bc they produce a giddy Christmas morning like feeling.

Go for it...impeachment of Barr or Trump, will send the DNC into a Death Spiral which they will never recover..

Yes start the impeachment and watch every Dem in Congress be voted out in 2020! Hurry!

For all Democrats in Congress

I wonder if a media outlet was found to be a willing participant in a coup attempt, would the first amendment protect them against being charged with treason?

Voters are watching HouseDemocrats as the only hope of saving our laws and doing the right thing. Sad to see the disagreement, hesitation and extended time periods for materials ordered by Congress. Looking weak is not a good thing.

And Global Warming is a exact science where 97% of the scientists agree! Time to start suing the WPO.


Not surprised this 'American' opinion writer lives and works in the UK and is an asst professor of 'Global Politics'. No wonder he's spewing globalist garbage.☹️

Lol good luck TRUMP2020Landslide

I hate the orange man, no justifiable means, but impeach!

Have liberals not learned by now to can’t impeach someone for hurting your feelings

Writes the guy from London. You worry about brexit, we are doing fine here thanks.

Rep Al Green said that if you all don't impeach President Trump now, he'll get reelected. FACT: President Trump has to commit high crimes and misdemeanors. When are the Democrats going to read the unredacted report that Barr released? 🤔

You actually have to have a case first, or did you forget that?

Yes!!! Let’s get it done and then jail his ass forever!

He would be indicted if he weren’t president. That’s enough for me.

Dream on...

He has only helped everyone!


douglasamarques ImpeachTrump ImpeachmentHearingsNOW LockMnuchinUp



Yes it is time to start impeachment hearings on all Democrats in the house, like piglosi, Nadler, Schiff and also dem senators like aoc, omar,talieb and Schumer as well. They are anti-American.


'Bring it on' - B'rer Trump

It's time to start considering the chances of conviction in the Senate. Today.

Doing what you do best. Agitation and brainwashing. You’d think Americans of all people would know better. You offer no substance. Your ridiculous policies don’t hold up under scrutiny. But you know you can count on stoking the mobs.

What’s the charge?

I dislike Trump as much as everyone else; however, Democrats need to stop talking impeachment and need to focus on the economy, healthcare, environment. If they don’t do this we’ll have 4 more years of him!!!

For what?

Hahaha this is news? WP is a fkin joke

LOL!!! Do any of you actually get paid for this dribble?

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 For what For winning all the time?

Please please go for put forth the evidence to the American people so President Trump can win in a landslide in 2020. Please another clown show.

Like yesterday!!

Trump is a problem, no doubt, but the real problem is the GOP that's keeping him in office for no other reason than to save themselves.

for what crime? Specific statutes please


Impeachment proceedings against Donnie should begin ASAP. His behaviour cannot stand unchecked. And importantly, identifying his enablers in Congress is necessary to support the complete remediation of this blightful pestilence.

Opinion: Bring it, bitches.

The Democratic Party is a weak and pathetic gang of cowards. This country is dead already.

High crimes? Don’t see them. Next stupid Op Ed ....

Opinion: it’s time for WaPo to list their status as a media outlet. Nothing but opinions, perspectives and analysis

If this gets 3 million RTs, they have to impeach Trump and McDonald's will start serving curly fries

Did you know the Democrats have tried to preach every Republican presidents is Dwight Eisenhower? Spygate is coming the real crimes are about to be exposed

Oh look the published another opinion piece. Hmm it seems that they dont like Trump. Wonder if they will ever get back to real journalism?

Impeach this lightweight

= FakeNews you suffer from TDS

Let’s get this ball rolling.

More dishonest leftist media complex propaganda attacks against the President. WAPOOP!!💩💩

TheDemocrats don’t have the balls. They’ve proven this every day since they took back the House in January. They are complicit by their sheer inaction and cowardice.

Lock him up

Yawn. Go ahead and see where it gets you

The Post has devolved into a troll account. jack needs to suspend them for a while so they can think about their behavior.

Lmao... Dream on assholes.

Your news paper is indeed the enemy of the people



Why? The impeachment will fail.


Impeachment w/out conviction is a wet fart in a pair of skivvies. You won’t find any GOP votes for conviction in the Senate (maybe a few votes for censure). Better to focus all resources on unseating him in 2020. Elections: the best way to throw the Asshat Supreme out of office.

Crazy people write this stuff. April added 263,000 jobs. 3.2GDP. 3.6 unemployment-lowest since 1969. “It’s the economy, stupid.” Bill Clinton campaign mantra. Amazon WaPo is just beyond stupid. It’s goofy.

Are there not better things to do in life?

Based on what charge?

Impeachment for what


As though they have nothing else to do.

Hear Hear!

For what? For not bowing to bad reporting from a biased press agenda?

Everyone is so scare of the Trump's job number. Why are the news organizations researching the jobs details. I would guess most of the jobs are minimum wage, no insurance, paid days off or retirement. My son works full time and has 2 other jobs just to live. Not thrive.

yeah, that's right, let's blow another two years on arguing bout nothing that's gonna happen anyway, more excuses for congress to do nothing...….yay...….

Today is late, really. Impeachment proceedings should've been started a week ago!

Impeachment hearings about Nothingburger or to obstruct justice in finding real perpetrators of Trump-Russia Hoax? is EMBARRASSMENT!

Slanderous and seditious. The attempted coup continues.

As Al Green says=impeachment is the only way we are going to beat Pres. Trump in 2020!

Name one crime....... what a shame this WAPO is still operating.




Amen HouseDemocrats SenateDems!

Then what? Pence?

WaPo, you’re a one-trick pony

ProtectTheCow RedBubble DevinCow devinnunesisanidiot

Impeachment for what!?!? I hope free Sue's the lot of you for slander😡


Yes! Crook, liar, obstructionist, collusionist, bad golfer, the list is endless really.

Ok, commander in chief, the washington post and the cheating bezos


You do understand that this notion is insane right?

I'm going to ask Santa to give me Trump in his prison clothes this year. From there. let the Dotard scream about being a victim. You were cheated out of two years? Take them at Leavenworth

Thank you. Perfectly put.

For what?

'It’s time to start impeachment hearings. Today. If Donald Trump weren’t president, he’d probably be in jail. That’s the view of a bipartisan group of hundreds of former federal prosecutors' Brian Klaas brianklaas. USA ELECTION BARR NADLER MUELLER FBI RUSSIA PUTIN GOP


impeachment.....or.....anarchy.........which will we choose

can you impeach a president for being an arsehole? which law/act does this fall under?

No, no it is not.

Democrats don’t have the balls to do it - they were all talk, nothing but noice for the 18 midterm.

The left today is like the baby who knows that if they threaten to scream in public, will get anything he/she/zhe wants. Trump is the first adult who doesn’t care and will let you scream. You have no idea why your screaming isn’t getting you your ice cream. Impeach!! Lol!!

FakeNews already has 2020 election’s fever because they know for a fact that Mr. Trump will win a gain.

Which side are you going to impeach both have probable cause...

What's wrong with Wednesday?

Go for it

Impeach him for what? You dont got shit on him.

Yes we must impeach him immediately for collusion. Haha


You want to rush in, fail, and ignite a bloody civil war... just because you are too immature to think first.

For fucking WHAT?

jboogie Kkkkkkkkkkk

We cannot as a country, accept this blatant disrespect for the law, the Constitution, and Congress! Trump must be impeached. He obstructed justice as well as welcomed and encouraged Russia’s attack on our democracy.

The average IQ of readers of WP must be what? Probably 70?

Blah blah blah

You can smell the fear. They know criminal indictments are coming for the Obama administration figures involved in the attempted coup.

Impeachment for what?

When 2020 rolls around, you can bet I'm going to look at whether my representatives focused on infrastructure, a reasonable healthcare solution and keeping the economy strong or if they were focused on bs like this.

Trump has dictatorial tendencies. As long as he has support in GOP , he will graduate as a dictator by the end of his term. He has total disregard for rules,and laws .

Absolutely. Begin immediately.

Do it! A year from now Trump will be celebrating the highest approvals of his administration like Bill Clinton. Or maybe he’ll be resigning like Nixon. Take the gamble guys, lmao.

The saddest part is that Dems held democrats more accountable than any ONE Republican. Poor Al Franken!!! A 20 year old picture and he resigns and since then it’s been rampant unchecked corruption. The Dems now only sending condemning letters, strongly worded tweets. Act!!

I don’t know.....what does Steve Bannon think about this? Let’s all give him a bigger national platform to spread his “ideas” , since he can only reach 17 people without help.

Opining in yr case doesn’t matter, America knows you stink to high heaven.

Isn’t it about time?

Laws matter. This just sets the bar for complete abuse of the presidential powers. There are zero checks and balances, zero transparency. His administration is using WhatsApp for communication, lying to Congress, ignoring the senate.I mean, cmon.

Democrats do not have the strength to stand up for the rule of law.

Communist propaganda

Pack up all my cares and woes Feeling low here I go Bye, bye Donald Where Melania waits for me Sugar sweet so is jail Bye, bye Donald No one seems to love or understand me And all the hard luck stories they keep handing me Where somebody shines the light Bye, bye Donald Bye bye D


How many crimes? The minimum is one. And that one has not been found. Move on.

There is no legal binding reason to impeach. Stop barfing out talking points

President Donald Trump has done 'Nothing'. Its just 'Mind Numbing' to hear you TraitorCrats blame others for what You Do. O'Bummer and his Merry Band of Thieves should have all been Impeached and then 'Jailed'. Washington Compost, the name fits.

Keep calm

Omg pleassssse go ahead! 😂

...no it’s not. Stop wasting your time on this crap and do something positive, not destructive.

Impeachment needs to happen. Duty calls for it. This isn't the war we want but here we are. Impeachment hearings, are necessary to protect precedent for future presidents. It will result in documents, evidence, and witnesses we need to expose the truth, even if unsuccessful.

The Bezos PAC awakens feisty. MAGA!


JacekJasinski Are we gonna actually do it or just talk about it some more?!

And *not* to impeach makes the Democrats just look weak.

Who for you?

For using his constitiual authority? Sounds legit


Please do. It will only sink the left more.

It's time to work for America!!! And Trump is the Leader.

Too many liberals are still grieving over the dethroned Queen Hillary, it must be agonizing.

start, what to expect?

“Opinions are like a-holes everybody’s got one” by Harry Callahan

Old news. Fake news. 💩News

Just fire him , he's always been a swindler , fraud , cheat , never was fit to be POTUS Trump could be tried for treason w/ Russia , he's lacking in character ,intelligence & is a sociopath without conscience .

Yawn ! We have been waiting !

Impeach for what? Winning? Dems are making fools of themselves trying to remove a sitting US President simply because they are Butthurt. Their hysteria is driving voters away in droves. JokesOnYou

BENEFITS OF IMPEACHMENT- Most have not read the full Mueller report. The impeachment hearings will explain each sentence in the report and the exact illegal act attempted and committed by the administration. TRANSPARENCY AND SUNLIGHT ARE REQUIRED IN A DEMOCRACY.

What crime would he be accused of? Winning a Presidential election is not a crime.


Tell the impotent Democrats that.

Trump will start a war to try to remain in office.

Too little, too late

Its totally obnoxious to be so politically overboard.

Better yet WaPo go out of business

I have read it takes 2 years to impeach a president. So he would be out of office by the time the process ends. Might as well wait till he leaves office and then go after him in the courts

Opinion:.It's never going to happen just because you don't like him....🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

'It’s time to start impeachment hearings today.' Unfortunately, this will not happen. Democrats lost their opportunity. Americans have already forgotten what Trump even did. Americans are not interested in reading a report longer that 5 words.

So just because he won he should be impeached? I believe that history will find him to be one of the greatest presidents of this republic!

Will never pass the Senate so quit wasting time and do something for Americans for once like.... immigration

It was time to impeach years ago. The whole thing preposterous. ImpeachTrump

Yes - House democrats should definitely take the advice of the media and the attention seeking, fringe elements of their party, (redundant, I know) and ignore the majority of the population, who think it's time to move on.

It is well past time. ImpeachTrump

No more talk. Action.

Better question... How many crimes does someone have to commit before CONVICTION is warranted? It's easy to impeach him. Start a public pressure campaign on Republicans to CONVICT him.


Ah HAH HA HA hahahaha !!!!!!

Dems trying too hard

ImpeachTheMF now!

For what?

Ask Hillary.

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