Oklahoma sees rise in COVID cases following reopening as Trump plans major rally in Tulsa

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump supporters line up outside an arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where the president will hold his first campaign rally in months this weekend despite warnings from health officials about rising number of COVID cases.

Gov. Kevin Stitt rolled back the state's coronavirus precautions for businesses on May 1, when the state's health department said there were 3,748 total cases. As of June 19, there were 9,354 confirmed cases throughout Oklahoma, according to the health department.

MORE: Indoors, yelling and packed crowds: Experts sound alarm ahead of Trump's Tulsa rally amid coronavirus On Wednesday, Tulsa Health Department director Dr. Bruce Dart reported that 96 Tulsa County residents tested positive for the coronavirus, which set a new daily record for the city. He warned that large gatherings, like the one scheduled for Saturday by the president, could make the outbreak worse for residents.

Supporters of President Donald Trump camp outside the BOK Center, the venue for his upcoming rally, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 17, 2020.Tulsa Mayor G. T. Bynum also expressed concern about the rally and said he was not attending. However, he said he would not block it.Friday morning, Bynum said the event would be a good example to the rest of the country on how to reopen.


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Hope they got in. It looked packed.

But if it was protesters nothing would be said about it

May the plague be with you all....

Lays just get this out there now. The protesters were wrong for what they did as for as damage, lootin gathering in large crowds but I get the angst of it when you've been ignored for so long. Trump knows what he's doing and it's wrong as well. Any who take C19 lightly deserve it

These clowns need to go off and form their own nation...which would inevitably end up like Petoria from Family Guy.

Isn’t that desecrating the flag? “That son of a bitch”

A bomb would never help humanity more.

Freaks the lot of them.


And the thousands of protesters are fine?

They idolize a 🍊

Guy on the left looks like my hog shed

Weeks of protests & riots! Thousands gathering shoulder-to-shoulder! COVID took a back seat! Media covers & supports protests. No fear of pandemic spreading. NOW the pandemic is back in the news just in time for President Trump’s rally. TYPICAL LEFT LIBERAL MEDIA! HYPOCRITES!


where was your great concern over this?

Burn it. There is blasphemy on that flag.


Aw poor babies TrumpPeacefulProtest

Protestors are protestors. No one said they are not taking a risk&yea it could spread the virus. Not good. Trump is president. A world leader who is flaunting his disregard of COVID & holding a rally that is non essential in an area of COVID concern. What kind of leader is that?

You know what if you don’t care for BLM protests, don’t have the double standard for Trump Rallies! 🙄

Let’em. karma Darwinism evolution NaturalSelection

This is what winning looks like. Crazy how thousands of people can get together and be peaceful.

You are very fake news.

Go Covid!

That's an ugly suit.

Make sure you breathe and sneeze and cough on each other. trump has promised that you won’t get the virus so you have nothing to worry about.

What you see here is the equivalent of the south confederate, Except that instead of Abraham Lincoln as a Pres we have the equivalent of Jefferson Finis Davis. FOR ME THOSE ARE TRAITORS TO THE CONSTITUTION. CBSNews CNN MSNBC NBCNews HouseDemocrats SpeakerPelosi

I'm disgusted with the use of the American flag by this cult.

And to our surprise, not one is wearing a mask. 🤦🏼‍♀️

COVIDIOTS StupidPresidentDonsldTrump

It is good that will help Biden if most of them die before November election because of coronavirus infection

Yep trump that’s your base folks you would invite to dinner at mars largo

I hope you realize: no one gives a fu🤬 about what you say about covid ever since it wasn’t important during riots and looting.


It’s a cult

Even Hitler had his followers!

These people are as dumb as the person they are going along to support

More disrespecting of the flag!

Rally on! I’ll be voting Democrat while they’re in the makeshift ICU tent gasping they’re last breath.


Their body, their choice. The left should be familiar with that slogan, it’s been around for a while.

Protests are OK - you want to stop rallies Stop trying to cause division and spreading propaganda!!!

the virus will definitely have some hard times!

They signed the waiver, brainwashed maniacs willing to die for Trump.

Finally a breath offresh air !

Like lambs to the slaughter!


Do they not have jobs? If Trump is doing so well how are his supporters there for days? Especially after Covid-19 lockdown just lifted? Because they're soaking unemployment and social security hard

Someone should tell them that If Colin Capernik cannot kneel for the anthem, then under 4 U.S. Code § 8.Respect for Flag: they cannot use the flag as a tent, wear it as clothing, or print designs or logos of any kind upon it. Just saying. Practice what you preach Trumpies

Oh hey, look at that violation of 18 U.S. Code § 700. Desecration of the flag of the United States

It amazes me how fucked up your country really is.

What illiterate fools

Natural selection at work. Science wins over ignorance.

Peaceful rally.

If they are really that stupid than it will be that many less able to vote for the IdiotInChief ClanofFools

It’s a camp of carnies...

How about those antifa rioters and BLM protestors? Coz abc news like playing double standards?

Wish I was there!

Not to be rude..but watch people will be coming out sick..then say it was worth it....but was it

The very people who found it extremely unpleasant or unpatriotic when others took a knee to the flag BUT HERE THEY ARE DESECRATING THE US FLAG.

Projecting himself 3 weeks into the future

Looks like a clown fair

Do you just ignore your hypocrisy!! Protesters side by side for over a week now but you are posting about this being a COVID situation. S T F U

Someone should go tell them they are disrespecting the Flag

A herd of sheep. A nest of snakes. A knot of toads. A colony of rats. A gang of weasels. A covid of TrumpRallyGoers.

The numbers are an issue when it’s a Trump rally. However, libs can flood the streets and destroy private property and Corona somehow respects them.

The protests are safe?

Hmmm, no covid here, and no distancing, and not many masks, and lots of yelling, but ya lets blame Trump.

Omg that suit, that suit...

Сделаем Америку Справедливым!

You didn't say the same about rioters and looters. Shut up with your hypocrisy. WalkAwayFromDemocrats BidenIsARacist

Hope all of them look at the people standing to their left and right...that way they'll know whom they've exposed to Covid19 smh!! They are just as insane as their so called hero lmao 😂😂😂😂😂

That's awesome I'm glad to see people outside gathering together without burning buildings down and killing each other

They are going to do what they want to do. So let the do it. Their Governor and mayor not concerned. So happy!

'We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.' -Benjamin Franklin

'Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.' -Martin Luther King, Jr.

No one seemed to be in a uproar about all the protesters. You’ll complain about anything having to do with Trump

Silence on the proteets

I hope they all enjoy covid

Who is collecting the personal contacts for this Tulsa trump corona fest? CDC,Oklahoma health department, trumps people should have all the information for contact tracing with the release! Who is responsible for that?Good Lord the incompetence! They are from everywhere!

Hahaha brilliant 👌🏻

bunkerbabytrump won't find anything wrong with his OrangeMenace face on the 'American Flag' , but these are 'good' lowlifes. CNN trumpsupportersarelowlifes

Those look like a rootin tootin bunch of racists. They are in their happy place.

Don’t broadcast or report on the Trump Circus.

Derekle30414249 Zero cred. ABC didnt give a crap about the health implications when the protests and riots were in full swing.

Just to think. Trump really hates these people away from the election. They just don't seem the realise the fact yet.


Best not cover a cult, It only feeds into it.

If they were looting and burning cop cars it would be OK. COVID cases are gonna go up as testing increases. Even the nitwit Democrats can figure that out. ABC News is still grappling with reality.

What is wrong with these people ?

They defaced the flag

If the catch the COVID virus, no one will care. They brought it upon themselves.

I wonder if they will be able to mail-in vote from the hospital? 🤔

Covid Central

So they.... defiled the flag?

It smells like 2016 all over again. Come on We know those people will stay in frigid temperatures to see dear leader. Talk about what happened at SDNY tonight!

50smag Can't fix stupid. Let Darwinism run its course....

This is the test. Let's see how much this thing spreads. It's sad that it includes humans but apparently this isn't going to be stopped so let's see what happens in 5 days to two weeks.


They keep showing the same 50 people. I don't see large crowds yet. If they're going to get the ONE MILLION PEOPLE!!!! in the stadium tomorrow, they should be there by now.

Isn’t that considered defacing the national flag?🤨

MAGAts, meet 🦠

Where are they all going to the bathroom?

What could go wrong? 🙄

But not a peep about COVID19 spread during Democrats BLM AntifaTerrorists RIOTS 🤬📢 that destroyed Businesses/Cities + those PeacefulProtesters who killed 19 Black Americans 🤬🔥 Tulsa OK TrumpRallyTulsa Celebrate💫👊🇺🇸 Trump 4MoreYears 👍 GreatestPresidentEver 📢

cult 45 on display.

Waiting for Godolt.


Fuck this hypocrisy! Where were these health officials and their “warnings” during the last few weeks of protests? Is immunity dependent on your political party? From Democrat to Republican in three months or less. Thanks, media.

save it for the DEMOCRATS who held a ZOO of LEFTIST ANIMALS for the past 3 weeks. REELECT

THIS is F'ING BS!!! Not a single damn health official has said a thing about the POS'S rioting/looting/setting fires/killing innocent people!!! All of you are worthless POS's!!! You will do and say EVERYTHING negative about OUR PRESIDENT, and not a single damn positive thing

Circus coming to town

They have Trump’s intelligence. It’s good. It’s very, very good.

Morons! They deserve what they get!!!

Step right up, a nickel to view the incredible orange man. He lies, he cheats, he possesses a narcissistic personality that his followers are willing to sacrifice their lives for...


Thick as a brick.

Elect a clown, expect a circus!

They remind me of Karens

Blah blah blah blahTRUMP 2020 BABY!!!!!!!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 ♥👍💪

How much you want to bet they're setting up a jumbotron for him to appear on while sitting safe in the White House? It would not surprise me one bit!

Oh how the times have changed. They went from all white hooded costumes. To the more modern all red with MAGA hats.

Where was your grave concerns when protestors amassed by the thousands.

Trump supporters are aliens. (You know, from outer space.)

realDonaldTrump desecrating our FLAG not your FLAG with that face. And they will be your Covid example 1

LeslieMarshall Folks sacrificing their health & the health of others in order to stroke Donnie’s narcissistic ego. Pathetic, irresponsible & dangerous ! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ TrumpCovidRally MAGAtCovidRally

No need for a mask! Trump is right, numbers are going down. Wait!, does this say it’s up 35%? Noooo, fake news.

Scum of the earth

Death cult! Hopefully the virus claims the most racist evil trump supporters we can only hope!

Circus is in town and they have the whole family in tow.

LEMMINGS hateful lemmings TulsaKlanRally

Fuck those health officials. We don't but it.

No rallies here in Wisconsin and most people not wearing face masks. So...

How much money were they paid to be there?

We’ve decided to just call it a massive protest. Now you have to support it.

Why the health officials didn't say anything during the massive protests

KKKlan rally.

Some of the ugliest people & ugliest hearts in America will be in Tulsa this weekend! Good place for them to be.

let them catch it. Who cares. Serves them right.

You get $50 and you get a pardon and everyone gets a pardon

I can smell the B.O. and insanity through those pictures.

4 U.S. Code § 8.Respect for flag (g)The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. (i)The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner.

Anyone have the film of the down pour rain and the trumpets getting soaked


Line up, embrace each other, cough and sneeze on each other and let the germs spread.

Honey we are going to use our stimulus checks to buy a custom made “brick wall” suit so I can be on TV! So appropriate too as this is exactly what the Trump campaign is hitting. A Brick Wall…

Look at all the commies piping in

Here is the disrespect on the flag... what a disgrace!!!

This gathering is totally unacceptable! Same as funerals for loved ones. But protests,riots, and parades are just fine for covid!!!! The hypocrisy!!!!!

Stay really close people, and don’t wear a mask🙏🏻

Political Schizophrenia folks!! God PLEASE help America from its Deadliest Plague- DJT.

Why is Don Cherry there?

Perfect material for Jordan Klepper lmao

Racist Rally.

Let that be a lesson lefties. Nothing broken, no garbage laying around. Just peaceful people wanting to see our President.

They must be getting COVID__19 pay! 😉

Don’t kneel during the anthem but make canopies out of the flag, wear the flag as a mask, etc. Yeah that’s what the “founding fathers” thought the flag should be used for: selling merchandise. 🙄

And not a single mask in sight!

Nice flag toothless wonder!

Karma + covid=Darwin

That is a disgrace to the American Flag and this country.

US flag code: The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. Maga idiots are disrespecting the flag with the orange asshat's face on it.


Where is a tornado when you need one?


F U ! riots and looting are cool with abc? But not freedom loving Americans?

MAGA2020Landslide !

Protestors, rioters and looters are immune and applauded?

No different than protesters. Both have strong beliefs and want to rally. Strip away the rhetoric and their the same

How about all the protesters & the ones that committed all the crimes during the protests? Did they all have masks?


A brick wall suit, that’s normal. 🙄 Hope he not counting on that wall to protect him from the virus.

Gigantic idiot convention.

That’s what we call in the business. Loser city.

Trump thinks he's more important than Americans health.

These Trump supporters drawing unemployment? In line, camping out not at work. Endangering their lives and soon others. Would laugh but it’s sad.

Oh my God Who are these people? Other than virus incubation machines, I mean?

I thought Roger Stone was locked up?

TrumpRallyTulsa see most of you later in the ER. And I’m sure we’ll see your family and loved ones as well, and various others you will expose. The funeral directors are seeing booming business as well. WearAMask

Siri, show me what a cult looks like.

All these idiots just want some attention..that is all

Oh hush about your plandemic warnings. Your riots and looting have ruined that argument 🙄

Where were you guys during the riots around the country? I dont recall any news about covid-19 and rioting.?


Looks like a trailer trash convention 🤷‍♂️

What about all the marches for Juneteenth going on today and Al Sharpton's rally in Tulsa tonight? Why is President Trump's Rally so much more dangerous? Is this virus so smart that it knows to only attack Trump supporters? Hypocrites!

Where do u get that America flag with trump face on it

If BLM can protest then we can rally! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏼🇮🇹 thanks BLM you proved Covid_19 is BS

Man! WTF🤣

So, if they wear masks and use hand sanitizers, it's ok, right?

Why would anybody wait that long to listen to a senior citizen rant about stuff they hate


they are big boys and girls if they want to get sick let them.

Hopefully they’ll all catch coronavirus!


It is a protest not a rally

Are they all white?

This Is So Stupid. I can Not Wait for this to end.

Meanwhile, giant riots might happen in Tulsa, with NO social distancing, but you don't care, like you didn't in MN, or DC, or ATL, LA, SEA, etc, etc.

Enjoy your covid

Brick_Suit guy

I see dumb people.

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