Opinion: Do you not realize we watch Fox News to get the other side of the story?

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United States Headlines News

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Also: How can you be conservative if you do not advocate for conserving the rule of law,...

Regarding “Trend not conservative — it’s autocratic,” : Michael Taylor’s exceptionally cogent analysis demands that we understand our Constitution, and that in particular we focus on the complicated functions of the First Amendment. Amidst too many confusing cries and overwrought protestations about preserving American freedoms, we keep missing a key axiom of liberty, namely that it cannot exist without matching responsibility.

A similar axiom, often noted, is that we can never have peace without also ensuring justice. So likewise, we will never deserve our freedoms without also tying them to our responsibilities. The corollary is that we won’t ever deserve free speech without assuring responsible speech. To shout “Fire!” in the crowded theater is plainly irresponsible speech. Yet, even now we face an awkwardly designed and poorly managed cyber theater.

And even now, when individuals and corporations speak freely, rightly and responsibly, public officials autocratically try to punish them or slander them with irresponsible speech. As Taylor points out, “Our system depends on getting slapped down...” It is high time for us to exercise our prerogative for responsible democratic action.


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But the other side is largely disconnected from reality and is a propaganda machine.

Fox doesn’t have a side of the story, their own lawyers will very clearly state they don’t provide news or journalists. They provide entertainment and hosts

Not the other side; it’s misinformation.. that’s not the other side

Where you write OPINION, write LETTERS instead. Random MAGA letters don't add up to opinions worth valuing.

The fictional side of the story

I don't watch this trash. In fact, I mute every repub campaign commercial that comes on. Next.

You’re getting a darker side of the same story. CNN, WaPo, NYT, MSNBC, Fox and talk radio can all be shallow capitalist trash

People watch Fox news to be pandered to. To be told what to think, because they too lazy, or too stupid, to form their own opinions. It's not news. It's not journalism. It's punditry, disinformation and outlandish conspiracy theories.

Especially since it would try to defend self described entertainment posing as news

It’s behind a paywall, could some post screenshots or something

And you still get it wrong? K

Hmmm. So you actually have to pay for a subscription to see what you are commenting about? Next...

Most switched to Newsmax after Fox gave up the election pretty much by themselves. If we can leave Fox after years we really are after the truth. Mostly it shows itself. What is Chron crying about anyway? You've changed a family member who works there into 1 of you. Very bad.

Fact: FoxNews spews biased conservative propaganda. Shame, because some local markets are real news outlets.

Really, replacement theory is just the 'other side of the story'?! FUCKING BULLSHIT!!

Garbage. Pure garbage.

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