Opinion | Democrats should pack the court (and more) if McConnell confirms a Trump nominee

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Opinion | Scott Lemieux: 'Packing the court, ending the filibuster and giving Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood should all be on the table, if all norms are off the table.' - NBCNewsTHINK

Other Republicans’ arguments for the differential treatment of this vacancy have been nonsense and insulting to the intelligence of the American electorate they once claimed to be protecting. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, — who is on Trump’s shortlist for a nomination —

Still, accusing a smarmy politician of hypocrisy on procedural matters is ultimately not going to cause them to change course; it’s like accusing water of being wet. The real question is what Democrats intend to do if McConnell is able to get a midnight Trump nominee to the Supreme Court confirmed. On Saturday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

The philosophical case for reforming the Supreme Court — should Democrats take over the Senate and White House in 2021 — is straightforward. While it’s possible that Trump could win re-election, virtually nobody, including Trump’s most fervent supporters, believes that Trump will win the popular vote over Joe Biden; he didn’t over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Assuming that’s correct, it would mean Democrats will have won the popular vote in seven out of the last eight presidential elections.

Indeed, the previous periods in history in which the Supreme Court was controlled by an opposition faction — the early Jefferson administration, the Civil War and first years of the New Deal — all led to constitutional crises that ended only when the court itself backed down.


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It’s time to plan secession and dismantling of the country. Red states become 3rd world countries without their loathed blue states keeping them afloat. bluestateshavethemoney

Whatever you may personally feel, the man is the sitting president and he has every right to appoint a replacement. Period.

Is the court supposed to appeal to the American people or are they supposed to follow the rule of law and the constitution? It’s not a popularity contest.

Scott who? Another crazy person amongst us!!!

If Democrats want control of the Courts, write better laws and they'll have all the control our Constitution allows them! I worry about a group who thinks their best plan's to take control of the Third Leg of Govenment to give them more control over us, sounds tyrannical don't it


Why can't the Republicans pack the court? Be careful what you wish for

Focus on their faces. They tell all the dislike each has for the other.

I know & agree!! The damn Democrats don’t even try to pretend anymore that they are for the middle class & making life better for ALL the American people. They just want to control the people, control government, take all freedoms & rights away & turn this into Communist USA.

What a threat. You people have no scruples.


Dems will have to expand the Supreme Court.

If the Republicans do this. The gloves come off and the Dems have EVERY right to pack the court. Also add DC and Puerto Rico as states. I loathe the Republicans and their spineless lack of honesty and integrity.

Shall I vomit now or later? TrumpIsANationalDisgrace MoscowMitchMustGo

That should win over fence-sitting voters...

They just cannot cope with losing anything.. they would rather burn the country to the ground than accept that other people should also have a say.

OK. Let's do this.


Lol sore losers

Nobody cares about your opinion

THINK First episode of Strictly airs to mixed reviews

THINK Considering Dems already have rioters terrorizing Americans, no one expects Democrat goodwill. DemocratsTheEnemyWithin Democrats

THINK I think you should consider directing your anger harryreid ?


THINK You do know that when you pull the plug. Nothing is working anymore.

THINK Puerto Rico: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo me going be purple state.

THINK How about all of the above...11 on the Supreme Court, DC and Puerto Rico statehood, 4 more dem Senators, end the filibuster, increase to 100 federal judges...

THINK Yeah ok what ever you say 👌👍🥱

THINK Please refrain and stand down. Republicans please come to your senses and convict President Trump now.

THINK I'm confused. How is filling a SCOTUS seat, as per the Constitution, NOT the norm?

THINK Instead of defending ' We The People's 'rights the Republican Party and Senate are of a vicious 'our way or highway' mentality and 'To Hell With We The People' type of government and democracy.


THINK It is perfectly normal to nominate a person to fill a vacancy

THINK The real estate salesman & the turtle with a Russian spy factory in his state ' If U do not think Putin will exploit the plant U missed Communism 101 Putin 'HATES: Democracy The USA in particularly USA brought down his beloved USSR He is using potus 4 revenge

THINK How about this?

THINK make good trouble for the corrupt djt gop party/.and there trying to appoint another scotus nominee,the precedent has been set in feb on obamas adm 10 months before he left office/.mcconnell would not even give garland a vote/.the gop want it both ways/.by hook or crook/.

THINK Would give anything to know what was going on in their minds when the photo was taken

THINK These old men don't care anyway. They'd be long gone to feel the impact their hypocrisy

THINK legislation for a legislative process corrupt at it's core, do you have any idea how hollow what you're suggesting sounds?

THINK I’ll buy that! This is all on the GOP!

THINK Puerto Rico, possible, DC is a no go, not a territory, Constitutional question approved by the states

THINK Maybe pack it with 71 justices? Why not?

THINK Ridiculous.

THINK That's pretty stupid

THINK Temper tantrums are increasing.



THINK If we have learned anything... when in Rome do as the Romans. Even if Rome is burning..:::

THINK Leftist opinion says what?!

THINK So constitutional crisis of a temper tantrum, sounds cool.

THINK When President Trump is reelected he should end the filibuster. add 3 more justices to the Supreme Court, give Washington DC back to Maryland, and make Puerto Rico an independent country not tied to the US territories, and take back the 13 billion we just gave them!

THINK It's desperation we smell, nothing else!

THINK Puerto Rico was bankrupt under Obama - they owe $78 Billion _ trade for Greenland sounds good


THINK How fast the Left slides into tyranny!

THINK Dems changing their tune.

THINK What 'norm' is off the table at this point.

THINK What are they gonna do? Act like children while rioting, looting, and committing arson Never

THINK I haven’t seen Democrats this mad since Republicans forced them to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964

THINK Absolutely, 100%, this should all be done... It all makes sense and would benefit the country.

THINK DC statehood. PR statehood. Bang. 4 Dem Senators.

THINK And Overturn Citizens United.

THINK Shut down the government. Time to go big or go home. Their lifeblood is money.

THINK You lefties are going to do all that anyway. You will do anything to get and retain power.


THINK who has the say,,mayby in 2021 the democrats will add 4 more scotus nominees to the supreme court/. so do not get in a big debate of how corrupt the gop are & is/. we need them like a extra hole in the head/.

THINK The ruthlessness has no bottom.

THINK No, you lead the Box Step .

THINK Nobody agrees with you Scott

THINK You can thank Harry. I don't believe in karma but there you have it.

THINK What I have been saying. Democraps need to grow a pair. Also on the table should be total government shut down.

THINK Welcome to the broadcast

THINK NewsBusters newsbusters · 1h Like a child, political director chucktodd makes faces, rages at GOP senator, claims Dems wouldn’t fill seat

THINK ThePrimwWord 글로벌주일예배(2020.9,21) Those who reject God's holiness will come to judgment. This is the time just before the rapture. Prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

THINK So I'm watching this live news station that's in Russia right now. And it's 1:42am & dark as can be over there. But here in Colorado it's 4:42pm with the sun shining bright. And so now I'm asking myself this question. How can this be happening on a Flat Earth?

THINK We should start with term limits for senators and reps - ...

THINK These things should be ON the table regardless. They’re methods of expanding democracy in a nation of increasingly minority rule. The framing of these as proportionate to republicans stealing Supreme Court seats is bizarre but completely expected. Another win for both sides-ism.

THINK Combined SD and ND

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