Nury Martinez resigns as president of LA City Council following leaked audio of racist remarks

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BREAKING Nury Martinez has resigned as president of the Los Angeles City Council 24 hours after a leaked audio recording revealed her and Councilman Kevin de León making racist comments

"I take responsibility for what I said and there are no excuses for those comments. I'm so sorry.

Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez and Councilman Kevin de León are facing a growing chorus of protests and calls for their resignation after they were caught on a recording making racist comments about another councilmember's toddler son. "We are appalled, angry and absolutely disgusted that Nury Martinez attacked our son with horrific racist slurs, and talked about her desire to physically harm him," Bonin wrote in a statement with his partner Sean Arian. "It's vile, abhorrent, and utterly disgraceful."

Martinez issued a statement apologizing for her comments: "In a moment of intense frustration and anger, I let the situation get the best of me and I hold myself accountable for these comments. For that I am sorry," Martinez said. De León also compared Bonin's handling of his son at the MLK Parade to "when Nury brings her little yard bag or the Louis Vuitton bag.", like on the side," Martinez added, using a Spanish term for a Black person that's considered demeaning by many.


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Is she still on the council?! 🤦🏻‍♀️

The Democrats have always been the racist party.

Omg. ENOUGH ALREADY. ..who recommended the conversation. ? He's racist ,you racist. Everyone is racist. I've had my share of being call names by blacks but when one calls them names BACK ' o it's a dam crime there'...

She will step down from the Council. It comes in stages. First apologize, then step down from a job within the job (president) then try to explain the rationale and when it all blows up she will resign due to family issues. She is as sliced as a fresh filet. Just give it time

This is what happens when you vote for demoKKKrats

Who recorded the conversation?

Everyone talking about the black black community she offended yet no one talks about the Oaxacan community she and Gil offended she called them short dark ugly people Oaxaca s are from Oaxaca Mexico. That’s also offensive to her own people!!

She also shut down bars for a year

Most non black politicians are anti black as well. Doesn't matter what political party they associate with.

Only reason she is sorry is she was caught. Racist and bigots come from every race, color , and gender.

All three should be suspended!

People please. Always check your surroundings before expressing your feelings 🤷‍♀️

Progressives got caught .

StopTheHate Resign

She can’t remain a councilwoman if she is a racist. How is she to represent those people in her district? nurymustresign NuryResign

HS____________3 bellatrix lestrange vibes

It’s a shame, she looked nice.

3 resignations must happen

Will we be able to watch this when it happens? Hell maybe even a PPV?

All three should immediately be suspended until they resign.

Add that to the LASDGangs and you can see why LA is a sewer.

TheLeoTerrell Democratic Party the true racist and always have been !

Extremely interesting that NPR, Reuters, the LA Times, and all other news outlets never mention that Nury is a Democrat.

TheLeoTerrell Yep the true way of the democrats kiss your ass to your face to get your vote and use racist slurs about you behind your back!!!

Some of these Latino 'leaders' are worse than white supremacists. CD6Nury, cmGilCedillo, KdeLeon & RonHerrera_396 should be banned from participating in US politics. They don't regret what they said, They regret getting caught. racism LA LACityCouncil


But keeps her spot on the council.

Julie_1776 Potty mouth!

TheLeoTerrell Why did she resign? Why didn't she quit? She is still in power with her racist views. Black America please wake up and see what the Democratic Party has reduced us to.

Good riddance.

Def calculated… i wonder whose mad at them and needs them to be replaced with homiesputinposition


She & her cronies haven't resigned far enough to not be returning to the building she & they disgraced themselves in. That can't happen soon enough.

not enough !

CarlaRK3 Good riddance.

Why is don’t you tell us their party affiliation?

Still on the city council though. Everybody good with that?

She and Kevin must go.

Hmmmmm...racist much? Honest question...?

MURICA POLITICIANS is like how the down fall of Roman empire. It's implpdeding

Resign from city council you racist.

Unfortunately, this type of rhetoric and racism is VERY common these days! People who talk like this think it’s funny and a sign of being street smart, not realizing how damaging it is not only to people whom they target but also to the society…

You cant apologize your way out of this

She needs to resign from the City Council as well

I don’t understand how some Latinos have a white supremacy mindset. It truly baffles me

Good 👍🏽

That’s not enough! CD6Nury the latino community wants you’re resignation!

Lmao, DemocratsDeliver

So recordings can take you down but not shitty policies that are ruining people's lives lol

next up, THE MEDIA!

This poor excuse for a human being/woman has been in a position to rule on others daily lives and conditions for (9) years. Black folks never stood a chance against her rulings! A person don't become racist over night. I'm sure there's more complicit rotten apples in that office.

Why hasn't she lost her position? She needs to quit. Wake up foundational black americans. You have no friends. There is no black and brown coalition.

krystalball briebriejoy looking forward to your shows discussing this story! KimIversenShow

Lock her up.

Disgusting! Take out the trash!

Everything she has ever voted on needs to be investigated. She has opened up Pandora's box.

DocDre Good RIDDANCE. Hope she doesn’t let the door hit her on the caboose going out the door. The other two councilmen in that conversation need to get out too. 🔥😈😡🤬🔥

These glasses 😂 😋

I’d still hit it

I don’t care that she resigned as president, she needs to be off the council completely!

It pisses me off extra hard when I see a LATINO or any POC for that matter making racist remarks against black people because it’s like bitch these white people are saying THE SAME SHIT about you and your kids 😒

NuryMartinez is a perfect example of how Hispanics are a routinely serious and intended danger to ADOS interests and basic well-being. AntiBlackRacism FatJoe

On behalf of the 2nd Amendment community we are so happy to see karma impact ol Kevin Alexander Leon. Ha ha ha

I have been a Republican since I was 10 years old growing up on Chicago's Southside, I know democrats and those like thos is part of why I have NEVER been a Democrat..

TheLeoTerrell Democrats are the founding members of the kkk. So what do you think!!!!

Now for the rest of them on the phone call ⏰ This is a type of racist behavior seen in prison yard politics, unimaginable, unacceptable and unforgivable of any county, city, state and federal employee: no room for racism ☹️

Martinez, deLeon and Herrera must all resign from LA City council. If they are left on the council, the council will become a mockery. There is too much at stake for these three to remain on the council.

Too many hispanic women are racists while hiding behind and reaping the benefits of the “black and BROWN” people often reserved for blacks.

It is systemic in the LA Council… has been for years… They all need to be replaced… YOU only need to look at history of the horrible thing they weee guided to do.

She's still on the City Council though...🤷🏻‍♂️

TheLeoTerrell Marxist Democrats just being themselves!

So.. what about Kevin De Leon

Hope she rots

They’re racist and the democrats keep allowing them come over by the millions because it’s black people they attack.


That is not enough… they all need to resign as city council members they are not fit to lead and are racists and carry anti black vitriol that is a danger to the people they should be serving



But not from her over $200K a year job on Council

Not good enough, needs to resign from the council completely. That loser career politician de Leon too.

I have zero sympathy for the LA City Council members caught on tape being racists. Investigate all these criminals and close associates. Give them all RICO charges for racial discrimination. Throw them in prison where they belong. No exceptions.

Democrats & Republicans are racist against Black people. White, Latino, Asian etc etc etc are racist against Black people. There are even anti black Black people. We are the most depised, loathed, looked down upon race of people in the World. Period.

hollyrpeete Racist remarks? They are Latino~~~

hollyrpeete Not enough, she and her 3 fellow racists need to resign all the way off the council

hollyrpeete She needs to fully resign.

WRONG HEADLINE. She didnt resign, she's still on City Council

It doesn't matter if they are a Republican or Democrat, the terrible of that group of people, contributes to racism towards the BLACK AND THE MEXICAN. The irony of life is that they are HISPANICS making fun of their own people.

One down two to go!!

Don’t try to push this raciest democrat down the Republicans throats… own you racism

While it's too late for November ballot, it's not too late for next year. Start lining up candidates right now to replace Martinez, de Leon and Cidillo in March 2023 municipal election.

OMG you people are exhausting. She stepped down as president of the supervisors a BS position that does nothing. She is still happy to receive her $281,000 dollar taxpayer salary and keep her job.

Good! Spanish/Latina/Latino/Mexican ARE NOT better than melanite people but they sure want to be! Wanting to be white, will not help you in the eyes of white people! They still tell 'y'all' to go back to Mexico!

She had no choice in today's cancel culture

I remember when Mexicans were mad about a lack of Black support during the whole immigration issue with Trump. Now, you get a whole ass racist in city council...where are the people in her district demanding a resignation? Oh that's right, THEY AGREE WITH HER. That's where.

IT’S 4 of them!! All 4 need to resign

DSteampipe Democrats are racist

You deserve the people you vote for!

TheLeoTerrell Good riddance. She needs to be off the Council entirely.


They all felt comfortable...

Just think. She would have stayed had she not been caught. The Black and brown matter here in L.A. is trash.

Liberalism fails again

Darn I really wanted to see that city council meeting. Oh well on to the union guy 🥾

The fact she's not removed completely she basically given us the middle finger with a fake apology smh🤦 Imagine somebody saying something hateful as this to a Jewish 2 Year old it would be scorched earth🔥🔥🔥🔥

don’t be shy CD6Nury resign from the city council. ResignNury KnockDotLA

The DNC called said you’re fired. Can’t have this going on with the midterms coming up.

If she is not removed completely, oh man! There goes the neighborhood.......

outraged that someone would call this young Afro-American male this, especially in California. It is ridiculous. Biden should consider addressing this in a public speech at the White House.

There were homophobic remarks as well, but that's ok. Not need to put that in a headline. LGBTQ

The B needs to hit the bricks

She is a DEMOCRAT !’ DEMOCRAT !! Otherwise her party affiliation would have led the news. THE PARTY OF HATE !!

Racist Democrats. She's not the only one, by a long shot.

Not surprised. It just goes to show how the Democrats are just as disgusting as the Republicans

Love how all the racist liberals on here are trying to pass her off to the republicans. Everyone knows ur game by now. The Democrats are the real party of the KkK always have been always will be.

TheLeoTerrell I thought Democrats aren't racist

Bye bye 👋🏽

Based Hispanics


Resign from the council also…

The entire conversation they had was disgusting and deplorable! Glad she’s out but the rest of them need to go too! In a city as diverse as LA and these are the people representing us?! TF. Not ok.

Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León, and Ron Herrera need to resign as well.

Nury and those 2 other clowns kdeleon need to resign in disgrace 🤡

Isn’t Kevin de León in Sacramento? If so he also needs to resign for his racist Comments! Out!

Awesome 👏👍

TheLeoTerrell All these racist white republican men.....oh wait....

Won’t be missed. I hope she takes this time to reflect.

LoniLove 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

The mere fact she was elected speaks volumes.

TheLeoTerrell “Hymn,”You think these two, are Smart enough Not to Whistle-Blow or not to Record, to take Others down with Them?

Good. Bah bye and take the other racists that were in the room with you including Rick Caruso’s buddy Gil Cedillo with you.

hollyrpeete Good, she needed to go.

Rick Caruso has asked for all 3 of them to resign there seats in the City Council

TheLeoTerrell Good for her. Should be a lesson for MAGA politicians. When you do or say something completely stupid, resign. VoteBlueForSoManyReasons

She never had quit she apologized. She’s worked her whole life serving her community. Other Republicans never quit never Trump running present again. He led the January 6 terrorism. wtf the lines get blurry for the rich

Bury is right !

All democrats need to resign for their destruction of california

She needs to resign from the council completely. Stepping down as council president just means she goes back to being a regular council member yet still have political power. Her career is done, she's just in denial.

She resigned as president.. she's still on the city council

Surprised at how many are surprised at the comments and think this doesn't go on regularly within their factions. Look at the city and current council members and the opponents looking to be more of the same. Resigning was expected, but there is no one better to replace her.

Excellent! Expose them all!

So if she's the president of the city council, and offend people and just goes out and apologizes, really who do they think they are. Fire those people both of them.

CD6Nury & kdeleon need to Resign from office not just council presidency....FTP

Um, NOT enough.


alllocalpolitic Well she should have

Quick Ctrl F search for 'democrat' in the article and... what a shock, no results.

tariqnasheed awesome 👌

She and the other man need to be taken off that council and any other public service position they hold. This is the kind of thing that divides communities and creates hostilities. As a deterrent to those who also indulge in this racist, hateful behavior behind closed door.

Good riddance to the racist witch!

Maybe its just me, but resigning her title/position is really no big deal?

Another Mendacious Hypocrite caught and trying to argue out of it.

the people who like to point and call everybody else racist turn out to be the racists... shocker!

TheLeoTerrell Horrible racist. Good she was exposed and resigned.

TheLeoTerrell Why is she apologizing? So sad she was speaking how she really feels about white and black people.I can't believe she has the nerve to act like... 😬 Oops. She needs to be held accountable. People like her are the problem...🤡💩

Good, don't forget, she talked about giving a baby a beat down, sick

We need all 3 of em

She need too resign up off that council too. She aint slick

Get your heart right

TheLeoTerrell Another racist liberal gone down


The city council seats and FEC TheJusticeDept must investigate all council members in that video and they must resign immediately from office all together. These recordings have eroded American trust. Freedmen Americans in the city of Los Angeles deserve better.

She called him a lil changito😂 🙊

All three need to resign from city council.


Haha loser

CORRECTION: DEMOCRAT Nury Martinez has resigned... There, fixed it for you.

Next, she runs for office under MAGA Republican platform that will gladly welcome her as a valuable & an important member. That is how low the Republican Party has degenerated to.

Because she commented on an out of control child?

arriving soon ... beto4LACC

Cara de lechuga

Winning. Bring them all down


TheLeoTerrell As she should after making those disgusting comments.

TheLeoTerrell Democrats are racists 🤷‍♂️

Not nearly enough. All 3 should resign from the council.

She resigned as president, but didn't give up her seat or her annual salary of $207,000.

TheLeoTerrell We should start burning witches again

TheLeoTerrell How can this happen in LA? I thought they were the example for equality and diversity?

Been racist isn't exclusive to Caucasians. Racist is everywhere.

Woke until caught!

TheLeoTerrell Bravo 👏 democrats are disgusting

Now do the next Racist 👍🏼

She should be fired

TheLeoTerrell Killing babies and being racist NewDemocraticParty

CD6Nury NOT ENOUGH. You need to resign from the entire council. NOT ENOUGH and it's insulting to think it is enough. YOU AND DE LEON NEED TO GO.

This is how progressives and union folks talk behind doors. From Brentwood to Silver Lake they're all a bunch of performative hippocrates. Just look at WHO their policies hurt. Minorities, LGBT and Immigrants. Who do they help? Themselves. Time for new blood. Vote RickCarusoLA

abc7jovana Morning Jovana 😘🌹

Viva la raza

The rest need to resign.

TheLeoTerrell There goes the theory that only white people are racist.

As President. Is that enough?

Where is the racist comments? Nothing racist in her comments… Obviously election chit!

TheLeoTerrell Wake up . Democrats are the real racist. Love it when they eat their own

kevin 'this is a ghost gun' de Leon, your turn to resign

TheLeoTerrell Bye

Phhhewwww Boy lucky none of these people have never heard rap lyrics , They're worse than what this lady could ever say

Aww, poor baby. Did she apologize to the little monkey as well?

The racist lady needs to resign from public office! CD6Nury ResignNury

What makes her think anything less than a full resignation is ok? De leon too. Both need to resign entirely, immediately. These people preach inclusivity and diversity. Yet they’ve shown themselves to nothing more than bitogoted hypocrites. ResignNury resigndeloen

GodcallsBS 'Caruso will fix this!'

I guess we can assume she’s a democrat since it doesn’t mention it in the article. 😂. If she were Republican it would be the headline.

tRUMP Voter Behavior! ☝🏿🧐🇺🇸

TheLeoTerrell Exactly what Liberals require in their Elected Officials Advocation of: Racism,Child Abuse & Abortion Communists have a history of wanting to destroy citizens they find objectionable LetsGoBrandon

Not enough. Resign from the council as well.

hollyrpeete GOOD!

VenturaReport Example 63922753 that Democrats are the racist ones. Wake up

Why, she was illegally secretly recorded. Any race that’s secretly recorded will be caught saying some awful truths about other races

😂😂😂😂😂scared much!!! You still got a target on your back. How long have you really been saying this crap and just now caught🚶🏾‍♀️bye girl

But you can say 'grab them by the pussy' and still get elected to be president. This country is twisted!!!

So is the kid mixed or adopted or what? I don’t understand why she even thought to say those words about someone else’s kid. Regardless of the color!

Next President should remove her from the entire council.

All progressive democrats are racist.

Just as President, but not her council seat. She should resign from her City Council position immediately. There's no excuse at this point.

Good. Now the rest need to go too. Disgusting and pathetic behavior.

Both Nury Martinez and Councilman Kevin de León are members of the Democrat Party. Nothing shocking there.

VenturaReport Like all Dems, the only sin is getting caught.

Argh but anyone who got super annoyed by kids would say I will take care of this in a rude manner. Has anyone ever bother to check her record to see if she’s really a racist? Don’t use it as a political tactic to get decent people in trouble. But please dont me

As she should. Now the other 3 should follow

But she did not resign her job.

Career is over.

VenturaReport She should resign as Supervisor.

She did nothing wrong.

John and Ken waiting to go on air rn

i assume she's a republican since you didn't specify

Why are Latinos so racist against black people?


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