Obama criticizes leadership on coronavirus response in HBCU virtual commencement address

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Former President Barack Obama criticized the 'folks in charge' for their handling of coronavirus pandemic in the wake of privately critiquing the Trump administration's response to the Covid-19 crisis

Former President Barack Obama on Saturday criticized the"folks in charge" for their handling of coronavirus pandemic in the wake of privately critiquing the Trump administration's response to the Covid-19 crisis.

"This pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing. A lot of them aren't even pretending to be in charge," the 44th President said during a virtual commencement address for historically black colleges and universities. "If the world is going to get better, it's going to be up to you," he added.


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ReElectHank Went out the front door and sneaking back in the back door. That’s where he should have been all along! Traitor

Acosta Yeah.. Obama is a ASS for criticizing President Trump.

Same thug that stole billions from FM & FM to keep his anti constitutional pyramid scheme from imploding! KenyanThug aka herder of small mines and easily manipulated sheeple.

Acosta Another one that needs to go away.

“I don't think it's good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president; I think it's bad for the presidency for that matter.” -George W. Bush in 2014, telling Sean Hannity why he refused to criticize Obama, even while Obama blamed Bush for problems.

The sorry bastard.

Acosta Obama is throwing rocks out of a glass house. He will be lucky to avoid prison. It is best for criminals to keep their mouths shut.

Where did everyone heard that? The folks in charge can be anyone...teachers, counselors, coaches! Everything has to be politics?



Trump criticized former for being real bad. And?

Acosta So sad that these kids had to listen to BarackObama play politics with the nation’s health. Totally disgusting


Acosta It’s now clear that Obama is a criminal.


Obama is a freakin joke!


PalaceQuandary yea you amateurs worship the guy. Ask him how the opioid crisis was handled by him. How about Swine Flu? Anyone can look successful when given a free pass.

Thanks Obama for leaving the cupboards bare.

The walls must be closing in for a former President to openly criticize his successor

Who gives a shit what he thinks! ObamaGate

ObamGate FakeNews ObamaLiedandSpied Trump2020

Who were the folks in charge when the Trump team was being illegally spied on and General Flynn was being illegally entrapped? Oh that’s right, Obama and his posse of corrupt actors.

Typical moon cricket.

Acosta Trump is still more popular than Obama

Absolutely!!! trump's speeches are about himself and have no heart

You Obama . You never do it like this tremendous work like , our President Donald Trump. He working a lot , you in your Administration you pass running with Baden running for all White House , this is not work , work is like our President , work hard , you have recognize honestl

No matter how you look at it Trump fiailed to lead in this pandemic. The problem is Trump and his lackeys and the GOP are in denial! And are even accusing Obama of his failure to ‘stockpile’ or any excuse will do to cover up Trump’s incompetence.

I hesitate to think the mess we would be in if he were still President

Remember driving by shut down businesses and buildings everywhere during Obama’s presidency. Healthcare destroyed. I have zero confidence he would have handled this well at all.

Somebody’s nervous ObamaGate

Talk while you can. Only leads 1 to believe you’re running scared. Sorry Obamagate

They both suck. Here’s to hoping that all these oligarchs disappear soon

What are his thoughts on Obamagate

Says the man who took 6 long months to even act on H1N1 and allowed 60 million to be infected.

Acosta Look at Section III of Obama’s own “Risk Assessment Playbook” which directs our response to a viral threat. It begins “based on the WHO risk assessment.....” WHO denied Covid-19’s human to human contagiousness from the very beginning. We would all be dead now if we followed it.

Did he erase from memory H1N1? Instead of mouthing off Barak should be preparing for sworn testimony.

Your propaganda network and BarackObama the most corrupt in our history.

Acosta OBAMAGATE !!!!

Last night showed us the type of leader we deserve. We can have it again. GoJoe

Not surprised at all, they (Democrats) have and will try anything at all to regain the power back for the 1%. Its very sad to see the division in such a great country. God Bless America and God Bless President Trump.

America needs you Barack Obama, Barry you’d know what to do! The World is spinning round loosing lots of ground. Barry is there something you could do to save the land we love!

Welcome back, Mr. President.. we have missed you.

Splitting the country infusing more anger .... we all need to get past this behavior and start to encourage being nice to each other✌️

Awesome. He only helps Trump. Wait until you next poll.

When presented with his own health crisis he postponed a press conference so he could get in a round of golf.

Could have rose to the occasion but presented himself as the lowly community organizer he is.

realDonaldTrump could earn everything for such a OBAMAGREAT man

So he doesn't trust Fauci either

Why he is still talking?

No1 GAFF what BarackObama says, thinks, wants or needs! Not1 human only frickin BrainWashed Zombies PointingAndLaughing LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

He is trying to divert the attention off of him and his corrupt cronies because finally their evil is being exposed!!!


Acosta And even that criticism was delivered with eloquence and grace. God, I miss him as President.

Obama is being propped up by cnn- you knew!

President Obama speaks truth to the American people!!!👏🇺🇸👍🏻💙

Obummer doesn't understand what 'being in charge' is.

Acosta Obama is now making one last stab at controlling the youth of America.

Yeah what a failure, he did he exposed himself to be a liar and a very jealous threatened former president Who can’t seem to go away, who thinks he’s going to continue his destruction of America. Let’s flip it around for the truth, obama did a horrendous job! ObamaGate


Obama still thinks the government is in charge of the People. Says it all.

Fiverr: be your virtual aaaistant

President Obama should speak out loud& clear. 🍊💩 has besmirched his rep for too long time to fight back and take the WH Blue

Hahaha Obama sweatin something. Woooo guilty

Dear Barrack, can you please minimise your utterances? At the moment, they are discrediting your previous achievements from this end.

OBAMA was a poor excuse 4 a president. He should be ashamed of his 8 disastrous years of lying and using the CIA, DNI, FBI, IRS , State Dept & DOJ to do his dirty work. Unmasking Gen. Flynn and leaking to the MEDIA was cowardly but that scandal is just the beginning of the end.

Barry will go down as the worst president ever And CNN the worst news station.

So typically of you turn a beautiful ceremony with your arrogance and narcissistic statements directly aimed to divide our country again. Go away. You will be labeled as the worst president we’ve ever had. Thank you God for giving our country President Trump

It's easy to criticize when your a back seat driver but I think Obama is trying to deflect, from the issue, that he a Biden were found out in 'Obamagate'.


A reminder that the US can be sane when it chooses.

President Obama was a lousy President who believed in one thing an ever expanding government. He trampled all over the rights of American citizens and a compliant left wing press was all to happy to cooperate with him. Disgusting!

Fully underscribe his statement !

Speaks truth!

Americans are just thankful he isn’t in charge right now!

You will always be out President!! The best one ever!

Who gives a rat’s butt what this hater has to say? Barak Obama - THE GREAT DECEIVER. SO OF COURSE would love him. Always in bed with those who HATE America.

Acosta JUST. STOP. with the INFLAMMATORY Headlines. You’re all BETTER than this. Acosta you are a Leader that arguably knows Trump’s tactics better than anyone. You want to help that one and his Fox News by giving them a headline for another conspiracy story? We MUST do better. FIX IT.

Why shouldn't the best president we have had in years BarackObama criticize the current massive mess the current administration is, the entire world is doing the same thing, and rightly so! 90,000 Americans are dead due to complete incompetence, mass murder 8s what it is!

Love Obama 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷



Well he kept his mouth shut for a few years, but now he’s finally sick of his name being in Trump’s mouth like a schoolyard bully, it’s BEEN time for Obama to step up for himself.

Really Obama wasn’t you along with Bill gates funding the Wuhan lab project

Acosta Watching President Obama’s graduation address tonight I think I finally understand Obamagate. It’s the scandal of having a president being able to speak with empathy, humor, insight, inspiration and in complete and coherent sentences.

Acosta ObamaGate

He’s butt hurt ObamaGate

I'll never be a whore but the dollar is half it's value whilst you pay our leaders to devalue our Rand.GoldStandard

Sad about Americans having to face the full might of Stimulus Bill.

Knock knock who is there. President Obama. He is awake.

And we care what Obama says because...? We don't!

DrainTheSwamp FakeNewsMedia Trump2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Pretty easy to talk about the woulda-coulda’s months into the pandemic. Everybody is an expert in the stands.



Not wise, decent or healthy. His legacy is in tatters

Well duh who else would they try to blame. Oh wait realDonaldTrump does that lmfao fucking joke

Acosta 😂

Too bad Obama didn't replenish the ventilator and mask inventories after the H1N1 pandemic, as advised.

the Kenyan will be the first president to be in jail

Imagine all the lives saved if he were still president.

Acosta Trump is awful, but Obama is lowering the bar by flapping his gums. This is how we got to DJT. Former Presidents are supposed to let their successors succeed or fail on their own merits or failures, judged by history. Wait until Trump is out of office.....tweets intensify!

Acosta Yeah trump is awful .. STFU

Acosta Lovely speech. Trump is still President.

Says the Douche bag who was powerless during the oil spill, H1N1 economic collapse, ISIS and North Korea. 👎👎

The Conspiracy news and Conspiracy MAin Stream Media promote conspiracy fears. The Plandemic released by the Deep State has no hold on Awake Americans. If you still wear a face mask you are believing the conspiracy.realDonaldTrump Don't fund the conspiracy WHO

Obama wouldn't buy any ventilators he would just pass the buck to the next president 'for real'. _Joe

Acosta It’s about time he said something. After all the crap he takes from trump, I’m surprised he waited this long.

The folks in charge don't give a crap about anyone but themselves and here we are! ObamaWasBetterAtEverything

Acosta This is what grace and eloquence look and sound like. Not to be confused with a name calling, Nazi sympathizing, sexual predator, and orange crayon consultant.




So now he who never pardon black people like 45 has done ..he who has never done the level of prison reform that affected black people. He is now suddenly caring about HBCU'S after POTUS had to sign legislation to protect them from closure.12years2Late


Who cares what he says he said corrupt cheating president that have to spy on the incoming president to save his failed Legacy


Acosta Yay Obama!! Tell it like it is.

Tell this asshole his term was up 3 years ago, now head back to Kenya

President Obama is right, of course. ExGOP TrumpHasNoPlan TrumpDeathToll88K TrumpLiesAmericansDie

2009 response to WHO declaring a pandemic. 5 months 2020 response to WHO declaring a pandemic. 2 days. Yep we all see the difference!

He can F-off!!!!!

Acosta And in such a civilized manner, so refreshing. .

Acosta GraduateTogether ObamaCommencement2020 ObamaWasBetterAtEverything

Panic mode

Acosta Wake up USA voters! If you survive coronavirus pandemia in USA (more than 90 000 patient’s deaths) due to the slow , disorganized, disastrous Trump response, Vote blue no mater who!

Acosta The Stupid is being a stupid again!! Sorry Husein !!

Acosta That leadership

How dare you bring politics into a night of graduation and can congratulation.. YOUR PATHETIC

Acosta Classless.

Thx for sharing your opinion Barack Hussein


Can’t wait for the trial

Do you know why the realDonaldTrump done this

Don't be misled by all of these pro Trump tweets because most of them are Russian bots. The bulk of trump supporters have gone into hiding with their head stuck in their ass.

I wish people would stop telling us about the massive amount of phone calls Former President Obama is getting requesting his esoteric wisdom and advice on how to solve the corona pandemic. It seems like he has all the answers, but all I am hearing is how President Trump failed.

Yom teruah - sound the horn, Yom Kippur- judgement for Gods people - Sukkot - millennial reign of Christ - 8 th day of Sukkot- Great White throne judgement. Israel, do not vote. We have Melchizedek, our prince - Do not place man over God again. It is Hypocrisy. Shalom

No one anticapted a pandemic of this scale, WHO, world leaders and scientists were all a step behind.

Big talk for the most over rated president in US history.

BarackObama the pot calling the kettle black - wasting my time telling your audience to stop drinking the kool aid Oh well can’t wait to see explain UnmaskingFlynn and call it RussianCollusion Traitor racist and divider of nation which started our very own CivilWar

As he should have. Bravo Obama.

The only reason for a retired politician to talk about a current president is because he's trying to misdirect attention from his failures. You are all criminals. PERIOD

After criticizing his predecessor for 8 years, now Obama is criticizing his successor. The successor that he predicted would lose. The successor that is exposing the corruption of the Obama Administration. ObamaGate OBAMAGREATSCANDAL


ObamaGate, Obama knows the truth is coming out that his corrupt administration spied on realDonaldTrump a crime worse than Watergate

Wow! How surprising

Spoken like a true socialist. Thank GOD, he’s no longer our POTUS. He was so BAD he gave us DJT. Unreal.

What a joke


Hey realDonaldTrump ! Here’s what a real president looks and acts like!

Lock him up

that's my president!!!!!! F🤬🤬🤬🤬k trump

Says the former president that had some of the worst trade deals ever made in American History

He politicized a commencement speech. That’s disgusting

realDonaldTrump has been unfairly attacking Obama almost daily for years. It's only fair Obama finally deliver an accurate critique

Yep! China really Fock Up!!


He's a lying SOB.

If New York State, New Jersey, Michigan, and California are any example, we could do without Obama's advice. Shut the fuck up and go away, Barry.

Really? Tick Tock mofo. Your days are numbered.

Cheryl1betofan Awesome 👍

Now he's come out of the dark to speak up. Amazing. Doesn't say crap for three years and now that he's being exposed he's going to crow like a Rooster in efforts to distract us. Obama, you sold out America during your tenure and you've been caught !!!


President Obama criticized those in charge for the LACK of leadership. He left a plan in place but Trump, Moscow Mitch refused to use it due to their hatred of Obama.


Ah, the old deflector and racial divider in chief.

Who cares what this suspected treasonous sounds has to say?! ObamaGate SubpoenaObama


Anybody that believes this needs to go watch the entire speech themselves

He is trying to brainwash the youths of America! What a crock of Shit!

..all that money and can't fix the mole on the face..

Truly, throwing the curtain open has revealed a very Cowardly and not Lovable Lion is in charge. commencement2020

Bla bla bla

And Bill Gates laughing while this coup takes place shit is so transparent , governors aren’t on agenda at all Az. Ooen for business bars are open ppl having fun and doing great Ca. It’s 12 monkeys

Someone sounds scared

Stop giving credit to a man who pushed H1N1 vaccines on a sheeple community of zombies who didnt know 33 years ago they had been halted and banned for Guillain-Barré syndrome

Let's compare how they reacted to a U.S embassy being attacked.

Say the worst President ever

BarackObama should apologize 4 his lack of leadership raising the black community out of poverty and lowering crime in our urban centers. He had the potential to become a father figure to millions of young black men. He chose to win favor w/ the nation's elite. realDonaldTrump

Gospel Truth

Folks. Fck off

What exactly did Obama accomplish? And don’t embarrass yourself by saying a great economy. I’ll wait...

Fuck him.

'Folks' is code for.....well, you know.

Odumbo would know. He was utterly clueless for 8 years.

What a complete joke from the failed President who killed thousands from H1N1. How’s Obamagate going? Obama is shitting himself as his failed presidency is exposed. Remember Durham is coming.

Pure evil

It’s always the “folks”. Obama ran a spy operation against the Trump campaign and incoming administration. Why should we listen to this clown regarding anything?


It certainly has. Even though George W. Bush was trying desperately for the US to prepare for a Pandemic, Obama used 8 years to no avail. Obama lacked the intellect to do anything after his administrations own virus scare. Thank God for Trump. He is getting things done!


He sucks too.


ObamaGate is being exposed

senatemajldr, now you are going to have to remind Mr Obama not to cast aspersions on your favorite president all over again.


BarackObama Hey if you’re not going to be supportive during this once in a lifetime epidemic then stfu. We are all Americans. We are all in this together. Respect the seat. I respected you during your terms. This rhetoric is disgusting.

'The first two cancer cells of the body politic . . .' p.p. RealJamesWoods

I think you leadership has done that.

Who gives crap of what Obama says?

Thats ok just ignore his Tweets and put him'to the back of the queue' where he belongs

Obama was a poor President who looked and sounded good but had a shitty world view which translated into shitty policies.

He knows this all too well, he has experience with not knowing what to do!

Ha, he just wants the attention off of his treasonous behavior! Such a chronic liar. The worst president in history. Perhaps the students were smart enough to watch and listen for themselves. All governors praised President Trump for his expedient responses to their requests.

This scum bag should be lawyering up after what we found out the past few weeks.

Totally Correct

Oh looky over here not there game. You follow the dims better open your eyes! Biden lies about Flynn, Russia collusion really was a haox, no proof anything taken from dnc server that MAYBE someone from Russia TRIED TO HACK, and the list keeps growing. TOLD YOU SO!

Hey BarackObama ... tick tock.

JamesLaw444 corylorenz27

Coming from the guy that didn’t replenish the stock after his little MERS deal.

He tore this country to shreds !!

No modern President has EVER made such baldly political criticisms of his predecessor. It's utterly classless and even dangerous to the country in a crisis. It's just noise to distract from Obmagate

Nobody cares what that lyin' cheating corrupt community organizer thinks. Sit back and watch real leadership Barry.

I voted for Obama and I can clearly say. Biggest mistake of my life. Separated America corrupt and nobody said anything because they didn't want to be called racist. Terrible. Trump2020Landslide

Big deal. He needs a hobby.

Dude.....you totally F'd up and accomplished NOTHING for 8 years....are you serious?

It sounds like he’s saying they’re human. If you haven’t noticed the incompetency of the “people in charge” in the past 91 years, I think you need to look into that, what you find, may be shocking.

Ide like to know what he would do ?


Always general,never specific running scared. barackObama continuing to divide.What a cruel message to send to graduates.Your opportunity is limited because of your color & the fix is in between rich&poor.LIAR go back to your multimillionMansionOnTheVinyard, til law comes for U.

Lock this traitor up! You make my stomach turn!🤮🤮🤮

Trying so hard to rescue himself from what is coming. Obamagate

Turned us into a surveillance state and a banana republic.

Yup. Easy to be a critic.

Says the president who never replenished the N95 stockpile. What a piece of shit

Too bad the CRIMINAL BarackObama left the U.S. susceptible to the virus like he did. What a total piece of sh*t Obummer is. I wonder why he let our nations stockpiles go to nothing? He is such an America hating piece of garbage. I am glad realDonaldTrump is leading thru this

what a load of rubbish its the same shit in every country Australia, UK, Italy & france etc etc is the American President responsible for all the countries NO so it is a global conspiracy and clearly they are puppets so who is pulling their strings,

Obama installed & worked with 'folks in charge' during his SwineFlu outbreak. NIH Fauci, Gates & Obama funded Wuhan Lab & Covid19 research via US grant tax$, why would they produce & release a netflix pandemic production 1 month before the outbreak?

TICK, TOCK. Must be getting hotter in the BarackObama kitchen as he is speaking out publicly a lot as more details of the “ insurance policy” become available.

In the most awesome way. A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge 😂

The “folks in charge” of cities like NewYork or states like CA & NY...you’re right Mr.Obama, their dem leaders are doing a terrible job. Thank goodness we have POTUS to bail them out.

Please remind me how he reduced black on black crime in Chicago during his administration. Eight years of Hope and Change but nothing EVER changed.

Defeat_Trump2 There are only 153mil registered voters, He owns 63mil. We need one message. All Americans, all of our Allies, Actors, Musicians, Comedians, Politicians, News Reporters. One United Message. TAKE NOVEMBER 3rd off, and vote like the HUMAN RACE depends on it. letJoesavetheworld


The Global Elite most be laughing their asses off....

Trump is going to go down in the history books due to his catastrophes.

How about enjoy retirement and stfu BarackObama

ObamaIsGreat saaaaaawwwwwwyyyy realDonaldTrump everything you touch dies. ETTD


Take him down💪🏿!BarackObama

BlissTabitha And the world will remember Obama as the antisemitic guy that supported Iran for making nuclear weapons, killing gays women Christians Jews and the many thousends of deaths caused by his training of ISIL. Obamagate ObamaWorstPresidentEver Democrats

Is that what ObamaGate is? We are mad as hell but we still don't know what the crime is.

DaveBautista The problem is Obama Is always trying to save face and trying to be the better man. His silence in the last 3 years has hurt us and his silence in this coming year will hurt us for the next 4.

realDonaldTrump senatemajldr Trump is jealous with Obama. Obama was a successful throughout his 2 terms presidency. Trump presidency has been a total failure. TrumpCoronavirusTestFailure TrumpOwnsEveryDeath TrumpIsJealousOfObama TrumpIsAFailure

Obamagate Vote2020 VoteDemocratsOut Accountability EndDemocratTyranny IndictObama CloseDownCNN YellowJournalism

Who listens to Obama anymore, he and his sheMan wife were and are a fraud. Lets see Micheal do this test !

That was not 2% of his speech. It is just what the media wants people to fight about.

When Trump is no longer president, but critiques President Biden, the outrage of a former president criticizing the sitting president will be funny to watch. BarackObama is the first US president to continue to be involved politically after leaving office.


OperationCassandra fastandfurious IranDeal Treason. Sedition. Worst president EVER. Barry Seotoro aka POTUS44

😂 he has room to talk?

Of course he did.

Because Blacks are leaving Dems in droves.

We don’t care about Obama and his shadow government. He needs to mind his ObamaGate OBAMAGATEGATE business.

That’s what happens when you forget your tipuna

He never could handle it if he was the President and Donald Trump is doing more then he ever could.

Covid-19 pre-existed Barack Obama. Hindsight is 20/20.

Yeah cuomo is terrible

I don’t remember George on the mic against Obama. Not presidential at all but does that surprise anyone !

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Of course he did! Hiding his corruption by pointing at someone else, duh. 🙄

He's just like us. He used the word 'folks'. GiveMeABreak

Obama the traitor tell me what have you done to help America you are the worst thing that ever happened to this country

Barry sleeps with Mike

In Spain the far left 🇪🇸 mass media 📺hiding this

when does this guy go to prison exactly? I'm getting real antsy....

8 years of your hope and change...how did that work out?

I would think he would just enjoy being on his Martha’s Vineyard plantation. I guess he most not enjoy time with his wife and kids

Obama behaved disgracefully on leaving office... Spying on President Trump and starting the sham Russian conspiracy .... he should be ashamed. Organising the FBI no less to spy, wiretap and spread rumours around the world of Russia collusion and Racism. It amounts to Treason.

85,000+ dead Americans killed due to egotism, neglect, opportunism, and an openly racist agenda to wipe out Obama's legacy while blaming him for everything anyway deserves a hell of a lot more than 'criticism.'


Sit to ass down!!!!

This from the man that destroyed healthcare. Bloviate on.

Ridiculous to be commenting since Obama failed America so miserably during H1N1 Swine flu debacle. Hypocrite.

Scared much🤔

under Obama: ▪️ 08 wall street bailout ▪️ the ACA the mildest of mild reforms of the private health industry. ▪️ the patriot act ▪️ turning 2 wars into 7 i'm sure none of those set any precedent for the handling of the coronavirus pandemic

Or that 'folks in charge' even give a shit. If it were up to Trump and Xi the entire coronavirus would have been hidden away. It's existence would be completely denied. Doctors in Wuhan are the ones who insisted something be done.

60.8 million Americans got sick from the swine flu and Obama got lucky It wasn’t as deadly. He had no response whatsoever.


Neither does this idiot. Who TF cares what Obama has to say about any of this? Empty Platitudary

Don’t think I want to believe what Obama says after what I have watched THE FALL OF CABEL. Eye opening stuff

ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate ObamaGate

DaveBautista Intelligent man makes a superb observation.

He is a man of truth. With evidence to validate it. He knows how corrupt politicians are. He knows the corruption on the hill. He battled against it then and now. Pockets being lined. Wire taps. The whole 9. For security reasons he just can't come out and tell it all


Well the truth hurts doesn’t it but he’s right on see the mass media is the most powerful entity on the face of the earth and make the innocent and guilty and the guilty innocent what we see happening right before I fear you’re nice and hand writing is on the wall this is Tierney

No leadership for 8 years, now we have the best in the world!

Yeah, and it's really a shame he didn't criticize 'the folks in charge' in Canada instead of ENDORSING Trudeau, and turning Canadian election in his favor. Canada in so much trouble with a corrupt leader we could lose the country! CANADA DESERVED BETTER FROM YOU, OBAMA!!

Is Obama so ignorant he does't realize the Gov and Mayors are the ones who have been controlled the show. I think Democrats are done. They are horrible managers and horrible people. Obama can stay in his basement with Joe.

Where you been? These people been destroying the nation from day one. Welcome back, do stay awhile. Like it or not this guy knew how to run a campaign.

“From August 13th to the 16th, the Trump administration conducted the Crimson Contagion 2019 functional exercise,” she said. “This was a pandemic stimulation to test the nation’s ability to respond to a large scale outbreak.

You have some nerve there Obama! I cannot wait for your exposure in General Flynn's case! MAGA KAG 2020 & THANK GOD Trump is Prez during this you would have been a total disaster!

This jackass let the whole world walk over him and the US. For all you Obama supporters...if he was so good, Hillary would have won in a landslide

Oh please

He is such a pathetic human being and should get lessons from former Presidents before him, once their term was over, they stayed out of the leadership of the new President..But even NoBama knows, sleepy Joe has NO chance of winning so he bashes Trump in hopes it sticks...NOT

NOW THAT IS DOWNRIGHT SORRY, Obama!! If YOU & Obiden had not left the PANTRY BARE, we would have had PPE’s to get started! This was UN PRECEDENTED; NO ONE & esp NOT U! HAD A MAGIC WAND! To criticize someone in the midst of a crisis-UN EXCUSABLE! U need to shush it, big boy!

.. while 'folks no longer in charge' have trouble moving on from their previous temporary job, have trouble letting go of washington

And he picked Biden as his VP

Coming from the most corrupt President in American history, his statement means nothing. Gitmo has a room reserved for him. MAGA2020 BacktoworkAmerica stopdelockdown QAnon


No one cares. Thank God Trump has dismantled every move of that corrupt administration.

And his leadership was so good?,,,


He is a hypocrite

Fake news

For America Mr Trump is a gold mine.

Like Cuomo? I agree

President who?

He who keep his mouth shut as the liar, worthless, organizer of a political, will be the one opening it.... go to hell!

1. Calling white people 'folks' is incredibly racist. 2. What Obama is doing is called mirroring. A curtain has been pulled back; there's no doubt about that. But it's Barrack's true self that we found.

obvious misdirection, Obama the worst president in US history.

The trump campaign has countered the recent setbacks it encountered by spreading conspiracy theories on the media and getting a lot of bots or whatever they are called to back it up. This move can be seen in the ignorant replies to topics involving Trump.

The more he talks, the more Trump should investigate his administration.

As an outsider it is easy to criticize. NeitherADemNorARep

Yes as we need to take Obama to jail obamagate

Just a distraction from his own crimes. Pay no attention to this traitor.


Finally he’s saying how he really feels

This Game is Well Players With All The Gamers On Board. Very Calculated Moves. It's Hard To Tell Who Is Behind What And How...As For Now, Still Observing Coz None Is Worth Trusting

A little ironic, don't you think? The government has failed us- you included. The dem party is a damn sham too

Obama has more grace than a ballerina. He actually called them 'folks' instead of fucking fools like they are. Wow!!! Now that's Amazing Grace!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Right, Obama would NOT have closed flights. Very evident by democrat responses of Cuomo telling people to ignore the president and ride the subways and Pelosi letting Americans Everything is fine, come to Chinatown. Americas would have a LOT of dead if Obama were still President

This man has more dignity and common sense than our wack job president who from the beginning called it a hoax wants to blame everyone else what a little boy

Ha! ObamaCommencement2020 OBAMAGATEGATE ObamaWasBetterAtEverything TrumpVirus TrumpIsALaughingStock TrumpIsAnIdiot TrumpGenocide

Absentee ballots are for absent from the district. So i want to stand in lines like i did at home depot and Walmart and supermarkets.

go smoke a doobie

Send Obama to prison. obamagate justice


Let’s Be FCKN frank, all *FCKN Americans Needs to Criticize The Trump & His Administration

The same scientists guided his administration

هذا وش طلعه الحين

So he’s criticizing the President, the 50 governors, the CDC, the UN, ... or just the President. The Democrats under Obama are the dirtiest in history.

Cuomo the butcher?

Obama is the only one that can get us out of this mess he did Ebola, Swain flue and others without shutting down the US

Obama was the most un-American, President we have ever had.

BarackObama pot calling the kettle......?

Dude talked the talk, but never in 8 years walked the walk.

Like he did so good on H1N1

This guy really can't get over that he lost when Trump won. It bruised his ego. Vouching for Hillary didn't work and Trump undid his legacy

SusieMarsh20 TruthMatters ObamaWasBetterAtEverything

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