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United States Headlines News

President Trump raised the prospect of postponing a trade deal with China until after the 2020 election — shaking market confidence and sending the Dow tumbling nearly 400 points on Tuesday.

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Smart investors taking profit. Now the market is going back up

400 points is small and farmers still support Trump

Must have had his broker short the market.

Who is he doing this for? His family or Putin? Someone is benefiting from these swings he causes.

SEC who knew (was informed beforehand) this was coming, who bought S&P/Dow puts, who shorted the market?

By waiting, Trump is holding off lack of an agreement and continue to brag that he is the best “ deal maker”.

Trump’s a pathological liar

Insider trading needs investigation by the FCC. Every few weeks it’s duplicitous “good news” driving the market up; followed several weeks later as “Chinese deal not done”. Follow the ridiculous profit trail. It will be the same handful of investor/ sellers.

Super rich people are disappointed that they won't get even richer, at least in the short term.

How much money does he make when he does this? Or does he make money next week when again”supports” a deal and the market surges? Or both?


Considering that the DOW is at some incredible all time high, it is not problem to tumble 400 points.

Sounds like He’s throwing a fit over the prospect of impeachment

How will we ever return to all time highs as we always do?


All that winning in an easy trade war

Trump doesyknow what he is doing and he will deny anything he does

He just likes how he can have so much influence over something so yuge. He really doesn’t give af either way, he’s perpetually power-tripping and it’s always about his micro-penis.

There is no deal! Just another shake down for Putin

Is it true that stock market has gained iver 10,000 points since Bozo Was elected? He claims it’s not a big deal, yet continues to brag.

Maybe he is trying to put pressure on China to interfere and do whatever they can to get him elected.

DenzelScott You know, when things need to be done at my job, i often tell my boss 'i think I'm going to wait a year to take care of that.' This *always* goes over well.

I’ve ever despised a person like I do trump.

So, how is Trump able to campaign on 'accomplishments' of his first term? He's failed to deliver on all of the promises from his first campaign (below) Other than lying about creating the best economy in America's history (look it up) Trump's got nothing to brag about.

So he can't get a deal done, and he knows it. Meanwhile americans continue to pay his useless tariffs. And he expects us to reelect him?

Goes to show you that the Markets don't have confidence in the Democrats.

Oh no... who would have expected this.... ?!!

Give Trump a little more time and he will destroy the economy and bankrupt this country. He's a loser bankrolled by Russia.

That photo is the face of fear.

Someone in his Crime Syndicate is buying cheaply right now.

His games are never ending. When are people going to wake up and see what he is ?

And, Trump Crime Family likely profited from this planned conspiracy to defraud ... Again.

tiny brain in action

How can he be so stupid? I hope all those people who voted for him because they thought it was a good idea to have a businessman as President are happy. Largest deficit in history too

Never before has one man had such puppet master like control over the stock market. At least we know he would never use that power for his own benefit because we have full access to his finances. Phew!

Trump is costing the American tax payer 12 billion & counting, in aid to farmers because he is a big screw up. They don’t want welfare. They want to sell their products. ‘Everything trump touches dies.’

Start investigating. His friends short the market. His back and forth statements are simply market manipulation. Wake up.

He has been manipulating the markets like this regularly. Please stop him...

wtfmoment StupidTrumpTricks

He did this for his options friends on Wall Street he likes to move markets so his friends get richer

Hasn't that what China has been holding out for. Problem is, they will be dealing with Trump the day after. They are going to give in more. They cannot sustain their inability or lack of interest, their economy is suffering.

How's the market feel about Trump having brain worms?

POTUS may believe he has the upper hand in trade negotiations w/ China b/c HK protests make it harder for Chinese corps to ship products thru HK using HK as origin. But can't China can ship from Philippines or Northern Vietnam almost as easily as from HK? SCMPNews Brad_Setser

The stock market took a dive impeachment

Now look out for who buys what when he comes back and says oh maybe it’ll be January 2020 instead

Tweets that manipulate the stock markets should be investigated. This is a prime example.

Because he can’t do it. Period

Surely some of his more educated followers in 'the middle' can see that he is perfectly willing to hurt them for his own gains.

Trump basically asking for China’s help to win election in exchange for a windfall trade deal

Who will profit on this?

Why does realDonaldTrump look like a child that isn't getting what he wants for Christmas?


Dow dropped down to realDonaldTrump cankles (400pts)

I’ve seen Tweets about how he manipulates the market with this BS.

Honest question: do you write your tweets expecting people to read them in the delayed, but somewhat near, future? You used “Tuesday” and not “Today” ... Is there some guideline you follow for this? Like you expect tweets to not be viewed 1 week after it was tweeted?

China will NEVER capitulate. Trump will pound his chest and then fold like his honorable appointees.

Call it what it is: Market manipulation.

Clearly he’s manipulating the market again for his donors and cronies. Would be interesting to see what trades his family and donors make today and until he reversed position.

Sounds like someone in the WH was selling short.

Stocks slide every time this buffoon opens his trap.

FACT: tRump has NO IDEA what he's doing. He has NO knowledge of how trade or tariffs or taxes work. He has NO concept of climate, the environment or public safety. tRump is interested in tRump & Putin. Republicans letting him run afoul of the law is a disgrace. ImpeachTrumpNow

How about all these smart-ass traders just ignore demented POTUS?!

Trump only cares about his money That’s it. Y’all refuse to listen when this man tells you exactly who and what he is.

He's working the market with these statements so his family and friends can make killings. Sell before his statements to avoid losses, then buy cheap after the markets tank.

In a couple of weeks Trump will announce that they're close to making a phase .001 deal and we'll start this cycle anew.

This is Trump's way of saying he is on vacation until the next election.

So much for the art of the deal

This guy just doesn't get it...

Does anyone think he might be de-stabilizing the United States economy on purpose?

Stock market manipulation

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NPR Choice pageYeah, the entire thing. There won’t be a vote to impeach. Impeach and remove. Nothing like making sht up to undo and election before the holidays while the President is far away. Cowards. Dems continue to do Putin's job by constantly dividing our nation.
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