Opinion | David Brock: Kavanaugh's accuser can expect the Anita Hill treatment

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David Brock: Kavanaugh's accuser can expect the Anita Hill treatment from Republicans via NBCNewsTHINK


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NBCNewsTHINK A.Hill is right. There is no good reason for Ford to testify if law enforcement refuses to get involved. The FBI can get to the bottom of these accusations and the GOP knows it. That’s why they are pushing for a quick conformation vote without any FBI entanglements.

NBCNewsTHINK Meanwhile all republicans can been extremely kind and gentle towards her. Dems were expecting someone to say something inappropriate so that she could “justifiably” not testify. The miscalculated... again.

NBCNewsTHINK You tweet this as if you know the accuser is being truthful.

NBCNewsTHINK Opinion: One 38 year old accusation by someone who was drunk is already discredited.

THINK This guys opinion is stupid but hey anything to push the dem agenda anyway possible. Another way to try and delay this Not because of kavanaugh but because of trump.

THINK Tit for tat

THINK We the people see how far the Democrats will go to Obstruct. The will ruined a man with a FAKE MeToo movement just to get what they want. Where is their concern over Keith Ellison? Oh that's right he is a Democrat. Where is the Media on Keith Ellison? Oh that's right wrong party

THINK In 1991 yeah, but now they will treat Her with kid gloves. Fake news is going into overdrive to spin this. “She mush be heard” to “how can you expect her to talk” ConfirmKavanaughNow

THINK Oh goody, old white male cave dwellers, again. It's already partisan since the president refused to ask the FBI to investigate. There's no place but up and then, the mid-terms. 🤔

THINK Who, or what journalistic entity, who cares about credibility, quotes David Brock with a straight face?

THINK rightfully and would hope so. it’s a Dem created farce and everyone knows it. to say it’s anything else after the textbook way this has all went down is pathetic and a disgrace. we can only hope it gets exposed so they can be shamed.

THINK Sure David, turncoat...

THINK No SHIT! WOMEN already know how this little farce will end!

THINK Any man who allows that to happen is wanted to get his turn in retaking her verbally

THINK Only liberals lump sum everyone into groups - Anita and Judge Thomas are not the same people as Christine and Kavanaugh BUT the Democrats are still the crooked, liars, plotters, haters or all things conservative and especially SCOTUS judges.

THINK Nonsense. Kavanaugh did experience Bork.


NBCNewsTHINK I believe her! Dr. Ford is a courageous woman. KavanaughLied KavanaughWithdraw

THINK I love it when the left starts panicking when we beat them at their own “game” no matter how vicious it is... ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow

THINK If it wasnt for men taking advantage of women and keep their dick in the pants.women wouldn't have to go to extremes

todaly01 THINK Reps dont have to discredit her, it is hearsay. No evidence no witnesses no timeline nothing. Yall are disgusting human beings for even playin in to this lefty noise boo hoo we lost Trump won lets ruin this guys life.


THINK Mrs Ford seems to be discrediting herself. Changing her story and demanding the FBI investigate a teen age groping incident. A matter local authorities would have jurisdiction on. Her story is disputed by both other people she claims were there.

THINK Yeah davidbrockdc is a real credible voice on this

THINK Absolutely!

THINK She’s decided not to perjur herself. So Kavanaugh gets confirmed!

THINK Let me get this straight...Anita Hill is whose hero? Seriously? Let it sink in...from the rural towns through the crowded cities of this great green earth, there stands Anita Hill, a monument to integrity.🤣🤣🤣🤣

THINK Rowing, Rowing up or down deep water.

THINK In my opinion the Dems will go to no end to rig elections, bring in illegals and cover up their dirty dealings.

THINK It's a smear campaign that has been gradually ramped up as Kavanaugh's nomination looks more and more like being ratified. It's now in the desperation stages.

THINK Horrible how Anita Hill was treated! She spoke her truth by invitation and was destroyed verbally by the Senate Committee! Why would Professor Ford come out of the shadows of time and lie? We cannot allow her to be destroyed by the same GOP tactics in the 21st Century!

THINK So, make it right this time. LindseyGrahamSC OrrinHatch SenateMajLdr ChuckGrassley and all GOP on the justice committee. This will be another tipping point 2 your personal office as well of any of your colleagues. 11/6/18. Folks will remember everything you do. Think.

THINK the lengths to which DEMOCRATS will go in order to discredit KAVANAGH know no bounds

THINK Democrats have discredited Ford by using her experience as a political tool. Thanks to Democrats it’s open season on Ford.

THINK The attackers have always been Democrats. Every day a new attack against a conservative.

THINK Coke pubic can hair.

THINK David Brock is the piece of shit who smeared Bernie Sanders the entire 2016 primary and whose "Correct the record" social media army posted child porn in FB Bernie groups to get them shut down the night before the California primary.

THINK Ford doesn't know when, were, and the only other supposed witness claims didn't happen. 🤔On top of some pretty obvious motives for her to do this. U guys r disgusting. Obvious double standard. Make a person sick to see the idiots on ur band wagon😕

THINK Democratic politicians = pathetic humans beings who would do anything to win.... totally corrupt and despicable

THINK msnBCNews Not in this day and age !! An old scripture that’s true to this day reads, ‘HELL hath no fury like a woman SCORNED.’ !!! Plenty of scorned women over this and growing by the news flash.

THINK Sen. Feinstein should resign. She has enough experience to know how much time would have been needed to vet the Kavanagh-Ford issue back in July. ABC CBSNews FoxNews WSJ nytimes MSNBC POTUS WhiteHouse LindseyGrahamSC SenateMajLdr MeetThePress FaceTheNation

THINK As the lier should!

THINK Here we go again yet no one ever asked Hillary Clinton why she never turned in Bill for attacking dozens of poor women!!

THINK They should not be allowed to question her. This should be done by someone that doesn’t have an agenda. They will be cruel to this woman that was already put through hell by Kavanaugh.

THINK If all those senators behave like Prof. Anita Hills hearings then they would be looking forward to female voters & they will vote them out.

THINK Here’s what we do… Put them both on either the Steve Wilco show or the Maury Povich show… Have them take lie detector tests and then be done with it... but first, chart the results in crayon so the Senate understands it… Add unicorn stickers...

THINK Sen Grassley & his gang of thugs & are going to show their TRUE Colors on Monday. I really care less about what Mr. Kavanaugh did 30 yrs ago in HS. If this guy wants to show his Honor & Integrity take the Lie Detector Test like she did, This is not a court room.

THINK It’s funny that the media and left tout Anita Hill as some hero when she made baseless unprovable accusation yet the same media and Left shun Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky who proved Bill Clinton was a sexual praetor and harasser. One w/a lawsuit the other w/impeachment.

THINK Why? Because Judge Kavanaugh received the Democrat treatment of an 11th-hour unsubstantiated Hail Mary smear campaign?

THINK Fake news I can’t believe I ever watched that fake news station its horrible how they will say anything to make Mr Trump & his cabinet look bad I guess they forgot how to tell the truth. You think they would tell us about how our country if doing great now

THINK Well gosh David if this were A Clinton accuser Lanny Davis and James Carville would be out in front calling her trailer trash and lookin for a buck!

THINK Maybe they should just COMPLETELY IGNORE the accusers existence for 6 weeks... kinda like the Democrats did🤔

THINK Innocent until proven guilty

THINK Special K's accuser knows damn well what she's getting into. Sometimes it's worth it. But unlike Anita, now there are millions of strong women, many in the Senate, ready to stand with her.

THINK ConfirmKavanaugh


THINK To her credit Anita testified. Will Blakey Ford go under oath? Or will she find an excuse not to?

THINK How'd that work out?

THINK Ask her if she’s ever had an abortion

THINK No surprise. Republicans are ok with rape and sexual assault. I mean, look at their leader.

THINK well ...for the republicans it is all older white men ... say no more !

THINK You mean, just like Kavanaugh is going to get the Clarence Thomas treatment from dems. Same ole' situation, same ole' tricks by desperate old men and women. SMH.

THINK If this event is televised live, this will not go well for them. This is not 1991. Attacking the veracity of a woman during a Senate hearing without any evidence to the contrary showing she's not being honest is not going to get Kavanaugh the votes he needs. JMO

THINK You mean ask her to please provide verifiable proof of a crime from 30+ years ago or we're not going to submarine a man's life and career?

THINK Any victim can expect this treatment from our systems .

THINK There will be supporters that are behind her in the Committee Room, but also on MSNBC. It would be a suicide mission for the Republicans. PostponeTheVote MeToo StopKavanaugh


THINK A national news outlet prejudging something before it even happens.. what the hell happened to you guys? You are nothing more than FakeNews I am so sick and tired of all this bias.

THINK Go ask Joe Biden

THINK Time for the MeToo generation to march on congress

THINK Hell yes she should. If she's going to try and ruin his life with false accusations, she damn well deserves the same.

THINK Why do you say "unfortunately"?

THINK Unfortunately for and the rest of the left wing media, the can no longer hold the narrative and support Democrats’ agendas without being exposed or push back.

THINK Wow, David Brock, you need to go away and never come back. What you did to this country is unforgivable

THINK How about the Kennedy treatment?

THINK Juanita Broaddrick Paula Jones Kathleen Willey A lot of you had very different opinions when it was these women.

THINK Kavanaugh's accuser will be treated like a hero, she has conveniently saved the day for the left!!

THINK davidbrockdc Hi David. Who’s running comet pizza now that your ex boyfriend has been exposed?

THINK I believe we can expect the same results. Another tainted justice in the supreme court.

THINK This is a partisan issue. She doesn’t remember whose house, what house, she initially said it was 4 guys, now it’s 2, and it all came up during a marriage counseling session (stressful situation)she never before talked about this. No, I don’t believe her, too many blank spaces.

THINK Not so!! This is a different time!!

THINK I think Kavanaugh will experience “drunk, blackout frat boy” interrogation as there are his HS kegger groups, em about boys weekends with reminders to be discreet with spouses, etc., and references to gambling losses. He has a history of being a blackout drunk...no memories (?).

THINK They were both heard way more than Ellison’s accuser!


THINK Christine Blasey Ford, 38 yrs ago I was assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh, don't remember the town or place, it was 4 boys, now it is just two. 😂😂😂😂😂

THINK Instead of the Anita Hill treatment, maybe we should accept baseless charges if the accuser is female and it works against conservatives.

THINK How much cocaine and Percocet has Crazy Davey consumed today?

THINK Yep! Because not much has changed for women since then. I would like to think it has, but I am doubtful!

THINK Sad, but unfortunately true

THINK NoKavanaughVote Kavanaugh


THINK How about the Clarence Thomas treatment? He was confirmed and Kavanaugh will be too.

THINK Just as Kavanaugh is experiencing the same unwarranted abuse Thomas, and Bork, received from democrats.

THINK The GOP integrity bar has never been lower.

THINK Ford is flat-out lying. Complete bull💩 by the Democrats.

THINK 20 years later, NOTHING HAS CHANGED FOR WOMEN. Sad. Only 37% of Americans support Kavanaugh. The fact that the SenateGOP is STILL considering him, even after the blatant lies during hearing and now this accusation, tells us EVERYTHING we need to know about Rs. None of it good.

THINK Makes me sick that we have not made any progress in over 25 years!


THINK This tale is so convoluted & stale it is shameful & perverse to attempt to use it as credible...desperation doesn't begin to do justice to this tripe...

THINK Yeah i don’t believe either of them.

THINK Get rid of Megyn Kelly or I will never watch a NBC show again.

THINK davidbrockdc , Anita Hill’s veracity was proven by over 30 years as a SCOTUS Justice, Thomas has had zero accusations.

THINK Ms. Hill's life has not been ruined for falsely accusing Mr. Thomas. The argument that Ford did not want to come forward because her life would be ruined does not hold water.

THINK She has 0 credibility! Check her professor reviews from students!! She’s a wacko!!!

THINK If they do give Dr. Ford the “Anita Hill treatment”, they will suffer at the polls. The women of America will not put up with a repeat of 1992.

THINK Four score & 30 years ago when high schoolers were wearing bras on their heads in *Weird Science* I was thrust upon by hormonal teens seeking unlawful carnal knowledge after spiking the mixer punch.....

THINK It already started with Orrin Hatch’s comment that he believes she must be mistaken or confused .... give me a break! Old white guy living in a previous century ... when will they be retired?

THINK You mean the Juanita Broderick or Jennifer Flowers treatment

THINK Women will protect her.

THINK Pure garbage opinion by pure garbage David Brock.

THINK I hope they subpoena Ford's financial records with a stipulation to re-check them in a year, so we can see who is funding her and her conveniently uncorroborated memories.

THINK I don’t think it’s going to fly in 2018

THINK That's what Kavanaugh's accuser wants. That's why the opportunist waited until now to come forward. She wants to make a name for herself and get her 15 minutes of fame. Let the Republicans make her earn it.

THINK They both should expect scrutiny from Democrats and Republicans if the process is fair and unbiased.

THINK And the gop should expect to lose their jobs soon

THINK Where is David Brock now, and how will he help?

THINK Kavanaugh can expect the Clarence Thomas treatment from Democrats. Goes both ways.

THINK She's already getting it.

THINK The what treatment?


THINK Maybe, but the consequences will not be the same. MeToo Kavanaugh is going down.

THINK Why is David Brock, a man who even many people on the Left think is unhinged, being given a forum by ?

THINK It's obviously a ploy to try and stop the nomination. Should be happy anyone is willing to entertain this joke. Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

THINK This is a pile of rubbish. Step aside Clyde go retire. Millenials will take it from here, right Prudential?

THINK She can expect a repeat of the playbook I authored, I'm a good dude now though seriously...

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