Opinion | Impeachment Articles’ Simplicity Is Their Strength

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Opinion: Congressional Democrats have the Constitution on their side as they argue for Trump’s removal

House Democrats unveiled two narrowly focused articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Tuesday, and as expected, they drew widespread criticism from Trump’s allies and displeasure from some Democrats, who wanted a broader set of charges.

“President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of political benefit,” the articles read. “In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.”

Adding extensive obstruction of justice charges based on Mueller’s report to the articles of impeachment would overwhelm their straightforward narrative. The acts of obstruction outlined in Mueller’s report are varied and require significant context to understand. If those extensive acts of obstruction were added to the articles of impeachment, the Ukraine scheme would be lost in the shuffle.


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Constitutionally able to do it? Yes The evidence to do it? No

translation 'Make it up as you go'

That’s not an opinion. That’s fact.

That should be enough.

This is a bunch of hooey

Why would Republicans, who deny science, facts and reality , find upholding the U.S. Constitution relevant. Their only living goal is allegiance to a failed reality tv star.

Seems like you missed the memo - the GOP no longer care about the constitution

Democrats believe the Constitution is a 'Living document' which means it supports whatever they want to do. Wake up America!

They don't.

Which constitution are you talking about?

I have to disagree. The constitution is not on the side of the Democrats but rather the Republicans. This will be very evident when the Senate actually follows the rules and regulations for the impeachment. This will fall flat and the Democrats will lose everything in 2020 & 21.

Somebody looks constipated and wears upholstery fabric pattern for their blazer

Not so much. It is weak.

No they don’t. Not even close.

As the IG report shows they have lied for 3 years , knowingly. Schiff had the same documents as Nunes and yet Nunes was right and Schiff wrong. They don't have the credibility to call for impeachment.

What a joke

Actually they don’t


😂😂😂😂 um no

The Impeachment was never done correctly or fairly. It was a sham.

No they don't .

Democrats/liberalism is a cult. This cult, like all other cults, likes to hypnotize masses with a promise that is not grounded in reality, tends to be illogical but it doesn’t matter and in the end they always self destroy lyingliberals Trump2020

This is a battle of good versus evil Russian Trump!!

Well, at least it is correctly listed as OPINION.

.....and the easy removal of every following President.

Not really

'How do we twist the lack of evidence in the impeachment inquiry into a positive headline?' 'I know - the DNC didn't drop charges - they SIMPLIFIED the articles!' 'BRILLIANT!'

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ya right🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

Are you buying this crap? The only part of the constitution on their side is that Congress has the power to impeach. This no crimes or misdemeanors impeachment will go down in history as one of the biggest mistakes of all times.

When impeaching it helps to have the numbers in the senate

The Democrats made up version?

No, no they don’t

Two articles of impeachment neither of which are based upon the violation of any law...no other impeachment has been based upon something so thin. This creates a horrible precedent for the future. Using the process of impeachment doesn't mean it is based upon a credible violation

No politico crowd, Dems have lunacy on their side and the only jurors who count, we the people, will show them just how crazy they went in just 11 months.

They really don’t.

Look at those miserable faces.

TimeLordJeff And Trump supporters are ready and willing to destroy the Constitution in order to get their way...the time to take action against them is here. It is time to prepare for war.

And they added 'DISQUALIFIED'!! I tweeted Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell, Neguse, anyone I could find AND said Trump should be DISQUALIFIED for cheating...and on national TV. And it's in there! They added it!! I wonder if they heard me. Probably not lol.

Your opinion !! Not America’s!!

Everyone should have our US Constitution on their side but trump's Republicans choose not to. I guess that's their way of exercising their Freedom. It isn't particularly patriotic to abandon our nation and defend a treasonous criminal. ImpeachAndRemoveTrump🇺🇸


Dems have the Constitution & the majority of Americans on their side. However, the Senate has more corrupt GOP. It's like Net Neutrality. No citizen wanted to kill Net Neutrality. No bill or Senate vote. That weasel, AjitPaiFCC accepted $ from ATT & killed it all by himsel.

I agree with renato_mariotti's opinion re the articles of impeachment.

The constitution no longer matters to the GOP and never did to Trump.

MALARKEY!!! DRAIN THE SWAMP!!! realDonaldTrump

Just stop.🙄

Trouble with that is Republicans are on the side of the Russians and Organized Crime. One has to be loyal to their origins.

No they just have the anti-American, socialist agenda media.

The fantasy continues.


Politico continues down the rabbit hole and is going down with the Dem partisan ship on this story. Can you still read ? Try not only reading the IG report but also reading between the lines. Your brand hangs in the balance! Do the right thing, for a change.

the people who want to censor, disarm, surveill, 90% tax on American Citizens have the constitution on their side? has anyone at Politico read it before?

Glad to see Politico put country before Republicans, for a change.

The impeachment is going to well for democrats that the media has to write 100 different articles a day trying to justify it from whatever desperate angle they can come up with.

I qhope so

Huh? What constitution?

Wrong! Laughable

Unfortunately, that won’t be enough to remove Trump.

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