Opinion | Everything Is Broken: 5 Interventions for the Democratic Party

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Democrats should say clearly: 'Republicans have sold out to the rich. Republicans have sold out to big oil. Republicans have sold out to the NRA. Republicans have sold out to white male supremacists.'

The horrific Uvalde massacre, and the Republican non-response, confirms what many of us have thought: the U.S. political process is broken. Not"strained" or"damaged" but rather"rent asunder." America's political process can't be repaired by applying duct tape. It needs reconstructive surgery.

In 2022, the United States has two political parties. Democrats, who mostly support democracy . And Republicans, who are the party of unfettered capitalism; the party where"money talks and principle walks." Heading into the November election, it is vital to pass laws to protect election workers, same-day registration, and early voting. It is also necessary to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which directly addresses the state legislatures' electoral power grab. The vast majority of Americans want common-sense gun reform. The place to start is with mandatory background checks for gun purchases and a reinstated ban on assault weapons.


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Democrats should pass laws and stand against any billionaire or super pac attempting to turn an election in their favor by the use of $$$$. When Democrats are trying to wipe out other Democrats, we should be asking why.

The problem is that the Dems sold out to the same entities. They can push for PublicCampaignFinance if they want to regain their moral superiority.

George Soros is not a Republican. Democrats condone violence. Democrats condone racism. Democrats have sold out to BLM and Antifa. Democrats condone adults teaching kids about sex.

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