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United States Headlines News

A drilling company that operates in Texas and Louisiana told investors that the surge in natural gas prices — amid powerful winter storms — was giving it a major financial boost. 'Obviously, this week is like hitting the jackpot,' CFO Roland Burns said.

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livingandloving Are you working on a story about how the DOE encouraged said price gouging?

The tragedies of Texas is obviously horrifing and quite preventable seems like the only time there is a beef with capitalism is when retail investors start making money.

Damn shame looking to cash in on people's hurt

ZERO tact.

When are people going to wake up and see the cons are a cancer to murica.

Supply side economic policy failures are engulfing Texas’ citizens.


Supply and demand. Basic economics. Ask the dairy producers, the bread makers, frozen food producers. They will give the exact same answer. Don't just shape the situation to your narrative


Can you help us find out why UpholdInc AskUphold are locking a lot of our accounts without access to our funds Do you talk to this company’s management?


Disgusting ... should not be allowed

As if any of them needed to hit another jackpot.


This dude is really gonna regret that statement

All these children are dead.

BahoombaBob Maybe he could do the right thing and help out the poor Texans who are getting 10k electricity bills!!

Wow. America!


They’re not evil at all.

Disgusting. Greed is at the root of all evil imo

Gotta love the free market! 🌭🇺🇲

Can Texans sue as they failed to winterize? Can federal government receive reimbursement for the aid that we are sending?

It’s not the flood that gets you, it’s the snakes waiting on shore for you to swim back in.

I already hated the cowboys.

America’s Team! In more ways than one

This was probably not smart to say

ERCOT should be held liable for negligence and pay for damages incurred by both Texas residents and business owners.

Well, that's a jackass comment!

I'm so over this fucking shithole country. Can whatever god thing or whatever there is just eradicate all of humanity and give mother earth back to the animals that didn't destroy it?

What does it feel like to be that evil?

Not ok

AWorldOutOfMind F*cking gross.,.

Gouging fellow Texans is Jerry’s favorite pastime.

If everyone dies by the hand of the free market, does that mean that people's lives were just market distortions?

SMH at another greedy cracker.

Ravencoin ❤️

Well since he's bragging about having lots of available income, he should donate some to the people who just went without power in the state he operates out of. Seems only fair since he'd still be making a profit and it'd make him look like less of a colossal ass

There is a special place in Hades for these folks.

Capitalism encourages this


These folks were born raised and educated in America , don’t vilify immigrants for the shit you’ve created all in your own

and enron enron so far away

I’m sure the Texas citizens being hit with thousand plus dollar utility bills are thrilled

Does anyone at NPR know how oil wells work? 3 things come out of the ground, oil/bitumen, gas & water. Water freezes, that's why there's no oil & gas. Canada keeps the water from freezing, that's why Keystone is important.

Pretty standard republican plan. dumpgop

Gosh, I'm sure glad some real nice folks can have such a windfall at the expense of thousands and thousands and thousands of people's suffering.


Malignant Capitalism

This is why they sent Gov. Abbott to the press to warn of the 'dangers' of the New Green Deal: to maintain the status quo so future 'jackpots' continue..

And as well txu and oncor and DO NOT let them tell you otherwise and by the way- has anyone heard or seen JohnCornyn WhereIsJohnCornyn

morgfair Hoover: The only thing wrong with capitalism is capitalists. They’re greedy bastards.

This is how free market capitalism works. The increased its profits, anything else is of little importance

Price gouging is illegal

morgfair price gouging!!

How sick is this story, with all the deaths and tragedies in Texas. WTF are you thinking about NPR?

Capitalism lacks empathy...all they see is the almighty dollar and profits to the extreme. Be careful, because it's the common hardworking American that truly creates that prosperity. Americans have had enough.

What a horrible way to run a company. Sure, they’ll make their money, but at what cost to consumers. Shameful!

Got the JACK part right

morgfair This is so upsetting.

Supply and demand. What’s the problem.

Fucking gross.

How can he be so callous?

I guess he thinks jackpot means millions of people suffering.

morgfair Ain’t it pretty SMH

Lol capitalism

exposeHATE4PROFIT time to DefundFASCISTS BANKRUPTtheTRUMPS and ALL who supported them. Accountability is key in 2021!!

Behold the wages of American capitalism. The rich there do not even pretend they are not fu*king everyone else over.

THIS is part of the problem = Greed Wee ones died in their beds from hypothermia in their own homes... And these guys are thrilled at the financial opportunity this storm presented to the shareholders... SMFH 😑

Grifters gotta grift. Republicans are grifters.

They should donate the profits to help people devastated by the storms


The TX AG department should be going after them for price gouging

Twitter is a cultural farm for hate and NPR is happy to participate

morgfair I think these people ought to be fired

morgfair Texas I’m sure the residents of Texas are thrilled about that !

Disgusting people

Literally Mr. Burns...

Well as long as they're happy right? Meanwhile...

He should be donating every penny of the boost to recovery efforts.

Greedy bastards all of them.

morgfair Blood money takes many forms.

It is wild that they get away with this sort of shit.

Capitalism is death.

Mr. Burns?

This kind of profiteering should be a felony with imprisonment and heavy fines!!!

Roland Burns did not wisely choose his words as his customers were and are suffering with some dying.

dallascowboys Windfall profits from public misery

Well isn’t that fantastic that CEO Roland Burns can celebrate hitting the jackpot with the surge in natural gas prices on the back of the misery of Texans and other citizens! Pathetic! TexasBlackout TexasPowerOutages TexasPowerGrid TexasPowerFail

Should be illegalised, price gauging

Read the room JFC

Sing it with me, won't you, mmm hmmm? BootsRiley3 BootsRileyFan1 AntiRecords

Absolutely disgusting and completely unacceptable!!!

Jerry Jones is a world-class asshole and he has destroyed my favorite football team. dallascowboys

Atta boy Jerry Jones...prick...

'Obviously, this week is like hitting the jackpot,' Isn't this the same state that a legislator said people should be willing to die to keep businesses open during the pandemic? I'm sure those people who froze to death were willing to make that sacrifice

These r the ppl LeaderMcConnell LindseyGrahamSC protect and work for.

Well, we know who SHOULD be paying to winterize the power grid in Texas.

The anti-Bernie.

What’s wrong with this picture? 😔

Reason 1,256 why the Cowboys are NOT America’s team.

Jerry Jones? Why isn't that surprising?


I thought Texas has a law in place that they can’t gouge during a natural weather disaster?

Well, he's a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Wow. Just wow.. profiting off people's misery.

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