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United States Headlines News

President Trump says Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for the coronavirus. He's the latest person in Trump's orbit to test positive.

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He needs to stop calling it the China Virus!

All of you are idiots. You think a mask might’ve helped?

So did Trump just violated HIPAA? You can’t disclose employee’s healthcare information without their approval.

scrapanie He got it from borats sister lol

Keep not wearing a mask and he won't be the last!

He's the 53rd person in Trumps orbit to test positive for Covid and negative for intelligence.

Clearly Trump is infecting ppl.. Honestly you guys are funded by the public, think you could be a little more partisan? I mean it makes sense for a govt agency to want bigger government but there really needs to be some honest reporting. Your industry has 0 credibility...

Poor Covid 19 it must be awful for it to endure.

No problem. It’s just „a hoax“, remember?

I’m sorry everyone for giving up the good fight but Die! Rudy. Die! Love and peace to all kindly humans

I hear he’s been admitted to Walter Reed Pool Supplies

So trump's mouthpiece becomes a mouthpiece? Fake news!

President Trump?

Regardless I hope the guy pulls through it. You don’t become a better person or society by wishing death or suffering on those you disagree with.

Only the good die young

Who else has he infected. So selfish not to wear a dam mask

Is it me or does he look like he stole Trump’s tube of fake orange tan cream?

for the life of me, I do not understand why all these Republicans keep Covid alive. Trump has won the Covid spread race. BIG TIME.

So, it turns out that if you closely associate with crowds not wearing a mask, and you don't wear a mask, you're susceptible? Who knew?

Isn't he the ONLY person in Trump's orbit at this point?

And these are the people that are in charge of making sure that we don’t get it 👀 Waiting for his supporters to wake up. If they ever do- man it will be one rudeee awakening.

Why so many around Trump keep getting Covid. Can't think why?

Thoughts and prayers

Awwwww. It's just the flu!

I know this is being reported because it’s newsworthy but does anyone really care when he’s gone out of his way to contract COVID?

Wow you really hit something here. Really

Maybe it will shut him up for a little bit!

Yes, but then they are privileged to get far better treatment and attention which is terribly unfair.

Well, the president is a pathological liar so...

When did Rudy start wearing Donnie face paint?

Thoughts and prayers

I am by no means glad that this happened, but I have absolutely no sympathy. He, and the man he worships, focus only on fraud that didn't happen and only worry about the virus when it affects them personally.

Do we believe Trump?

But the economy...

I wonder if he'll get whatever treatment they gave the Trump crooks while letting everyday citizens die as we wait for a shitty vaccine.

I thought Rudy was the virus.

Nobody cares, least of all T****. Weak

Oops!! There goes Rudy G

Hope he suffers! Sorry

Wait, I thought they kept saying the virus is a hoax.


It is what it is.

Hold up. Trump says so and you're believing it at face value?

Trump Virus comes home. Trump super-spreader

I knew he would eventually!!!!

EliseStefanik superspreader

I'm guessing he asked for a young female nurse.

It looks like he's been sharing tRump's makeup. RudyPatootieGotCooties WearADamnMask

What is with this fad of yellow faces?

Doh. Is that a surprise? Bunch of dumb asses.

It’s fake. This is how realDonaldTrump is taking Rudy off the strike force as even he has to know what an utter embarrassment Rudy is. I mean nbcsnl alone last night had to be enough.

Why is his face orange/tan?

Doesn't wear a mask! Doesn't socially distance. Duh!

Karma Karma Karma....Karma-Chameleon.....🎶

How many Georgians will get infected for having attended Trump’s SuperSpreaderEvent? How many will die? Weren’t there State rules concerning social distancing? No consequences for breaking the rules for the 1 that calls himself the LAW & ORDER Commander in Chief?

But he looks so healthy and orange

Someone is going to catch COVID from Rudy's farts, it'll be a scientific first.

Not to get all editor-y, but couldn’t the reporter at least have included Rudy’s age and maybe what’s publicly known about his recent health?

Is he wearing a mask of himself?

He'll be OK. They've taken him to Walter Reed Lawn Care.

Probably got it from his witness witch hunting. The art of collusion by Giuliani.

good. about time karma steps in

Along with everyone at Trump’s recent GA rally.🙄

Dear Lord. Could it get any worse?

The President stated Rudy Giuliani tested positive for a Democratic hoax made up to ruin his election? How is that possible? 🧐🤔🙄

Good! ☠️

When you share your CoverGirl Oompa 17 with your client, this is what ends up happening. 🤷‍♀️

Hello RudyGiulianli my thoughts & prayers are with the COVID19

To form an opinion either way about this news would imply that I give a crap about Rudy Giuliani oh I guess I do have an opinion how about that I can’t help but wonder how many people he’s infected super spreader

It’s no more than a pretend excuse so they don’t have to talk to media/public.

Thoughts and prayers can't be found for comment.

Wow they must spray tan together in the same shower

There is a god after all.

'There's a natural mystic blowin thru d air; If U listen carefully now U'll hear. This could be the 1st trumpet, might as well be d last. Many more'll have 2 suffer, Many more'll have 2 die - don't ask me why. Things are not d way they used 2 be, I won't tell no lie' Bob Marley

Who cares? Testing positive means nothing.


Two weeks ago he was in Georgia do the math

Did Rudy start doing orange face?

Sooooo very sad the demise of this once great man, now reduced to a sick punchline.

Trump needs to show him how to blend his foundation



Ok, is he deathly ill?

TraitorTrump infects another one with the TrumpVirus.

Why would we believe this. The speaker of falsehood said it....hmmm Trump the liar. He's playing his base like a fiddle.

Took long enough.

Honest question, did some enterprising media library intern go to the effort to photoshop RG’s face to Trump’s head? The front-half-only sallow Sweet Potato Pancake Orange sure makes it believable.

realDonaldTrump Considering every DJT word and tweet is a lie, why would we think is true? Oh- because we watched Rudy blow his nose then wipe his entire never-wear-a-mask face with his snot.

Rudy Giuliani Tests Positive For Coronavirus, Trump Says

𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝑲𝒏𝒐 𝒀 𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆.

It’s either Karma or another case of convenient fake Covid (like 45’s), being announced as an excuse because even crazy Rudy Ghouliani wants out & just quit the 45 con charade. Lolol. RudyFakeCovid RudyGiuliani

Is anyone surprised?

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Maybe that makeup has the virus in it? Or is that just a symptom of being a lemming?


Has this claim been verified yet? After all, Trump is the one saying it.

Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Take him Satan ! Do your worst 😂😂 If ever anyone deserves to die from the pandemic, Rudy is surely second from the top. Think of all the people Trump is going to kill doing those rallies. May not be funny but it sure ain’t sad.

Give rudy hydroxychloroquine. Nothing else.


Rudy got the Rona

Sad that US Pres reduced to announcing yet another victim of his incompetence. potus COVIDIOTS TrumpVirusCatastrophe

No surprise with his flitting around filing ludicrous lawsuits, making an idiot of himself for weeks after exposed to his son.

Actually, , wasn’t COVID-19 tested positive for Rudy Guliani? There I fixed it for you.

Rudy's body is so filled with rot the virus will probably make him healthier.

Good game.


a stupid spreader

DCHomos Oop

I blame realDonaldTrump

I would LOVE to hear what Giuliani's daughter has to say about this.

Sweet Kharma.

You can tell he is positive by the telltale orange shadowed face

diaperdon TrumpIsPathetic

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy ... what don’t you understand. Social distancing? Wearing a mask? Washing your mouth out with soap and water frequently after telling lies?


Karma! It’s not real, Rudy. It’s a Democratic lie. Get up! Out of bed. Continue your fight for the biggest lie in American History. That will be your legacy. Trump’s main liar! What a big fall from grace for you, and for what? Shame on you!

The orange clown knows that his time is up. He’s lost over 40 lawsuits trying to subvert the will of the people. Rudy isn’t positive. This is Trump’s excuse to get him out of the way and regroup without looking like it’s what they’re doing.

Is this a surprise? The guy goes maskless all over the place.

Just hear to see what the tolerant left has to say about someone getting sick with a deadly disease.

morten Why would tRUMP make this announcement?

Do we believe 45? Maybe he just wants him removed. I never trust anything any of them say.

Gee, what a surprise. .

They probably told him he has it to stop him from f-ing up in court everyday

Surprised it took so long. How many super spreader events has he attended not to mention his one on one meetings with POTUS realDonaldTrump . Bet he will get speedy access to the best medical care possible.


Giuliani has now become this guy, with less resilience and wit.

haahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (gasp) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

One less pardon...

DCHomos No empathy for RudyGiulianli or any of the minions of this apparent Fascist group. Reaping what they sowed

It’s ok because he’ll have access to top medical care. Meanwhile preventative care is set aside due to the overwhelming idiots who think covid is a hoax and the bills pile up.

maybe that explains his flatulence and hiring a drunken actress to testify at a hearing

Maybe he will sit his farting, dye bleeding ass down now.

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