Opinion | Hunter Biden would have been treated differently if his name had been Hunter Trump.

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W. James Antle III: The press needs to be willing to seriously scrutinize Hunter Biden's ventures and carefully cover any legal or congressional investigations that occur in the future. - NBCNewsTHINK

involving the president’s son were a legitimate news story deserving of serious journalistic investigation, even though they weren’t treated that way when they first arose.of Biden’s business practices, federal agents have been looking into whether the younger Biden improperly reported income from his business dealings, many of them overseas, according to The Washington Post’s sources.

Would media outlets have been more curious about what looks at first glance like it could be influence peddling if his name were Hunter Trump? According to The Washington Post, federal agents now believe they have sufficient evidence to sustain a successful criminal prosecution on at least these charges, according to people familiar with the case. Ultimately, however, it is up to prosecutors at the Justice Department to decide whether to file charges.

Biden has denied any wrongdoing.

Before becoming president, Joe Biden staunchly defended his son. “There’s nobody that’s indicated there’s a single solitary thing that he did that was inappropriate, wrong … or anything other than the appearance,” he


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THINK You hurt your branding giving this hack air space. Give us a break - if this was Trump's kid or son-in-law nothing would happen Kushner had sleep overs with a corrupt Saudi prince who ordered a hit on a journalist and then took a billion from him for an 'investment fund'

THINK No, Hunter is only a thorn in the MAGA EXTREMIST side. Trump’s stealing, lying, hiding, and obstructing are in the forefront —he can NEVER hold office again. Trump is first in line for indictment cuz he is privileged and special—just ask him.

THINK Tucker Carlson for President

THINK Why would the Saudi's out of the clear blue give Jarad $2MILLION? Now, the whole world is wondering what 'secrets ' Rtump just sold Don't think for 1 minute-he wouldn't sell the USA out. Remember the insurrection

THINK Sure you will. Russia Russia Russia

THINK Republicans grabbing at straws because they are done. Put a fork in it.

THINK No shit


THINK Now do Jared and Ivanka - And we mean that

THINK 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 never gonna happen, Hunter and other certain democrats have criminal immunity because they are democrats.

THINK If found to be true it’s nothing in comparison to what Orange Julius has unleashed

THINK W.James …whoever…..you must be kidding. Your statement is so one sided and hypocritical that it does not deserve much of a response. 🙄 stunning…

THINK This is a lousy hit piece by a politics editor from a competing, rabidly partisan news org that wholly ignores the actual corruption of the former president's children who ACTUALLY WORKED IN GOVERNMENT. Expected from the Washington Examiner, but truly shameful from NBC News.

THINK I don't think someo e associated with The Daily Caller/ Washington Examiner should be quoted on NBC unless wants to tarnish their reputation.

THINK This tells you all you need to know..By W. James Antle III, politics editor, WASHINGTON EXAMINER

THINK If he's done something wrong, fine. There must also be the same scrutiny of the 3 adult Trump children as it appears they were heavily involved in financial wrongdoings.

THINK Even if everything he’s accused of is 100% true, he’s committed fewer crimes with orders of magnitude less societal harm than the Trump crime family and their enablers.

THINK I don’t see Hunter on tv everyday being political. Conversely, I don’t see the media being overly critical of the Trump Crime Family who IS on tv every day being political.


THINK Bring this same energy to the Trump kids

THINK If he wasn’t a Biden we’d never hear his name spoken.

THINK 🤣 what a joke! The golden boy of the Democratic Party. Daddy’s not gonna let anybody touch him 🦨

THINK Of course because we never get the real story from any of you. Ever. Not one of you ever completes your mission which is to bring the unvarnished and objective truth to we the people. You scrub it, twist it & then we get a version that is aligned w your political views.

THINK We should investigate who names someone “W. James Antle III”.

THINK There's nothing to any of these allegations. The allegations are a fraction of what Trump has explicitly and publicly stated having already done. Trumpworld funneled hundreds of millions in tax dollars to his businesses. There's receipts to all of this.

THINK So would Donald Trump

THINK Press is not unbiased gov department. Stop the senseless election ploy

THINK Ha, NBC blind-eye Harvey Weinstein story now wants to blow smoke. Smdh

THINK Hunter Biden isn't running for any political office. We have bigger felons that are, scrutinize them!

THINK How about the 2 BILLION DOLLARS that J KKushner got from the Saudis after the election? Haven't heard a WORD from you people about that. What did KKushner SELL to the Saudis? Intell documents perhaps

THINK Next do Jared and Ivanka and their 400 mill grift from the WH and the 2bill from the Saudis.

THINK So let me get this straight, a gun purchase and taxes are the biggest criminal charges against Hunter Biden. But Trump dodging and evading taxes by knowingly changing the value of his properties isn't? And the 2nd ammendment crowd, going after Biden for a gun purchase?

THINK While the Trumps get billions from the Saudis. Antle is why American 'journalism' isn't respected anymore

THINK Yeah cause you've done such a great job covering Jared and Ivanka who actually worked in the White House. Give me a break.

THINK If he’s guilty, get him. The trumps are also guilty, get them.

THINK Where were you at October 2020 on this, HMM

THINK Stop. Now do Trump’s grifter spawn.

THINK There is so much worse out there right now! Geez! trump family of grifters for billions.

THINK In the meantime maybe look into a $2B payoff to the Trump Cabal. It seems the disappearance of hundreds of classified documents and a subsequent $2B Saudi check may be more than a coincidence.

THINK Here is the media again, trying to make Hunter Biden a thing by using a Washington Examiner reporter written article.

THINK Until I hear why Jared Kushner pocketed $2 billion in Saudi money, I won't care a whit about Hunter Biden.


THINK That does it. I'm not voting for Hunter

THINK Yeah he could have 128 top secret documents that all belong to the government...but go in front of zealots and say 'give me my stuff back.. that you planted on me '

THINK Oh no! NBC doing journalism! But that's MY team! Whatabout whatabout whatabout....

THINK The 'Press' has not scrutinized any major concern with the USA for decades.

THINK About that...

THINK Don’t forget about the big guy .. Sources say they have all the information on the bidens family dealings … why do you think Joe keeps funding million tyo Ukraine , why take that chance but now this could be really bad , if DOJ only prosecutes and more known info comes out

THINK 3 years too late

THINK Dear , You should be ashamed of sharing this drivel. Do better!

THINK Stop with this B.S. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. The only reason you are attacking him is because he has a family member in politics. This is seriously concerning. We aren’t a fascist state. We don’t go after political rivals families never stepped foot in to politics.

THINK NBC…are you feeling ok? This is highly unlike you.

THINK Hunter Biden is an embarrassment to his father. He is no different than trump’s corrupt children.

THINK Have you done a deep dive into Jarad Kushner yet? Or Ivanka? When will the MSM 'seriously scrutinize' their ventures? Russia and China ring a bell? Hell, how about Sadia Arabia? Talk about taking advantage of a last name AND position in the F'ing WHITE HOUSE.

THINK Who is W. James Antle III or nbc News think? nbc and the apprentice can GFY with that advice.

THINK Hunter2024?

THINK Why did republicans attack on President Biden’s son of Hunter Biden? He didn’t work for him anyway. Focus on Trump’s family too. They are criminal!!!

THINK Who the frac is W. James Antle III? And why should I care what he has to say about anything

THINK If someone stole Kushner's laptop or Don Jr or Ivanka. Then took and turned it in to the FBI. The republicans would be screaming about treason and having the person persecuted.

THINK and THINK Anything written by anyone at the Washington Examiner is suspect for veracity, let alone intelligence. This is a thinly shaded “hit” piece promoting a story about tax evasion—only because of the name of the person investigated.

THINK FFS he’s NOT an elected official. The things the press actually need to scrutinize are Congress members stock purchases, PPP loans and TFG’s tax returns, Mnuchin and Kushner’s Saudi money etc.

THINK Do Trump family first.


THINK nope. it’s all a set up by MAGA trolls.

THINK Really you take an opinion from the Washington Examiner?

THINK W. James Antle III would totally be up for another hearing to 'seriously scrutinize' butter emails and Benghazi, if it would keep any scrutiny away from Trump stealing documents or the vast amount of money that continues to flow into the Trump cabal coffers. Bless his heart.

THINK seriously? you print this sht from the washington examiner?

THINK Opinion - no they don't. The press does not need to investigate a private citizen named biden becuase republicans want to use him to deflect from the massive coruption of Jared Kushner getting two billion dollars from his friend MBS while Trump steals classified docs

THINK W. James Antle III is the politics editor of the Washington Examiner, the former editor of The American Conservative, and author of Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped?.

THINK Nice propaganda piece as you completely ignore everything trumps children did while he was president. Trumps children committed crimes while they were given positions of power.... Hunter has an addiction and is not in any position of power...

THINK We live in a country that is so party blind that Hunter and Kushner couldn't possibly both be guilty of something at the same time and both need investigated.

THINK You’re right it would have been different. Trump Jr would’ve been jailed the same day the laptop story came out.

THINK Why? Is Hunter Biden working in the administration?


THINK I'm not going to say 'but...' - I'm going to say 'and...' IF Hunter committed crimes, he should be indicted and tried and yes, jailed. AND all of the treasonous, corrupt Trump family and friends should be indicted, tried, and jailed.

THINK Jared and Ivanka got billions from the Saudis. Ivanka got hundreds of Chinese patents. This isn’t a Biden problem…

THINK Yeah because NBC wants tax breaks 🤣🤣🤣

THINK I think we should scrutinize the unqualified people from the previous administration yet made $$$$$$$$$ as soon as they left office.

THINK Yeah, he wouldn’t have had an FBI investigation at all.

THINK Oh FFS. Really?! What does Hunter Biden have to do with any of us? If he broke the law than hold him accountable IF our justice system holds everyone similarly accountable. But it’s looking like you get a pass of you’re MAGA. So the media can just F off when it comes to Hunter

THINK Press and “seriously scrutinize”? The press now days is seriously lacking in this quality-unless there is a book deal to be had.

THINK Nobody is giving Hunter Biden a pass…he’s been investigated for years…either indict him or shut up. Ivanka and Jared next up.

THINK The press except fox hasn’t been willing to shit!!!

THINK And Jared’s 2 BILLION?

THINK Is he working in the White House? Until IvankaTrump and Jared are held accountable I don’t want to hear shit.

THINK Hunter Biden is not part of the Administration. Why didn’t the press seriously scrutinize Jared and Ivanka who were part of the administration and made a boatload of money while in the administration? Did you ever tweet something like this about them? Shame on you if not.

THINK Oh please…trump’s son and son in law have gotten away with an unprecedented amount of grift, each one far exceeding anything Hunter did, and the fucking media, including has consistently given them a free pass. Hunter das never given a job working in the White House.

THINK This is pure Russian OPO research

THINK Trump is committing crimes and obstruction in Real Time. Stay Focused, NBC.

THINK Hunter Biden could walk out into the middle of 5th Ave. and shoot and kill someone and I'd still vote for Joe!

THINK And btw the DOJ & FBI weren't the ones who released info on any potential charges he could face but rather it was some agents within the FBI trying to spring an 'October surprise' just before the midterms

THINK He's a right winger who writes for the Washington Examiner so of course he's going to look for something w/Hunter Biden.

THINK Written by someone from the Washington examiner…. Typical propaganda

THINK So the press should also be investigating the $2billion Jared Kushner got from the bone saw killers, correct?

THINK Why repeat the bias?

THINK Washington Examiner. And that says it all.

THINK I’m all for that! But please separate this case from President Biden.

THINK Is he running for office? Nobody cares

THINK I doubt he is guilty of much. But in any case we watched crimes commited right in front of us with TFG and his merry band of Seditionists and they are apparently not going to be held responsible for their crimes. So clearly justice is broken in this country.

THINK Wait Hunter Biden is not Our PRESIDENT! Hunter Biden is Hunter Biden and if He’s anything Like His Father He’s A good Person. I haven’t seen Him on TV Supporting Political Misconducts Like Some Previous Presidents Children Honestly Have You? Stop the Hate and Hypocrisy Please!

THINK LMAO! The same can be said for Donald Trump who was not only a candidate for president, but a sitting president! Until justice is served against Trump, as it would be any other American, it's laughable to talk about investigating or charging anyone else!

THINK NBC gives magaphone to Washington Examiner “political editor” 🙄🙄🙄

THINK Go after Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric!


THINK Good article. You’ll have plenty to cover if Repubs win back the house & there’s a REAL investigation into possible corruption of the Biden’s. We might possibly have a compromised president (not to mention his mental decline to add to the horror) & that’s very unsafe for the U.S.

THINK Well the press might have been more interested in Hunter Biden say, if he had a position in the Biden administration. You know, like the Trump kids did. Especially if he had a position in the administration that he milked for 640 million dollars. Grifting. Or hawking Goya…

THINK They're still working on all the Trump kids.

THINK Congressional investigations? He's not in Congress last I checked why are people treating him as such. I don't recall him committing any crimes that would even warrant such a response.

THINK I'm not voting for Hunter or any Republicans

THINK What bullshit. The corruption and crimes found here is staggering. And this puff piece is all?

THINK The press needs to cover the corruption IN THE REPUBLICAN APRTY WITH NO EXCUSES AND TRUMPS children. Ivanka and Jared patents. billions made overseas using the Whitehouse. Tax evasion, russian spies around at all times Coverups, revenge investigations Lies every single day. Jan/6

THINK Unless there’s proof he benefitted through his father’s office power illegally, i couldn’t care less. If he’s guilty send him to jail.

THINK Yes please. Don’t one side this sh*t. We cannot trust a media who’s biases affect their reporting.

THINK If he was serving in his father's administration yes. Otherwise, I don't care. If he did something wrong then charge him. But Trump seems to get away with everything. We are sick of it. Focus on saving our democracy; not the damn ratings.

THINK Nepotism was rife in the Trump administration. People without security clearance got posts in government based on their family ties to Trump, that’s one hell of a difference.

THINK If today Hunter Biden and Donald Trump we’re both arrested who do you think would be more triggered.

THINK Like they did Jared and Ivanka? Like all the patents Ivanka miraculously got from China while Trump was president?


THINK Still pushing this op ed by whoever the hell this guy is?

THINK Hunter Biden paid the 'Big Guy' 10% of his take. JoeBiden gladly accepted. Follow the money, and seriously scrutinize where it ended up...and why.

THINK We literally had a “president” committ crimes and he’s not in jail. Can y’all focus please? This man has authority over nothing. Yet the trumps conned their way thru 4 years

THINK Cool lock him up, but by no means does his dumb actions exonerate republicans

THINK Do Americans really still listen to the opinions of men with names like W. James Antle III?

THINK How about Trump's sister? Scrutinize that

THINK Media admitting Hunter story was legit after censoring it helped get the big guy elected. Cute. Too late.

THINK Y’all so hot in the ass for Trump you’re pretending to “forget” the Biden, Clinton, other crap out there. Pull your head out of the sand. Move along from Trump because the libs are burning down the house AND taking the town with it!

THINK Arrangements for cobalt purchases by Hunter Biden from China and Russia for electric vehicles since 2010 plays into the Nancy legislative laws to go electric and Newsom is also participating.

THINK “Legitimate public interest.” 🙄

THINK You people treated the trumps the way you should have been treating these pedophile druggie bidens

THINK Yeah, private citizen Hunter never worked for the government or the administration… I’m definitely interested in the Kushner 2 billion dollar Saudi deal and want his WhatsApp convos though.

THINK This is BS

THINK If his name were Hunter Trump he'd be in the White House during Trump's administration making policy to help him make money and get close to zero media scrutiny for it. You know, like Ivanka and Jared.

THINK Why, the press has yet to scrutinize the business dealings of Jared Kushner & Bonesaw Sparky McSaudi.

THINK Sure, he also is not in office or running for office unlike trump who was freakin President

THINK Trump would have pardoned him if it were his son before the FBI investigation began.

THINK Cool Mr. Antle. Now do the trump crime spawn.

THINK If Donald Trump Jr did the same s*** he would be in solitary confinement..

THINK nbc pandering…again

THINK The USA LEGAL SYSTEMS instructions are to legal age adults having to get a witness credible make available to the PUBLIC Governor's health records REQUIRED by Law of all individuals involved 1/2 $ of Politicians pay awarded to a hazardous human being HALT


THINK Since Obama first became President & even before the US Injustice Department has been a Demorat Partisan branch of the government & since then has become a corrupt, 100% Demorat Partisan branch that will not prosecute any Demorat criminality & especially the Biden crime family !

THINK What idiocy! If Biden committed crimes, then he should be prosecuted. Just like Trump and all those who participated in the J6 Coup. However, Biden's Special Counsel was appointed under improper and possibly illegal political pressure from Trump.

THINK He’ll be fired by end of week for this.

THINK W. James Antle III is right wing loon. The only people who want Hunter Biden investigated are MAGA's who don't think laws apply to them

THINK Except he never was on the government payroll, like the Trump clan.


THINK Jared Kushner sold state secrets to the Saudis for 2 billion dollars. Don Jr and ivanka have been fleecing the IRS, banks and insurance companies literally for decades. The destruction the trump family has wrought on the world is unfathomable. But sure, let’s talk about Hunter.

THINK Your way late to the party. Your corrupt. The media is bought & paid for. U killed the Harvey Weinstein story. U protected so many pedos & your whole broadcast is based on politics. The days of reporting & investigating are long gone. Your news cast is insignificant now. Sorry

THINK Here's the difference. The GOP allows a former US president to be a traitor who has stolen classified documents. A traitor who was impeached twice. Democrats actually want Justice and I'm fine with Hunter being in jail. Mega cultists want authoritarianism.

THINK Maybe if the media had done there job and not selective reporting to weaponize and manipulate the American voter people would have voted differently and they would not be bled dry by the current administration with Biden-O-nomics knows better than Jeff Bezo’s …LOL

THINK The headline is right. If his name was Hunter Trump, the right wing echo chamber wouldn’t have any concerns over anything Hunter had done.

THINK Hunter’s scandal was silenced in Press prior to 2020 Presidential election.

THINK Of course. As the press should be doing with the trump 'children.' Democrats don't tend to expect special treatment as the Republicans do.

THINK Does anyone really believe that President Biden is not going to try to influence this investigation? He is going to be right in the middle.

THINK Not even in the same league as Orange Insurrectionist Cult Leader! Shame on you NBC!!

THINK Why is it so hard to have the opinion that if they did something illegal, they should go to jail for it? Don’t care if it’s a Biden or Trump.

THINK It was a tax issue that he has paid. If he is to be treated like everyone else this would have been long over. But a maga FBI agent is stretching this for the most political blowback he can get.

THINK Jared got $2 billion IvankaTrump receive patents from China …..?

THINK This is laughable considering what the Trump Mafia Gang has done to our country while (supposedly) working for the American people.


THINK Let’s be clear, if Hunter Biden had a different last name, no one would of investigated him. Trust me if there was obvious crimes he would of been indicted months ago by the Trump appointed US attorney that Joe Biden left in place.

THINK You mean like jaredkushner

THINK LOOOL Taxes You mean CORRUPTION Or his laptop


THINK You mean like the press & Congress “seriously scrutinized” Don. Jr., Ivanka, Jared, and Eric? Give us a break. From charity theft, tax fraud, outright grift from the WH to post presidency billion dollar “loan” from Saudi Arabia. They have yet to face any real consequences.

THINK POTUS will have to go mid term...thank you for your dis service...

THINK Going after the kids is wrong

THINK Why play fair the Republicans won’t

THINK They won’t….wrong party, imagine if a trump kid got paid millions from Russia China and Ukraine

THINK Yeah, like the press scrutinized Jared and Ivanka’s windfall while “working” in the White House. 👌🏻

THINK NBC is guilty of hiding this story

THINK Leave Hunter Biden Alone

THINK NBC news trying to salvage what little credibility it has left by finally acknowledging that the Biden’s are knee deep in corruption….


THINK Are they going to investigate the Trump kids with equal diligence?

THINK now do Ivanka and Jared who actually were on the Whitehouse payroll.

THINK Really NBC! I'm so fucking ashamed of you.

THINK For fuck sake - trump and his family have skated for years Treat them all the same

janeyfreys THINK Jumping on the bandwagon about two years too late. I’m not impressed.

THINK The DOJ has to indict Hunter if it is called for and establish that no one is above the law and then indict Trump for what are far more and far more serious crimes.

THINK Hunter Biden compromised Joe Biden on several occasions. It’s all coming out soon, and MBC is on the wrong side of reporting.

THINK In the future lol

THINK Just like the press does with tabloid bullshi

THINK Media laser focused on important matters leading up to midterms. Maybe check out those Trump properties.

THINK Like they did Jared, Ivanka, Jr, Eric, Melania and Donnie.

THINK Yup he would get away with everything and live on our tax dollars

THINK DBChirpy Agreed and same goes with Trump, Jr. Ivanka, Jared, and Erik. I’m over Trump crime family getting away with crimes, and the media, who is to be America’s watch dog, are lap dogs, with dog collars of foreign $$ tied to them. ABC CBSNews CNN

THINK If we really were a country governed by the rule of law, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in. Sure, scrutinize HB. But mostly he's our new clickbait.

THINK And talk more about the deer Kushner and Ivanka Trump the money they got from Saudi Arabia

THINK This has to be fake. No way the liberal shrills at NBC would ever publish a story that is not approved by the DNC.

THINK He should be investigated like any other citizen and if found guilty held accountable. Same goes for DT.

THINK Pres. Biden has done nothing to interfere and partisans have been conflating facts to more than they are. Why project something different than that? Also, are you investigating Jared's $2B from Saudi negotiated WHILE he was in the WH. That's far more serious.

THINK The 'Washington Examiner'?😏 That's the GOP way, not the Dems. Rule of law prevails, we don't try private citizens in the press. GOPHypocrisy VoteOutEveryRepublican

THINK Most of traitor trump's offspring have done far more heinous things and yet they are not under the microscope. Jared, the boy traitor, received billions from Saudi criminals. And the biggest treasonous traitor in US history, the orange ape walks free to promote violence and lies.

THINK Hey NBC. You dont cover an ex pres. Or his crime family. You constantly do the 'both sides do it' b.s. who decided on THINK because you obviously dont!

THINK I mean if Hunter Biden is indicted, the media is sure to cover it like any other celebrity trial (eg Winona Ryder). But that's all the deliberative significance it will have; tax evasion and lying on a gun application don't implicate his father or anyone else.

THINK Whoever covers Hunter Biden, make sure to cover Donald Trump and his family as well, just to be fair. While you look for the tree (Hunter Biden), don't miss the forest (Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, and Trump family). 😂😂😂

THINK This is an ongoing narrative by a few Corporations (Former News) Antitrust

THINK Well, this looks like someone is now cashing checks from the GOP as payment to direct all future media coverage on the sham political performance pieces planned in the future as a PR stunt. Will NBC follow facts or become a 3 ring circus act like FOX or CNN?

THINK Yes and while we are at it can the press find out why Jared kushner got 2 billion from Saudi Arabia? I care FAR more about that.

THINK notice the diff in tone between dems and reps? dems say if hunter broke the law, charge him, not trying to find twisted ways to defend him..Reps are party of law/order? and these new potential 'charges' aren't even related to accusations RW makes against him

THINK Were more interested in our elected govt officials crimes. Like trump

THINK Wait, what? NBC actually reporting on this story that broke last week? Hum something doesn't seem right here. What is the plan

THINK So, Jared gets 2 billion from the Saudis, his father in law stole top secret documents as well as being under criminal investigation, and zero scrutiny. If Hunter were a Trump he'd be laughed off as a typical Trump.

THINK Antle is a known right-wing stooge. 'NBC News THINK' Lol... Pro Tip. Giving a platform to fascists never works out well. In the end, the alligator will also eat you.

THINK They hypocrisy still astounds me, I swear. WHEN are Trump and his rotten kids going to be indicted?

THINK When you've lost W. James Antle III you've-- wait, who the hell is W. James Antle III?

THINK Why? Do they do that with the Trump hooligans? I could care less what Hunter did because it pales in comparison to say what Jared has done.

THINK Make my private pilot head of FAA


THINK Angle is a right-wing garbage propaganda hack. NBC is stooping pretty damn low to bother covering anything he writes.

THINK “Please pay attention to the show trial propaganda that will be firehosed at you for the next two years of the GOP takes the majority because other than tax cuts for the 1% and deregulation that’s all they do”

THINK Then they can do a deep dive into Jared, Ivanka, Eric & Jr. t

THINK Oh yeah. Are the Trump kids in jail yet? No? They are guilty of more serious crime including tax evasion and fraud. I'm no Hunter Bidenfanbut fair is fair.

THINK Trump if he were a trump he would be home free

THINK You're printing the political editor of the WASHINGTON EXAMINER? What's wrong..the editors at the Daily Caller were busy?

THINK I really don’t understand why anyone should give a crap about Hunter Biden. He wouldn’t be the first person in the world to use a parents influence to get a job. If he broke a law he should be held accountable. I highly doubt it’s something that rises to an impeachable offense.

THINK If his name were Hunter Trump the Republicans would have been praising his actions as heroic. 9_9

THINK What office does this man hold? How is the press doing covering the grift of the past president’s children… who actually held positions in his administration? And benefited greatly, directly from said positions.

THINK That FBI leak was pretty obvious a political hit. FBI doesn’t charge. Not their job. Until there is something charged by DOJ it is just Republican propaganda because we shouldn’t know fbi investigations.

THINK Just shows how inbred & corrupt the swamp is. Anyone trying to drain it should beware. Remember it was Democrats who tried setting up a 'Minestry of truth ' like in Communist China and now have 87000 IRS agents to harass anyone who questions them. Need major change in November.

THINK China's running dogs Western powerful people such as Trump and his son-in-law are all brain-control cannibals, grab others' bodies, so they need electric current sunlight to prevent shrinkage. So everyone is inexplicably sweating, and had coronavirus and “Monkeypox”.

THINK Well that does it! I'm not voting for him!

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Source: WTVYNews4 - 🏆 590. / 51 Read more »

Potential Hunter Biden charges are 'grave problem' for Biden family: Miranda DevineFox News contributor Miranda Devine reacts on 'America Reports' to a Washington Post report of potential charges against Hunter Biden after years of investigation. That's when I know it's a slow news night at FOX. Trot out Hunter again. I bet even your viewers are tired of you crying wolf all the time... Next do the Trump Spawns... Thinking this is basically a threat to biden’s puppet masters to not run for re-election otherwise they will bring out the whole story.
Source: FoxNews - 🏆 9. / 87 Read more »